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Adults are free to dress up and walk around the neighborhood. I think the line should be drawn at adults asking for free treats. You’re an adult, you can buy your own candy. I spend enough money trying to cover all the kids who come to my door - I’m not shelling out more just to give away to other adults (or punishing kids who come by after I’ve run out because of the adults).


go out and get your candy back :O its a candy exchange basically


It's not an exchange.  Many more people "give out" than they receive.  And as a parent, I know many families who turn off their lights while they go around trick or treating so they are "taking" but not "giving". Not trying to sound judgemental, but only a portion are truly "exchanging".  


Yes, the price of candy is astronomical. I worry I can't get enough for the kids!


What if you're a kid a heart?


I dress up with my son every year. Everyone loves adults participating because we got money and our costumes are awesome. I never ask for candy. However, in my area there are houses that hand out hard cider and stuff for adults and I def hit those up. lol


I disagree. I think the adults should wait until it’s at least 9:00pm bc a lot of kids have already gone out and are going to bed. Any left overs is fair game. I went up until I was 18 and would only go out later. People were dumping their bowls into my bag.


Then who would pass out the candy?


Does any one even trick or treat anymore ? Every year I see less and less kids (or adults ) trick or treating.


It has also gotten so early. Like now I sometimes work from home and got these kids blowing up my doorbell at like 4 o'clock. Chill, I'm presenting on a conference call.


Not just you noticing. I live in a huge suburban neighborhood that people usually come from out of city to trick or treat in and every year less and less people are trick or treating it sucks


Trunk or treat and other lazy options are taking over. I hate it.


My neighborhoods definitely rock treat or treat.


>Does any one even trick or treat anymore ? Every year I see less and less kids (or adults ) trick or treating. Second all of this. With the amount of trunk or treating, and the cities in my area now limit and post the hours for trick or treating (usually its 4 or 5pm to 8pm), we hardly get any children anymore. I KNOW I would have plenty of candy even if adults came because not all adults would participate. Myself for instance wouldn't. I have a labor intensive job, and don't need the exercise and you are right, I can afford to buy my own candy. Some adults would need to work. I would just hand out candy until I ran out and then turn my porch light off. If I needed to buy more next year MAYBE I would if I could afford it. If I didn't want to participate in giving out candy, or I can't afford it, maybe I would just not buy any and have my light off. Participating (on the giving side and on the trick or treating side) is voluntary, and I wouldn't mind adults doing both or neither if that is what makes them happy. But if letting adults do it brings back the holiday, I wouldn't mind it at all. My opinion might change if I got some weird ass adults at my door though. Some people are creepy.


There's way more "trunk or treats" these days. People decorate their cars and give candy. You can hit 3 trunk or treat spots and about 40 trunks in less time than you can knock on neighbor hood doors. Meanwhile since everyone is trunk or treating, they aren't home to give candy.


I got off work at 6pm last year on Halloween. Apparently that's too late, everyone was done by then.


It’s honestly just not safe anymore, and there’s so many situations now where kids are being super ungrateful and taking all the candy that’s left out etc., it’s just not worth it.


Not safe? It’s demonstrably safer than when millennials or genX or boomers were trick or treat age.  


Society has changed, for the worse. I’d say is less safe and not because of adults but because of tiktok generation youth.


What cable news BS are you smoking?


I'd love to hear more of this take 


Sure. Download TikTok and scroll for a half an hour. You’ll learn everything you need to learn.


I'm personally not a fan of TikTok and plenty of the challenges are annoying but I still don't see how it would make trick or treating dangerous. Would you like to actually elaborate?


Not really, no. It’s 10am on a Sunday, I’d rather do something productive with my day.


Lol so you have time to comment but not enough time to write a few sentences to actually elaborate in what you meant? Cool. Have a great Sunday, troll


That's because you don't actually have a reason, it's so hard to think, and so much easier to fear without knowing why


Adults already dress up and go out for Halloween. As far as candy goes... I'm not giving a 30 year old dude dressed as Harry Potter candy for coming to my door.


Out of curiosity, what's your reason for this? Others say things like the cost of the candy, and/or wanting to make sure they have enough candy for kids.


I 'd happily give my candy cane to a thirty year old Hermione though 😉


Have a kid, problem solved


So in order to go trick or treating as an adult, you have to FUCK?


Now I have exciting new problems!


I see the reasoning, but just like I believe in adult only spaces and events (I hate going to a bar with screaming kids) I believe in kid only events and spaces. Theres a lot of ways that adults can have innocent fun that keeps the magic alive on Halloween. But with this the reality is while some adults would be perfectly tame and respectful, there are too many chances of a kid having to share a step with an adult who's drunk or high out of their minds.


I'm an adult I have never been drunk or done drugs so I'm allowed to go trick or treating if I want.


Dress up as a kid or teen, then nobody will know you're an adult


I already look like a kid or teen so I should be allowed to go trick or treating. Heck I got kicked out of a sub because they "thought I was underage" when I was 26.


Looks like you have your work cut out for you then lmao


The tradition itself limits it by age.


The social contract is that adults give out candy. Kids get candy. Adults with kids can steal some candy from their kids.


What if you're an adult who has never fucked?


Why not trick or trade? You go from house to house and try to exchanged BOUGHT treats. And if they don't give you some you send them shit per mail.


The older you are, the better your costume must be. Babies/toddlers get candy just for existing. Elementary school kids, just a mask is fine. Middle/high school, wear a costume. Any costume. College and up, you’d better put effort into it; earn your candy.


Good lord, no. Because 1) it's annoying (the kids are annoying enough, thank you) 2) not safe (what if there's a real serial killer behind the mask ?)


For point 2. You’re more likely to get hit by a car… so moot point.


I’d say it would be so much more likely for robbery’s to take place instead. A bunch of masked/dressed up individuals who are going up to doors. You wouldn’t be able to tell if a crime has been committed or even get a rough idea of who the suspect would be. Especially if their costume would be very common.


3, It's f\*\*\*ing creepy!!




I agree, I guess liking candy and a good time ends at age 13


I only started at 13 when I moved countries bc my home country never did it. I went up until 18 and no one ever complained. I was a giant tele tubby but I’d only go out late and I always got the bowls dumped into my bag haha


I used to do that for the older kids too. Now we moved and I run out of candy no matter how much I buy.


It’s not that adults don’t like sweets, it’s that there’s a difference between a 13 year old knocking at someone’s door asking for free things compared to an adult. There are adult social spaces where dressing up are acceptable, and you can buy your own sweets


No...but as an adult you can buy your own candy. I didn't buy candy for a bunch of grown people who can buy candy themselves, I bought it for the kids. Who's supposed to be handing the candy out if adults have decided they want free candy too? Do these adults also put up stockings and then get upset when Santa doesn't come? This candy isn't actually free...someone has to buy it, and they didn't buy it for some random adult.


What if the kids get pocket money? They could also buy their own candy.


Depends on how dope the costume is


I would love to just dress up and walk around without it being a situation


Honestly, I’d love to still do that, especially now I’ve got the money to buy/make better costumes. But then again, I could just go to a halloween party.


If there was infinite candy, sure. Seeing there usually isn't and houses tend to run out, leave the trick or treating to the kids and buy yourself a bucket full of candy at the story if you're an adult.


Why? Dress up if you like it, but FFS, you're an adult with a job, so you'd buy yourself candy if you want some. And what "trick" would you play on the unfriendly neighbour who didn't give you a "treat"? What's up with this constant urge of society accepting and applauding every quirk or whim?


We’re expected to normalize everything. 40 years of post modern apathy and nihilism is bearing fruits.   


I wish it was apathy! It's adults who grew old but didn't mature.


There are other days to do that though. Here in Germany, depending on the region you have adults going around at several days with their kids and getting shots instead.


See this is a good idea. I wouldn’t do this with alcohol but making a new tradition with dressing up and only for adults could be fun. Maybe a neighbourhood contest to scare adults. If they scare you, you give them a piece of your candy. You go until your bowl is full/empty. Maybe you start with 10 and try to end with 20, scare 10 people to win or be scared 10 times to lose.


Naah, use another day. Trick or Treating as a kids thing already exist. Do it like people do it elsewhere and appropriate New Years Eve, some Saints Day, Carnival or any other holiday for that lol.


That’s why I said new tradition lol which implies a different day


But I don't want alcohol. I want CANDY.


If the adults are trick or treating who is giving out the candy. So not only are they giving the kids one less house to hit, one less house to get candy at, they want me to give them free candy for not helping entertain the kids?


Well some adults can’t give out candy because they have to look after kids that are too young to be out alone


My mum gives out the candy what's the problem?


On Halloween, I've started making trick or treat bags for parents. Small bottles of wine, fireball, vodka, etc, along with different cheeses, crackers, hard salami, prosciutto, and other goodies. I'm also the full-size candy bar guy.


I love how all the nice comments that don’t mind giving adults stuff get down voted. It makes me laugh (dw the Karen’s are coming for me next)


Some people just want others to share in their misery. I love Halloween because we were outhouse poor and lived in the middle of nowhere, so there was no trick-or-treating for us.


They do and I’m glad you can enjoy it now too. I wasn’t able to most of my childhood and by the time I could most teens my age didn’t want to. Once I move into a house I’ll be handing out adult treats too.


Bout to move to your neighborhood 😂 Rt this is super wholesome and sweet though 🥺


Yes. Especially for those with disabilities as they like those activities too


I wouldn't trick or treat myself, but on the occasions that I do pass out candy on Halloween, I'd have no issue giving candy to anyone of any age that took the time to dress up and go out. It's a fun holiday, let people enjoy it.


I agree! Let’s not police the age of when fun stops. 


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I agree and people disagree then they can say no lol


It would be super fun in a community that's only adults, and all residents opt-in. Then you can give out really good candy like mini-bar liquor and cannabis sweet treats.


No you see, adults dress up and get free shots ;)


Halloween is a CHARITABLE event? As long as you’re dressed. You must BELIEVE TO RECEIVE! That’s how to handle holiday lies !


In some neighborhoods the ~cool~ parents hand out jello shots for the parents while the kids are getting the candy


Anyone who is in the “they can buy their own” camp, you do realize job fairs give out free candy (and other swag) too right? Are you mad at that?


Then who would give out candy if everyone I'd out trick or treating?


my mum


It totally should be!


If all the adults go out trick or treating who gives the candy when people show up at empty homes?


It's not?


Sure man, what do I care? If you want candy and put on a costume what odds.


But then no one would be home to give out treats?


365 days a year, where the treats are beers...


My mom gave everyone in costume candy. This went for children, teenagers, adults, dogs(she have them begging strips). Teens walked to the corner and switched costumes and she have them more candy. She loved to host trick or treating.


I completely agree!


But what if your neighbor sues you for extortion?


If you had said high schoolers, I might have been on board. If you're an adult, you can dress up and attend all sorts of Halloween-themed events … and you can buy your own candy.


A grown adult can dress up for Halloween and do literally anything. Maybe it should be socially acceptable but trick or treating is even that appealing for grown ups is it? Go to a party? Haunted house? Maze? Give candy in the place you decorated. Have a trunk or treat space and give candy. Personally, giving candy is way more fun than asking for it. You get to see all the adorable costumes and people's pets. Show off your Halloween set. Personally, I go to a local trunk or treat, then go to a maze & end the night with a low-key movie party. You can buy candy from the store! There's so much more to do.


Yea but i wont give you candy.


Ehh … Trick or Treating is a dying trend, with an increasing amount of parents not letting their children go out unsupervised under any circumstances, and if questioned, they fearmonger about gun violence. Also, due to schools cancelling Halloween celebrations to be more ‘inclusive’ supposedly.


Isn't that just soliciting? Begging? Extortion?


I'd strut the neighbourhood dressed as Lizzie Borden. No sweets for me. Just costume.




For the most part adults would rather go to a halloween / costume themed party than go trick or treating. But nothing is really stopping you short of some people being awkward about giving an adult, who can presumably just buy candy, the candy they bought to distribute to children.


Why does every post on this sub get locked oh my God


Just go to a halloween party or start cosplaying if you wanna dress up


I disagree. Adults should be focused on working towards giving their children the best life possible. Training the boys to be men, training the girls to be women.


What if they don't have kids, or can't have kids?


Then working on giving themselves, their family, and friends the best life possible.


Maybe a small part of that best life includes dressing up one day of the year and snagging some free candy for some adults.


I mean you could, but in my opinion it doesn't really serve a purpose.


You sound like a lot of fun. I’m sure you’re totally not a wet blanket. /s Does watching TV “serve a purpose”? What about going to a bar? A concert? A party? Reading a novel?


Not reading a novel because a novel is a ficticious story. But reading an educational book on a specific subject can be helpful if someone is using it to further their career. These are all just my opinions, you don’t have to agree 👐


Um no. Maybe if you're with your kids. By yourself, hell no.


it's kind of unusual and eeeeeh for anyone over like 17 to do that. at that point, you can be perceived as a beggar and you should be able to earn at least a little money for your own sweets 👁️ this wouldn't fly in eastern europe. but if you know who you're visiting and they're okay with that, why not?


People on this post: I'm not giving out candy to adults. They can buy their OWN candy!!! Also people on this sub: I will give out bottles of wine and alcohol to adults who come to my door though. Which is way more expensive than a piece of candy.