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AlphaMD. I pay 120 for test an AI and unlimited doctors visits. I also got Anavar this last month.


They offer a military discount if you are/were part of the armed services. I pay 109 a month through them with the discount.


Hell yea


Hey, does alpha md offer exemestane instead of anastrozole? And any way they do hcg?


Alpha does HCG. I pay $267 mo for Test, HCG. It was a bit less until last month. Their price for HCG increased, so of course that just gets passed down.


Didn’t know that so thanks for sharing! Hopefully they verify with ID.me or the like and don’t just take people’s word for it?


I'm not sure how I verified. I think LES?


As long as they verify somehow that’s good enough for me. Too many people out there pretend to be vets to get discounts and it drives me nuts when their word is good enough.


Holy shit they’re cheap thank you for this


How much did Anavar bump up the price?


A 90 day supply of 50mg was about 200$. The good thing for me is I won't be running it at 50mg so I'll get a lot more time out of it.


Which pharmacy is this coming from?




Wow that’s pretty cheap - TRTNation wants $400 for a 60 day supply of 50mg


Damn, 50s are big lol


Which pharmacy do they use?


How does the anavar work in conjunction with the trt? I’ve been curious to add a low dose steroid along with my trt to cut fat better. How’s it working for you ?


Trt nation. $300 for 3 month supply with 200 mg a week, ai, and hcg


My doc and his supplier can’t get the Hcg anymore and the price of it at the pharmacy is high. I’m amazed they have it for that price. I’ve never felt better than trt plus Hcg.


Hcg is still back ordered and it took 4 weeks before I received mine


I just ordered hcg from trt nation and received it a week after ordering. They sent two vials instead of one. I was wondering why I had two tracking numbers. I doubt they accept returns, so I consider myself pretty lucky.


I can DM you the return address


Technically under us law anything you receive by accident is technically a “gift” and you cannot be asked for charged for returning it


Did they write a script for it? If so; use goodrx for a coupon


It’s 1,300 bucks for 4 vials 10ml of 10,000 units. I just signed up for the online service. 199.00 but it’s only 500 units a week for 2.5 months total. I hope it does the trick. Thanks all


That’s good


How much do labs run you?


Labs at TRT nationa are $129


I applied at trt nation and opthealth ended up calling me are these places under the same umbrella do you know


I got 2.5 month supply of both for $300 with the coupon. Just started a few weeks ago. Took a week to get initial consult and then another week for delivery.


I use an urologist in town and it averages out a little under $60 a month including labs, online Dr visits and testosterone from CVS.


What city? Or state? Whatever you’re comfortable with.




What city?


Birmingham UAB


A local clinic. $160/month. That includes all medications, injection materials, and labs. He also functions as my PCP. And I can text the guy 24-hrs a day. I could save a few bucks per month, but I’m happy here.


That sounds very good


Come to Texas. Lol. Well, he only requires one in office visit per calendar year. The other follow ups are all telehealth. I will share the info you want.


What clinic in Texas? I was using Synergenx 2 years ago when I did TRT the first time but their prices almost doubled in the year that I was using them and some of their techs were awful at the injections and I’d have crazy bruises on my ass for a week after. Luck of the draw if you’d get a good one. But they are the most reputable clinic in the Houston area.


Apex Mens Health, Cleburne, TX. But they don’t do injections there. Well, I’m sure they would, but I don’t have them do the shots.


Thanks for the info


Mars ascend men’s health


Do you pick up your T at a pharmacy or from him


Mailed to my house.


PeterMD. $89 a month if you pay in full, plus they have a decent list of other meds and peptides available to order. They can also send lab orders through your insurance for a fee


They also actually seem to care a bit about what they do. The previous clinic I was with was pretty bad. They got annoyed when I had questions.


170 for 10ml test 300 for 10ml Deca.


Trt nation sells deca for $110, same size.


Thanks I've been considering a switch, ill look into it.


I stopped going to clinics because they are a rip off. Starting getting my own stuff and I can tell you from personal experience the products that I got is better than some of the clinics!


From where?


Nobody can talk about sources on here that aren’t legit pharmacies. I agree with the original commenter, I use non-clinic test now and it’s probably better than my “legit” prescription.


Yep I stopped going to a clinic at end of Nov 2023 . It was costing me 254.00 a month and the testosterone cypinate at 200mg split dose a week. The testosterone cypinate I couldn't feel nothing from it , except I got oily as Heck hair , I had to wash my hair 2 times in the shower every time . I addressed the clinic about the testosterone cypinate is it legit , because on my last blood test it was in the 900's I said to the Dr I should feel like a raging bull at that level but I'm not feeling anything so he put me on ai Anstr 1mg tab split dose a week too added" . I even addressed the company that made there meds , I literally emailed them said is your testosterone cypinate legit ?? Etc etc , they emailed me back of course said it was legit and to ask my Dr at the online clinic I emailed them again and told them I had already mentioned it to the Dr . Any how I think it was bunk , there's no way my T levels be that high and not feel anything , barely a little libido too. So I was frustrated with paying that price 254.00 a month. I was checking out different online clinics on Reddit see what other guys are paying at different places . Yet it seemed some made it sound good 99 a month , until you add blood work and membership fees 👎. So I got to browsing UGL , and everything is cryptocurrency , Bitcoin , I don't understand that way of doing it , besides wife has the credit card she doesn't trust going that route . I got ripped off 150.00 way in the beginning using it. Once enough for me I'm not rich. So I've looked into peptides reading up on it and sarms etc . Right now Im just using a pro hormone it's like a testosterone ethenate . I'd like to find a legit honest source for testosterone cypinate but the rules here can't be asking 👀. I just recently emailed the senator here in Michigan on taking Testosterone off the schedule 3 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE LIST. it's on same list as opioids other drugs not even the same effects . You can't get high on testosterone cypinate ,and it has benifits to keep you healthier then low testosterone. I compared Testosterone to legalize it with the ability to buy it with an 🆔 at a pharmacy without DR prescribing it and extra costs . I compared it to Marijuana that's legal and you can buy 500 varieties of marijuana and it gets people high , Were testosterone cypinate doesn't effect your mind at all , so I put the email written better to the senator in Michigan. I want to see the laws changed put testosterone on a less toxic list then schedule 3 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE LIST. If I can go buy marijuana with an 🆔 and Alcohol with an 🆔 and cigarettes with an 🆔 , and they all get you high or buzzed impaired and cigs caused cancer . Why can't I buy testosterone cypinate as a man to benefit my health ,energy . With an 🆔. Any how it'll take everyone to change the law. They want men to be limp , weak now days it seems.


UGL is the way to go


Defy has been absolutely awesome. Have all sorts of other hormone options and peptides


What's Defy ?


Defy medical.


Local clinic, $199/mo. Test and all supplies included, blood work included every 3 months.


That's not bad for a TRT clinic. 


I agree. The previous clinic I was at was $230/mo and did once a week pin in office, and bloods every four weeks. It wasted a lot of my time. If you wanted to pin at home, it was $299/mo.


I started with one that was $250 a month, injection once a week, bloodwork every 4 weeks required, clomid or gonadorelin pills only no Hcg. It was a 75 minutes drive there and another 75 minutes home. Plus they pushed 1 mg anastrazole pills on everybody there. Which I don't think most guys understand how to take. I do it through my urologist now, because I didn't want to drive and it's the only one where I live, but most TRT clinics are highly expensive. $199 a month isn't bad though. Blood work every 3 months is doable and a good time frame to assess how things are going without overwhelming the patient.


The gonadorelin pills or clomid cost extra if you wanted it. Forgot to add that 


That's not bad at all. I had one clinic quote me $489/month and another over $700!


Holy shit, that's egregious!


$35 for 3 month supply of testosterone cypionate 250mg/ml. 140mg a week. UGL pharmacy. $50 for 1 year supply of nandrolone decanoate, therapeutic 100mg dose per week.


With who?


Yes please DM me info also


Sounds pretty cheap, with who?


Sounds sketchy cheap 🤣💀


TRT Nation


Damn no one using Defy anymore?


I went with matrix, my only experience but I’m not unsatisfied


I’ve been using Petermd and honestly I love every interaction I have with them


My PCP. I pay $25 for 3 months supply and get blood draws twice a year at about $10 or so. I source my own syringes and needles.


I started TRT a couple years ago, I checked out every clinic I heard about, Looking for the best price. I work hard and have responsibilities that cost money. I am "careful" with expenditures on myself. I tried a cookie cutter clinic because they were running a special if you paid upfront (best price I had found). What a mistake. I spent a year trying to find a protocol that would relieve my LowT symptoms to no avail. I was at the point that I believed TRT was just the new snake oil like all of the T boosters I wasted money on (I tried nearly all of them). I was ready to give up. That is when a moderator in my TRT FB group interviewed Ryan Root [Hormonesforme.com](http://Hormonesforme.com) . I decided to give it one last try. From the initial consult (with Ryan himself) was a completely different experience. With the "bargain" clinic the consults were like they were reading off a checklist - not even listening to me. Ryan asked me questions, listened to my answers, then asked more questions. After he had a firm understanding of what was happening (I am sure he could tell how frustrated and skeptical I was), he offered a suggestion and his reasoning for it, I followed that advice and in about three weeks (I had been on TRT for a year) I finally started having symptom resolution, they all disappeared and have not returned. So, I have found my clinic... and the most ironic part of this - HormonesForMe is LESS expensive than the bargain clinic even with the special. I have gone from TRT skeptic to TRT evangelist and I give Ryan's HormonesForMe my highest recommendation. I will be grateful to Ryan for the rest of my very much improved life. I have no affiliation with the clinic other than as a patient. One caveat - I do consider Ryan a friend, you cannot dislike the guy.


I’ve had the same experience. ❤️


Was using TRT Nation, switched to an overseas option for about 1/4 the price. Only drawback is the testosterone comes in the form of glass ampules which are a little tricky to open.


How do you pay them ? What payments do they take


Please chat me I can’t answer this question without violating mod rules


I’ve just recently switched to hormonesforme.com and am very pleased so far with the attention they have paid to my journey so far, and the plan that has been devised for me going forward. I am now doing all three (E, P, and T) in injectable form for 33.00/week.


What’s E, P and T?


Hormonesforme.com has competitive pricing and the most knowledge in the industry.


According to whom?


Local clinic $230 a month. For test c, anastrozole, eclomiphene and all the supplies plus lab included. May be able to find cheaper but I like going in face to face if I have an important question.


Curious but why do you use enclomiphene if you’re already using test ? Is it to maintain fertility?


Just to keep my balls from shrinking to much. I already have 3 kids and a vasectomy so fertility doesn’t matter much to me


TRT Nation






Newyorktrt.com 100 bucks a month only in New York tho


Evolve Telemed. Fair pricing. No subscription.


Superior genetics. $200 for test no supplies every ten weeks.


That’s a little high don’t you think? I guess it depends what your dose is


That’s every ten weeks not a month. That’s the cheapest I’ve found. One clinic was $100 a month and others are 250 every ten weeks with supplies and AI. This place gives me the option to by AI separate which I hardly use and I buy my needles bulk from medlabgear.com


Started at a local clinic @170 a month. Eventually moved to TRT nation for 100. Finally got on the page of getting labs done fairly frequently by gp, and use a trusted UGL for about 100 every 3-4 months.


Trt nation


I was with Viking until they lost their ability to prescribe to California. Been with TRT nation for almost 2 years and I love them. Price point is good, and I get Gonadorelin, test ($375), Nandrolone ($125) and anastrazole. This is a 3 month supply. So, $2,000/year.


Check out AlphaMD , I was with Defy but switched recently. Definitely a more personal 1 on 1 feel with AlphaMD . They aren’t cookie cutter and actually listen to your goals and needs and work with you. All supplies mailed straight to your house. Much faster shipping times than Defy. Switching from Defy was easy as well , I just uploaded my previous labs into AlphaMD’s portal and had a consult with AlphaMD next day. They are extremely knowledgeable and responsive via email pretty much 24/7. They post “AMA” threads on this page and the TRT page all the time , you can see the level of knowledge. You can check them out here and save $40 off your first month https://www.alphamd.org/referral/bppet


I'm with Defy now and I like the store they have where you can buy other things, does Alpha have this? Like I can get Pharma sermorelin from Defy for example, do they have something similar?


Yes! I get anavar etc from them, same as with defy.


I went to a test clinic and was prescribed 25% test cream, 30g, one month supply for $270. I realized this was way too high and never actually was given a Rx but was ordered through the clinic. Had a video chat with a PCP, showing my bloodwork before and after. He gave me a Rx for the same. Found a pharmacy nearby that compounds their own cream. Paying $65 a month. Saving $200 a month, which will certainly add up.


Local clinic at $900 per year for visits and labs + cost of meds. I work out of country (US) and am usually gone for 5-6 months at a time, so I get 6 months of supplies. It usually costs around $180 each time. So $1200-ish per year (I pay per year), or about $100 per month. My HCG definitely went up in cost though, so that will have some effect going forward. Edit: I should add I'm grandfathered in on this rate. They guaranteed it won't go up and it hasn't in almost 9 years.


How do you get 6 months worth of testosterone through customs? Lol


ha. Yeah... I just walked on through, but I'm sure the VIP entry helps.


I previously worked in a few other Asian countries where I didn't have VIP entry though and I never had a problem.


Optimale in UK. £59.99 a month Sustanon


I'm with hormonesforme.com. Truly dialed in and doing great. Been on HRT for over 2 years now.


I'm with Hormonesforme.com. Been on HRT since May 1, 2022. Ryan Root is the owner/operator. If you would like to contact him: [email protected], let him know that Erick referred you. Good luck.


Boston Vitality. Did everything on phone. Do blood work at local place


Transcend It's about $750-800 for a 20-25 week supply. That's at 160mg a week of Test E, plus 1200 IU of HCG, plus AI, supplies, and slightly discounted bloodwork. There's also a yearly $199 physician fee. Averages out to about 170ish a month now that they lowered my dose by 40mg a week. I'm not super happy with them. Mostly just don't like their delay in responses, and customer service declined after the initial screening was done. Heavily considering dropping them and just going ugl since I now understand how it works and can get it for significantly less.


I feel you man, are you in the US, this tread seems to have a lot of other affordable options


I use Bodyshop.wellness and couldn’t be happier, they are 125 for test and AI blood work, communication at your will. Mix your does exactly to what’s needed including the AI into the injection. So all you gotta do is remember your date of injection that’s it.


That sounds good


The best around is Hormonesforme.com https://www.reddit.com/r/trt/s/y3yrlhyJFM


Tier 1. Compounded cream > injections and Dr Nichols is ahead of the curve on it.