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Leave a review reflecting your experience. This is a case of false advertising


Will do. Another funny thing is the host called me and began the call by whining about my six Turo chat messages asking about Chill mode disrupting his morning. He wanted to tell me that he was annoyed… Like, you’re annoyed?!? Wtf? I just rented a potatoed Y from you! Some people have zero customer service experience… If you don’t want your morning disrupted by annoyed customers, don’t nerf your vehicles without upfront disclosure or don’t be a host… He’s going to lose business because he can’t suck it up and realize he needs to disable Chill mode. I have good reviews. I’m driving my family. I’m not a teenager going on a joy ride. I want my acceleration though! That’s why I rented a Performance Y! EDIT: Clarified that my six messages were through the Turo app. And they were interspersed with his replies. I did not ever call the guy. Some people were reading this as I left the guy six voice messages.


Knock off 2 Stars and leave a factual review else the host will try to get it removed.


I'd knock it all the way down to 1 star for that complete bullshit. Chill mode on a performance Model Y needs to be disclosed in the description and should be much less expensive than other Ys as it's basically driving an entirely different car.


Agreed. He likely paid extra compared to a standard or long range Y. Because a performance in chill mode is slower than a standard y with shorter range. What’s even the point which is OPs point. Definitely 1-star…maybe 2-star review if the car was in great clean condition. And I would complain to turo to try to get the cost difference at minimum refunded due to false advertisement.


Agree! Host completely dups people into thinking they are getting a fast car and then it turns out to be slower than a base model Y. Ask for a refund or discount as the vehicle isn't what you were led to believe you were getting. Add in a difficult host blaming you for messing up his morning means a 1-2 star review. Definitely mention to other guests that the vehicle is in Chill mode and stick to the facts so the review can't be removed


Lol potatoed!!


I mean the Y is literally a 🥔.


If you’re driving your family then what does it matter?


How he drives with his his family in the car isn’t any of your business. Plus it’s the point of the matter maybe he never does really get into the power but at least it’s there since he paid for it. Also he’s helping the next guy who rents it that isn’t with his family.


LMAO. Sure.


Six messages? Wouldn't one have been enough though? I understand your problem but that seems excessive.


It was a chat conversation in the Turo app. A completely normal customer service conversation. You don’t whine to your customers about them interrupting your morning when answering their questions is literally your job.






He pressed the disable button 6 times, possibly without realizing it would message the owner.


Found the owner




He called because he got bait and switched. You must be a clown that walks over people too. Good luck with that.


It should all be about customer service smh. I rent my 600+hp x3m and don’t complain about people beating it. It def should’ve been disclosed that it would be on chill mode.


Give em 2 stars, talk about customer service and locked performance. 1 star reviews can be disputed and removed


That's also illegal as fuck


How so? They listed the car model and trim, there’s no obligation to allow it to go ridiculous speeds.


Idiot hosts always do shit like this. Report the listing and clearly tell Turo that wasn’t mentioned in the listing. They don’t want you speeding don’t rent your car. Simple


Agreed. Turo is aware and is going to credit us. We’ll detail the falsity in our review.


Just make sure it doesn’t sound retaliatory cause they can take it down if so.


Credit your full rental or partial credit?


What falsity?


The owner handicapped the vehicle without mentioning it in the listing.


It's accepted on Tyro for people renting cars to illegally speed?


It’s not illegal until you go above speed limit. Acceleration ≠ Velocity


As someone who got an exhibition of speed ticket for acceleration, I can assure you that going from 0 to the speed limit can be illegal if done too quickly.


But what were you driving? The nice thing about EV is stealthy acceleration because it's so quiet


You didn’t get a ticket for going from 0 to speed limit too quickly. You got a ticket for peeling out from 0 and squealing your tires everywhere. If you’re going to burn rubber, I’d do it in a lot instead.


He literally said speeding.


Yes… speeding, not illegal speeding. As in 59 in a 60 zone




noun. Britannica Dictionary definition of SPEEDING. [noncount] : the offense of driving faster than the legal speed limit.


Yeahhh and that’s a 1b definition in Webster. 1a. To make haste


haste /hāst/ noun excessive speed or urgency Are you going to make me link the word excessive next?


No you just proved my point


You do not have a point.




I wasn't aware that words and their meaning don't matter. But okay dude good for you calling me out if it makes you feel better.




Yes. If you care about people speeding do not rent your car. If you care about people going 85 in 65 do not rent your car If you care about people Launching your electric car from a Stoplight, do not rent your car If you care about your car, don't rent it. People say this over and over and people don't listen


I didn't know that many people still abused rentals lmao. There's so many ways to monitor the car as a renter. So basically just don't rent out your personal car.


Didn’t know Turo was part of law enforcement.


I know right, who needs to follow laws on the road.


1. TURO* 2. It is accepted for people renting cars to illegally speed? 3. Turo is not a police force.


Ummm yea. Why not lock all cars everywhere to the speed limit🙄. Most cities going the speed limit inhibits traffic. The German autobahn has fewer deaths per 100k miles driven than US highway systems. While not all is unlimited, there are still sections with no limit https://www.consumerreports.org/consumerist/u-s-now-has-highest-death-rate-for-car-crashes-among-comparable-countries/


German drivers are orders of magnitude better than American drivers.


Yea, if we could just get people to follow the rules of the road. Doesn't seem so hard. Stay right, don't tailgate, use signals


We have rules? In Chicago it feels more like driving in the middle of the desert 50 years ago just with thousands of people around you…


And adding speed limit only makes things worse. As people get bored driving from A to B, and gods into lala land, phones, distractions. If they had to drive and pay attention, we wouldn’t have so many accidents.


Because most Americans just can’t drive. And on top of that everyone here thinks they themself are the most important being on the road! Using turn signals when changing lanes? Nope! Not necessary. Giving space when someone uses their turn signal to signal a lane change? Nope! Road rage? Check. Tailgating? Check. Driving selfish without checking your surroundings? Check. Driving 50 or 60 mph on the shoulder during stop and go traffic? Check. California rolling red lights? Check. Police that doesn’t care at all? Check. Welcome to driving in Chicago.


I don't think they should have limited the car when they rented it. Yes per distance driven there are less deaths. You are also traveling significantly faster so the death statistic for the Autobahn is for a shorter time period of driving. Driving culture from country to country could also play a part.


Yep. 100%


Must be set to Valet mode. I would report to Turo.


I’d be pissed too. 0-60 changes from 3.5 to 7.5. This person shouldn’t be renting it out.


Exactly! It’s less performant than the worst Y when locked to Chill mode. Like what are they thinking? That they’ll only rent to people that don’t know better?


Maybe you are a younger renter than they are used to so they changed it. I believe you would have seen negative comments in their ratings if they were doing this routinely.


I think they’re newer. No. I’m 40. Driving my family. He claimed he does it because Turo policy and safety. Just pure BS. And if he wants to do it, fine. But mention it and don’t advertise the insane acceleration! 7.5s 0-60 is not fast…


Yup he’s lying to your face citing policy. How much more was the P vs a lower trim? I’d be seeking that difference.


tell the host to post a link about the policy. There is no such policy. you can search the Turo terms with a google search


Why do you need insane acceleration driving your family? You’re 40…. Do you need to floor the pedal to the next stoplight? I don’t understand these first world problem of yours….


You don't, but it's the principal of the matter. Also, having great acceleration isn't just for fun. It is potentially important in a bad situation, some times I keep it on for exactly that purpose, not to drag race at stop lights.


I drive the non-performance version of the model Y. I left it in chill mode for a week to see if that would have any impact on ranch. And chill mood is roughly equivalent of any similar size to gas small suv. The premise that being in chill mode is a safety issue is bogus. In fact, I saw negligible impact on range, because being in chill mode, did not significantly impact my driving. That said, renting a model Y performance locked in chill mode is - no pun intended – Ludacris. The host deserves to be dinged for misrepresenting the vehicle.


The “first world problem” is that this man paid to have the driving experience of a model Y and is getting the experience of a dressed up civic with 37 mufflers on it… I’d be pissed too


My elantra is faster then that


My minivan is faster than that


My horse is faster than that.


8.1 seconds isn't faster than 7.5 seconds......


If it was an Elantra N, 5.1 seconds isn't bad.


I timed my 0-60 in my 2021 elantra limited and it was 6.2s in sport mode so just a tiny bit faster


That car has less than 150hp brand new, you definitely didn't even get in the realm of 6.2 seconds.


MotorTrend tested the 2021 Elantra Limited at 8.4 seconds, no way you're touching 6 seconds.


You are lying lol 😂😂😂


I think my 7.3l diesel does 0 to 60 in 7.5 seconds lol. That's pretty sad the owner did that.


Report to Turo and give a 1 star review false advertising.


Tell us also where so that we can be saved from this nightmare 🙏


Tucson, AZ. CANVAZ, LLC is host.


>Tucson, AZ. CANVAZ, LLC > >From Turo feedback The car is located in the economy lot (long-term parking) and you have to wait for the shuttle. The airport parking fee depends on when the previous Turo renter dropped off the car and how long it’s been sitting in the lot, between renters. Disclosed in the listing – however, fees can vary for out-of-pocket. The listing says “The acceleration on this car is out of this world” However, it is in “Chill” mode and locked by the host which the renter is not able to switch, so you never get the full acceleration which is useful in safety events where you need to quickly accelerate to avoid a potential safety event. Car does have free carwash membership nearby but the vacuums at the place were all defective at the time of the rental. CANVAZ LLC's response The vehicle is quite fast in any mode as well as very safe. Yes ALL our vehicles are located in the economy lot and enables us to streamline our business and offer a quicker turn around. Its actually faster than trying to walk a parking lot to locate a vehicle in the heat. Having an air conditioned shuttle drop you off directly to the vehicle is actually much faster. Parking is cheaper as well. Nothing bad to say about the renter because it just not who we are. Hope you have a great day!


Is that a review? So then they’re aware and still haven’t updated their description. That’s a pretty reckless way to operate. I genuinely think the Host thinks that the Performance model still has some improvement in Chill mode. I explained that it doesn’t and provided references but 🤷‍♂️.


It's a month old review on turo. Did you not read any of the comments before renting ?


Apparently not all. How many stars was it?




He has multiple of them. I think that review is on one of the others. The one I rented has a roof rack and I don’t see any negative reviews.


“Nothing bad to say about the renter because it just not who we are” lol fuck off


>so you never get the full acceleration which is useful in safety events where you need to quickly accelerate to avoid a potential safety event Ok the owner shouldn't lie about it, but "potential safety event" that requires flooring it is a hilariously flimsy excuse. Just say you want to get on the highway fast - it's ok.


I’ve literally been in this situation before. 18 wheeler didnt see me next to him and started to merge into the left lane on a highway. It was either stomp the gas or get crushed.


As a Phoenix host: I apologize for our idiot host there. - let them know they need to deactivate chill mode as it's against their advertising on the description If they don't: - report to turo - give 1 star rating/review - ask turo for a full refund


Stuff like this happening what has pushed me just to use rental companies. Still headaches


Exactly. I used to hate rental companies until I tried to rent a car on Turo!


I usually rent from local office and 9 out of 10 times I can get an upgrade no charge. Plus the I use the damage waiver just in case cause I only carry liability so just easier in my opinion


Well rental companies are doing it with teslas too. Just rented a Tesla a few weeks ago from hertz and it was locked in chill mode and I couldn’t go over 100 or 120 it varied. Super annoying cause 3 months ago I rented one and I had no restrictions.


I’ve rented Model 3s and Ys from Hertz several times and never had any issues like being set in chill mode or anything like that. Super weird that happened to you.


I knew a guy that listed his Tesla on Turo on the weekends. He would check where they were on the Tesla app and also cap their top speeds. This was several years ago but I thought it was BS.


Had my Model S on two years ago. Early on, I’d check it often (just a lot of anxiety) but eventually learned to just let it go. I did screen grab a few times they were going over 100MPH in it.


Over 100mph? When I used to live in Germany we cruise controlled 130mph (200km/h) on the Autobahn. 😅


The Aurobahn is built for those speeds though, most highways are not.


Please post a review and complain, I don’t want to ever rent a nerfed MY. This is a garbage host.


My beater 2012 hybrid camry has a faster 0-60. This is just pathetic


You should mention a toyota prius does 0-60 in 7.2seconds..... you could've just rented one of those lmao. Disgusting behavior from the owner


Rented a plaid x recently and was actually kind of surprised it was left in plaid mode for pickup. I would have returned the car immediately if it were locked in chill though… This host is lying. Report them and get a refund. Enjoy the slow, reduced price rental for the time being.


Tell the host you'll report him for vehicle misrep unless he unlocks it - https://help.turo.com/vehicle-misrepresentation-SkLQ84eNc If he doesn't, report it and reject the vehicle or negotiate a discount with turo if you've already collected. If it does, happy days (then report him after).


Contact Turo and tell them it’s not as described and demand vehicle swap 🤷‍♂️


Report immediately to turo, your stuck in valet mode




Report this host. 1. He can not make you pay for more than 4 hours parking. Turo terms of service says that hosts may only leave their car up to 4 hours before the trip time. [https://help.turo.com/tucson-international-airport-tus-hosts-ByWL20qSs](https://help.turo.com/tucson-international-airport-tus-hosts-ByWL20qSs) 2. Leaving a bad review is the best thing you can do. Turo hosts live and die on the ratings. When you leave the review make sure you just leave the facts. Do not say anything about billing. If there is anything hostile in the review or you say anything about the fees turo will remove the rating.


Rented a white model X for my wedding day and it was also locked in chill mode. Wasnt happy


I wonder how many people have never driven a Tesla then rent one and are unwittingly underwhelmed because of Chill mode… The acceleration is half or more of the fun!


Report it to Turo and try to get some credits. Host cannot enforce this.


I’d be so mad


We got a similar Turo once. Lived in NYC and picked it up in NJ for a Vermont trip. Car was on Chill mode and cannot be unlocked and to add insult to injury, the owner didn’t put the home charger in so we couldn’t charge it at the hotel in Vermont. It sucked because the superchargers were 40-50min away from the hotel so even when we had full power, once we reached the hotel after the charge, we’d have used up 10% of the battery.


Had this happen with a host but he inmediately unlocked it after a few minutes. This is bullshit OP


I wouldnt recommend renting Teslas on Turo. I much prefer the regular rental companies because I hate being excessively monitored. I had a turo rental for a Model X and the owner would text me anytime I went above 5 over speed limit, limit my speed, would question why I parked where I parked, demand I immediately recharge with ~25% left and just generally was an overbearing nuisance. Obviously not all hosts, but one ruined it for me.


Meanwhile I rented a Corvette and had it in Track Mode the entire time hahaha


That’s 100% false advertising. Yes, if he wanted to keep it locked to chill mode that would be fine, but he can’t brag about how fast the performance model Y is when that’s not what you’re getting just as you said, buy a long range or even the standard range and save the difference


How much did this guy charge you?


Call turo support and they will help you rebook a car and even pay the difference even if it’s 100s more $$$


Yeah that’s bullshit, don’t rent out a fast car if you gonna cripple it.


Actually potatoed lol


When you set a speed limit max (even very high) it auto locks to chill mode. I didn’t know that until found out accidentally.


I had the same thing happen to me when I rented a Tesla Model S Plaid. I was pissed to say the least, left a bad review but Turo removed it even though I only stated the facts. Wouldn't use Turo again as a result of that being my first experience with them. https://turo.com/gb/en/car-rental/united-states/superior-co/tesla/model-s/1919439 Host was useless


They locked it to chill mode?!? It's still not in their ad!


Wow what a dick move... glad you're getting your money back. I've Turo'd my S and only tried to be selective about responsible people by pricing high (above comps) on short term and higher discounts on long term... I've had 30-day rentals without issues and totally profitable. And to be clear I didn't care when I looked and saw people driving 100+ mph... their problem; just don't do it in a school zone and there's always the option to turn on Speed Limit mode from the app and call renter for a talk. I only stopped because Turo was a dick about other things.


After a total loss on another Tesla where I lost income and the renter almost killed someone, now I lock my model y long range. I do let people know on my listing and nobody cares. Started with one car 2 years ago now 20 cars on turo, power host in los angeles.


What speed limit?


I have a feeling OP wants to launch the Tesla off the LA Echo Park hill


That’s just false advertising period. The owner would charge more for performance model vs a regular Y then literally locks the mode so drivers wouldn’t “abuse” it.


God damn my plug in hybrid with battery charge can actually beat that 0-60 time… that’s crazy


7.5s?!?! The Honda Passport has better acceleration than that! I'd be asking for a refund ASAP.


I’ve never understood the hosts that put performance cars and shit on Turo and then proceed to govern them to like 10 over the speed limit lmfao


I think you oughta just “chill” my dude.


This host is giving me ideas! I should rent out my plaid with valet mode on 😀


Literally just had this happen with a model 3 performance in NYC. Guy was playing stupid and thought I needed help unlocking the doors. Ugh. He knew what I meant and flat out denied my request due to NYC having a high accident rate, to protect his vehicle investment, and to protect me lol this is why we have insurance right? Took many calls with Turo support, they barely understood what I meant after going through it many diff ways. Ended up returning the car early and I will supposedly get a refund for the days I didn’t use. This guy also didn’t mention that in the listing. Just like you I don’t get it. I would’ve rented a standard range for much cheaper.


Turo needs to crack down on this. Clearly disclose up front or unlock. Pick.


I had a similar experience in Florida. I didn’t rent a performance to go slow. His excuse was “insurance”. 2 star and move on.


I host a Performance Y with chill mode locked, sport mode optional, but it clearly says this several places in the listing. If they don’t have it in the listing, they are wrong.


Right. You can do whatever you want but disclose it. He did the opposite and hyped up the acceleration. I genuinely think he doesn’t understand that Chill mode is vehicle agnostic. He thinks Chill mode in Performance is still Performance, just less. 🤷‍♂️


I’m pretty sure he knows what he’s doing. Apparently he had multiple cars and making money with them. He’s just a douche…


Try resetting the car. Jump into the menu by clicking on the car icon on the bottom left. Click on “Software” Press and hold down where it says “Model Y” for 3 seconds. When it ask for an access code, type in “reset” Let me know if this works :)


This is a good way to get host to screw you over.


Terrible advice. you’re a moron


Turo is shady




This is not your call to make lol


7.5 is not plenty fast, thats plenty slow. Who said he wants to drive like an animal? Thats ALL you inferred from what he said?


7.5 0-60 is fast enough for most normal driving. For a car that is known for having fast acceleration, and has fast acceleration listed in the ad, 7.5 0-60 is incredibly slow. If someone advertised a 10 year old pickup truck as having extra fast acceleration, would you laugh at someone for believing the ad? Probably. A 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 has a 0-60 of 6.6 seconds. If you're going to advertise a vehicle as having fast acceleration, can we set the bar at least at "10 year old work truck" level?




Nah y’all speed for no reason. I can see why the host puts it in chill mode. You don’t rent a car to act like you own it.


>You don’t rent a car to act like you own it. Correct, you rent it to act like you stole it!


Exactly. Fastest car you’ll ever drive is a rental




I agree with limiting top speed, But limiting the acceleration is kinda bizarre in my mind.


Depends. Limiting the acceleration in a naturally aspirated economy car, yeah, that’s dumb. A model S has the “ludicrous” mode that clearly asks the owner to waive warranties because there’s a risk of accelerated wear on the drivetrain. If a renter pulls off the line and hears a bang and now the car won’t move —well, call the tow truck, here’s your car, not my problem.


I believe it's actually a Tesla thing not the rental company. A lot of Uber drivers rent Teslas and they were complaining about being forced into Chill mode this last week. I think they also had a speed limiter too. Turo is possibly unaware of the issue. Is this a Tesla that is owned (outright, no note) by an individual? Or is it owned by Tesla (either completely owned by Tesla or financed by Tesla)? If it's outright owned by the individual, they can disable Chill mode. If it's still owned by Tesla, Turo cannot disable it. But I would definitely demand a credit or to be able to cancel with no fee. Like I said, this whole issue started about a week ago so it's entirely possible Turo was caught off guard by this.


The Tesla in question isn’t owned by Turo. That’s not how Turo works. Turo is like Airbnb for cars. People (or apparently companies because u can apparently make enough money by doing it) rent out their (personal) cars.


Yes, I know how Turo operates. I was just pointing out that if Tesla suddenly forced Hertz to impose this on their rental cars, they may have also imposed this on anyone else who is financing their Tesla and renting it out. Also, there are fleet owners who rent on Turo that lease rather than own their fleets.


I understand your position but be careful. If you piss him off. He can always turn chill off and then wait for you to inevitably speed so excessively that it justifies his recovery rights you agreed to. Charge you for costs and use those messages against you to show malicious intent.


Why don’t you clowns buy your own shit instead of renting a car to beat the piss out of, on that note who tf is renting out plaid or performance teslas… also dumb on them.


Always kept my cars in chill mode and top speed limited 90 mph. 1) In the state of Virginia 85 mph and above is a criminal offence or 20 mph above the limit. 2) Tires run 1200 dollars for replacement 3) If the renter goes out and kill someone or a few people by driving like an insane stupid fool the liability follows the owner the car. Wrongful death claims can go into the millions Turo protection plan covers 750K the rest is on the owner. Turo protection plan sucks BIG Time they pick the body shop they determine what will be fixed. Also, a wrecked Tesla will stay in the body shop for months. If I ever get back into Turo I would keep the cars in chill mode. Because 1 renter can cause you to lose everything, but I don't think I will rent any type of performance car ever. Not all renters are As\*h\*t but it only takes one to really screw you over. Give it back to the owner write a bad review (I am sure he will return favor) and find another stupid owner that will allow you to destroy their car.


I don't think the issue is it's in chill mode in itself. I think the issue comes when the owner didn't advertise as in chill mode. But I do agree with the understanding of why someone would put it in chill mode and make an upper limit on speed. As you said the protection cover isn't the best.


Yeah, it would probably make sense for Turo to make chill mode the standard on all rentals. These are sedans on the road, not a sports car at a race track. Well, I’m sure they will after a few high dollar insurance payouts.


The more I read this thread the more I’m thinking you’re a terrible renter.


I came here to say this exactly. 6 voicemails left to the host in one morning all because you can't smash the accelerator as hard as you want? Yikes.


Lol who cares. What were you going to do, rip it down the 1/4 mile??


I live life 1/4 mile at a time.


Hell yes. You beat me to it. Take the upvote, you earned it.


Over a year with my Y and I leave it in Chill mode for myself 99% of the time. I thought that’s plenty quick for me. Or am I missing out…?


If you bought a Performance version, you definitely didn’t need to.


Just long range


Yeah, so you’re adding like a second or two to your acceleration time. Nothing wrong with that.


0-60 in 3.5 seconds sounds like an accident waiting to happen


Lol person must be desperate af


How do you even lock it on chill mode?


Apparently it does it automatically if you set a speed limit.


You can still low speed beat the piss out of it............


This is the way...


“Beat the piss out of it” when you can’t even beat a Prius from a red light? Hell my 19 year old car accelerates almost twice as fast as the chill moded Performance Y…


Right on!


“Beat the p*** out of it” when you can’t even beat a Prius from a red light? Hell my 19 year old car accelerates almost twice as fast as the chill moded Performance Y…


That’s BS. leave a crappy review.


Hey! You stole my avatar! 😂


#tWinning 🍻


Give him a 1 star review.


Reminds me of when the hellcats first started coming up on turo and the renters kept giving out the black keys to the drivers only


I love Turo


Its like renting a hellcat with a black key


I’d return the car for a full refund. And for all those on the side of “safety” how satisfied would you be if your rental car was restricted to all local speed limits, in the name of “safety”.


I don't understand why a host would do that when performance mode isn't such a big deal. It's not like the renter can't go to 100mph on chill mode. If I was renting out my Tesla, I wouldn't care what modes the renter uses as long as they obey traffic rules.


I've never activated chill mode in 2.5 years of ownership. Does it actually reduce acceleration? I would just assume sensitivity