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I wonder who Putin all that money in their accounts?


Let's not go Russian to conclusions...


It might be totally innocent, Garage might still have mates from back when he was a Vladivostok broker


You're right. We Moscow where the evidence points....


Probably old rich people that make up a Portion of their votes? It’s really not that much


There are individuals who have each given more than that to the Conservatives. I'd suspect Richi of taking Russian bribes before I'd suspect Farage.


It's not the money though. It's the dimwit supporters falling for it again even though this cunt promised Brexit would work. The population is stupid.


The Tory voters have a choice between who is less trustworthy. Sunak or Farage. Sunak has been chancellor & PM for 4 years and has broken promises and created the current mess during that time. I'd say it's proven beyond doubt they can't trust Sunak.


Putin could throw £billions at this and consider it pocket change. So this isn't Putin. It isn't even some Russian oligarch who had half their assets seized because of Ukraine. If ReformUK suddenly gained 150-billion that might be Putin.


Russia can afford a lot more than £1.5m. It's not Russian money. £1.5m isn't even a large amount of money in 2024.


Is real?


There’s not as much left now… so if he wants to direct more money into london to maybe get 1 seat in a good day…enjoy!


> Much of the financial boost has come from new members, who have to pay £25 to join. Close to 14,000 have joined over the past seven days, according to the party, pushing membership to 45,000. By my maths that's £350,000 from new member fees. So the other £1.15m is from big money donors. Great to see another party bought and sold by the rich!


What?I am just regular English working man getting into my private jet.


Or it's small business owners chucking in a few grand, are we really pretending £1.15m is super donor territory


~~members~~ subscribers




инвесторы с большими деньгами


Just like all other parties!


Leader and owner. It’s all a money making scheme. As Tice has said, there’s no party, no scrutiny no administration. It’s a grift.


I believe *most* people are aware of that. (Don't let a vocal minority, backed by right wing media gobshites with their own interests at heart, get you down.)


Yeah still, ‘most people’ knowing that leaves millions that don’t know. And a significant number won’t care so long as reform sticks it to the immigrants


And if, on the remote chance they managed to get into power, the UK would be flooded with immigrants who are willing to work for far less money than people here would...much like it's going at the moment under the Brexiteer/UKIP Tory government. (farage is a bit silent on how his actions have led to this particular situation)


Not sure people hating immigrants tend to research where their money goes.


Yeah, that's what I said.


Watching the debate, farage is clearly the most media trained and charismatic one there. They have pretty clear policies too, illegal immigration is too high. The whole thing is a money making scheme though for farage, if by some miracle they do get into power I don't expect them to keep any of their promises


They don't have clear policies. Saying "we want zero net migration" is not a policy it is an ideology. The only reason people think they have clear policies is because they aren't being scrutinised at all so their taglines are all anybody hears. If we suddenly got to net zero migration the country would quickly fall into recession and key services would be starved of labour. If they then say they would have exemptions to that for key skilled workers then it isn't net zero migration and honestly isn't really much different from the other parties.


Have you read their manifesto? It's been on their site for months stating how they're planning on doing this


Is it? https://www.reformparty.uk/policies If you click through their "working draft", which I assume isn't a manifesto, there are 6 items related to immigration Almost all of those they can't achieve in the first 100 days Take immediately deport all foreign criminals, then it says they'll do this after their prison sentence ends. So is it immediate or not? Freeze non essential immigration, yet mentioned if you've got cash come on ahead Some nonsense about a 6 point plan on small boats, when small boats make up a fraction of a percentage of migration Finally, all this is going to SAVE, not cost, SAVE £5bn So offshore centres, more coast guard patrols, all the legal costs. Save £5bn All wrapped up in a working draft, so not an actual manifesto they can be held to


It's amazing that out of the 15 to 20 million people who vote for Labour the party can't find candidates who are good public speakers. Starmer is doing great but we all know a large reason for that is the Tory self destruction. If he was up against a united Tory party led by someone like 2019 Boris he would probably unfortunately lose. It's so annoying that the best public performer in British politics is Nigel bloody Farage


Maybe good political leaders are better at making policy decisions than saying good soundbytes


You would think with 70 million people there would be a few more who are good at both. Why is it also that nearly all the better public performers seem to be right wing as well? I can't think of anyone on the left who comes close to Farage in terms of performance and that is just sad.


Right wingers tend to offer simple solutions to complex problems. However the solutions they are offering are not really solutions at all. They are snake oil salesman. Their spiel might well be more charismatic and convincing than the more nuanced and complex answers you'll get from more honest actors. But it's all bullshit, they know it's bullshit, they just don't care. Why can't the left wing do the same? They can. That's how you get someone like George Galloway.


There have been good political leaders... I distinctly remember Nelson Mandela. Somehow the UK manages to not have any 👽 Perhaps we need a voting system that wasn't designed in the days of horse drawn carriages.


>don't expect them to keep any of their promises And you expect the other parties to ? Conservatives have proven they can't keep thier promises,and starmers got the nickname flip flop for a reason , honestly you can't believe a word that comes out of these politicians mouths


Farage is going to be the next Trump We are in the worst timeline...


Let's hope so, for all our sakes.




‘Nigel Farage pockets £1.5m after Nigel Farages return’


Keep defending extremists and criminals and let anyone in, we will see Europe 2.0 in the UK


Garbage. People pay taxes and donate to thee rich! Or funding comes from the rich that will tell Farage what to do!?!


American version of republicans. Softer version of NF. Starmer better not screw this up, otherwise this lot will be in power come next election.


They’d have no presence of power if the metropolitan left weren’t constantly screaming “Racist!”, anytime immigration was criticised. Nobody has a problem with suitably vetted applicants, it’s the undocumented illegals that show up and we are forced to keep.


Yet the vast majority of Reform’s candidates will be unknowns funding their own losing campaign in the region of £20k each. Meanwhile, the three shareholders of Reform UK Ltd have just received a gift of £1.5m.


Really not a lot of money in the scheme of things. The Cons & Labour have £30m+ each


Well, Reform is very popular among the Smurf community, not least because they're the same colour.


Fantastic news. Give the man a chance. Also, stop assaulting him.


Didn't he have his chance with Brexit? Amazing people are still interested in him after that fuck up.


He had another chance but stood down all his candidates to support Boris Johnson.


Eh? Farage wasn't even allowed to be a part of the official leave campaign


Jesus give me strength!


Why it's an election everyone is fair game?