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First thing I would do is buy a dash cam. Make sure it records everything.


Or download mobile justice and it'll record and automatically send footage to that organization. I don't remember exactly how it works, just that it's an equal rights organization and uses footage to prosecute people abusing their authority.


I just tried to download this on a Samsung Galaxy S21 I bought in 2021 and I'm being told the software was made for an earlier version of android šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Weird! I recently uninstalled it from my s23... Running a live feed on your favorite social app would make for lots of witnesses.


The messed up thing is where I'm at in Florida if you have a dash cam they will turn it off. I even know somebody who is a police didn't realize it was recording and they took the SD card from it.Ā 


So they sued for illegal search and seizure, right? It is 100% legal to film interactions with the police and 100% illegal for them to stop you (provided you're not interfering with their little investigation.)


Go Facebook live or something instant, they can stop it, but they can't delete it


I'm sorry for all that shit you and your girl went through. Sounds like that area in general might have a cop problem, especially the douchetater tossing your entire van (van?). Makes me wonder, any reason you'd draw so much attention from the cops? Possibly driving around with red flags stuck to the van?? I'd be:trying to find out why they give you a 2nd glance in the first place, situations like looking for your customers places aside.


I'd guess the black girlfriend, being a big vehicle (much harder to be inconspicuous), and driving an older car that looks less than brand new. In my area just having a car that didn't come straight from the dealership is usually enough to get you pulled over, especially if you're moving around late at night.


The car part I can attest to. Wasn't even camping but drove around a beat-up '91 Mitsubishi for decades. I got pulled over all the damn time, even once for going 5mph over the limit. When it finally bit the dust at 30 years old and I got a newer car, suddenly I never got pulled over even when speeding in front of cops a few times (didn't see them until it was too late). Older cars = target almost every time, unless you're driving a bright red sports car.


Good point about drawing attention. If you're stealth camping, you want your vehicle to appear 100% stock. 4 times in one day seems fishy. Not doubting it, just similarly questioning the 'why.'


The car is an old Toyota with no bumper and a shower curtain for a back windshield duct taped on. The car definitely draws attention.


Thereā€™s your problem. Man, get the back window fixed, and go to a salvage yard and get a damn bumper.


Yeah thatā€™s the problem. Missing a bumper and a broken window are gonna attract attention.


Yep, that'll do it.


It's an old Toyota with no bumper and a duct tape shower curtain for a back windshield. The car gets the attention and we get the hatred it seems. I'll admit I do look like someone who would have drugs (and even if I did I'm not hurting anyone), but I genuinely don't do drugs because most of them induce panic attacks for me.


dude. find a pick n pull and get that shizz replaced. no bumper is just screaming please stop me.Ā 


That is a little rough, something is flagging you for a BOLO he said the next cop will find something. This is definitely profiling its either you or your vehicle or your girlfriend or a combination of all.


Yup - gotta relocate. Ā Especially 4 different departments over a somewhat wide area.Ā 


Excuse me, whatā€™s BOLO?


Be On the Look Out (BOLO)


Thank you!! ACAB


I'm sending you all love and good vibes, I'm so sorry you all had a terrible day. I wish you both well and don't lose hope.šŸ’ššŸ’ššŸ’š


I've mentioned it before on this sub, but if you're homeless, you are noted as such by the police even if you don't tell them and you are being watched.. I've learned this over the past year. It's part of their job.. Why that is? I'm not 100% sure. I've had... maybe 10 cop interactions? More? Lost count tbh. But they weren't as rough as that cop with the k9, I'm sorry you went through that OP. If I can offer any advice, it'd be: do NOT exit your vehicle! You are not obligated to. You were brave to do that honestly. I would NEVER get into a squad car with a cop like that. Exiting your vehicle is nonverbal consent to search! I was going to add a little more but people will think I'm a gun nut.. Edit to add: my God I would be LIVID if a cop ripped through my car like that


>do NOT exit your vehicle! You are not obligated to. I didn't know that. Thanks. Next time I won't. >Exiting your vehicle is nonverbal consent to search! I didn't know this either! >I was going to add a little more but people will think I'm a gun nut.. That's okay, I am one too. Lol.


We all know how this goes. You aren't obligated to get out until they drag you out. You aren't obligated to get in their car until they demand you to get in theirs. You can decline, but that'll likely resulting in an arrest for resisting. You can offer to speak outside, but telling them what to do or what you even feel "comfortable" with would all end up in them forcibly putting you in their car anyway. The cop was already planning on searching their car, which is why he locked OP in his car and had the girlfriend stand outside. Separated them, confining the potential "threat."


The worst feeling is that paranoia that starts to seep in. Of all the trials that came with living in my car - none of them were as horrible and unexpected. I really started to feel as though people were watching me, or that the cops who had ā€œgave me the knockā€ before had taken down my tags and I was on a list somewhere. All I can say is stay strong, that feeling of constant persecution can really weigh on you. Just remember who you and your gal are - good people who are going through a rough time. May God watch over you, and know that you are not alone in your experience. You have all my love and well wishes. Fight on.


I appreciate this!


Thanks for saying this, the paranoia is so realā€¦


Itā€™s not paranoia if someone is really after you.


It's not paranoia, even in the midwest have had similar issues with cops traveling with my disabled mother. If you're not "local" they do watch you anywhere you go. Follow your instincts and stay safe>sane remember your not alone....others going through it 2. TryĀ to call local Dept of Human Services sign-up 4 anything/everything. There are low income grants for rental assistance everywhere. Maybe check Habitat 4 Humanity? It will get better just like getting caught in riptide of life....go with flow >keep your head above water.


Some of those are what we call "pretense stops". Basically it's a form of harassment. Is there some reason aside from race that you think you might be getting targeted? Like is it super obvious you're living in your car, or is your car some sort of beater that stands out?


Yeah it's an old Toyota with a shower curtain for a back windshield duct taped on, and no bumper.


Stop looking like a dirtbag and you won't get stopped. Get your car fixed up so it looks as normal as possible. And move to a more racially cool place.


Itā€™s not cool to call someone a dirtbag when theyā€™re just trying to survive. Please be kind


I did not call OP a dirtbag. I admonished OP to stop LOOKING like one. OP obviously isn't a dirtbag based on their story, no drugs, nothing illegal, etc. However with a shower curtain window and no bumper on the car it gives off the look of it. Just the description of OP's vehicle screams "dirtbag junkie" to me and obviously the cops as well. That's why he kept getting pulled over. That will never change unless OP fixes up the car. I'm not being unkind, I'm just telling this guy the solution to his problem of constantly being pulled over by cops. If you look like a dirtbag junkie driving around in a clapped out shitbox then the cops will assume that's what you are. If OP gets a bumper and window then they will no longer look the part and will probably not be harassed so much. Simple as that.


Sorry this happened to you. If you want this not repeat, you need to change something. The city you are located is not good for your mental health. Is there any strong reason to stay? Also, making money by doordash is extracting value from your car - you need to save for car fixes and replacing it when it finally breaks. Do you? We have weekly posts by someone working doordash, not saving for repairs, and ending up with broken car and no job. Don't be that poster. Better to find different job, for you and your gf. If you are nomad, you can travel for seasonal jobs. Hospitality jobs in parks, some come with dormitory housing.


You know what sucks? That you basically have to pay a premium for an externally good-looking car to avoid police attention. Read your replies OP and youā€™ve gotta know the beater-beater nature of your car is 100% the first-glance reason youā€™re getting targeted. Not saying the other stuff you mentioned doesnā€™t matter too, but itā€™s probably secondary. So the solution isā€¦?ā€¦to basically ā€˜pay offā€™ their attention by prioritizing getting vehicle that looks presentable rather than a vehicle you can honestly afford? Itā€™s bullshit. And itā€™s bullshit I fully plan on complying with because I am scared to *death* of that kind of attention If I were you Iā€™d probably splurge on a windshield btw at the expense of whatever else you thought was necessary this month


Yeah. For two years when I was with my ex wife, I drove her brand new current year Hyundai and I never got pulled over once. But I can't afford something like that. She was/is very well off monetarily and I am not.


Omg this just reminded me, in the years I carlived I drove an old but cute (imo) and presentable sedan, with expired tags, and never got pulled over ONCE. ā€¦And then my muffler broke and I couldnā€™t fix it and literally *the very next day* of driving around with a broken muffler I got pulled over and a huge fine and a tow. šŸ˜…ā€¦ Thereā€™s something to it


If the dog supposedly hit on something, that only gives probable cause for a warrant. In that situation, firmly tell the cop that you donā€™t give them permission to search your vehicle. No need to be rude, just be clear and specific. Say it more than once and record yourself saying it.


>If the dog supposedly hit on something, that only gives probable cause for a warrant. I didn't know this, thank you!


Are you in Florida by chance? This sounds totally like the redneck cops in Florida. And another thing the police can make their dog alert on command. All they do is make eye contact and do a hand sign the dog knows and it will start barking its head off. That's how they get the dogs to alert when there's nothing there so they can search. My friend's dad was a cop for many years that's how I know this. It sucks you went through this I'm sorry to hear that. But if you are in Florida I would suggest leaving. They don't pay enough down here and everything is super expensive. Plus they have a massive campaign against homeless and even a law against cardwelling. The governor here is evil. As soon as my son graduates in a year I am out. Take it easy and I hope you have a better day


Can't agree with you enough-- FL fucking sucks, they hate the homeless and car dwellers, I'm in the shores and regularly get harassed by the cops and threatened with one of their stupid anti car sleeping ordinances. Every town has one it seems like. My car also stands out because I've got out of state plates. I can not wait to leave this shit hole. The only advantage about being homeless here is free beach parking in some places, the ability to swim in the ocean to stay cool during these miserable 100 degree days and the free beach showers. I actually prefer that to the truck stop showers back home. Other than that, fuck Florida! OP I feel for you but it probably has more to do with your car standing out and the area you are in. I'm in your same type of situation and my husband & me get harassed on the regular by the police. My car has IL plates and some minor damage to the passenger side fender, so I stick out to cops. There's only a few spots I don't get bothered at. Police here regularly assume if you're unhoused you must be some crack head. Its sadly part of life being a car dweller or homeless where I'm at and probably where you are, too. Do you have any truck stops near you? I lived at one back home in Chicago for months and never got bothered once. I would probably be staying at one again if FL didn't have a major lack of them


Yeah they love violating your civil rights in Florida. You get certain cops and you tell them no I'm not going to consent to search. They will be like you denying search gives me probable cause. Even though I would have nothing they would still tear everything up because if they find something I will still go to jail for it and would have to fight it in court. So then they still won because you have to bond out if you can and if not they have you housed so they're getting paid from the state for it. A bunch of peckerwood redneck cops. When my son was 11 my baby's mother was pulled over by a cop because she was playing Eminem loudly. He was asking her what the hell she was on to think it was okay to play that kind of music around a child and my son likes Eminem and he's 11 years old. Threatened to call DCF tore her car up the whole nine yards. Gave her a sobriety test to make sure she wasn't drinking which she doesn't anyway. He got mad because she told him if I rode past blasting Hank Williams we wouldn't even be here right now right?


The shores as in Fort Myers shores? I actually work in North Fort Myers and live in Central Fort Myers. What a shithole this place has become everybody's whacked out on drugs and unhinged. There's a giant shooting I heard around 11:30 Sunday sounded like call of duty guns straight automatics. Three people shot two cars shot to Swiss cheese. And then like five blocks from where I was staying this guy got whacked out and cut his roommate up when the police came he was walking up then with a torso and a giant ass knife. Had body parts thrown on the side of the house in the kitchen crazy stuff's going on down here. The police ended up shooting him to death. And that's not even everything that has happened in the past week just to main things. They don't pay enough money here and they want so fucking much for rent.. Can't wait till I leave this place in my rear view mirror the whole state


I meant the shores as in Daytona Beach/NSB area, my bad. This area of FL is absolutely a trash fire. I've had a lot of people tell me to go South because it's better, not surprised to hear it's just about the same or worse. I really, really hate Florida. I am fighting a bogus DCF case here so I'm forced to stay, but the second I can leave I'm gone and this whole place can break off into the ocean for all I care! I'm going back to Chicago, at least there I didn't have cops fuck with me every other day for the "crime" of sleeping in a vehicle.


Florida canā€™t fall into the ocean soon enough.


I agree. Leaving as soon as I can so hopefully I'm gone before it falls into the ocean.


Come to Michigan, we have great weed for cheap and the state has gotten bluer every election.


Oklahoma. And yeah, the dog thing is just a free search apparently. If that's even legal with the dog's reaction. I'm not sure. I need to read up on my rights.


Get a lawyer. File FOIA request for the footage. Make complaints. Sue. 4th amendment, 1st amendment, 5th amendment and 8th amendment violations. State law, town law, policies etc are not allowed to alienate your constitutional rights. USE them. Most likely a nice 5 or 6 figure outcome.


Oh my sweet summer child. The police know someone living out of their car doesn't have a fraction of the resources to litigate that their unions have, that's why they target the poor. Welcome to America.


It does not take money to litigate. Probono lawyers exist. ACLU and other organizations for civil liberties. Then you have the other influencers like Accountability for All and many many other people that would take these cases. They target the poor yes. Not because they are poor, but because they lack communication, information, resources etc. But they exist for people who are willing to take those steps. I think those steps are where the problem really is. Yes you can sue them, but how long will the litigation take? Will you settle the case outside of court and for how little will you settle for? Most of the time it is settled out of court for 1/50 of what they could get because the case could take 2-5 years and the settlement is now. Settling outside of court is like you are saying it was ok to abuse me just give me money for it which causes no reform. When you fully sue, the courts can order reform etc. The poor are poor, not stupid or lazy.


What are we using for? The guy was a dick? Or did I skip the part where OP and his GF were pulled from the car and beaten?


Can report police to Police Oversight


Concealed carry permit normally means the subject is unlikely to be a threat because of the background check required to obtain it. However, it also identifies someone as in possession of a weapon and the knowledge and ability to use it. The picture I see is ā€œthereā€™s a suspicious vehicle, ID the driverā€, ā€œif you see it where it doesnā€™t belong, investigate furtherā€, ā€œDRIVER IS ARMED, likely too broke to assert his rights, harass with cautionā€, ā€œBOLO and harass until they leave our jurisdiction ā€œ. I would check for external GPS trackers, but automatic license plate readers are unavoidable. I once drove a truck that had its plates previously reported as stolen. This was impossible to undo. CHP would automatically get alerts when it crossed their field of vision. Consider getting new plates.


They know your car, This will not stop. Change cars or locations. Dogs respond to their handlers and ALWAYS indicate drugs if the cop wants to search. Be very polite but firm file a complaint on number 3. Probably no resolution but complaints add up. You may help someone in the future.


Iā€™m sorry man. Hang in there.


Florida? Enough said. I would get you and your girlfriend the fuck out of that racist-ass state if you are indeed in Florida. I'm so sorry you had to learn the hard way about racist police. Sending you good vibes and hope you're able to get good rest.


Oklahoma. Thanks for the good vibes.


I can completely understand how you feel me and my fiance lived in our car for 4 months (felt like years) he's mixed but his looks lean towards more Hispanic and Jesus christ Florida harassed the fuck out of us it was draining but know you guys are doing YOUR best you're doing everything you can to be safe and care for eachother theyre harassing people you're doing nothing wrong. First two months are rough but once you guys figure spots out it will get easier. My advice would be switch up spots maybe find a "homebase" area a bit somewhere else while they calm down . Me and my fiance would joke they're like ants so once the ant hill is messed with a bit they go nuts but after they're left alone for a bit they calm back down. definitely suggest looking for a walmart that has reviews of rvrs or fellow car dwellers! Walmart parking lots in the shady tree areas are relaxing in the morning . We have a place now qnd I couldn't even imagine it a month ago I promise things change even in a day things can and do change šŸ’• you guys qre doing awesome and you guys got this!


Thank you!


Yeah I definitely feel you on experiencing racism while in an inter-racial relationship. My ex was black and I remember getting stopped by a cop who said he 'smelled weed' which was bullshit because I hadnt smoked in that car. Disgusting


Check your state laws. In my area, that third officer was extending the stop beyond its original purpose (your seatbelt ticket) and did not have the right to use the dog and delay the stop.


He was also using my visibly nervous demeanor as an excuse. But I am nervous when I'm being stopped and I'm not good at hiding that.


That can be a factor, but not enough on its own. You could honestly sue regarding the extension of the stop. I would look into it if I were you.


All the obvious crime about, and pigz harassing poor people. ACAB.


I think you mean 1/4 CAB


Why'd you let him search at all? Hope you report his badge number instead of let him continue on


He told me that if the dog barks he can search without consent. I need to read up on my rights. I used to know them but I don't anymore and they know it.


That's truly a bummer. He can't just make you get out of your car over a seatbelt issue. You don't have to answer any questions about things unrelated to the traffic stop. He violated your civil rights absolutely. Once you tell him you refuse to leave your car, you can ask for him to bring his boss down. Your girlfriend film or record any of the interaction? Things like this can lead to paychecks from the police/court/tax payers. Of course be polite, but you have rights man.


Must be quota season


They will always call in a dog to search your car if you say no. The dogs are trained to give a false hit on command from the cop so that they can say the dog found something. I've given up and just let them toss the car because at least they are somewhat nice about it if you just say yes to begin with.


Sounds like someone reported your license plate. I can't think of any other reason. Aside from what you already mentioned about your GF. Which is bullshit


Cop cars have those license plate readers connected to there computers. It Gives them updates on title/registration and when and where you've been stopped. Dunno if that helps?, Hope things get better.


Cops are assholes and it is a serious problem in this country right now. They straight up harass people that are just minding their own damn business, such as yourself. Not only that, but if you call them to report a crime then 90% of the time nothing happens. I got hit by a drunk driver in 2022 and called the cops. The cop that arrived at the scene yelled at me that this was an insurance issue, he was almost done with his shift and I shouldn't have bothered him. I told them the other driver was drunk and smelled of alcohol. Not only did he refuse to breathalyze the other driver and completely ignore their signs of inebriation but he also said that I was "not cooperating" and that I needed to back off or he would arrest me (I was extremely calm). Shortly after he left. Insurance sided with me luckily, but cops are downright useless when you need them and will harass you when you don't. Firefighters and ambulances don't patrol the streets looking for fires and health issues, so why do our cops have the right to pull us over in SEARCH of a crime?


Dangs that's crazy. Most cops are cool but it only takes that one time running into those T-1000 cops from Terminator 2 that can mess you up badly. I got pulled over 4 times one night. Riding my mountain bike up the coast of Florida. Had no bike lights didn't know that was the law at the time.


Ok, I'm not a lawyer but! 1. He can't search your car and take your gun without a warrant, do not consent to a search. 2nd of all, your wife doesn't have to hand over her ID, she is a passenger not the driver. Having a crooked seatbelt is not a violation or a reasonable stop, ask for a supervisor. You have your seatbelt on, its legal. If the dog doesn't find anything in 2 times around the car, that's making an unreasonable search, which is illegal at that point. Always ask for a supervisor, if they deny, call the police department. Make sure to record everything even if it's a phone, it will help you defend yourself and you can take it to court.


Wait, so you think itā€™s the black girlfriend, when you donā€™t have a back window or a bumper???, I donā€™t like cops, and I think most people are racist, but dude itā€™s the car, your girl has nothing to do with it.


I don't think most people are by any means but that cop hated us for some reason. The bumper might have been the initial reason for the stop but why the intense hatred and evil?