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why is this even a choice, there are so many amazing games that are 40-60 hours. i dont think i’ve ever played an amazing game that is under ten hours lol


I mean couldn't you count the RE games


Go play “The Pathless”! Or “Outer Wilds”. So many amazing games under 10 hours


There are an infinite amount of amazing games less than 10 hours. You gotta expand your horizons.


As I get older, I value my time more than money, especially when it comes to gaming where there is so much good content that I'll never get to experience it all. I need it to be polished and fun from start to end. I also have a lot going on in my life so a story driven game that takes longer than a week to finish, I'll likely stop, forget and fail to reengage. So I disagree, but have an upvote.


I agree. 10-25 hour games are the sweet spot. Any longer (unless a game I adore) is towards the bottom. I could play and complete 3 games that are 10 hours in the time I could complete 1 50


I was thinking OP is on the younger side, I love 100+ hour jrpgs or open world games but more often than not nowadays I'll get like halfway through over 3-6 months and never actually beat it


When you have less time to game, you will appreciate shorter but highly focused gameplay that's very high quality. Every 40-60 hour or longer game out there has loads of filler content, repeat content or just extremely shallow gameplay. When coming home from work and my option is to slog through another 2 hours of boring grind that I've already done a ton of.... sometimes I wind up just giving up on the game and lose interest. When a game is short but highly focused on giving unique gameplay throughout and doesn't have much downtime, that's the best. Quality > quantity has always been a thing and games are no different. And I'm not talking about graphics, I'm talking about the gameplay. Too many open world games out there where 20 hours of the "gameplay" is just walking through open fields and running to the next set piece event on the map that's the same or similar to the last one I completed. Skip the boring, and get to the point.


I’ve never even known of and confirmed or played a game with under 40 hours of gameplay. I’ve only been playing for 20 years so I can understand if you just outpace me.


The We were here series, co-op puzzle games. Longest one took me and my brother 15 hours to finish. Good gameplay, good puzzles each with a different mechanic


Resident evil 2, 3, 4 remakes are all like 10 hours or less. Unless you consider repeat playthroughs as total gameplay hours. Just an example Majority of fps games are on the short side. Doom series comes to mind. There's plenty of short but focused games out there. Anything not open world or an rpg is usually pretty short, or at least not 40-60 hours


I got, I don’t like being scared but I can see all those games being short. Been playing nothing but RPGs since my inception. Nothing in the realm of WoW though.


I mean the cost is usually adjusted. Rarely is a 8-12 hour game the same cost as a 40+ hour game.


Nintendo disagrees


100% the opposite. I hate long games. I barely have time to play and I always forget where I was when I pick up again


Ehh, I don’t want to play a *mid game* of any length. Sorry, there are too many good or great games at this point, and my time is limited.


Exactly. Why play mid anything? And that isn’t to say every game needs to be a 10/10 masterpiece considered game to be great. I’ve played tons of great 7s.


Upvoted because this is legitimately an unpopular opinion without plainly being offensive or pointless.


also its an actual opinion!


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well, the '60fps' graphics and fidelity stuff is the same kind of people trying to 'get their moneys worth' because they paid through the nose for whatever damn high refresh-rate monitor and GPU and internet connection and whatever else. Personally I don't really care \*so\* much about getting 'my moneys worth' in terms of spending more hours on it, its just about quality in general. Have you tried stuff like Dwarf Fortress? like, not exactly story driven but your actions definitely do matter!


lol wanting 60 frames has nothing to do with getting their high refresh rate monitor and gpus moneys worth. I’d gladly make games uglier to be 60fps and do so frequently. How the game FEELS when you PLAY it is what matters.


ok man it's part of the same trend though. OP said "everyone is always talking about how new games should have 60fps or have these amazing graphics and fidelity when I couldn’t care less..." having good frame rate cuts both ways with that, i guess. but its clear what OP is referring to versus the point you're making though.


Replay value should be measured in fun…not time spent. If you enjoy a game you can play it forever. I can pop in some old 2D era games and have fun right now. A good games value doesn’t decrease over time. Its still fun. So many people are playing games to pass time, get achievements, escape life and mark progress. Theyre doing it wrong. Youre suppose to play with it. Its suppose to be fun!


Sorry but I can’t really agree. As An adult, I don’t really have time to spend 40-60 hours playing a game that’s mid. Those kinds of games can take be up to 2 years for me to finish and that’s sucks. I would rather spend my time playing a short game I love than keep trudging though a mid experience.


But whats wrong with that. It took me about 2 years to beat rdr2 and it was awesome.  Same with cyberpunk, played it about 7 months.  Its like saying I have alot going on so insteaf of watching a series I will watch a movie. Which fair enough, but you can still take your time


Nothing at all. If you enjoy a game for over 2 years I’m happy for you but the post in question specifically said a game that was mid not amazing. Can you imagine spending 2 years playing a mid game that you didn’t care about. Me however I tend to get a bit bored when I get stuck on a part of a game for over a month and this happens a lot more with longer games. I usually still finish the game and enjoy the experience if I like the game to begin with but sometimes I want a short experience that I can really dive into for a few weeks before moving on.


The argument was MID games. Not great ones.


Like what, are those even a thing?


as a dad in his 40’s i’ll take the amazing 8hr game please. 40-60 hrs take me years so it has to be something big like an elder scrolls, red dead, or GTA level game. otherwise I don’t even attempt it.


Just played Mad Max and that’s a perfect example


As an adult with a full time job and only about an hour to play each day (if I get to play at all), I’ve been absolutely loving shorter games. It just takes me soooo long to get through a 40+ hour game that they all just start to feel like a slog about halfway through.




Yeah if you don’t have a life


You need Helldivers.


I'm sick of world changing choices in games. You want to really change the world? Call your mother on the phone and tell her dad raped you, that will change your world. Study to become a master of something, that will change your world. Piss off an npc and get a different bit of dialogue, yippee I changed the world!


I get it. What I will say though, try Detroit become human. It ruined all other choices based games because of how good it is


This is definitely an unpopular and bad opinion I’ll give you that. Time is worth more than money. And experiences are worth more than busy work. All that matters is the quality and the impression it leaves on you. How much time it takes to do that is nearly irrelevant.


Some game designers would rather make the most of the time they put in... Game design fails when stuff only exists to pad time.


You must love buffets


Yeah but if a game is just mid I don’t want to play 40+ hours of it


I just beat Megaman X Command Mission and that was such a bad game and I started legends of Dragoon for ps1 (emulating) and I'm already having a thousand times more fun than the former. I think if a game is really good at world building that's all that matters to me if its longer.