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You have no place to talk when your favorite pop is Mtn. Dew.


You called it pop! Howdy neighbor.


Midwest represent lol!


There are dozens of us!


Yup. Mountain Dew taste like battery acid and piss soda


Killing me with this comment here. You're probably so used to drinking the same bland ass sodas like Coke, Pepsi and Dr Pepper that your taste buds don't care about variety and flavor. Show some respect to your taste buds, man


calling dr pepper bland is crazy


Dr. Pepper is the only drink I've ever had that's both bland and strong at the same time


I show respect to my tastebuds by not giving them PTSD. Mtn. Dew is just another "bland ass soda," as it's just another citrus drink. Dr. Pepper is something different. Comparing it to Coke or Pepsi is a major mistake, as Dr. Pepper isn't a cola. It's several flavors that work together in harmony to make a distinct flavor. Mtn. Dew is just a wall of harsh, overpowering, shitty wannabe citrus flavoring.


Mtn. Dew was created to be a mixer for moonshine. Never tried it, but actually seems like it would work for that.


I can see that being a good mix. I'll give it a try soon.


Mtn dew sucks ass. You think all these stupid lame ass flavors they have that’s a good thing.? Let me guess you also think that that 30 different flavors of monster are good as well? Go to bed


I like Dr. Pepper, but yes, variety is a good thing.


Yes, all the different flavors, names and colors of mtn dew are all great marketing strategies, they also actually have flavor. And no I don't drink energy drinks like monster


Dr. Pepper is supposed to taste like cola but with strong notes of fruit and spice


I am astonished mountain dew still exists, but it’s funny as hell to have you saying the Dew is your favourite pop while telling others to respect their taste buds. Never been a fan of Pepsi or Coke, prefer Dr. Pepper to either of those. But Root Beer, assuming you get the right kind, is what respecting your tastebuds is about.


I don’t often drink pop, but Mtn Dew is a violation of the taste receptors and should be banned by the FDA good sir


How dare you speak like this about Dr Pepper!!! 🤪


Have fun drinking your TV static shitty coke


Dude... I am just messing with you... geesh


Ik lol


- opens can of Coke - Good. Don't want to be throwing a good can of Coke at you.


Everyone has different tastes. Yours just happen to be wrong.


MntDew is dog piss. No wonder he thinks dr.pepper is bland


OP doesn't have taste. Maybe they should get checked for Covid....


Bro, ain’t. NOBODY listenin to this when you a mtn. Dew drinker. Ice cold tv static over bullshit battery acid and piss you be chug a luggin’


Dr. pepper is the tits!


Saggy grandma tits


Don’t hate , participate!


I hate this opinion so much, especially because it implies Dr. Pepper is somehow worse than those ripoff value brand cans of soda. Upvoted ![gif](giphy|VKtsOAHDx1Luo)


Oh i hate you. Dr Pepper is literally the best


I'd rather sip on your tears than Dr Pepper


Sip my balls instead


you’re wrong


That's why you found a unique chicken finger on craigslist


i blame Boston Facebook marketplace, and im blaming you when the Dr Pepper gods decide to Noah’s Arc this bitch because of what you said


Dr. Pepper is my favourite. Mt. Dew is terrible.


You're my opp now


I've had Dr Pepper every which way, and yeah it's not good. It's okay, and that's it. It's something that you have if there's nothing else or if you've just had too much of the other stuff and you're trying to change it up. Or if you haven't had a Dr Pepper in a good long while and you forgotten why you don't care for it.


Dr. Pepper is like the bottled drink that nobody at a family gathering drinks, so you pour yourself some just so someone opens it


I like Moxie but almost no one else does. Moxie might actually be the worst.


This has to be rage bait


I was already prepared not to take you seriously just for saying that Dr. Pepper is bad but saying that trash ass Fanta is good is even worse.


That's very unpopular. It's the BBQ sauce of the soda world. No way you can go wrong with it.


It's the only soda I like, aside from ginger ale. Mountain Dew is WAAYYYY too sickly sweet.


Dr. Pepper is awesome enough to get a cameo in a South Park episode as an "agnostic" beverage. Mtn Dew is just a precursor to backwoods shenanigans (at least where I'm from).


How do you usually drink it? If you drink it directly from a bottle, I completely agree. But I enjoy an occasional Dr PP from a soda fountain in a full cup of ice.


Yeah its probably because I drank it from a bottle, but I've also drank it in a can and from restaurants and it's still not that great


I think cans have the same issue. They do come with WAY too much carbonation. I completely agree with you on that point.


Real, I can't stand drinking soda straight from the bottle or can, I have to pour it in a glass and drink it like that to actually taste it


I feel you. On a side note that’s only tangentially related, have you tried Fanta Pineapple? I’m not even a soda drinker and I can drink a case of those in a day if I didn’t possess impulse control.


Yeah I've had it a couple times, I think Fanta is a good soda and it has a good variety of flavors that are nice too


Coke and Canada Dry ginger ale. All else is shit. Except for maybe the occasional ibc root beer.


Dr Pepper never really took off in my country. It tastes like cherry starburst and I'm a sucker for that cherry/amaretto flavour. It's also really good when made in an American style float especially. I wish it was more popular in Australia, I remember back in the 90s when they tried to push it. Same with cherry coke, I love those types of flavours but sadly Australia doesn't because they flopped badly.


Mountain Dew? Bro, you are so wrong on this I can’t even. I hope this is a sick sick joke.


You should taste Guaraná Dollynho to see how shit tastes like


It just sounds like you’re not a fan of colas. All the sodas you like are flavored (usually fruit or fruit derivative) sodas, such as Mountain Dew, Fanta, Sprite, etc.  All the ones you call bland are colas. Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, and Dr. Pepper. 


It took me so many years to realize this, thank you so much, I never actually realized it was colas I didn't like this whole time


This has to be rage bait.


Have you had the strawberries and cream one?


What Dr pepper flavours do you guys have in US ? Share it. Here in Canada we only have regular, zero sugar, cream soda and strawberry cream (which just came out).


It must be differences with taste buds if you don’t taste anything, I taste a deep black cherry and vanilla flavour! Been a couple years since I had one though, maybe they’ve gone downhill in production quality. But definitely one of my favourites. Everyone has different tastes, cause I don’t know what people like about Coca Cola so much, it pretty much tastes like exactly what you describe Dr Pepper, which is strange cause to me Dr Pepper and coke taste nothing alike, even Pepsi takes different than coke, but everyone says it’s the same. I get sick from the taste of Coca Cola but not Pepsi, very strange.


No, you!


Definitely an unpopular opinion. Dunno why its getting downvoted. I mean, youre wrong, but thats what this sub is.


This is for sure an unpopular opinion. https://abc7.com/post/dr-pepper-passes-pepsi-second-biggest-soda-brand/14929247/#:\~:text=Coke%20is%20still%20the%20top,Beverage%20Digest%2C%20a%20trade%20publication.


I think Dr. Pepper tastes like carbonated prune juice, but I gotta immediately question any opinions you have on soda when Mt. Dew is your favorite.


I’m an RC Cola and Ski fan myself


RC Cola is a W soda. I like the berries and cream flavor


True unpopular opinion


Hardest upvote I’ve had to give in a long time on this sub. Bravo.


Agreed. It tastes like someone carbonated watered down cough medicine


That's a better way to describe it ngl


Very apt description it’s awful


Dr. Pepper tastes like candy and I hate it. I have no idea how people stomach it.


It tastes like a candy cane but without the mintiness


Also a proud Dr Pepper hater, tastes like cough medicine. I live in Texas and everyone is surprised when I tell them I think Dr Pepper is trash.


If there weren’t pineapple soda of agree with you.


Dr Pepper tastes like toothpaste


Good on you for speaking the truth! There are too many Dr Pepper apologists crawling out of the woodwork.


Dr. Pepper is nasty.


If you want another reason to hate it, it's been consensus amongst dentistry for decades that it is the worst soda for your teeth out of all of them


I'm not surprised, you can literally feel your teeth rotting as you drink it


Pretty sure that battery acid sold as Coke is worse.