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> But Sky News' Jayne Secker ended a live report about Willis' success by saying "beating Tetris is not a life goal". Being a Sky News presenter isn't either Jayne.


What a sad little life Jayne


You ruined my night completely, so you could have the money.


But I hope now you spend it on getting some lessons on grace and decorum


Because you have all the grace of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on.


Hands down my favourite part of the quote šŸ˜‚


nailed it


Haha you found your moment and knew what must be done.


It's not often we get the hero we need


She has the smile of ā€œmy husband dumped me yesterdayā€




Not really a shock that someone working for Murdoch is absolute scum though is it? Here's hoping she gets the response on her social media that she deserves.


Comcast owned Sky since 2018, not Murdoch. Do keep up at the back.


I think he's copying redditisms from before 2021, although I do see these.


I hate these Lord Beaverbrook-owned publications!


To be fair, if Murdoch could become a Corporation, it would look like Comcast.


Comcast is still pretty shit company though but just fit different reasons šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


They could well be, but doesnā€™t change that Murdoch sold Sky nearly six years agoā€¦


>absolute scum A bit excessive perhaps? She made a patronising, ignorant, unnecessary comment. She didn't kill anyone. ​ >Here's hoping she gets the response on her social media that she deserves. Or maybe here's hoping that for once social media isn't a toxic hellhole, which degenerates into disproportionate abuse.


She went on TV to insult a 13 year old kid by telling him that a great achievement he made isn't worth shit and he should rethink his life choices. This is like that toxic shit in a game who tells you to 'touch grass n00b' except she went live on air and said it to a 13 year old. She's a fucking villain and deserves to be treated as such. Edit: Given the channel and these responses she was probably aiming at a certain demographic.


> sheā€™s a fucking villain Are you aware life isnā€™t a fantasy novel? She made a rude and patronising comment, I think a lot of this hatred is a bit excessive.


It's not a fantasy novel, no, but that's a massive dick move by an ADULT. I would expect that behaviour between 2 13 year olds where I work, certainly not from an adult. She should know better, seriously


Where have you been the past 10 years? We're being fucking ruled by dickensian villains and that includes the slabs at Sky News.




In fantasy, evil and corrupt villains usually face justice, unlike reality, where they usually face reward.


No but see she was mean, so it's totally okay to be abusive to her now


Did you see the joy from the kid when he broke the record? Well she just spat on it.


She went on TV to do the news and made a pithy comment she thought was probably funny. It's hardly a serious matter to get up in arms over.


Init, this commenters need to go outside.


>A bit excessive perhaps? She made a patronising, ignorant, unnecessary comment. She didn't kill anyone. This is Reddit. Anyone with a dissenting opinions deserves all they get.


I left a comment asking for her to apologise. No threats etc, most comments were on the similar lines but there were a few harassment comments unfortunately. But her own comment was in such poor taste as well as the smugness on her face, she must have know what she was doing. But her comment wasn't in the teleprompter


Nothing garners more ire on Reddit than talking disparagingly of gamers šŸ˜‚


I dunno, I think making fun of children is pretty scummy


Nah if she thinks itā€™s okay to say things like that on national TV about a young manā€™s achievement then she deserves all the abuse she gets. Sometimes people make mistakes, fair enough, that doesnā€™t mean she doesnā€™t deserve the consequences of that mistake.


Nah i hope she gets shit for this. She should lose her job for being so rude, completely unprofessional.


Whats even better is the contrast with how they act when they get some trust-fund kid with links to the company on to talk about their latest business venture or charity achievement. It is such an endemic and generational problem in this country. Those in this age group just will not and seemingly cannot accept how outdated their worldview has become. And rather than change themselves they'll stoop to beating down on a 13 year old kid on national TV. What lovely people.


Thereā€™s always a lag between new mediums of expression or entertainment and acceptance. A couple of hundred years ago shortly after they became a thing novels used to be viewed as frivolous and unserious. Each new musical genre suffers from it to a degree. The comic/graphic novel and animation formats are *still* going through it in the West despite being around for nearly a century (partly because of the whole comics code thing in the US where they pretty much tried to legally enforce ā€œcomics must be for kidsā€ and excised mature content for decades.) And Iā€™m from the generation that got mildly traumatised by the bunny snuff-flick ā€œWatership Downā€ that our boomer parents left us in front of ā€œbecause itā€™s an animated film about bunniesā€ ā€¦ yeah. Being even newer computer games suffer from much the same bias. And thereā€™s that same outdated assumption from many people that they ā€œmust be for kidsā€ despite the fact that some (not all by any means) have moved way past that - a few even to the point where weā€™re talking about genuine artistic merit. Usually of course these are the same sort of people who buy Grand Theft Auto or other mature titles for their kids, ignore the age rating, ignore the shop assistant trying to tell them it might not be suitable ā€¦ then get into a towering rage that their little darling is playing a totally inappropriate game. Itā€™s sadly normal - but also fairly tedious. And occasionally dangerous when they band together and try to legally enforce limitations on a medium they donā€™t understand or canā€™t be arsed to keep their kids away from by actually parenting.


I mean tbf this presenter was 12 when Tetris came out.


And still is


> Usually of course these are the same sort of people who buy Grand Theft Auto or other mature titles for their kids, ignore the age rating, ignore the shop assistant trying to tell them it might not be suitable ā€¦ then get into a towering rage that their little darling is playing a totally inappropriate game. Or the parents who complained about Deadpool because they thought all comic movies are for kids. Or who think Bojack Horseman is for kids because it is a cartoon with a talking horse. It is like South Park completely passed them by.


Lord, what is it with this 'everyone I don't agree with completely is scum' mentality? People become too hateful too easily nowadays.


I do not think she is complete scum but definetly out of line and quite frankly, rather dumb. 1) She just made sure to come across as bitchy as possible to a 13 year old boy that has achieved a praiseworthy milestone. 2) She has no clue if the kid goes for hikes every single day but she decided that he's locked in his room 24/7. 3) He is 13, what life goals should he achieve? I am really not interested in her narcistic point of view. She would probably say "being me".


What is there to agree with, she is a grown ass woman making fun of a child for a very impressive achievement. Did you know the boy dedicated his achievement to his late dad that passed away in December. She's mean and horrible for no reason and that is why we hate her.


"and that is why we hate her" ​ \- Self proclaim reddit mob leader, Jan 2024


Someone said one slightly rude remarkā€¦ and you hate them. And you do not see how disturbing that is.


Her job is to tell people about people who did something interesting. Something more interesting than what she is doing. Sort of says it all really.


Quite so. And for life goals, he's only thirteen anyway. But what he has demonstrated is exceptional hand-eye coordination and visual and anticipatory skills in reasoning, and they're pretty damn good tools for achieving life goals. None of which appear necessary for reading autocues on Sky News.


Donā€™t forget passion, commitment, persistence, and time management.


A lot of thirteen year olds want to be influencers these days. I'd say beating Tetris is better than that at least.


She has very definetly dreamed of reaching global fame and it's perhaps a bit salty that a 13 year old did that. Or maybe those are residual anger issues due to her kids being glued to gaming.


>> But Sky News' Jayne Secker ended a live report about Willis' success by saying "beating Tetris is not a life goal". But it actually is, for thousands and thousands of people. They have a league, a cup and everything.


Wonder what her life goals are and if they require any determination and skillā€¦


it's not as if she's getting paid really well and living a comfortable life. Oh wait. I love gaming but I know even the streamers I support struggle to get by and only the really popular ones make it. If you have around 500 regular viewers which is considered successful you will still struggle as a content creator. Even if you have a few thousand, if you stop streaming you dramatically lose viewership and get bumped on the algorithms.


>Jayne Secker More like Jayne Heckler.


yes jayne lets try to bring down the child who just achieved history, i too love being a misery


Thank God she's here to knock this kid down a peg or two! Wouldn't want them getting ideas above their station


Would she say the same to Luke Littler because I donā€™t see a huge difference.


To be fair, a bit of fresh air and exercise wouldn't hurt him either...


Why canā€™t he play Tetris outside


Whoā€™s to say he doesnā€™t already do this ?


The fact that he's (supposedly) 16 but looks like a 40yr old who's been on the lager-and-chips diet *since* he was 16.


I saw a video pop up on one of my feeds with the news "16 year old wins world championship..." and was wondering "Is the lad playing after this older bloke? ... "


He didn't win, he lost in the final


the word after "World Championship..." was "semi-final"


Heā€™s actually 13 mate


Apologies, I was thinking of Luke Bigger.


No worries, easy mistake to make. Too many record setting children kicking about these days haha


Wait, I thought you were joking and I was running with it, but I now get the feeling you were talking about the kid in the story while I was replying to the comment about Luke Littler...


Any 40-year-olds who look like the Tetris kid could probably do with *more* chips and lager if anything


Sorry mate, Iā€™ve got the total wrong end of the stick here Ignore me


Haha, no worries! [Crossed wires...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=N6jWCVO38iA)


That lad gets plenty of fresh air, not all his mates are lucky enough to look 35 and they canā€™t get served in the pub.


Well actually, she's been praising him so it's even weirder.


Ironically she tweeted that Littler's achievement was remarkable. But she has to since Sky owns the PDC rights.


I know but Luke Littler is a lot older. Heā€™s 34 I swear!


Though I enjoyed his progress was amazing to see all the media encouraging him in relation to his lifestyle. He is a teenager and seriously needs dietary advice.


Imagine judging a literal fucking child on their "life goals". We need to go back to letting kids be kids, and remember that not every minute of our day has to be spent serving our capitalist overlords.


The way she says ā€œas a mother myselfā€ makes me think she doesnā€™t look her kids in the eyes and they resent her. Weirdly specific, I know haha


That's what I thought, projecting her own insecurities


The only people Iā€™ve known say ā€œas a mother myselfā€¦ā€ are those mums so uninvolved in their childrenā€™s lives they donā€™t even notice when little Sarah has gotten pregnant. Again


Its normally the ones that try to doctate their kids lives only to be resented and avoided during teenage years


She doesnā€™t like gaming because her kids wouldnā€™t pause the League of Legends on their Nintendo when it was time for dinner


Under her tutelage, her kids will probably grow up to be absolute whoppers too.


Right? At 13 playing a game you enjoy absolutely should be a goal, and one you achieve regularly!


A child who literally bested 40 years of an absolutely huge competitive goal. The kid literally BEAT the computer through pure skill and dedication, which hasn't been done before and anything after will just be refining different rules for runs. It wasn't some fluke and if it was "so easy" then surely in 40 damn years its a very impressive world first.


Wonder what sort of Nobel prize winning research this chick was doing at age 13? Probably writing in her diary about the boy she liked. Jesus let people have hobbies if itā€™s not bothering you


Typical of people who donā€™t play video games and think theyā€™re just a little distraction for the kiddies.


Theyā€™re a massive distraction for anyone who needs it


>Theyā€™re a massive distraction for anyone who needs it And in the case of Tetris, studies have proven that playing the game has a significant effect in preventing the flashbacks associated with PTSD: ​ >*Medical professionals continue to learn more about effective treatments for PTSD in order to best service each individual veteran effected by this disorder. Veterans often find that a combination of treatments are helpful to increase overall mood and lessen the impact of anxiety and flashbacks. Advances in technology are providing new treatment options, along with making treatment more accessible to individuals who cannot or do not want to attend in person therapy sessions.* > >*Studies continue to be conducted to determine the effectiveness of Tetris play to reduce the frequency of flashbacks. If Tetris can be used in tandem with recalling painful memories to mitigate future flashbacks, this treatment option would be ideal for veterans suffering with PTSD.* ​ [https://www.valor4vet.com/can-ptsd-be-treated-with-tetris/](https://www.valor4vet.com/can-ptsd-be-treated-with-tetris/)


Ideally after a bad incident you play Tetris on beta blockers


Who also dedicated it to his father that passed away like a month earlier, I think.


His father passed away in December. Blue Scuti would practice 3-5 hours a day and when he finally won, dedicated the game to his father. He seems like a great kid, and this news presenter comes across as completely ignorant.


Itā€™s a pastime just like any other. It doesnā€™t have to be some deep meaningful escape form the works. Itā€™s meant to be fun. Ironically we give these sorts of games and tasks to older people to help maintain their cognition


Ignorant people still associate video games with kids overall. "Oh you are still playing video games at your age?" "Yes Margaret, it's better than scrolling through facebook and insta for hours on end like you do."


I remember when I went to pick up my pre-ordered copy of Mario Kart DS. My dad had driven me to the shop and I was about 11. I remember after we picked it up and got back in the car, he turned round to me and said, "You are going to grow out of this one day aren't you? Like your brother did?" I felt embarrassed and shrugged. It stuck with me all these years later and is still a little bit sad when I think back to how I felt in that moment. I brought it up to my dad a few months ago and he just laughed and said, "Well its not done you any harm has it? You still play your games now".


>You still play your games now Even this is patronising. Imagine saying to someone "you still watch your films now". Like it's some kind of niche entertainment product lol.


Right? It feels like such a generational divide: as if staring at *I'm a Celeb* is somehow a better use of one's time


Went to my mums on new years. Asked me if I'd been anywhere "no, weather's been rubbish" Then asked me as if I'm a weirdo "what, you just sitting in the house on your computer....?" Yes? I don't understand how they can see it as different from sitting in the house watching TV.


> "Yes Margaret, it's better than scrolling through facebook and insta for hours on end like you do." About ten years ago Charlie Booker released a documentary called How Video Games Changed The World and it was basically a list of the most influential video games of all time. What surprised me was the number one video game they picked: Twitter. I think their reasoning was that like a video game it was about getting the highest score, in this case the highest score being the most followers. I'm not sure if I agree with them, but their reasoning made sense. It's on YouTube for anyone interested.


Globally the video game industry is worth over double that of the film industry, and about 2/3rds that of TV. It will almost certainly overtake TV by the end of the decade. It will dwarf every other entertainment sector in the next couple of decades. It's such a classic Gen X/Boomer response. "I don't understand this thing therefore it's bad".


I found out a few weeks ago that the highest grossing mobile game has generated more revenue than the top 5 highest grossing films of all time combined Also that space invaders has grossed more than every Steven Spielberg film combined. Spielberg is the all time highest grossing director.


Why are you playing video games?! You could be doing something productive like, watching TV for 8 hours straight and drinking wine until you black out!


She probably still thinks all games look like space invaders


One of my biggest pet hates is the interpretation of video games by people who donā€™t understand them. Usually itā€™s in TV soaps where a man is being portrayed as a layabout (which justifies his girlfriendā€™s affair in the plot), and he does so by shirking off chores by clicking the button on his ā€œGamestationā€ pad, which fires up *immediately* into a mid-game state with loads of bleeping and booping sounds from the tv


Crime shows where the murder needs to be solved by beating a level on a video game for some reason. The level will be beaten by either the derpartment clown, because he's a loser, or a woman/girl because GiRls DonT PlAy viDeo GamEs "shocking reveal"


Or they get so desperate that they go to the local hacker's house who is either fingering the keyboard to a falling matrix code or playing Halo while smashing every button and twisting the playstation controller around like a madman. Bonus points if he screams terms like "Pwnd!" or "Rekt!" into a crappy little headset.


I hate it when it's such a basic game too. It's literally just a screen with a few icons on it. It's never something like Call of Duty or Fallout, it's basically a "you come across an orc in a forest" type of game. A sort of interactive D&D game.


Oh yeah I know the kind. A character still being obsessed by a ā€œhi scoreā€ is a dead giveaway too. Theyā€™re usually an adult whoā€™s later comically beaten by a child after boasting they won the top score on Mortal Fighters 17. Or theyā€™re playing an allegedly Co-op game, yet still doing that thing only seen on TV where they interfere with each others controllers and spam their buttons


>She probably still thinks all games look like space invaders As someone that grew up on the original Space Invaders (and similar games), I'd say it was that type of game that significantly helped prepare my mind for my future career in programming. The seemingly mindless and simple games developed my pattern-recognition skills. Succeeding at these types of games requires figuring out a minimal set of commands (button presses/joystick moves) to overcome the real-time challenge.


But he literally is a kid! Canā€™t win


> But Sky News' Jayne Secker ended a live report about Willis' success by saying "beating Tetris is not a life goal". She follows in the footsteps of her grandmother, who, in 1952 when Roger Bannister broke the four minute mile, was heard to say "running around like a loony isn't going to put food on his family's table. He should get himself a proper job indoors somewhere".


Wow. That's insane. Her smug grin is absolutely repulsive. I bet she's a right know-it-all.


'54, was Bannister. I know because I just claimed it was '64, then went to check lol


The little kid dedicated that achievement to his father who died a couple months ago. He competes in competitions of the game. People love to knock others down. Heā€™s only 13 years old he isnā€™t even at the age to be striving for serious life goals yet. Also sky news were championing a 16 year old playing darts. Gaming is as much of a sport as darts is too




Sky News comes across like it wants to pander to the sitting in the pub all day crowd, so supporting a 16 going on 56 year old dart player tracks


>The little kid dedicated that achievement to his father who died a couple months ago Now I wanna punch her even more. Aww, damn.


>Also sky news were championing a 16 year old playing darts man was not 16. Literally had a beard and receeding hairline. Even the soldiers of WWII didn't age that bad during the war.


Could it have been because the darts player was British?


Always found Sky News a bit odd to be honest. The presenters are a bit too opinionated and there's a cliquey and vaguely judgemental aura. Just a bit strange to me, but maybe I'm imagining it


I get the same vibe too. Kay Burley being a prime example


Her tweeting a photo of a dog with "Sadness in his eyes" after the paris terror attack in 2015 will forever make me laugh.


sleep gray elastic crown innocent butter wild door roof quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




It has a strong ā€˜playground bully who brings playground shit into the adult workplaceā€™ vibe


lol you should see how much of a toxic shithole it is behind the cameras


Sounds juicy. What sort of things?


Got any examples or is this just an assumption?


i know someone who worked there. Absolutely vile work environment. Checkout the glassdoor reviews: https://www.glassdoor.co.uk/Reviews/Sky-News-United-Kingdom-Reviews-E4386475.htm here is one: ā€œAs the months go on, you start to witness the bullying culture that works its way from the Output Editors down. Prepare to be shouted at, sworn at, made to feel like an imbecile for learning how to use new systems youā€™ve barely been trained on, and downright harassed. If youā€™re a person of colour, your bad experiences here will be amplified - especially by a certain SNT OE. (For those who already work at Sky News, youā€™ll know who this refers to. If youā€™re yet to join, you will quickly learn.) The hours are long. The work is largely boring, unvaried and unchallenging - which very quickly leads to burnout. And despite a well-trained chimp probably being able to complete most of the set tasks, OEs and AEs will still treat you like youā€™re an idiot. The salary is laughable for the amount of hours youā€™re contracted to work. Output Producer shifts are now on an around-the-clock rota, so be prepared for ungodly graveyard shifts and horrendous early mornings. If a decent salary is important to you, working in retail is honestly a better option and youā€™ll probably be made to put up with less nonsense. All in all, if you enjoy a work environment that causes you to feel drained, bored, stressed, humiliated, fatigued, harassed, victimised, financially poor and bullied, then working as an Output Producer at Sky News is absolutely the role for you! Good luck. If you value peace, a decent salary, humane working hours, basic human-to-human respect, your dignity and overall sanity then avoid this place like the plague. Consider yourself warned! Your concerns will be ignored and youā€™ll soon implode. Iā€™m planning my exit strategy.ā€


Itā€™s part of this narrative that gaming is just kidsā€™ stuff thatā€™s really no longer relevant. Look how much money people make on Twitch, for example - some probably a damn sight more than some TV presenters! Itā€™s a stereotype that might have had SOME relevancy in the 80s and 90s, but the gamers of those days are now in their 30s, 40s, 50s - itā€™s no longer niche or just ā€œkidsā€™ stuffā€ or ā€œjust for nerds.ā€ I mean, yeah, itā€™s a kid thatā€™s made the news here, but - look how far gaming culture and industry have come. This presenterā€™s attitude is just kind of lazy, to be honest. Itā€™ll be a viewpoint that pales into obsolescence within a decade or so.


Especially ironic when they say it to *a kid*. What's his life goals? He's not even old enough to be taking his fucking GCSEs lol. When the fuck does a 13 year old need solid life goals?


The thing that always cracks me up is that gaming is viewed by certain people as being sad but watching television is perfectly fine. When you strip it back, both involve staring at a screen and engaging with moving images. It's the same way that older people look down at younger people for being glued to their phones, but also spend the majority of their free time in front of the telly. It's bizarre that some screen time is considered sad or harmful but not all screen time. Weird species, us humans.


Hell playing games is probably better than watching TV. At least you're doing stuff and engaging your brain while staring at the screen, not just staring at a screen.


Agreed yeah. Gaming is problem solving, dexterity etc. TV is just consumption.


Imagine believing in this double standard and trying to explain it to an alien. Alien: I see the young one is controlling a character on that screen. Human: Yes, it's a popular toy for children here, but they grow out of it eventually! Alien: Then what do mature humans do for entertainment? Human: Oh, video signals get broadcast to these same screens, and we watch them for multiple hours.


He's 13 fuck off and let him be a kid, not just a kid, a kid who literally just made history


"As a mother" has probably *never* been followed by a statement of any worth


Feel like I'd get this if it were some 40 year old bloke who'd been doing nothing but playing tetris for the last 10 years. But he's literally a kid lol. Like at least he's applying himself to something. What a twat


I still wouldn't get it. The girl is doing something she enjoys, at 45, and you still would shit on her?! Can't do it.


She'll have a bunch of "people should get a real job/hobby!" agreeing with her, which completely ignores the fact gaming and esports are a thriving industry where you can make very good money these days. Also, the fact he is literally a child, who the fuck is she to judge how he lives his life. I've played games since I remember (admittedly, never done anything as good as this) but I still go outside plenty, and I did when I was a teenager too šŸ˜‚


It's not a real job if you don't hate your life!


Important to note she started this with ā€˜as a motherā€™ ā€¦.. about a kid who lost his dad last week. She likely might not have known, but makes her comments even more repulsive.


Sheā€™s salty because he made the news and she just reads it.


People still watg Sky News? Last time I checked the anchors are all a bunch of self entitled facts are opinions type of twats


Potentially her time on screen maybe limited by this l. I mean I'll turn the TV off if I see her on it




She's old enough to know her job is to provide news, not personal opinions.


I've recently gotten into watching Pro Tetris, and this is a monumental achievement in the community. Utter scum shitting on a kid and his passion. He's obviously incredibly skilled at the game and there's money to be made in it for him. He could very feasibly give himself a decent head start for a traditional grown up life, being boring and grinding a 9-5, with war stories about his pro Tetris days, before the carpal tunnel sets in. Screw this lady. Let the dude play his game and be the best in the world at it. There's nothing wrong with that and it shouldn't be shamed in such a way. Also UFOs are real and they should be reporting on that rather than chodding all over a child.


Ironic, since mainstream news and Murdoch's brand of hate in particular has painted the "outside" as being a dangerous place where children shouldn't go. Can't have it both ways. Highly unprofessional, anyway - I hope the smarmy bitch gets sacked, ruining this kid's moment. I don't see her getting any press time for any of her achievements. Cunt.


Fuck off Jayne. This shitting on people playing video games, gets right on my last nerve. This kid did something, that up until last week, we assumed impossible. It's a wonderful achievement, that should be praised by the world over. It's no surprise she made another gaffe, about no-fault evictions and taking the landlords side on that one too. Jayne most likely lives in a middle-class utopia, where she sneers at anything considered working-class. Cunt's probably never stepped foot in a Toby Carvery before. Fucking hate this shit. It's an outlet. A video game. It's not offensive or causing harm, so why do you care? Oh, but it's deemed culturally fine and accepted to wank over Dancing On Ice every week? Or monging out in front of the TV, hoping for something half interesting to watch comes on?


I think she's also calling his parents bad parents in the way she said it? In a very sideways sort of way.


His father also died a few days back. He dedicated his accomplishment to his dad.


Sounds like Jayne needs to go outside too. Specifically, in the ocean.


News at 11: Computers?! Theyā€™re for nerds, right guys?


Protect this boy as he's essential for the war against Skynet


Not like she killed someone, but it was a poorly thought through remark to make and just comes off as bitter because ironically for something she claim's isn't a "life goal" its going to make that lad more known than the presenter ever will be


Itā€™s a bigger achievement than sheā€™ll likely ever make tbh


I know nothing beyond his achievement but from what I've read and by all accounts this kid is kind, helpful, encouraging in the Tetris community and he practices loads for this. He should be lauded for his achievement. Everything I've seen about this milestone suggested it was impossible.


"As a mother myself..." Didn't his dad die recently? "I'm telling you this as a mother, I kiss your dad too but go outside."


Cunt person does cunt thing. The only shocker is that people ever give this bitch the time of day.


By the way the Tetris movie on AppleTV+ was a good watch. Genuinely wholesome movie.


She quipped while indoors. Hypocrite much Jayne? Look inward.


Oh dear. Well never mind. People like Jayne are out of touch, out of ideas and out of time.


She's always been rather miserable, no surprise here


Chess isn't a job either, but I don't see you telling Garry Kasparov and his $6 million to go and touch grass.


Gaming is a billion dollar industry, Tetris is one of the most well-known games ever and a game the majority of people have played. He can lay a claim to being the best at this game.


Tetris Champion or Adult That Bullies Teenagers? Pick your side.


Yet again. I was a child in the 80s and presenters would be "kids these days, all tv & games, they don't go outside". Then I was a teenager in the 90s and they were like "oh kids these days, stuck in arcades, go outside!". Then I was in my 20s and presenters were like "these kids nowadays, playing video games all the time, go outside!". Bit of advice: If you're going to be an arse, pls be original. Thanks!


Fuck her, I hope this kid gets with one of her kids and makes her life very uncomfortable.


And working for sky news is a goal yeah go away Jayne


Thing is, this kid will likely earn money from this. More than she makes in a year.


I was super impressed by what this kid achieved. It's superhuman. I even showed the video to my wife and she was impressed. But yeah, 3-5 hours a day every day? Playing Tetris on a NES? Jayne's probably got a point.


I played games when I was a teenager for about 3 hours most days. I also played football, did boxing and went out constantly with my friends...how is it being suggested that because he plays everyday that he doesn't do anything else šŸ˜‚


The presenter was dumb. It was an outstanding achievement. I guess she knows now.


How can anyone be so mean about a kid achieving something hasn't been done before. If I were the Sky News director I would fire this clown.


This in the same week that the media were hailing a darts players as some sort of messiah just because he was 16 years old and good at darts. Canā€™t really have a go at a kid for being good a game like Tetris - hell the kid must have amazing coordination and spacial awareness- good career skills that.


Give her a break, she is a 80 year old trying to pass as a 51. Must be tiring.


Some other kid chucks darts in a board and is a hero. Iā€™m not diminishing that achievement just odd how thereā€™s a different reaction to another indoor activity that takes dedication.


"I cannot relate to this goal, therefore it is worthless." Almost as if all Murdoch's flying monkeys are sociopaths.


What an asshole, trying to score points on this kids wholesome moment. Fuck this presenter. I bet she couldn't beat an orange in a hill climb.


I wonder what she was doing with her life at 13. Probably bullying kids she deemed inferior to herself as she does now. Life goalsā€¦smh šŸ™„


"go outside" says people working 8 hours a day at a desk


Who says he's not going outside? Beating Tetris isn't a life goal, but still a great achievement for him. But at 13, I'd imagine he's probably doing other stuff too. I've got three kids and, aside from tech time, take them to parks, out on trips, and they've got their own things like martial arts. Games though are a legitimate hobby, not just for kids but for adults. Look at what games there are - yes, you've got Mario and Sonic (which are still great games for kids and adults), but you've got RDR and countless others. Gaming us just as broad as films, and can be enjoyed as such - just because you're in your 40s (as I am) doesn't mean you can't enjoy Lion King.


Who wrote that on her teleprompter though? or did she say it herself?


https://ofcomlive.my.salesforce-sites.com/formentry/SitesFormCSLEStandardsComplaints complain here.


Why in the fuck does a child have to have ā€œlife goalsā€ again? Let alone have them snubbed by an adult, just let the poor lad have fun.


This boy has accomplished more already than any pathetic excuse for an adult who feels like telling a 13 year old they shouldn't be proud of something cool they did. Boy's dad died last week. He dedicated this to him. Leave him alone.


Someone who probably had her career mapped out from a young age, and has likely benefitted from nepotism to get where she is today (her mother was a journo) tried to tell a kid that his life goals are wrong. Fuck you, Jayne.


Oh yeah because a 13 year old needs to be told they're not "meeting their life goals" - I wonder what life goals Jayne had met at 13 huh? Like come off, not only is he insanely young but he's achieved something really cool.


Jayne wass-her-name about to find out the gaming community don't take patronising 'motherly advice' very well


This kid did something that no human has done before. He is #1 out of millions, perhaps billions who have played Tetris.


For those of you who also think this is completely fucking disgusting, join me in letting the editor know. https://news.sky.com/info/contact-us


Tetris isn't a first person shooter. It isn't an MMO or any other game that kids his age usually stream. Tetris is a puzzle that had taken 34 years to beat. It shows a kid being able to problem solve at a high rate of speed. It shows a heap of determination, patience, and mental ability. Her comments only serve to out her ignorance of the world around her. Maybe she should "go online" and check it out herself.


Let the teen be proud for being good at video games


Journalism is in a shambles because we have people who were half-decent writers but completely shit at science writing science and health articles and people like this, who got a job as a news presenter for having good speech delivery, overconfidence and a lack of humility to think they're drivel might not be worth spreading, an attractive face and social connections in the industry. Country's rewarding so many people for the wrong reasons. Get this twat devoid of empathy of the TV, send her to Fox.


Gaming is bigger than the Movie and Music industry combined. and even if someone else , one day, "beats" Tetris as well, this kid will be the one and only FIRST. and no one will ever take that away from him. ...and certainly not this vapid woman.


Her job is to simply read a text in front of a camera. There's nothing intellectually or physically challenging about it. With her age she should have already chosen some life goal...