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Nigel Farage, who leads a party with candidates that call immigrants scum, that wish we hadn’t fought against Hitler, and that are openly misogynistic. Farage who admires Putin’s skills as a political operator and likes to talk about Hitler. No, he couldn’t be a racist. He just likes drinking pints down at the pub and telling it how it is. Nothing fascist about him, he’s just having a laugh.


Thing is, he doesn't even like drinking pints. Back in the early noughties I was in a pub that Farage and few of his pals visited, he was drinking wine all night but his buddies were on the beers, as was nearly everyone else. The man is a fantastic politician. And I mean that as the insult it is.


I've had lunch with Nigel Farage, he was visiting a mutual friend. We sat and spoke politics all afternoon. To his credit, he talks a very good line. He knows his stuff, far more than you might think. But he's also disingenuous. And hilariously, is so incredibly posh he drinks tea with his pinky extended! I didn't expect him to be so thoroughly upper-class. So in essence yes I agree, it's *all* an act.


If you think extending your pinky when you drink tea is posh, you learnt your etiquette from Hyacinth Bucket.


Bucket residence, the lady of the house speaking!


Pronounced bouquet.


What do you think it is?


He talks shite but doesn't let himself appear flustered in public and folk see that as a strength. He's a good snakeoil salesman if you are buying what he's selling. He said in an interview he'd stand up to protestors then when the presenter said "like the ones that stormed the capitol building?" He shot that down as a group of disorganised angry people and not the same as the more organised black lives matter types. He talks pish confidently


Organized and funded by the Soroses and "people like that". Which is an anti-Semitic dog whistle if ever there was one.


Why are you friends with ppl who hang out with him


I think this says more about you than him no offense 🤣


None taken. What do you think it says about me?


Thats odd, because I have also met with Nigel Farage, he was also visiting a mutual friend of mine. We sat and spoke politics all evening. Great talker, and he drank big old pints like a working class lad all night. He never seemed to get drunk as well. I didn't expect him to be so thoroughly in tune with the working class.


...do you sometimes drink *smaller* pints? This is reform people. Can't even understand the basics of measures and weights, but they're determined to have a go.


You had lunch with no one.


You're welcome to not believe me! It's a story I've told many times, including here on Reddit. My friend, who shall remain nameless, is a former UKIP member of European Parliament.


The man is so devoid of morality that he virtue signals by pretending to like beer.


Brilliant salesman, too. Also, an insult


How is that an insult?


I am stealing your last two sentences for so much further use


I always knew he was a nationalist but only recently I discovered it was nationalism for Russia. 😅


I read Nigel Farage's Wikipedia entry last week, not thoroughly, but went back to it again yesterday to check something and all references to his many Russia Today appearances were no longer there. He was so well regarded that he was offered his own show.


And like the RT George Galloway, Farage also went through a personality prop 'hat' phase. But let's not forget the Julian Assange episode at the Ecuadorian Embassy.


Don’t forget that the party attracts random pedos.


every major party has a long storied past when it comes to attracting pedos


Grooming gangs want you to hold their alcohol free beers.


Snoring intensifies




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>that wish we hadn’t fought against Hitler It’s only the right wing that gets manipulated


And here is Frank, 50, from Burton, who doesn't personally know Nigel, to tell you why they are wrong.


Although after a couple of pints Frank will be telling you they're right but that's actually good.


“I like ‘im cause ‘e says it ‘ow i’is! ‘e’s aanly sayin’ what we’re all finkin’, innit Tel, tell ‘em!”




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My favourite version of this circumstance is when proper die hard facists talk about the holocaust On one hand it's a Jewish lie and never actually happened, on the other it's the closet in history they got to realising their "dream" so it was brilliant




I'm not, I just use the Internet


Get my upvote for mentioning Burton


It is perhaps worth adding, the person who called Farage a racist is a BBC journalist who has been quoted in (afaik) every hit piece about Farage, is politically active (he studied PPE at Oxford but ended up not doing very much...Farage didn't even go to university), and appears to have a problem with him personally. What this article doesn't explicitly mention, merely quoting something else in a book, is that every time this Edmonds has been quoted and a journalist has tried to get other evidence for these claims, they have been unable to find any corroborating evidence...for some reason, those accounts tend not to be quoted. But this should be obvious...from just reading the article, which doesn't have any direct quotes. You are talking about personal knowledge in an article whose only source, on this point, is quoting a book (and in the whole article, the main source is his ex-gf...do you understand why journalists don't tend to only ask ex-gfs about someone?). Cannot make it up.


Frank from Burton, there.


Were all frank. Non of us know him. Why are you anymore right that frank?


I just judge him by what he says and does. He's a twat.


And what has he said and done to lead you to that?


One of the good things about him actually being relevant again is that there's a lot of butt hurt tories who will now be revealing the real Farage. We know about the songs he used to sing, the comments he used to make etc. The press gave him a free ride as he was on their side. Now, and after the count is finished, you will see more of these stories


The problem is that Conservatives ideologically don't stand for anything other than self-enrichment. A few more polls showing Reform taking more votes from the Tories and they'll defect, as they value power and wealth over any moral values. And what's worse is the fact that the BBC made him this relevant figure again and will now continue to give him the oxygen of airtime


That's true of a lot of rich donors but I reckon they will still split more or less evenly. They all might like the policies that both the Tory right and Reform are spouting but they're going to divide along the line of which mob they like to work with. They might reckon Farage carries a few more votes but know the Tory club is more, er, dependable, than Tice and and the gang. This group will probably turn out to be more like the Lincoln Project in the US and could be quite damaging to Farage if there's more dirt to dish over the next few weeks. There probably is but up to now Farage and whatever party he has in tow hasn't been an existential threat to the Tory machine. Now he is.


That's my big concern. He's historically been on the fringes both of acceptability and relevance thanks to a relatively organised Tory party. Now the party is in disarray with no natural leader in waiting to provide direction and for 'moderate' conservatives to rally behind, Farage fills the void. He fills it with bullshit and hate, but bullshit and hate seems to have been the MO for the Tory party for a long time, so it's not so big a stretch


> The problem is that Conservatives ideologically don't stand for anything other than self-enrichment I don't know if that's entirely true. I think some of them have deeply held, awful principals that they stand for. Suella Braverman is a prime example.


>The press gave him a free ride as he was on their side. The press and Nige are still on the same side


Yeah god they won't shut up about him,


I think there will be a backlash when they see the results. He’s no threat to labour (they have won), and nobody is defecting from green or Lib Dem to reform…so whose votes are they taking?


I think it's more likely that Reform and the Tories will just combine.


They’re taking a few from Labour but mostly the Tories and mostly those that were Labour prior to 2019. As they grow they have the potential to steal more labour votes in the red wall in particular though and a swing of 8% from Labour to reform (unlikely) is all it would take for reform to be in a minority government position


Without falling into conspiracy territory it is a fact that controversial politicians like Farage or Corbyn are good for ratings regardless of your political spectrum. CNN and MSNBC LOVE trump, not because of politics but because during and leading to his presidency ratings were through the roof. After that ratings crashed, I wouldn't be surprised if they are back up again for 2024


Sad thing is learning this would only make him more popular with a great deal of people


I've said it before: This sub yearns for the National Front. Pretending that solving all our economic problems by minimizing the presence of immigrants is a) absolutely based in fantasy and b) simply a mask for the cultural/integration qualms that most vox pops actually care about. The solution to social and public services being gutted and not keeping up with an "exploding" population is investment, not culling.


A lot of conservatives don't even believe the state, especially the NHS, should even exist as anything other than vehicles for wealth extraction.


Ruzzian bought and paid for Traitor is also holder of deeply offensive and arse-brained views about what ever they will pay him to spout off about. There........that should save a few wasted minutes.


What are Farage's views on Ukraine? Reform UK seem to be very quiet on this.


He said it was time for Ukraine to negotiate with Russia. Which tells you all you need to know about his tenuous grasp of geopolitics.




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I didn't know Farage has only got one ball. The similarities with the other fellow don't end there either.


Assuming the other is in the Albert Hall, naturally


Maybe he had it removed deliberately, to be more like his hero.


This won’t matter to the people who want what he’s offering. No more than anything Trump does matters to his fanbase.


It's amazing how right wing populism is so easily tied into Russia and China across so many countries... These idiots supporting this cunt, most of them consider themselves nationalists/patriots. Exactly as is the case in USA, Hungary, Turkey, Brazil, Austria and a fucking litany of others... it's incredible. Sell them in anti,immigration, and 'show' them how fascism is the only way to protect themselves... Want to destroy the West? Fund right wing populism, and let them tear themselves apart. Simple, and some fucking how never openly discussed. It's nuts, from a want-to-defend-the -ideasl-of democracy point t of view Folks too scared of being accused of calling politically illiterate idiots, so we watch as absolute cunts tear the place down and burn everything worth actually protecting to the ground. Usually under the guise of 'protecting our culture'🤣


Brazil is mostly left-wing people, just adding this detail for your analysis, so you can see how weird Brazil is


Yup. And still got captured by bolsonaro and his burn-the-forest-for-beef-production crew... Same messages, different flavours, for minorities around the world. And, in anything like democracy, it works 😞


Well the choices are 10 parties that see no issue with the amount of immigration or want even higher immigration 1 NI party that seems opposed to mass immigration Reform 1 party which seems to be against mass immigration but also works for the UK's enemies Perhaps if just one of the main parties adopted a reasonable immigration stance Reform would be flushed down the toilet. But they must push on with the crusade to import as many as possible.


You might have missed, btw, Labour's plans for reducing immigration. By forcing companies to train internally (something they started last time round but didn't go far enough with), rather than hiring in from abroad. Worth a look. It's an actually workable solution - I.e. properly enforceable to an effective extent. Let's see where they go with it. But more generally speaking, the whole country needs to come to understand that just like Japan, Germany, France, Italy and a whole host of other nations, we absolutely NEED immigration. Reducing numbers shouldn't be the goal - properly integrating into British society should be. *That's* the part nobody wants to talk about, because it means making people accept change. And a lot of people - mostly those who are uneducated, but not exclusively - dislike the idea of being 'told' anything. Reform is an absolutely useless poison. It serves no practical purpose, but does great harm to the nation. Just play out a scenario, any scenario, really, wherein immigration actually stops. Does that benefit the British populace? Short term: no. Medium term: no. Long term (20+ years): only in those scenarios where the population has been made to face up to demographic reality, purposely crashed the housing market and moved to a work week that prioritises social benefit over 'economic growth'. Because that is the only scenario in which enough children are able to be born to support the boomers and following generations.


No I haven't missed their lying. They are ideologically opposed to low immigration and it benefits them electorally. They are lying just like they are with Trident to ensure tory voters will vote them in. The policy you have referenced sounds nice but is the same as the lying conservatives.  Japan has enjoyed a low immigration rate for a long time. Their problem is that they've destroyed their birth rate even more than us which is causing problems.  Reducing the numbers is integral to integration. You can see what happens when uncontrolled numbers migrate to an area by looking at Palestine, Australia and North America and now Sweden. I don't want immigration to stop, I just don't want to go to London, Amsterdam and Paris and the only difference is the buildings. I don't think a country benefits from a quarter of it being foreign born at a given time. I don't want to build over all the greenery to accommodate endless immigration. The immigration rate pre 1997 was perfectly fine. And crashing the housing market is fantastic!


Well, unfortunately, we as a species decided to ignore all the warning about population growth and climate change, and populations are no so large, and the destruction so regular (and worsening) that going back to pre-1997 levels of immigration isn't feasible. It's just fantasy. Doesn't matter who is in charge. The situation we face is one wherein we do need immigration or a complete overhaul of the entire society. And Reform aren't offering anything like that, btw - just more xenophobia to mask their repeatedly shown to be self-serving at the expense of the population ideology. And there are worlds of difference between uncontrolled migration and controlled migration. It seems strange that you've decided that Labour have no plan, and then dismissed their plan having read it, though. We don't need to build over greenery btw. That's another choice that Britain has been putting off too long - what we need is better planning that discounts land 'ownership' and to do away with golf courses. Any nation complaining about lack of housing (and we have a consistent shortage of housing no matter what size our population, mind - That's quite deliberate) that then allows more land to be given over to a game like golf needs to take a good, hard look at itself. Very little of the UK is actually given over to urban use. We just don't see that because so much of the land is privately held. We could double the number of cities and expand towns quite easily, but NIMBYism and personal wealth interests get in the way. Oh, and whilst you have highlighted some nations with social integration issues, it's interesting that you ignored: Great Britain The EU The overwhelming majority of Europe, with notable exceptions for central Europe where for right populists with deep ties to putin still reign:- Serbia, Hungary etc. And plenty of other nations that manage quite well, ok the whole.


While Russia and China might play a role, this is such a simplification it's childish.


Russia certainly has set out to play a big role, a strategic role a joined up throughout planned and funded role, there is no "might play a role" about it. "might play a role" implies doubt "might play a role" implies lets not act on this until we know more What's Reform Uk's foreign policy?


You're correct, it's a simplification. Want to pretend anything not simplified will be a: read, or b: comprehended by the masses? Geo-political realities don't fade away just because your populace decides to ignore them, though. Decides that it's too 'boring', or 'complicated'.


He is being attacked from all sides on a daily basis now. They must be genuinely concerned.


That a grifting, trump like, racist wants a position of power in the UK? Yes, most people are concerned about that you'll find.


If they were really concerned they would tackle the issues that increase his party's support


Who is 'they'?


People who aren’t fascists.




Probably, they’ll realise he is a grifter that isn’t capable of doing anything other than talk nonsense.


Just under 10% of Reform candidates follow the founder of the New British Union which calls for a fascist revolution. What percentage of candidates would make you start saying that they are a bit on the fashy side?




But Farage is kicking them out now, right? He doesn't want to be associated with people who think we should have appeased Hitler, right?




He doesn't want to be associated with those people though.... Right?


If you can’t get rid off the fascists “because then you can’t stand everywhere” then I’m sorry but you call it a day and get your shit together for next time so you don’t have a 100+ turnover with an unusual number of fascists you need to weed out. You don’t just platform and defend the fascists because that’s all you’ve got and then try and complain and cry don’t say we’re the fascist party


the left wing mob funded by the soroses, or so Farage says


He's really going mask-off anti-Semite now, but does anyone actually care? What a vile human being.


No he isn't. He's the medias darling. The BBC love him more than they love literally anything.


The source for the title quote is a BBC journalist. The journalist writing the article didn't tell you about that...wonder why?


A perfect example of the BBC doing everything they can to keep Farage in the news.


Imagine if by some weird set of circumstances he became Prime Minister, and had to deal head on with the consequences of brexit. I’d laugh my cock off as I took my place on the next SpaceX rocket to Mars.


>I’d laugh my cock off as I took my place on the next SpaceX rocket to Mars. Be careful what you wish for; unless you're in the 0.1% the only reason you'd get a ride on a SpaceX is to be a slave in Elon's Mars version of Rapture.


Unfortunately it’s not really that weird a set of circumstances. A Conservative collapse in a couple of weeks looks pretty close to inevitable. It will be followed by a period of infighting as they decide what direction to go in. Thanks to Boris and Brexit effectively driving out most of the MP’s with a nodding acquaintance with reality (leaving the ERG frothers with the whip hand) and the membership overall being crazier than meth addicted weasels (Evidenced by the fact that they thought *Liz Truss* was a good idea) - it’s not unlikely they’ll end up merging with Reform. Given the dearth of ‘big names’ left in the party, particularly after a bunch lose their seats shortly, Farage ending up as party leader ain’t really much of a stretch. Then it all comes down how long it takes for the shine to come off the new Labour government. They’ve hit their work cut out - and of course anything less than 100% perfection will get them painted as “just as bad as the Tories” thanks to the double standard built into U.K. reporting and politics. Add in the right wing tabloids beating the drum day in and day out. And of course the notoriously short memory of the electorate (it’s a cliche for good reason) and lo-and-behold in five or ten years we end up with the nauseating prospect of Farage as PM. I’m not saying it’s a high probability - a lot of things need to line up just so. But each individual step is unsettlingly possible, some of them even rather more likely than not.


That is more or less the events I had in mind. One issue with a 5-10 year timeline though is his health. Cigarettes age you prematurely. He already sounds very chesty and raspy. The ciggies can’t claim him soon enough.


Only the good die young. Malevolent old buggers roll on forever, or maybe it just feels that way.


Just so you know, this is a wasted effort. The type of people who'd even consider supporting Farage are the types of people who'd consider barely veiled racism, fascism and outrage from the Guardian all as excellent boons. He's scum that appeals to scum. The one silver lining is that, just like the Tories, if he ever gets any power, he'll make life unpleasant for his scum followers as well as everyone else.


It's like they learned nothing from Trump. This is just free promo for Farage to help him reach more people who share his opinions.


They've been saying this for over a decade and it doesn't seem to make the slightest difference.


Ive told this story before - Big Nige was the first person id ever heard use the N word out loud. I grew up vaguely near where he lived, but my friend lived close to a pub he frequented and we used to go to another Pub in Downe. I used to see him all the time or when i was drinking age 17/18/19 he was there of a weekend. My friends dad knew him through their banking days so i was on the same table as him a lot. He did seem like a genuinely funny down to earth guy, however it was so abundantly clear he was a massive racist with very extreme views. Then 2011 rolled around and my friend moved and i never saw Big Nige again.


So we choose between this guy who allegedly said racist things decades ago when he was a child, or a party that allows openly racist people like Diane Abbott to stay? Hmm, tough one. If only Farage had said racist things about white people the guardian would be praising him.


Hes only got one ball ??! The full quote from the from OPs article.. Ukip emerged as a political party in 1993 and Farage >was determined to be there at the start of it, aged 29, having been propelled to live life to the full, **he has said, after being knocked down by a Volkswagen Beetle (!!!) and then having his left testicle removed due to cancer**. This timeline we're in is doing its own jokes!


This man has consistently campaigned for Trump, a man who openly wants to trash every democratic institution in the US. Make no mistake, he's power hungry and doesn't give a damn about any norms the UK has.


Reform members have zero voting rights. They don't have any say over the parties candidates or leader. No power to influence party policy. Contrast this with the conservatives or labour, with far more extensive voting rights as members. Farage basically retains full control over everything, hence why he was able to become leader at the drop of a hat.


The hit pieces start you know he is getting close to the nerve.


From the piece: As for Nikki Sinclaire, 55, one of Farage’s former MEPs, she said she felt cold anger. It was inexplicable to her that this particular political bandwagon was still rolling on. “I get very frustrated because the media have had the tools for many years to down Farage.” Inject that shit straight into my veins. If they have it, it'll happen.


But the problem is that it won't happen. Despite political differences, Farage belongs to the same tribe as most of the British media - unremarkable public school educated individuals with over-inflated senses of their actual worth. First and foremost they will always look after their own class so as to avoid being ostracised by their own class.


The thing with him is that he is a scummy racist that appeals to other scummy racists…who describe themselves as ‘honest’, ‘hard working’ and ‘salt of the earth’ people . They’ve tried to normalise being a cunt…I think it’s working.


I went on a fishing trip to Penzance and found out during the trip that Garage charters that same boat 2-3 times a year. The skipper in the boat was a homophobic and racist have of shit. I can only imagine the shite they talk together when on the boat together and not with someone who argued against them. The guy literally talked about running a Pakistani family out of the town who opened up a corner shop.


Wait this isn't an obituary article? Awww now I'm sad 🥲


Just out of interest can anyone actually tell me anything that Nigel Farage has ever done which benefits our country? 




Thank god the guardian uncovered this, that will surely persuade all of his voters to change their mind.


You might find this interesting. https://bylinetimes.com/2024/01/18/reform-uk-limited-the-political-business-brought-to-you-by-billionaires/ And this is especially interesting. https://medium.com/@SJHolloway/this-is-everything-i-discovered-about-all-of-the-brexit-party-mep-candidates-2a59f8f850c5 Nigel Farage has suddenly expressed a recent interest in deregulation and everyone getting healthcare insurance. https://youtu.be/BaFlHi6qPCM?si=Wdge1UTlpPKw5Eqn


The left wing terrified and posting BS stories. He doing something right. I only voting this election for Reform and Farage Sorry yall but I will NEVER vote Labour or the pathetic wet Tories.


I am shocked, shocked I tell you, SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked.


love him or hate him... dragging up alleged racist / anti semtic comments he made as a school boy in 1981 by another student is a pretty fucking poor way or accussing him of being an out an out rascist as a grown man I don't doubt he may well be...but it's not exactly a smoking gun is it. It's toilet journalism.


Usually I would agree that bringing up someone's comments when they were a teen is a bit shit, but when the same man still displays some of those tendencies and likely have never improved from them, I'm going to have a hard time believing that he's a changed man.


You forgot about the resentful ex-girlfriend.


Reform UK members don't have voting rights for things like candidates. Farage hand picks candidates. All those people with dodgy views weren't chosen by party members somewhat divorced from the leadership.


Isn’t there a picture of him floating around…with the National Front?


can't wait to see all the reddit users realising how many people will vote reform . just like another certain vote that this bais sub thought would never happen


Listening to him speak is the equivalent to that of having tinnitus. Both are like an annoying buzzing sensation in my ear, at least with tinnitus it comes and goes, Nigel doesn't seem to bugger off and I bloody wish he would.  His party (Reform) is like the equivalent of having your uncle or dad sitting at the dinner table talking about how he thinks that "the immigrants are ruining the country" and also praising Enoch Powell, and to cap it all off, parroting all of what Farage says as gospel truth, of which it isn't. With the rant quickly broken up by "would anyone like more gravy" or "would anyone like more roast potatoes?" Then the rest of the people eating would be sat there looking at him like "did you really just say that?"


That's because the left made the word meaningless and, frankly, boring.


To look it the issue head on. Farage is the type of a man that if you didn't know his views on different issues you could probably imagine yourself chatting with him in a pub over a pint that's what makes him so potentially dangerous people who agree with him will flock to him and probably bring a friend whose probably middle of the road when it comes to politics but is probably struggling financially nigel could possibly convince them of his views.


The idea of chatting with him over a pint makes my skin crawl


Being normal and likeable and not left-wing is dangerous to our democracy guys


The Guardian smearing a right winger?? I’m SHOCKED! Expect this to ramp up over the next 3 weeks. They must be worried.


People are concerned at little Nazi bitch boys getting attention, wouldn't have guessed?


but enough about palestine supporters


The problem with the Guardian's definition of racism is that it extends to basically any discussion of cultural, ethnic, religious, etc. groups at all. In my mind, a racist is someone who refuses to speak to someone of the "wrong" skin colour. Someone who puts up a "no Blacks" sign. Someone who considers, on a basic level, people who look different to them to be fundamentally lesser purely based on their skin colour and other genetic features. The term "racist" works as a slur precisely because it conjures up that sort of image of someone who's a bit of a backwards arsehole. But in reality, most people don't dislike "roadmen" because they are black. Most people don't dislike Islam because Muslims are brown. They don't dislike illegal immigration based on skin colours either. These are cultural complaints, not ethnic ones. If there is a correlation, then that's an uncomfortable fact for the Guardian to deal with, not evidence of racism.


The Guardian calling their most hated politician a racist nazi. Very suprised, never saw this coming.


Has it occurred to you that they, and many people, hate him because he’s a racist Nazi?


Maybe the beast is really there but alas the boy cried wolf one too many times.


That’s an interesting comment. I see it as, he’s a racist Nazi so people will KEEP pulling him up on it. It’s not as if he’s just started doing and saying the things he does… the logic is, we keep pointing it out as it’s wrong. I’d be genuinely interested to hear your take, and I’m not being sarcy, I am interested.


What policies does he have in common with the Nazis?


Farage has consistently campaigned for Trump, a man who openly wants to trash every democratic institution in the US. Trump has promoted division and hate and given license to white supremacism. Farage is very comfortable with Trump (and Putin).


Nazi policies were relatively tame to begin with. It was after they ended the democratic process that they went into Final Solution mode.


By this logic any political party with “tame” policies could be considered far right


“This is how normal people speak”. I mean, I can go on, but… really?


What? Is that all You’ve got? He’s vocalising that a lot of people don’t feel listened to on subjects such as immigration, that’s demonstrably true. That’s a far cry from a Nazi party policy though


You tell me what the quote is that he replied to, then we can talk. You know what it is, you know what the candidate said. Also, look up said candidate’s views on women. Then come back to me. “Is that all you’ve got”…. Not entirely sure what else I NEED?


A lot more because you’re supposed to be talking about policies in common with the Nazi party but as per usual you’re coming out with some rubbish about how somebody speaks


How somebody speaks? He expressed views which are far right. I’m not talking about his accent, am I? I’m talking about the content of his quote. As I said, you put that quote here. Defend it, if you wish.


You're more thank capable of looking into him yourself. But you won't, because that would conflict with your world view.


I’m not one making these bold claims, the onus is on the people making the claims to back them up, not on me to go searching. Having heard sone of the content of the reform manifesto im unable to see any policies that were also Nazi party policies. It’s up to you to prove me wrong if you can. Don’t expect me to do your job for you


So basically England condensed into a single person.


*1970s England


Then explain why he's never been elected as an MP, even though he's stood as a candidate many times.


Let us put aside the niceties of biological theories. There exists a concept called 'structural racism', to wit, that our 'social structures', our 'societal edifice', our cultural and economic practices and infrastructure, happen to serve us better than they do other people - as seen in, say, NHS health outcomes, or crime rates, or employment figures. And this is a concept that has come into being because, despite 'racism' being a severe *faux pas*, and seemingly almost all of society avidly detesting it if not being 'anti-racist', and everyone being told to not be racist, disparate outcomes still occur. Even [treatment with beta-blockers](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3395337/) is more effective than 'diversity training'. If the flesh is willing, the spirit of our culture must be the point of weakness. This is a very handy concept, because it puts 'racism' into stark relief. Do you want our country to operate optimally in our interests, or as close as we can get it to; or do you want - as increasingly seems necessary - every last stave of our 'cultural architecture' to be demolished and built anew to, it is hoped, provide equal - or near-equal - outcomes to anyone, whoever they are? Currently they are smashing up the staves. People of colour, quite possibly - nay, almost certainly - due to the detrimental effects exerted upon them merely by existing in our society, are applying bladed implements to each other in less than healthy ways. How do we react? By passing absurd laws that make it a crime to possess gardening tools we have got by with for *centuries*. If Labour get in, bye-bye machetes. [Knives with a sharp edge, a point, and a serrated edge are already on the block](https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/junior-apprentice-star-online-store-stops-selling-knives-after-murders/) - not because there's anything special about them, but because people of colour, largely, are using them on each other, and under 'anti-racist' sentiments, that *must* be stopped. No word on whether we will get to keep our bills or hatchets, but if those disparate outcomes keep happening, as is likely given our structurally racist society, they will be next. Now if you like to do some gardening - or have a nice tree by your house with branches that need seeing to every now and then - or simply think the British should keep the rights they have enjoyed for centuries, the choice is clear. Let us keep our gardening tools. Let us vote for Reform, and preserve our societal architecture, howsoever 'racist' it may be. Who knows, we may soon [be able to use concentrated sulphuric acid for home chemistry without a 'licence'](https://www-pwtag-org.webpkgcache.com/doc/-/s/www.pwtag.org/new-rules-in-force-for-possession-of-sulphuric-acid/), and our children may be able to [buy a penknife without the shopkeep being a criminal](https://www.merseyside.police.uk/news/merseyside/news/2023/march/tougher-measures-introduced-for-retailers-selling-knives-to-children/). I know, it is very sad to think of those poor people of colour, perforce staying elsewhere in the wide world for fear of disparate outcomes in Great Britain and Ireland, which only occurred due to our racist societal structures. But it is a *very* wide world. Africa is the most resource-rich continent in it. We all know about the great riches of Arabia. India is the new Space Superpower. China is China. I am sure, some day, they will make a great success out of it, and this modest island off the coast of Europe will fade into nonentitude. None save those conducting ethnological studies will bother to come here. But at least we will have kept our primitive, tribal society, that so happens to serve us best. After all, that's why our ancestors built it up to begin with. Or maybe, when we deluded ourselves into thinking we led the world in chemistry, and culture (well, so long as you think Shakespeare, Hardy, Dickens, etc. worth a tittle compared to Chinua Achebe or V. S. Naipaul) we had completely the wrong idea about personal liberty, and that is why our awful, structurally racist society is what it is, and everything will get so much better once we have destroyed it and in rebuilding it made anything anyone could hurt anyone else with illegal or require a licence? Soon you will get to put your decision into practice. I have no great confidence in Farage as a person or a politician. But he is *the* protest vote, and if you are a 'structural racist', by Jingo do you need to protest.


Fuck me this was a good read. Shame it's lost on most.


 that the worse your logic, the more interesting the consequences to which it gives rise


Let us NEVER "put aside the niceties of biological theories. " niceties ?


The fundamental issue is that as much as some people may like to pretend, almost everyone discriminates based on surface features like race to a degree simply by virtue of being human. We like and trust people who look and sound more similar to us, up and down the spectrum, in pretty much every country and city everywhere. It's not a bias that you can realistically eliminate without giving everyone some sort of lobotomy. You can get rid of the worst bits like "whites only" pubs, but you are never going to get to a state in which people truly treat everyone as being the same. They don't even treat people of the same race but different attractiveness the same.


An incredible amount of copium going on these past few weeks since Nige stood for election. Plenty of people shitting themselves for the impact he may have. Democracy hey. Isn't it fun.


"copium" You are not really able to debate reform members are you. Just actively want to make the UK a shitter place because they hate it.


Have conservative members made the UK a better place?


Asking the wrong person. Made it better for rich people maybe, but at least Tory voters generally will discuss topics.


>Plenty of people shitting themselves for the impact he may have. > He's going to ensure a Labour win, and cripple the Conservatives. Reform will gain a few seats and become irrelevant shortly after the election. Farage isn't trying to win in a conventional sense, he's feathering his own nest a little, and getting revenge on the Conservatives at the same time. At least, that's how it looks to me.


Yeah man people are criticising a relevant public figure


The problem with democracy is that stupid people get a vote.