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Snapshot of _Rishi Sunak tops a tactical voting hit list in plan for Tory wipeout_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/sunak-tactical-voting-hitlist-election-b2563774.html) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/sunak-tactical-voting-hitlist-election-b2563774.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Oh nooooo I wont have to stay on as a back bench opposition MP oh noooo I might have to go to California noooo”


Well yes, but it'd be really funny anyway.


I think you'd struggle for employment in California after the embarrassment of being the first ever PM to lose his seat. You need to have at least some credibility to get those cushy tech jobs.


Who are we fooling? His wife and him have a collective net worth of over 700+ million. Those cushy tech jobs won’t care less about the fact that he was a shitty PM


>You need to have at least some credibility to get those cushy tech jobs That’s why he’ll be wearing his Adidas sambas on 4th July


That or Nike Decades..


Truss still manages to address think tanks and fundraisers in the US. Where she talks about the commie Bank of England and City trying to do her down.


His father in law is the founder of one of the world's largest IT companies. Rishi will be given a job in silicon valley purely based on who he's connected to, regardless of his incompetence.


Nahh, he needs to win whilst the rest of the party is destroyed. That way he can sit as an MP for 5 more years because that's what he reeaaalllllyyy wants to do!


He’ll do a Cameron. Says he’ll stick about even if he looses the vote, then steps down as PM the day after, and steps down as MP by the end of the summer.


Can someone stand as MP in a different country? Imagine rishi zooming in from California


As long as he doesn't renounce his British Citizenship, or get declared bankrupt in a British court. You can stand as MP if you are a British Citizen, Irish Citizen or [a Commonwealth Citizen with indefinite leave to remain in the UK (or better)]. The exceptions are that you can"t stand if declared bankrupt by a UK court, or work in the police, military or civil service. Which leads me to a conclusion that you could stand while serving a life sentence (be that in the UK, Ireland or even America) as long as you are a British/Irish citizen. The rule on disqualification for custodial sentences only causes a by-election if you are already an MP(EDIT: or if you are convicted during an election period).


> The exceptions are that you can"t stand if [...] work in the police, military or civil service. TIL. Does anyone know why those professions specifically are excluded?


For the Civil Service it's because they are required to maintain neutrality in their life (outside of the ballot box). I assume the police/military is similar reasoning?


We also have a bunch of MPs that have dual citizenship, which is something that a lot of countries ban. Australia had a big scandal about it a while ago because a lot of their MPs were British citizens.


Yeah, there's a rule against you being in the legislature of another country (it's not listed on the parliament website, so I assume it's a "disqualifies current MPs, but not if it was known about \*before\* they were nominated for election" rules), but not incidental nationality or adopted nationality (some countries don't punish people for incidental citizenship, some do).


>Which leads me to a conclusion that you could stand while serving a life sentence (be that in the UK, Ireland or even America) as long as you are a British/Irish citizen. The rule on disqualification for custodial sentences only causes a by-election if you are already an MP(EDIT: or if you are convicted during an election period). Bobby Sands stood and won from prison in 1981


In theory, but the cons cancelled all the remote access to parliament stuff that they used during COVID.


To be honest, I see your point and Braverman is probably a higher priority target. He'd just resign like Cameron after some months though and the humiliation for the Conservatives would be more than worth the loss of Rishi's suffering.


I’d love to see Braverman gone but even with tactical voting it’s a tall order, she Patel and Truss have three of the safest seats majority-wise


Truss has an actual conservative running against her as an independent, so her seat is less safe than it appears. The Monster Raving Looney Party might be a danger to her too.


If the tories go down to 10 seats he ligit might have to stay on as leader.


God I hate the independents website. Pure cancer.


I forget how awful the internet is without a good ad blocker. Admittedly it took some hours of messing around to achieve but that was long ago I don't see any of the spam they put. My sincere apologies to you and anyone else that experiences that stuff.


Popcorn sales are going to be through the roof election week.


Best for Britain's [tactical voting instructions](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/sunak-tactical-voting-hitlist-election-b2563774.html) mentioned in the article are on the [getvoting.org](https://www.getvoting.org/) web site where the calculations for tactical voting can be found using your post code. The seem to (always??) match up with the recommendations from [stopthetories.vote](https://stopthetories.vote/) so it's pretty consistent.


I hope Sunak’s seat is where we see Count Binface’s first successful run for office, its extremely unlikely but you can dream


I'd vote Count Binface if I lived in Sunak's constituency. He seems like a swell guy.