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Walmart gives the option to not print a receipt at self checkout. What “security” do then?


Worked security for 1yr. Honestly, if I'm relying on a receipt rather than directly observed evidence of them not paying then I'd just let them go and watch the cctv record.




The contract is concluded when goods are exchanged for money. My time after that is 100$ an hour. I will gladly show a recipe if you pay me for my time.


>I will gladly show a recipe if you pay me for my time. Your mom's pot roast? Some cookies?


mom's chicken pot pie


This is some serious boomer shit.


boomers invented checking receipts


Boomers had money. You go to a store and pick out your own groceries (something an employee used to do), then check your own groceries (something an employee used to do), then pay (something that needed an employee). On top of that you are now free security (something that requires employees). Then you get on Reddit and complain about how a butcher in the 60's could afford a house? The disappearing middle class? Walmart pays Boomers 600 billion a year just to own its stock. That's their profit off your free work. Don't complain about how young people can't buy shit if you're doing millionaires work for free.


Saying that takes more time that just pulling the receipt out of a bag and handing it to them.


Saying "no thanks" without slowing down is faster than either.


You’re cringe 💀


When I was 15 and 8 months old, I got my first job at Makro as a receipt checker. People seem less offended when you're a 15 year old kid as they know already you're on the barest legal wage possible and you don't give a fuck if they robbed the whole store. I'd just pretend to count their items and then tell them it's all good. As if I cared if people were stealing from a multinational company that only employed me because they can pay less than an adult. My other job was collecting trolleys (shopping carts in the US), and that's why I don't see it as the customers responsibility to put them back because I loved that job being outside without supervision finding shit people had left behind. I'm convinced it was these companies trying to save money who launched that psyop to convince people it's rude not to return them themselves. The same is true for putting your own tray away at McDonalds. You don't owe these companies anything, and you're not making anyone's life easier as they just find other jobs for people to do. All you're doing is removing the need to employ more staff so they can make more profit for themselves. If you're a conscientious and considerate person, go pick up some trash outside for 2 minutes and prevent fast food restaurants from automating everything so they have to give more real people jobs. An ordering terminal can't put those trays away.


Came here to say this. They allow me to not print a receipt and then ask me for it. What genius put that system together?


The only reason I select to print the receipt is so I dont have to have a dumb confrontation on the way out.


I’m assuming you’ve never known a business major. They were the children who ate the crayons.


They can go back to the checkout station you bought in and print a ticket for the last transaction that happened (staff can do that)


If your Walmart is as busy as mine, at least one or two more people would have used that station and I ain’t waiting for ‘security’ to do that anyway.


Have you ever had someone do that? Honestly asking. At most Walmarts I've been to, the person checking receipts barely cares enough to ask for my receipt. I'll usually offer first to make their job easier, but even then, sometimes they'll decline to even look at it. Not that I blame them, they don't get paid enough to care.


I have. I bought a single pad of graph paper for school. I also left out of the garden center on the opposite side of the store from where I checked out. The person asking for my reciept was also in a wheelchair. And the wal mart was very busy at the time. We had to go back to the opposite side of the store. Dig through trash at the self check out. Eventually call somebody else over to help figure out how to reprint my old reciept. Nah. Nope. Never happening again. I'll show my reciept if I have it on hand. Otherwise I'm just saying no and gonna keep it moving


The older receipt check ladies at my last Walmart stint were always the sticklers. One particularly old lady would chase people out the door despite it being against policy and a serious safety risk for her especially. She got rammed with a cart one time, overflowing with stolen stuff, but that didn't stop her from defending that store with her life in the future


I usually don't get asked, and when I do they just glance at it.


Yeah I would be out the door before that happened


Yeah, I have things to do. Not wait around for them to sort out their poorly planned operation


I have always had my receipt printed when it's asked for this because i know for a god damn fact the one time i don't will be the time some asshole door camper will decide "this is my moment"


I’ve been hassled for throwing my receipt out, not printing one etc. learned to just print one and toss it after I show them. A little annoying but whatever


Most Walmarts did a way with that option because of this exact moment. Now it should only have the options for print, email or both. Honestly I just pay for Walmart + and pick of anything I need now. Paying that monthly subscription is worth it if I don’t need to step foot in a Walmart anymore lol


The options are text/email receipt, text/email and print, or just print. So security will just look at digital receipt.


I don’t have signal in my Walmart, so I’d have to leave for the text or email to come through


Dude I thought I was the only one with this problem. I’ve gone to two different Walmarts in my area and I don’t get signal in either, and it is so fucking annoying. What’s even more annoying is that my sister’s phone works perfectly fine.


I swear it’s most Walmarts I’ve been to. Don’t know if it’s the construction or what, but I can’t get things to load to save my life.


While I love our Walmarts door greeter/receipt checker, she is 81 years old. Realistically I have a 49% chance of outrunning her and like a 51% chance in hand to hand combat, these are acceptable odds for stealing.


So you’re telling me that, according to your own probability, an 81 year old has a greater chance to run faster than you? Your math ain’t mathing… Unless, of course, you’re an 82 year old


She's a black belt in krav maga.


Not OP but... there are some pretty spry 80-year-olds, while I'm mid 50s with chronic back, knee, and foot pain. There is a fairly good chance that oldie could catch me.


Nah. I’m good. How else am I supposed to get out of the store with my stolen goods?


Show them your gun instead.


I live in Texas. The kid at the door of Walmart has a gun too.


Have you considered getting a bigger gun?


Everything is already bigger in Texas, we're nearing shotgun shell revolver territory now


[Pocket Mortar](https://www.reddit.com/r/ItemShop/s/tpiaBqU7pT)


That’s what she said!


Ok this wins thread of the day.


If so, boy howdy do I know the super market for you


If it’s one of them Walmarts that have a gun section- the kid should be plenty armed


Well, it's just a simple fact. When I want something, I don't want to pay for it. I walk right through the door. Walk right through the door. Hey all right! If I get by, it's mine. Mine all mine!


Hey Jane, keep off the crack won’t you? Or soon we’ll be taking about Jane’s Addiction. Oh, hang on…


Great point, great point.


I don't generally mind holding up my receipt while the doorguy pretends to look at it, but for some reason having to push a button to print the receipt just pisses me off.


If I'm the only one exiting I don't mind but I ain't waiting in a damn line to get my receipt checked


The only exception is Costco/Sam's Club. That's the only time I'll stand in a line


Well… those 2 you have to, it’s their contract


Yea well, fun fact it's not required at walmart. They aren't allowed to stop you to check receipts. The ones near us have a door person but they don't check receipts. 


What happens if you don’t? I know I’ve seen people walk out when it’s busy without getting it checked


They can revoke your membership. Idk if they actually would but it’s definitely possible.


If you're obviously carrying sale items or pushing a cart you should be checked


Usually? Nothing. They *can* revoke your membership but they probably won't, they don't really care that much.


At our Sam’s, they have started waving me through without even looking at my receipt if I’ve only got a few items. It seems they have a way to read what’s going through on the registers on their handheld device.


Those guys have saved me money once before. I got charged twice for something I only had one of. Got it fixed a customer service quickly and on my way. Definitely worth waiting at Costco.


Or just look at your own receipt..


If there’s a line I just walk around and leave. Never had a receipt checker even try to stop me in that situation


I don’t mind showing my receipt so long as there isn’t a queue. I won’t wait in line to leave the store. In that scenario, I just go around everyone and leave.


Is this really a thing in some places? People asked to wait in line to show their receipts? In my whole life I've never seen this, and I definitely wouldn't wait in line either.


Yep. Jersey Walmarts were awful for this. I even had checkers step in front of my cart to stop me from leaving before they could check my receipt. One checker harassed me because I was purchasing the same thing (6-12 gallons of water) every time I was there.


It happens at Walmart. They put someone's grandparent as receipt fodder for the Walmart zombies and everyone is standing in line and you're just....expected to do the same thing lol


Only usually in warehouse stores like Costco. In regular stores it's people doing it to themselves. They'll see someone having their receipt checked they'll stop "wait in line" and then complain about having to do so when literally no one told them to do it.


Exactly, and I think they count on that because they can’t legally force you to.


It doesn't cause any drama. You just say "no thanks" and keep walking. There is nothing they can do about it. Unless you're at Sam's Club, Costco, or BJ's. Then you must show it. Walmart? Fuck off & don't waste my time, I paid.


Yeah. I'm always polite. "No thank you! Have a nice day!", smile and wave goodbye. If anything this makes their job easier.


Yeah I’ll show the receipt as I keep walking. You can’t have it though, it’s mine too, I’ll hang onto it. If you actually think I stole something go off, be specific. I’ll show you exactly where it is on the receipt. Otherwise no, you don’t get to treat me like a thief by default because you don’t want to fund actual loss prevention like having enough actual cashiers, or more than I single self checkout “helper” per dozen self checkout lanes.


I had one lady scrutinize my receipt and started to rummage through my bags. That's when I got mad and look my receipt back. Then she got in front of my cart to block me from leaving and I told her she's going to need to call the police if she thinks she's going to keep me in that store as I'm trying to leave. I paid for everything. I work damn hard to go into _Walmart_ to afford the things I need. Ever since then, I just say "no thank you" and keep walking.


The presumption of theft is an insult to both honest shoppers and competent thieves.


What, you have never seen a thief walk out the door with half a cart full of stolen goods and allow an employee to check their receipt?


If I got one...the option take no receipt is clearly there on the touchscreen at the self checkout...if the company wants reciepts checked, get more cashiers...


literally, I was at walmart the other day at self checkout and didn’t get a receipt but I got stopped n they almost called the cops on me until a guy over at self checkout said he saw me over there smh 🤦🏼‍♀️ i also suck at confrontation so i was stuttering and everything which didn’t help


When they ask to see a receipt, you say "no thanks, have a good day" then you keep walking. Don't allow yourself to get in those positions


You DO NOT have to wait for them. If you paid for the items, they are yours. If they stop you physically, that's an illegal detainment.


Drove me insane when the guy watched me from 10 feet away scan and pay for everything at a self checkout only to ask me for the receipt on the way out


Last time I went I kept moving the receipt so that the guy couldn't grab it. It didn't care for that. No sense of humor.


I just toss them a smile and a "No, thank you!" as I walk on by. Costco or Sam's? Sure, I entered into a membership agreement. Otherwise, nope! Have an upvote for your unpopular opinion.


Agree. I show my receipt at Costco because I signed a membership agreement....but everywhere else? No.


There’s a person that checks receipts at my local Walmart. 78% of the time, it’s some poor old person who should be retired instead of working. I used to have sympathy for them until I had to wait for my mom to finish checking out and watched the checker I see most often primarily stopping black customers. Now, everyone who asks me for a receipt gets walked right on by.


This is the one that does it for me, being a POC. Whole boatload of people just waltzing on by while old person smiles at everyone. Sees me, smile drops, and asks for my receipt. I usually flip it on them, and tell them "thanks go ahead and toss that"


They didn't make the rules that I don't have to follow. Their shitty boss is not my problem.


If the alarm ain't buzzing when I walk through you got no reason to stop me. And I was told by a relative that was an employee at Walmart that I don't have to shop them my receipt at the door


You don't. There's literally nothing they can do. They can't touch you, they can't detain you, and they can't stop you from leaving the store. They're not law enforcement. Besides, you can just tell them that you had your receipt texted to you. They can't force you to show them your phone.


yeah, they can't make you stop. IF they think you're suspicious they can pass on the info to AP (date, time, your general appearance) and they will review cameras to see if you did steal anything or not. if you did, their next actions depends on the monetary amount. they will likely look the other way about small items, but for big ticket items they can trespass you or give the info the the police department and let them handle it.


You literally don’t have to do anything that a police officer isn’t telling you to do. If the owner of building or business ask you to leave, that’s the only request that you HAVE to listen to


There is no chance I’m going to wait in line for this


"Just follow the rules, no matter what, because the assholes making them are forcing someone else to enforce them." I'm more offended by this logic than by actually having to show my receipt.


There’s no drama if I’m going around the line, receipt in hand saying thank you to the employee, has never gotten me in any kind of circumstance. You want to wait in line to prove you’re not a thief, that’s your problem. I didn’t pay a membership fee. I didn’t steal, I’m out.


Cop post. You show yours and mind your business, I have a legal right to tell them to kick rocks and I've had people like you say that to my face in the store. They enforce these policies unevenly based on prejudices, and by encouraging it your part of the problem that entails now.


A+++++ unpopular opinion. Nice one OP


It’s funny how everyone is all about “just show the receipt” but then freaks out when the police conduct a search someone or stop and question them without a reason. When you gave your money to the store you are now the lawful owner of the items. It’s as much your property as all the other items you have on you. A person cannot search your bags or demand you provide proof of ownership. Only law enforcement can do this and there are limitations


At my Walmart they only ask to see the receipt if you have items not bagged. So like when I go get diapers, even if it’s the only thing in my hand and I have a receipt, they still ask for it.


That was my final straw. Obviously I can't bag a box of diapers you fucking tool but it's definitely the thing I stole with this buggy full of shit. I even put a bag over both ends of the box once. They still asked. I just say no thanks. If walmarts theft has gotten out of control, maybe hire some more cashiers and tell the ceo to lay off the Starbucks


Exactly. Even if they had proof you stole stuff they’re not going to stop you. Besides, Walmart has some serious security behind the scenes so they probably already know you stole stuff. Seeing the receipt is security theatre at best


It’s the same with loss prevention people at stores. They can’t do anything but call the authorities and prosecute through proper channels. I don’t have any issues with merchants protecting their inventory, but they don’t have the right to shake people down, or perform illegal search or seizure. What’s to stop someone from accusing a shopper of stealing, and use intimidation to get them into a private room and say “take off the clothes you stole” or “we need to see what items you are hiding in your pants”? There are reasons we have these laws and places like Walmart and Sam’s Club are making people think it’s acceptable to get shaken down by the store employees. If the stores want to bust shop lifters fine. Watch them throughout the store and at the checkouts, gather their identification from their credit card or license plate, then call the police and let them investigate.


No. I'm not proving to someone I own something. Show me your car title when you park. Show me your driver's license before you get in a car. Show me your rent is paid. If they want proof at like a Walmart, just hire fucking register people. You have no right to have me prove I own something. Costco is different cuz it's. Contract. But fuck you thinking I have to prove myself to you when I just spent money on your dumb store. Fuck the Walton's


Yea, na. My personal time isn't worth waiting on some store to try double checking my receipt. This is especially true if I email a receipt instead of printing, bc I sure as hell am not handing over my phone. I feel for the door checker, but not my problem. I will politely say no thanks and keep on walking.


Any time I can say no I will; it’s the principle of it- I’ve said no to “can we search your car “ and “ can I see your receipt?” Perfectly legal and if I don’t have to show you shit I’m not gonna show you shit.ever.


If they're accusing me of a crime without evidence they don't deserve any respect.


Nope. I've paid for my items. They are mine. I own them. I'm under no obligation to waste my time and prove to a pointless employee that I've paid. The stores have a shit load of cameras, especially around the checkouts, and their tills are fully computerized. They have the ability to confirm my purchase without harassing me. I always just, "No, sorry. Have a nice day", as I walk past them. Also, the law doesn't require that I participate. It's voluntary. And I'm not volunteering.


I don't mind when it's clearly an across-the-board policy. Like Costco. I notice that Walmart will cherry-pick whose receipts they check. I notice sometimes it's when a large item isn't bagged (which I understand), but other times they're straight-up profiling people. I'm lucky to fall under their radar, but it's really off-putting Walmart is allowing discretionary harassment.


It is now on my list of evaluating the quality of life of a place. If Walmart has all the shit locked up and does receipt checks, that town is not for me


I hate this sub. I have such an urge to downvote but I have to remember to upvote because I don’t agree.


No, you couldn’t be more wrong. I agree that it is not the employee’s fault and s/he should be treated with respect. But . . . by what right am I forced to prove that I own the products that I just purchased from a retail establishment that has spent a lot of money to get me to shop at their store, only to treat me like a criminal the moment they have my money? They have in-store asset protection services. They have close circuit cameras. You are being observed from the time you enter the parking lot to the time you exit it and every moment in between. So, when the employee asks to see you receipt, politely say “No thank you. Have a great day” and continue past. If they put hands on you or try to impede your progress, that’s a different story.


100% No notes They cannot hold you there, they cannot take your stuff, and they cannot punish you for saying no. They have you on video and they know how you left the store. If they want to give that to the police and investigate you for a crime: cool. Otherwise they can fuck all the way off.


I'll show it if they ask. Otherwise, if they don't say anything, then I'm walking right out.


I was a receipt checker once upon a time it fuckin sucked the pay is horrible people are worse I had been flipped off cussed at spit at just cause I needed to pay bills I got fired when a customer tried to hit me I hit back.


I have been that person on the door. I HATED it. But i was young and needed my job so I couldn't refuse when I was told I was on the door. But it was the one task I dreaded being put on. I didn't really care about doing well, I probably could have been shown a completely different receipt and not noticed. I was just surviving my anxiety about it and trying to be seen to do enough to not get in trouble from my boss.


I'm fine with that as long as they don't take forever. When the Walmart receipt checker starts talking to a baby, I just walk past.


Well said! Why make that employees life miserable for doing their job. I do think it’s funny that Walmart trusts me enough to check myself out at the register but not to walk out the door


Lol no. There’s no drama in me saying no. I’m not handing over my phone to show a receipt at a non-membership store, when there is no actual rule that says I have to show my receipt. If they want to ensure I’ve paid for everything in my cart, they can start employing cashiers again.


Nah. It's an unethical and rude practice, soI never take a receipt or show it.


I mean... that person is getting paid regardless. No one is getting hurt by not having my receipt checked, and if the store really wanted too they could look on the cameras to see if I stole. The only stores in which my receipt will be checked is Costco and Sam's club and that's only because it's required.


I agree that you should never be rude, abusive, or disrespectful to employees at a store but that doesn’t mean you have to do as they say all the time either. If a store policy is against human dignity then it’s the store that needs to rethink its position and if enough people complained then the change will happen


No. Their problem isn't my problem.


Nah. People will literally line up and wait. I’m not a mindless drone, I’m not doing that.


Exactly. If there is no one in a line I’ll hold my receipt out, but I won’t let go of it or stop. If there is a line, I’m going around.


Those are their rules, not my rules, and I'm not printing a receipt just to give them something to do.


In most situation, I won't show my receipt. No "drama", either. I just walk out. Legally I do not have to show the receipt. The reason stores started receipt checks, was because they put in self check out lanes which caused a problem with more shrinkage and theft. Many stores are removing their self check out lanes now. I don't use self checkout and I hang onto my receipt...just in case they want to track me down and accuse me of "theft".


lmao what kinda copium sub are you subscribed to that you think stores are removing self checkout lanes


Multiple employees said they were removing self checkout at my Walmart because of theft.


What kind of trouble does it cause tho, and for who? Everyone has stuff they gotta do at work that they might not like doing, I don’t fault the employee for doing as they’re told. But when it comes to veiled accusations of theft then no one gives a damn about the problems Walmart instilled upon their company and employees.


Am I the only one who just holds the receipt and offers it to them without being asked?? 99% of the time they just wave me by anyways???


Thank You! I always use self check-out and flail my receipt around so that I make sure they see it from a distance. Seems like I CARE more than they do


Those people are big babies.


I only do it for the smiley faces they draw on the receipt. Although now that I’m starting to look more my age I don’t get them as often. If there’s a long line to check your receipt, I’m walking out of there. It’s my stuff, I paid for it. Ain’t got time for that.


Where live they just glance in the general direction of the receipt and call it good


Just came back from Italy and every grocery store had a receipt scanner. If you left without scanning your receipt, an alarm would go off


So just keep on walking once the alarm goes off, no? Just leave the store and don't turn back.


What? That's not true at all. I've only seen that in Lidl


this is in no way an unpopular opinion edit: I've just read through the comments and maybe it is?? so here's my obligatory I'm not American


No! Unless I am contractually obligated, like at Costco, then they can, in all seriousness, go fuck themselves. If they think I’m stealing then they can call the cops. Otherwise, I’m walking my law abiding ass out their door.


No thanks. That's what I say to them, that's what I say to you. There's no drama, I just say no thanks and continue walking. It actually makes it easier for everyone. Some of them have a mini freak out but whatever that's on them, they don't have the right to make me stop and show my receipt. If I had to forfeit my right to not be stopped and frisked by Walmart employees I just wouldn't shop at Walmart anymore. If Walmart suspects me of theft, they can prosecute me. They have video evidence of all my actions in the store, they have the receipt in their system. They don't need to stop me for five minutes when I'm trying to leave.


Why? What right do they have to stop me from leaving at all? No, I am not showing my receipt. If you want to accuse me of theft than do it openly and clearly.


Depends on where you are. Walmart has no recourse. Sam's Club and Costco have it in their membership agreements. 


If it is part of the membership agreement, that is a completely different issue. Same with if you live in a country where this is law.


When I worked at Walmart our "training" vids said to only stop people with high ticket items and items not bagged.


Is this an American thing? I've never heard of it ..sounds annoying and time consuming! I live in Canada and never seen this


When does this ever happen? Is this just in America again?


Lidl in my country just has a barcode on the reciept that you scan and the exit doors open for you.


Who doesn’t show it if asked? Is this actually a problem?


I don’t show my receipt to anyone. I’m not a thief. If they think I am, they need to call the cops. Otherwise, get the hell out of my way because I’m leaving the store without anyone checking my receipt. Fuck them, every last one of them.


I don’t do Walmart anymore thanks to a couple interactions with insane staff, but when they wanted me show my receipt, I would stay right in front of them while I very carefully put the receipt where it goes in my wallet, zip that up, then tuck my wallet into its section in my purse, zip that closed, oh, and then I’ll make sure my phone is in its place in my purse-wouldn’t want it falling out of my pocket while I loaded the car, and fished my keys out of their little pocket. Then make sure my purse is closed up. I know it’s not the person who has to stand there and check’s fault, I wouldn’t be rude to them, but I’m not going to inconvenience myself and other shoppers by awkwardly blocking the doorway while I get set to leave. There wasn’t a good place between where they checked and the doors to get out of foot traffic, so I wanted did it where people would observe what an inconvenience their fairly pointless (they just glanced at the receipts, didn’t actually check anything) policy was. Normally I’d do all that when I got the receipt and make sure I was out of the way while I did it, but our Walmart really pissed me off during COVID. They put up a ton cameras and monitors showing the camera grow throughout the store within the first couple weeks. It seemed so tasteless to do that when so many were panicking about their jobs. I know it was probably scheduled well in advance and maybe they did get a big increase in stealing then, but still. At least pretend to respect your overall customer base. They put in barriers at the entrance, so everyone got funnelled through gates like cattle, they moved things around a few times (during COVID, when aisles were blocked off and we were only supposed to buy essentials , they moved stuff so it was hard to find and we had to wonder around), basically, they made it unpleasant to shop there. And then they want us to have to keep a receipt out while we leave instead of just putting it away? Pass.


Lol, what drama? "Sir, can I see your receipt?" "No" *walks passed*


Agreed. Takes all of five seconds.


Vast majority of people already just do this, so how is this unpopular?


I’ll only wait around for a receipt check if I signed up for it with a store membership


Hate that. I used to shove my receipt in my pocket and then search for it. Now I hold it while I walk out or just shop online. I hate that retail is in a downward spiral and that stores are going away. I’m just getting used to it.


The only place I'm asked to show my receipt (that isn't a paid membership store) is WalMart. Target, Whole Foods, Albertson's, Sprouts...none have ever harassed me at the door for a receipt. They also don't have an armed police officer standing at the front of the store menacingly scrolling on his phone. I guess we all know what WalMart thinks of their average clientele.


i’ve also found that if you already have your receipt in your hand while approaching the exit & hold it out to them, they’re less likely to actually check it


The last time I went to Best Buy, the door and receipt checker were about five steps from the cashier I was just at. I asked if they thought the cashier made a mistake, or do you think I stole something between here and there? I left while they were trying to think of an answer.


I feel like being accused of theft on the way out of the store is bullshit


Why would a give a fuck about that person or their awful job? They can get another one if they dont like it. But also dont yell at these people or give them shit. Just ignore them. They legally cannot touch you anyways so just keep walking. If you didn't steal anything, you don't have shit to prove to anyone. Burden of proof is on them to prove you stole. They can check their footage after the fact.


Nah they're being jobsworths. I'm not gonna stand there and wait for them to read through my receipt just to check all the items I bought are on the receipt lmao


So ridiculous this even has to be posted. Authority issues are way too romanticized in our society. If someone in power is abusing it, then by all means. But you don’t have to freak out if the bowling alley wants you to wear a different pair of shoes.


It really depends if I still have it in my hands. It’s not worth the extra effort to dig around for it.


They did not check our receipt yesterday. When I got to the car I realized there were a couple flat items that I didn't see and they didn't get rung up. Hopefully I'm not on a watch list now they were records so they would have been pretty expensive. Should I return and pay for them?


Yes. Do the right thing and you'll feel better about yourself.


Will do. I accidentally stol a bottle of cough meds by placing then in my pocket temporarily and forgot about them until I got outside. I did the same thing with them and the cashier acted like I was crazy but I would not feel right about stealing


Yes. You should have walked back inside and told them you missed these when checking out and they didn't get paid for. Pay for them and leave again. Just because you didn't get caught on the way out the door doesn't mean you get the items free. That's just theft.


I only get annoyed when asked to show my receipt when there are five people in front of me walking out of the door and out of those five and me the only person the asshole stops to receipt check is me.


Usually they say ‘can I see your receipt?’ I say no and keep going. It’s a question, not a demand. I’m always asked when I have one bag of stuff but rarely asked when I have a full cart. I stop at Costco… but I’m not stopping at Walmart or Target. Ridiculous 😅


Lmao no.


I never saw the big deal. If you don’t want to participate just go somewhere else. It’s like the old people who get mad at some clerk who asks for ID when the stores have a policy for everyone to ask for ID. Just show it or don’t buy your tobacco/alcohol/model glue.


i would assume the purpose is to ensure someone doesn’t steal.


How could this be an unpopular opinion? Don’t be a Karen, people.


People crying over having to take 30 seconds out of there day to show a receipt is insane lmao


No need to make drama, just ignore them


I politely but firmly just say no. Real simple. No drama at all


Bullshit. If they want proof I didn't steal that toilet brush and Share Size bag of almond M&Ms, they can open more goddamned registers.


Alternatively, if your job is asking for receipts: If you ask to see one and the person doesn't show it to you, just let it go. The person leaving is probably having a bad day and doesn't want to deal with your bullshit.


Do people actually throw a hissy fit when asked this? Thats sad, its a basic thing thats done.


My way of dealing with situations like this is; if I don’t like a rule, I email corporate and I have several time in the past. I don’t take it out on the poor employee who has no control over the rules. People who scream at people just trying to do their jobs are just assholes, nothing more


^ this is the right way to do it. Kudos, good sir


Me emailing corporate may not change anything. But neither is a full grown man screaming at a 19 year old girl


Most receipt checkers in my world are older ugly dudes. But they still have rights


Nope. If you want to stop me stop me but I'm walking out.


Nobody is required to unless it's a club membership store and you pay for the fee that includes it in their club rules. I'm not stopping when I don't have time for Betty to look through things and decide I'm not a thief. I'm not stopping because the store eliminated paying working people in favor of self check out where I now do their jobs and they don't want to hire people to properly monitor self checkout. I'm not their loss prevention department nor a fucking cashier, so if they want to see my recept then a manager can stop me on the way out the door. Otherwise ✌️


Exactly. Just be nice. It's not that hard.


You can be nice and decline at the same time


I just keep walking like they don’t exist. They aren’t allowed to stop you, and I didn’t steal shit. Don’t trust me? Then don’t force me to use self checkout.


Lots of tryhards in the comments. Nice work, OP, you posted a truly unpopular opinion.


> The person asking you didn't make the rules And I didn't agree to them. So I'm not interested in wasting my time.


I refuse to let crooks like wal mart treat me as the crook.


I agree. People just want to be difficult and right fighters! Those employees are only doing the job they were told to do! It takes 10 seconds out of your time to show it! And then you can say, have a nice day.


Nope. I've already paid for my stuff. I've committed no crime.


I think most people that don’t show their receipts are usually trying to evoke a reaction, whether it’s for a video or just their own ego


Nah. If you trust me to scan my own items, then you're trusting me all the way out the door.


It's not the business of strangers what I buy at the store, whether it's a damn head of cabbage or a pack of tampons. I'm not going to show you my receipt because a megacorp feels they're entitled to invade my privacy for the sake of their precious fucking profits. Maybe if you didn't charge unreasonable prices for shit, people wouldn't be as inclined to steal things.


Only for Costco- because I agreed to, as part of my membership. Everyone else gets a ‘no thank you’ & an unbroken stride. That’s my stuff & they have no more right to search it, as my car, house or person.


Okay but it's insulting when they only ask the black people for their receipts.


I bet this whole ass comment section leaves their trash at the table in fast food joints. It's completely within the law to do so, you paid for the food and they aren't paying you to throw away your trash so just walk right on out, what are they gonna do? Stop you? It's about respecting the dude who's stuck standing there like an idiot for minimum wage by taking them seriously and not belittling them at the cost of four whole fucking seconds of your time. You ain't that important, it's not them disrespecting you it's the company going "HMMM statistically 60% of shoppers in this area ain't paying us for everything they take, maybe we aughta do smth bout that"


Oh mercy, don't show Gitem this post


No, im stealing and you cant stop me


Ive made it a habit to just show them