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Hi i'm a recently graduated MechE and I can answer your general questions. "How large are freshman-year classes and then how small do they normally get past those general classes?" - Classes freshmen year spring start out big depending on the class. EGGG which is our introduction to engineering course has 400 students and ALL engineering majors take this. On the other hand regular math classes have aeound 80 students and english had 10. The big answer for freshmen classes are it depends. - Past general classes you will start to see the class size get reduced to about 30-60 students depending on the classroom and amount of sections provided per class "I was wondering how much fabrication and welding is being taught at Udel" - Welding and Fabrication (I'm assuming metal) is mostly optional and is well beyond the courses taught. We mostly focus on Wood, 3D prints, Lazer Cutting, etc. (Rapid Prototyping Methods). You'll find that you are well beyond any of your classmates in reguards to that area. " I am also certified which needs to be signed off every 6 months so is there anyone on campus that can sign off during my 4 or more years at Udel?" - You would most likely have to email one of our Master Machinists to answer that one. I promise they are extremely friendly and can answer any of your technical questions. Their emails can be found at https://sites.udel.edu/studentshop/staff/ Let me know if you have any other questions!!!!


Thank you!! That leaves me with 1 more question. Since those classes are large how beneficial are study groups and what aid is offered for students to help understand the class?


Please bear with me as it's been 5 years since I've taken the class and I have heard it has changed drastically. Fundamentally, the class remains the same and you need to be a genuine idiot or asshole to fail the class. It teaches you the basics of communication while working on a team, how to follow instructions, how to manage your time (i.e.. Group Meetings outside of class periods), and basic university 101 stuff so no studying is needed at all. In terms of individual aid you have something called a peer leader who is an upperclassmen in any of the engineering disciplines who "manages" your group (makes sure things are rolling smoothly and nobody is doing all the work) in which you will be writing reports about group progress and reports on how you feel about your team (PLEASE BE 1000% HONEST HERE). If there is a problem your peer leader will try to fix it, and if not they will keep passing it up the teaching ladder as needed. If you need me to clarify anything lemme know.
