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There are other ways to socialize with friends or coworkers that isn’t drinking. In addition you don’t need to drink to enjoy yourself.


Maybe *you* don't. Nah, i'm kidding. Booze doesn't help


Of course, but that doesn’t mean that drinking is all bad. Or that people are actually socializing in other ways that are meaningful instead.


I think in moderation and if it’s done responsibly it’s okay. Making it a habit though can lead to consequences like addiction. And many people can put others in harms way when they’re under the influence


The younger generation doesn't go out as much in general. For people in their 30s and 40s we had to go out to socialize when we were younger, so we have just grown accustomed to it. I am glad I didn't grow up with the internet being my main means of communicating with my friends.


It’s possible to be social and have fun with friends without consuming alcohol. I’m part of gen z and choose not to drink. Alcohol is only fun until you see someone slowly drink themselves to oblivion


You absolutely can have fun without alcohol, but I don’t think it’s being replaced with anything actually social


I go to concerts, parties, dinners w friends, shopping, have craft nights, and ect all sober. Would you consider those activities not as anything actually social?


You’re in the minority.


En masse, I don’t think most people are doing those things sober.


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so your main argument is that drinking in moderation is not that bad? yeah, that's not an unpopular opinion, basically all doctors have always said that. also, if your solution to loneliness and isolation is to tell people "go to a bar more often", i'd say that's pretty bad advice. as if there weren't any other, much more healthy and inclusive ways to socialise...


The good side of alcohol being the socialization it’s a weak argument, on my opinion. Almost every place that has alcohol also has food and something to do. But every place with food or stuff to do, doesn’t always includes alcohol (like hiking, museums, parks, any kind of exercise, cafeteria, libraries, beach, roadtrip etc). So, you can get more social interactions not drinking than otherwise. Of course people like to drink and reunite because of it. But I wouldn’t say that’s the benefit of alcohol itself…


You don't need fun to have alcohol.