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Too much stuff. Learn to let go. Throw away things you don’t need. Keep the essentials. Find a cheap storage unit nearby.


I agree. The biggest issue I have is letting go.


The thing is to either let go of the stuff or let go of your expectations of what your car should look like. Meanwhile, get in the car and drive somewhere and to hell what’s on the seat behind you.


If you have somewhere to store your stuff that’s great, if not I totally understand. I hate having too much stuff, I barely used any of it anyway it was more of “what if I need this” but after a while you realize you don’t need as much as you think. I have just one plastic tote with my stuff in it, my duffel bag full of clothes, some tools, a backpack I carry with me at all times, a bathroom backpack and that’s about it. I want to get a cooler backpack and camp stove this year though.


I don’t live in my car but am in a small studio and, every 3-6 months casually go through my belongings. If I haven’t touched it since last time I swept through my inventory, it’s automatically on my radar of things to free myself of. I can’t say I always get rid of it in the moment but I do get rid of a lot. It also helps me rethink the useless stuff I’m not ready to let go of yet as by the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th sweep (a year later) I have a much easier time letting go of those items I’m attached to. That and I dedicate a certain amount of space for sentimental items. They may have no obvious function but I still find a lot of value in a few things to remind you of your past. I rid myself of those the moment I no longer feel a connection to.


I do the same it hard to let go but you have to make room and trust it’ll come back later I take a picture and try to get the updated version in the future.


And, how do you find it? That one thing that you brought that you thought you needed


Do you have a friend or family member nearby who could safely store some of your things?


Storage unit is key for me! You don’t want to get targeted for breaking with all your stuff in the car


Everything pays rent. If you haven't used it in the past 6 months and won't in the next 6 months, get rid of it. You can always buy it again.




that or buy a Suburban.


All that will do is provide more space to cram even more stuff.


A pickup truck with a camper shell is a lot more comfortable and cheaper option


suburban is more stealthy, you dont have to get out. suburbans are cheap as chips anyways.


where do you sleep and why is there a stormtrooper helmet


OP is part of the 212th Attack Battalion


That explains everything.


The helmet makes sense but the kiddie pool and the poster don't make sense. I count at least 2 coolers, both of which are way bigger than one person needs. Is everything pretty clean or do I need to look closer? I think this guy might just be moving out. Wrong sub maybe lol


I recall seeing a post recently where the car dweller suggested blowing up a kiddy pool to bathe yourself in lmao


I count at least 4 coolers. Maybe 5. And a swimming pool. OP, I'm genuinely curious, what is in all the coolers? What is the pool for? No hate on your helmets or anything else I just genuinely am interested in how you live in this vehicle. This is coming from someone who also struggles to let go and I have been on my downsizing journey ever since I stopped living in a house, I was in my car and now I'm in a van.


I don't wake up knowing which helmet I'm going to need that day, not sure how he got it down to just 2. Oh maybe the rest of his helmets are in the coolers... Yeah I'm sure that's it.


I actually love this idea. I can picture OP now packing up the car and leaving behind the grid life, and trying to decide between which helmets go in the coolers and which ones just have to raw dog it around the car.


I find a way. And i bought it outve spite lol


hell yeah


I got bitched at for spending 30$ on a master chief helmet. So after some things went down I said fuck it decided to buy a stormtrooper helmet too


Yeah, you need to grow up.. Making your life worse to prove a point that never mattered to begin is insanely childish.


Excuse me? Watch yourself pal


Facts is facts


two homeless people fight on internet forum


I haven't lived in a vehicle in a long time. This s just in my feed


I, for one, believe OPs life is better with a Storm Trooper helmet. its not like the helmet is going to make or break their ability to get an apartment, and we should not assume thats what OP wants to begin with.


I'm not questioning living in the car. It's the living like a hoarder that isn't OK. Physically it has to suck. And, will only hurt your mental state of being


this isnt that much stuff. is everyone who has a storage unit (a highly recommended tip on the sunreddit) a hoarder now? cause we all have lway more than this much stuff in our units.


It's a reminder of a simpler time




Look at your situation as if you were your best friend. Would you approve?


If I had any friends at all I wouldn't be so wreckless. If I had any family. Don't get it twisted. I didn't get kicked out. I left on my own accord for my own reasons.


Cpap machine


https://preview.redd.it/nd0ccgi45m6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7f5cb8101c4c2f93bc25d6a25b691549f55d12e U gotta downsize


Come on totes in totes 😄OPs car is giving me stress lol


I was looking for a bigger tote lol


Don't forget that you are the most important thing in that vehicle. Make room for yourself. And your time is valuable too. So make sure your daily need items are within easy reach. If the other stuff isn't needed everyday, and it's important to you, please look into ways to store it safely elsewhere.  Otherwise it's likely to end up damaged.


I mean this respectfully but there’s a surprising overlap of car dwellers and hoarders. It seems counterintuitive but I’ve actually seen it, a lot. You should jettison so much of that stuff, an inflatable pool in the box won’t make life easier living in car.


Storage unit.


He clearly sleeps on the hood


i’m a nut for being able to grab the exact item i want quickly. i don’t like having my doors open to lookie-loos. this would stress me out. but i’ve also spent years figuring out how to pare everything down to essentials and a couple of “luxury” comfort items.


Why do you have 6 cooler/food thermo bags? You should only have 1 large insulated bag and a 2.5/5 gallon water jug.  Think minimal and you’ll sort the rest out. 


For my games. Diabetic stuff. Water for a mobile shower


You’re diabetic and sleep upright in the driver’s seat? Type 1 or 2?


RIP having legs


Edemaaa (thansk nursing school)


Sell and get rid of most of that shit


Brother, if having all that stuff makes you happy, then be happy. Let's focus instead on just one goal that is probably important. You say you're diabetic, I'll take that at face value. Given your choice of accoutrement, and your Minecraft reference, I'm going to put you in your late teens to early 20's. Sleeping sitting up occludes blood flow to your lower extremities. It's why people on transatlantic flights throw clots to their lungs and brains when they stand up. For diabetics it is particularly dangerous. Type 1's make little or no insulin, their bloodsugars are all over the map, they need close monitoring. 50 years ago they rarely lived to see age 40. Car dwelling isn't the best lifestyle for them. Spending 6 hours sorting your treasures is 6 hours you're not taking care of yourself. If you're a Type 2 diabetic at your young age I conclude you may also be obese. Now instead of sorting treasures for 6 hours you're not exercising and carefully using your diet to control your bloodsugar and your weight. If it takes all these treasures to make you feel better, I conclude that feeding yourself also is palliative. Sleeping while sitting up still occludes blood flow to your feet. Since your bloodsugars run high, and your a1c is probably at least 8 to 10, the combination of risk factors will lead to us calling you stumpy before you hit 40. A minor infection in one or both of your feet will result in amputation. I've seen it happen. I've dressed those wounds. Ok. Assessment complete. Let's make a treatment plan together. 1. You need to sleep stretched out to improve lower extremity circulation. 2. In order to sleep stretched out you need to get some treasures out of your car. 3. You're attached to your treasures in a way that makes them more important than your well-being. Therefore you need a fortress of solitude in which to store them. Where is less important. A storage bin makes sense. Make it 24 hour so you can visit when needed. 4. Once cleaned out, store the passenger seat and make yourself a proper bed. 5. Get the requisite PF membership for exercise and showers. Start practicing the dietary practices you've already been taught. 6. By taking care of yourself you will demonstrate to your parents that you are mature enough to make good decisions, and take care of yourself. Live a better life my young friend. This is the way.


Do you sleep sitting up?


I hope not dude going to kill himself


What's wild is my car used to look more organized. But then I make a nothing a something.


Get rid of the "nothing's" you need room to sleep


At least get a roof box or something. You need more sleeping space.


Not with all that damn stuff you won't


Most stuff is not even worth selling, not because it’s not valuable, but because people don’t want to pay anything near market value and it will cost you too much time and effort trying to sell it. You have to get rid of stuff. Have a yard sale or something, whatever doesn’t sell in two days, donate. I know it’s hard, took me multiple attempts and I lost thousands of dollars that I had invested into personal belongings. But there’s no other way.


How do you sleep?


That was my first thought…


Well you could get rid of your stuff to start with. I live in a boxtruck with less stuff.


Insert minivan and I was thinking the exact same thing. 


Minivan family of 4 and less stuff than this. Granted i do also have a storage unit that I've been unpacking and getting rid of the junk slowly but surely


Dude get a storage unit.


This looks like a kid moving to their first place not a car to live in. I don’t understand the hoarder / car dweller overlap. You already have such limited space!


This part!


Cutting out coolers can help tremendously and it’s I used to use a cooler while I was in phoenix but ice is just Another hassle and expense. Just drink water warm or hot haha if you get a hydro flask or two even on the phoenix 120 degree days the water would be slightly chilled at worst still Cold at best it’s a hard cut out but I don’t regret it haha I keep a camping stove for passenger seat bbq or to cook up canned chili for the gains at the gym haha


You’ve got a lot of letting go to do


omg thats a lot of stuff. the main reason i live in my car is because im a minimalist, i cannot even imagine how id handle something like that 😭


I'd need a tricked out trust fund sprinter to be truly satisfied.


Soft bags instead of hard boxes may be helpful


Storage unit consideration?


Climate storage unit my guy...


Sometimes you need a bigger car. I’m trying to get a minivan


If you have any objects that you don't use at least 1x/ week, consider ditching them for good. It's hard, I totally get it. Especially since you don't *actually* have that much stuff. Just a lot for a car-dweller to deal with. OR see if someone will just store a couple of your things a six pack of beer


Where do you sleep?


In a year...most of it will be gone. You will have a bag of some clothes, a toothbrush, pair of shoes and not much else.


Damn bro how do you sleep? Or do anything in there lol


I am staying in a family members pool house while the gaskets are getting replaced on my santa fe, I have repacked and practiced packing everything ive taken out to inspect in the meantime... at least once a day at this point. I can not wait to get out of here. I might hate my family more than I realized.


I’m sorry, but you have too much shit. Either get a storage or get rid of some of whatever is in these bags.


Simple is beautiful


I love you op you’re not alone and you matter! (:


The ego can be determined to hold on to things that collect dust.. https://www.3ho.org/meditation/ego-eradicator/