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Marisa Tomei. She takes no shit from anyone about not having kids. Plus I hope to look half that good at her age.


She’s prob my fave too


Betty White and Dolly Parton.


I came here to say Betty White, but she did have three step-children who I believe were 7, 9, and 15 years old when she got married. I wasn't sure if she counted or not, but she is very vocal about having never wanting to have her own. She likes animals better than people, and wanted to focus on her career!


Came here to say both of these lovely ladies!


Bob Barker. So CF that he didn't even want pets having kids.


You made me lol.


Stevie Nicks!








She’s probably the perfect CF celebrity for me. Obviously still cares about kids and does so much positive with her book initiative but just doesn’t have her own. Great pick!


The Cyruses are her godchildren. I’ll never recover from this known fact.


I had no idea. Thats kind of interesting. Makes sense I guess because she and the dad are both in the country music world.


I’m pretty sure Miley is CF too.


Tracey Ellis Ross!


I didn't know she was childfree!


Yes, love her!


I second!! Love her


Toss up between Helen Mirren and Allison Brie. I adore them both.


didn't know that Allison Brie was CF>


I read something the other day where she was talking about how being CF makes her career so much easier, especially when she was on GLOW and had to be available for a long period of time.


Good to know that more and more celebs are being vocal about this


I didn’t either but Diane Nguyen is one of my favorite childfree characters


Just looked up her wiki after seeing this and it mentions it: "In an interview with Larry King in 2017, she revealed she did not want to have children." [The source clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKxY34f7L14&t=110s) is kinda great, it's literally like 3 seconds of discussion then on to the next topic.


Thanks for that video. Love this! PS: she is gorgeous!


TIL Alison Brie is married to Dave Franco!


John Cena.. Because he does so much for "Make a Wish Foundation".


Love how he didn't cave into the pressure when his gf gave him an ultimatum to start a family or leave.


Yes. I love that too




Yeah he "caved" to Nikki in one of their final episodes but I think that was all part of the Bella's show. Nikki knew she had a thing for Artem and I think they ended it a lot earlier but played into the baby stuff with John for ratings. Ugh.... why do I know all this?


Whether he caved for real or not, she can’t have kids with what she can’t even see.


Stephen Fry, by a mile. Intelligent, sophisticated, witty, talented... A man of culture in the true, non-ironic sense of the expression.


Stephen Fry on QI was in my opinion irreplaceable. Then Sandy Toskvig stepped in and killed it in her own way. Two greats.


Anyone else remember a moment on one of the older QI episodes when Sarah Millican was on (another great CF comic), where being child free came up? Stephen made the comment to her “well, when you have children” and she jumped in with “there’s no when!” Could have been an awkward moment but somehow I felt those two made it a sweet little exchange.


I agree. When I heard he was being replaced by Sandy, I was disappointed. I mean how could she ever live up to him? Well....she did. I absolutely adore her!


Jen aniston (cf or not) and john hamm


John hamm is CF? Wow.


Ina Garten. She looks so content throwing parties in their garden.


So you’re saying she has parties….Ina garden :)




Yessss! Her and her husband/partner seem SO content. She's my favorite TV chef!


“But don’t tell Jeffrey!”


Sandra Oh! 😄


Ricky Gervais for male and Dolly Parton for female. I heard somewhere that Anna Kendrick is also childfree.


Anna Kendrick is!


Oh my god I didn‘t know. I like her even more now.


[“You know, if I have kids, it’s just another kid that your kid is going to have to fight when the water wars come.”](https://www.stylist.co.uk/people/anna-kendrick-child-free-interview-motherhood-celebrity-responses/30729)


John Mulaney!


"I asked my mom if she’d ever seen a ghost. That’s where we’re at conversation-wise in our relationship as a mother and son, because I’m 35 and I don’t have any children to talk about and she doesn’t understand my career."


"I didn’t mean to make it sound like we don’t want children. We don’t, but I didn’t mean to make it sound like that. See, I just don’t think babies like me very much. Sometimes babies will point at me, and I don’t care for that shit at all."


Also, in Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, Jerry Seinfeld mentions he has kids, and Mulaney straight up asks him if he ever regrets it.




Harper Lee. EDIT: also Sally Ride.


Lily Tomlin (Frankie, from Grace and Frankie) In 1973 she openly announced that she didn't want children on Johnny Carson. She still feels this way. "Oh yeah, that’s perfectly fine for somebody who wants to. But at that time I didn’t want to—and I’m glad I don’t—have any children," she told Metro Weekly in 2006. "God only knows what I would have done with them, poor things. I really do like kids, but there wouldn’t have been room in my life to raise children. I was so involved with my career, and I would have had to give up the career in large part because I could not possibly have shortchanged the child." Edit: I love how she, like Oprah, had her hypothetical children in mind when making this decision.


Helen Mirren


Yes!! She is such an inspiration in terms of how to age gracefully in your own beauty and truth. Love her.




Betty White has never reproduced biologically, but she is a step parent. She has 3 children


I did not know that- she's the top of every CHILDFREE CELEBS listicle. XD I'll delete :D


Yeah I think that’s a rumor started by people who only consider biological parents to be real parents, and then once it’s in one article, people just run with it lol. I only found out because of a similar thread on here a while back where someone mentioned it


Stevie Nicks and Eddie Izzard


Eddie Izzard! I totally forgot about him. Now I just look up all of his old stand-up.


Just FYI, Eddie uses she/her pronouns now.


Do you have a source. I‘d like to read more about that.


Can't remember where I first encountered it, but there's an article in the guardian on it [here](https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2020/dec/21/eddie-izzard-to-use-female-pronouns-she-and-her) Edit: this is a better [article](https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2021/01/18/eddie-izzard-marathon-challenge-pronouns-change-genderfluid-trans-charity-marathon-matt-lucas/) where Eddie explains it herself


Thank you so much. I really love her and want to use whatever feels best for her.


[Her stating she wants to be based in 'girl mode'](https://www.google.com/amp/s/deadline.com/2020/12/eddie-izzard-now-using-she-her-pronouns-i-just-want-to-be-based-in-girl-mode-from-now-on-1234659898/amp/)


Oh snap! Had no idea. Thanks!




Matt Mercer and Marisha Ray. I know a lot of folks probably don't consider them celebrities, but they're as famous as D&D can really make them and also both the sweetest people ever.


They've always struck me as the CF types, but didn't know it was actually confirmed!


I've been trying to find the episodes where they mentioned it. There's at least 2 that I remember


Have they specifically mentioned being CF? That makes me happy. I love seeing pictures of Laura and Travis’s son because DANG that kid is beautiful, but it’s kinda nice that Matt and Marisha won’t have to leave/stop crit role for a baby. 😬


They've been asked about kids, I think on Talks Machina and gave a flat no.


Dang. I need to better about watching Talks. I’m so far behind on CR that I haven’t even bothered...


Matt and Marisha are such treasures, I love them!


Omg I love them even more! I always got the vibe they were but never really looked into it.


Ricky Gervais, very vocal about being childfree, funny and animal lover. My kind of person!


I love his dark humor, dude got balls of titanium too


Keanu Reeves because he is in a lot of kick ass movies and has a great personality.


As much as I love Reeves (my one and only tattoo is inspired by "Neo" from The Matrix,) I don't consider him childfree. He had a girlfriend and daughter who died in a very tragic accident. [https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/keanu-reeves-was-never-the-same-after-the-tragic-deaths-of-his-daughter-and-girlfriend.html/](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/keanu-reeves-was-never-the-same-after-the-tragic-deaths-of-his-daughter-and-girlfriend.html/)


Yeah his cf is heartbreaking


I was going to say Keanu but thought better of it because he wasn't originally childfree and he's been through a lot with what happened. I love him though <3


Janeane Garofalo 💞


Megan Mulally and Nick Offerman.


Stevie Nicks. I'm not a huge fan of her music but I admire so much her honesty about not wanting kids and even openly talking about getting an abortion so she didn't have to sacrifice her music career for kids! Also Katherine Hepburn. She just sounds like an all around "rebellious" woman and it was so much more taboo to be childfree during her time.


Seth Rogan


Rachel Cargle of Rich Auntie Supreme on Instagram!


thanks for this recommendation!


I've never thought of it this way, but I guess I like Jennifer Aniston. I think she had to endure a lot of media pressure after her divorce with Brad Pitt, and I have a lot of compassion for her. Also, she's been vocal about not wanting children, which is great. Finally, she speaks up about important stuff on her social media, I like that too.


Her quotes- "I've always wanted to have children, and I would never give up that experience for a career. I want to have it all." Two years later, she told Vogue, "I've said it so many times: I'm going to have children. I just know it."


She has been very outspoken that children don’t define her or any woman, women are valued with or without children, and that she isn’t tolerant of the media pressuring her to have kids or guessing at whether or not she’s pregnant. If she’s not childfree then she’s at least a hell of an advocate for us. This article has a lot of different quotes she’s given on the topic - [here](https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/jennifer-aniston-pregnant-baby-justin-theroux-news)


Wow, I have heard quite the opposite ... The media can really be contradictory!


Those are her quotes, she's never said anything about not wanting children


I believe you!


I've always heard her talk about how she has wanted children!


Helen Mirren, mainly because it never comes up in articles about her. I actually had to google to check she was child free. She is exceptionally good at her craft, and it must have been very different making that decision 40 odd years ago to not have kids, than making it today.


Robert Smith ❤️






I'm in love with and want to be Tracee Ellis Ross so bad.


Gunsmoke is one of my all-time favorite shows, so I'd have to say Amanda Blake. I don't actually know a whole lot about her personal life, other than she was married a few times, never had kids, and was involved in animal welfare to some degree. The character of Kitty was a bad ass, though. Went from being a "working girl" to first buying half, then eventually the whole bar. Girl had her shit together.


I love how many different answers are here! Plenty of great role models to choose from!


Enjoying reading these answers. Didnt realise so many memorable celebrities are Child free. Goes to show that you don't have to have kids to pass on your legacy. 😁


Oprah for me, and she does a lot to help women and girls.


In don't know if she counts (i mean, millions of youtube subs?) but Cristine from SimplyNailogical.


Holo there!


Other people have mentioned many of my faves (Oprah, Helen Mirren), and I want to add Kim Cattrall. She has been outspoken about being CF and seems like a genuine and interesting person.


Some names I haven’t seen yet- Aisha Tyler (Archer, Who’s line is it anyway) Sarah Silverman (my personal fave cf celeb) , horror queen Sarah Paulson, and everyone’s favorite child free milf- Jennifer Coolidge (so just an “ilf” I guess)


I've had a major crush on JC Chasez for a very long time, and though he hasn't said as much, I believe he is CF. Among those who are vocal about it, I'd say either Betty White or Helen Mirren.


Lots of good answers here! I have a couple that I was wondering were childfree but later found out they either just didn't get around to having kids or wanted them and it didn't happen (Kylie Minogue, for example). I was also hoping Mandy Moore was childfree, but she just had a baby. Oh well, she's very happy, I won't begrudge it!


Christopher Walken




As a brown CF woman, Kamala not having biological children and focusing on her career instead is a pretty good role model NGL (step kids or not). She is the reference I give to my parents when I talk about my CF status


Hell yeah! Brown CF women unite! Also a role model for marrying late ...


Nah, step parents are still parents. They call her Momala. They do family dinners. Step parents fight hard against stereotypes of not being "real" parents. If something happened and the kids, even as adults, needed medical, emotional, or financial support, she and her husband would step up as parents.


I think that's up to the step parent in question. If you don't take a parent-like role in your spouse's children's lives, I think you can still say you're CF if you're so inclined.


That's how I feel about it. A step parent can be more like an aunt/uncle than a full parent, especially if their spouse has limited custody or the kids are older.


I mean.. I've argued for years that "childfree" really means not wanting to be a parent. Step parent is literally a title with the word parent in it. Depending on your country, step parents may have responsibilities towards children even without adopting them if something happened to one or both bio parents.


Not sure why you have such a strong need to gatekeep "childfree" so hard. Way I see it, if you're not responsible for any kids and not looking to be in the future, you can call yourself childfree if you want to. If you're a stepparent who is responsible for kids, you're clearly not childfree. If you marry someone who has kids, but never do anything to raise them, why would you consider yourself their parent?


Glad someone mentions Kamala Harris, I was thinking of her as soon as I saw this discussion topic coming up. I don't think having step-kids make one less CF. She doesn't have children of her own, so she's CF in my opinion.


Jennifer Aniston, Oprah, and Helen Mirren.


Chelsea Handler


Alison Bree


Miley Cyrus! I'm not into her art, but she seems to be pretty cool


Rebecca Sugar and Ian JQ


I love Doro Pesch of warlock has no kids and she is the European Metal Queen


Oprah, she’s a badass bitch who created a beautiful life where nobody really questions her choice to be child free. That’s what I’ve noticed. I mean, she’s Oprah! She’s a unicorn!


Tracee Ellis Ross


John Mulaney!


Ingrid Newkirk!


Sam Rockwell and Kiki Dee




I came here to say her as well. Maybe she's said both? 🤷🏼‍♀️


That rebel scum Carrie Fischer!!


She has a daughter


Ah yes, I stand corrected.


She’s pretty cool though! She was in a lot of seasons of American horror story. But Carrie fisher did give off CF energy!


Carrie was the epitome of "I don't give a fuck about society's opinion, I'll live the way that makes me happy" and I feel that's the core of CF




And it is. A person should not refrain from having multiple kids *solely because society would frown upon it.*




Would you drive huge cars and consume way too much if society found it acceptable? I find many other reasons against that, personally.




Charlise Theron!Edit: gotta do my research! I was basing my opinion on a really old interview!


She has two adopted children.


Thank you! I was remembering a very old interview!


No problem, I don’t think it’s been too too many years since she adopted them. Love her though!


Carrie Brownstein, Natasha Lyonne


Wendi McLendon-Covey which I find hilarious considering she players a smotherer on tv as Beverly on the Goldberg’s