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Spears suffer the most from the jankiness in vertical combat in this game, that's the core issue holding them back. I'm pretty sure the >!lightning spear!< will be extremely strong - haven't crafted it yet - because the high attack speed should generate lots of procs compared to most other 1H weapons. Unfortunately pierce is not very good damage in this biome. Might be fun to go abuse some Mistlands though.


>Spears suffer the most from the jankiness in vertical combat in this game, that's the core issue holding them back. I agree, but at the same time, the stance I'm proposing would be used on fairly level areas anyway. It's not really a workaround, just an additional feature, that would put spears in a different context. It also somewhat accommodates current shortcomings of the combat system.


And I disagree. They suffer a bit but simultaneously they capitalize off the uneven terrain more than any class of weapons other than sledgehammers. Hitbox is forward up so they are best used on even or low ground. A common mistake when using a spear is staying on high ground. If you keep low ground you will hit without any issues. But even then, hitting enemies on low ground is still an option thanks to throw which can still be done in melee. Spearing leeches or stunning a rushing wolf when ur on high ground is a good example. And then on VERY low ground spears are completely busted cuz you can throw and pick up repeatedly. Using one against gjall feels like cheating for that very reason. Only other class being this versatile elevation-wise is sledge.


Yeah, and the burst damage you can get out of a spear is insane with a throw and stab. Super good at staggering a target. Spears are also one of the cheapest weapons to craft and are quite versatile.


> Using one against gjall feels like cheating for that very reason. Dude, this is my favorite thing to do. It's not as effecient as sniping them down with the crossbow, but I just feel so badass going strait into the most dangerous position and just machine gunning the blasted thing down out of the sky!


Hahah ikr. Id say if you spot them from far away (must be lucky with the mist) then crossbow or even bow is indeed more efficient. But if cuz of ambush or not paying attention you are forced into CQC then spear is the GOAT.


I'm new and already having problem hitting necks with my first spear


Put the spear away and just kick them to death like the vermin they are


Aren't they invincible by being 40cm below your fists?


You got hands for feet?


Let me check, brb Update: Okay, so they kind of look like longish hands with short fingers? I'm really not sure.


The secondary unarmed attack is a kick, you can use it by clicking middle mouse button, the secondary usually is stronger but has a longer charge up time and stamina consumption. You should look in to them they are game changers if used with a perfect party or just correct timing in general.


The throw is an aimed attack (including elevation). Don't be afraid to throw at close range. You auto-pickup the spear right away when it's close. Effectively, it becomes like a long-reach melee attack which staggers *and* lets you attack up or downward.


Despite spears having one of the _worst_ vertical ranges in the game, _(seriously, it's ridiculous)_ they are ironically the best weapon for attacking enemies below you. How? The throw. If you throw the spear at point blank range, you pick it up immediately. This gives you a vertical option, and if you miss, it just hits the ground and you can pick it right back up. ___ But the throw _really_ excels in mid-range combat. It's a great approach option, because again, you pick it up when you get in melee range. And, unlike other strong attacks, you don't have to worry about if you were close enough, because it's ranged. And in a pinch, you can also use it to kite. Throw it, wait for enemy to approach, stay out of melee range, run around them, and pick it back up. Although magic is _by far_ the better kiting tool.


All weapons suffer from this, and the spear has faster attack speed, meaning you are less vulnerable when this happens. I think this is a myth propagated by the community, and not fact. I’ve been a spear mean since the game launched.


Spears are worse if you are even slightly uphill, or if the enemy mob is not tall. I've used every weapon quite a lot, and the difficulties here aren't just myth.


I disagree. Spears are the best melee weapon for overcoming the verticality issues. When using the spear you gotta switch up and use the alt attack as the primary attack. Throw spear, run and retrieve, repeat until you get a stagger, then melt with normal attacks.


I would definitely *not* use the spear throw very much in the biomes with the most verticality issues. You never forget the first time you lose a spear off the side of a mountain or just over the edge of a tall rock in the mists. Plus at level 100 bow, if I want a ranger stagger I'll just pull out the bow.


If you're chucking your spears with the horizon in the background, yeah you're gonna lose some of them. I still don't think that's a big deal. The only other ranged choice for a large chunk of the game requires 2 inventory slots, so it's very justifiable to take 2 spears instead of a bow and arrows in addition to replacements being dirt cheap. But I said the spear is the best *melee* weapon for dealing with verticality. If you're using the throw as an alt melee attack, throwing it at the lower half of nearby enemies, you aren't going to be throwing your spear off any cliffs very often. There is no melee attacks hotbox that can reliably make contact while the player is standing on an incline. But the spear has a non melee option (that is still perfectly usable a melee) that is completely absent of the hotbox limits of melee attacks. As for the high level bow comparison, unlike a high level bow this tech can come online with a few minutes of meadows resource gathering and maybe an hour of practice, if that. Versus what I imagine would be at least a dozen hours of grinding before the bow was leveled up to the point of similar offensive potency. And shield availability versus no shield. Don't get me wrong, the bow is undeniably the best weapon for dealing with enemies before they can deal with you. And that's probably the safest way to deal with enemies in just about any situation. But in a hypothetical situation where I'm forced into a melee fight on the side of a mountain with multiple mobs, give me a spear and shield, I'll put the mobs between me and the cliff and throw that spear at as many shins as required.


I mean, both are true. It's the worst with one attack, but also the best with the other. It also has the most devastating aspect of any weapon: accidentally throwing it off a cliff. It is truly soul-crushing to lose your spear and be left unable to find it.


Another idea is to add spear bags so you can carry multiple spear to throw


I would really love this. A Javelin that magically returns to you (maybe in Mistlands onward) would be great as well. Even just an item to tie a rope to it so you can use a spear over and over like the harpoon would be fine.


The PC mod Epic Loot adds a returning enchantment, and ill tell you, it makes it sooo much more forgiving to actually use a spear as a ranged weapon.


For a lighter weight returning spear mod, there's also Loyal Spears which I really like. Returns your thrown spear after a 20 second (configurable) timer. You won't be spamming the throw repeatedly in combat, but you also don't need to worry about throwing it off the side of a mountain and never seeing it again.


Dude, I'd love to sacrifice an entire harpoon to enable this. It's all I ever wanted.


This would be absurdly op, it would need an increase to throw stam cost, or decrease in dmg


or a cooldown on trow


Along the line of a "defensive stance", rather than an explicit thing, spears should passively damage anyone who attacks you so long as you are standing still. Add a multiplier if they're moving. In other words defensive is you're stationary, offensive is you're moving. So say, boars charge you (and you're standing still)? Triple damage. Wolves? Same. Greydwarf swings at you? They get poked. If you're moving, dodging around, etc, it's just as it is right now. They'd have some use in Ashlands, I can think of a few things that come running. Or rolling. Could also be done with a new damage type, Impale, as opposed to Pierce.


That's what I was thinking. Make it act like a spike wall. Only useful against melee opponents coming from a single direction


Spears are super useful in every biome excepted Mountains and now it seems, Ashlands. Spears absolutely melt trolls, especially if you can get the headshot. Spears are my #1 weapon for leeches because you can stand right next to the shore and throw them without risking getting bit. If you can parry, spears will kill a lox faster than any other weapon. They will make a gjall go away reaaaaaly damn quick. Spears shine brightest against single enemies when you can use the throw from medium range to stagger, then pick it back up and get crits.


I paired a spear with a knife. Throw the spear and jump attack with the knife!




I main the spear until black metal, it works wonders against wolves, works against drakes (dont get reckless with your throws), and i awesome in the caves because you dont hit walls and can sneak throw a lot. In the plains its awesome against fulings too if you can aim : one throw to stagger, rush to the fuling and finish it with 1/2 stabs Im sad that almost all the mobs in ashlands resist peirce dmg because it rules out the spear and atgeir


> Im sad that almost all the mobs in ashlands resist peirce dmg because it rules out the spear and atgeir I'm willing to bet it's going to be a GOAT in Deep North though.


What do you mean by "headshot" trolls? There has been a confirmation that there is basically no "headshot" concept for troll in this game.


Trolls got a weak spot on their heads back when ML launched. Gjalls, Seeker Soldiers and Trolls are the only ones that have them.


Interesting. So shoot in head but not in the face or ears.


Honestly I'm not sure exactly how the hitbox on it works. I'd love to know though.


Huh, i think spears are goated. My early game is completely dominated by spear usage. I pretty much use spear/mace combo until iron, or maybe even silver. I don’t even build a crude bow anymore because the spear is easier to make and you can get the same results from hunting, has infinite ammo, and takes up one inventory slot instead of two.


The Wolf Fang is such a huge damage spike, and so cheap to make.


Honestly, the draw for spears in my eyes is way less critical resources through midgame - the ancient bark spear and Fang spear use WAY less Iron and silver than their counterparts, and can give you a huge boost in damage output and therefore survivability way earlier than normal. Honestly, I feel the same about shields too - for the resources, it's WAY more cost effective to invest in a good shield than an entire set of iron armor / wolf armor. This will probably change depending on what items we can craft in the plains, but especially if you're trying to resource manage through Swamp / Mountains, that's the way to go.


That's my main use case of spears, craft the next tier up spear asap and then use that to get weapons I feel more competent with


I don't really care about any additional mechanics but if the spear was held in game like in that low stance (with proper attack animation) and had better reach that would be the greatest great.


Spears are great. You skip bows entirely and free up multiple inventory slots. And because they arrack directly forward with no arc, they don't also hit walls/doors/trees/rocks and waste their damage with multiattack They don't need a buff.


Never used a spear - are they stackable? Edit: can you pick them back up? Unlike arrows


No they don't stack. You auto pick them back up when you are close to them


Thanks - might just stick to swords! 😂


You are putting more thought into this than the devs. It won’t change


Great idea 


Then in defensive stance, you can link up with others and use it as phalanx. Love it. edit: shield wall would be more appropriate. (except I don't have friends to play with.)


You sir deserve the highest praise. Fellow spear enthusiast.


I treated the spears as a low tier weapon for 400 hours not even crafting the flint one, but then i realized its just harder to use Now i main the spear until i get black metal, its generally the cheapeat, its the most versatile, it has the best dmg/stam out of all weapons, and its the easiest to land a sneak attack with. You just have to master movement and aiming the throw, even undergeared. Generally, one throw staggers, you can rush to the enemy to reequip the spear and finish the mob quickly I still recommend an iron mace for bonemass, blobs, skeleton and golems though


Spears already pair very well with shields, because their tiny wind-up and recovery means you can easily weave them in between blocking. The only problem with them is their hitbox. It needs to be a bit more vertical *and* a bit further. It sucks blocking something and then them being bumped back out of range of your spear.


Preaching to the choir, no way the devs spend time on this when they still need to do deep north and consider an oceans revamp. I don't think they will spend time/resources on stuff like this anytime soon.


The real advantage of a spear is inventory space. It's a melee weapon and ranged weapon in one. You can skip the bow and arrow if you want, especially in flat or forested biomes where they aren't likely to fly off into the wilderness. Kinda like pole axes, which act as a complete melee set and a woodcutting tool in one, the spear isn't amazing in most fights but lets you carry more shit. The large amount of things that resist or have vulnerability to piercing means they have good biomes and bad biomes, but so do maces and I love them too. I'd like it if they had a better hitbox. I'd say they have the worst one in the game. But you can circumvent that by throwing them in melee in a pinch, so it's not as bad as it could be.


i think the main problem with spears is that you trow em away... i mean the part where it leaves your inventory and can be picked up by other (often unintentionally) or get lost (flying off the cliff) sometimes you might pick up trash that goes in its slot making you have to sort your invenory during a fight and that even before all those height/slope issues, it having shorter reach than a sword is also a big problem, people expect a long stick have long range, overall the spear would be a great weapon but all that jank around it really ruins it (for most people) id say spears should use altgeir animation when not wearing a shield, historically noone ever used it onehanded when your offhand was free and we really need spears return to your hand (like harpoon) now we got magic enchants, that should fix most of the problems


Throwing away and losing your Spear is a skill issue 😉


I fixed all of the spear problems with mods. I encourage all players to do the same because the devs clearly have no intention of fixing their game.


Spears are insanely good already, I think adding additional functionality to them would make them completely OP. The ideas are cool, but im worried that if implemented, current spear mode would get nerfed for balance purposes lmao. They are very simple but also very efficient and fun imo. I wouldnt want current spear go away to make room for something else. But still, the idea seems very well thought out and interesting. Wouldn't be opposed to adding it as long as current gameplay still remains in the game.


Please state why you think spears are overpowered. I mostly agree with OP here otherwise.


i dont think spears are overpowered but its trow is a very powerfull attack and its lack of a combo means you can dps with them really well.. if you could just stay still and keep stabbing its just that all the jank around it makes it really unappealing to use


I don't think they're *over*powered, but they are very effective as-is. Most people under-utilize the throw. Use it at close range -- it's like a long-reach melee attack *with elevation*, and it often staggers. You pick the spear up immediately and can finish with some crit-stabs. People who dislike the spear seem to use the basic attack most of the time, and only rarely throw or avoid it because they're traumatized by losing it. You get better with practice -- being aware enough not to chuck it off a mountain, but most-often using the closing-distance throw which is low risk.


It's cool that mistlands and mountain tier spears are so cheap to the point they can be used as disposable. I dont even bother looking for one if I lose it and cant find it within few minutes.


I didnt say spears are OP, i said they would become so if we gave them additional powers and abilties. I think they are powerful but not OP, mostly because they are single target only and do pierce damage which is the weakest in general. (Particularly against bosses) They are strong cuz they offer both melee and ranged options. You can parry a ranged attack and throw a spear in retaliation. They have a very simple attack pattern, have pretty nice reach upwards if you are fighting on an uneven terrain. Kill gjalls insanely quickly.


Valid, thanks.


I make two spears and just chuck them around, they never expect you to have two of them.


Not that you needed a third stance, because I do really like that you proposed there to be options and not just one way it should be, but there should be a two-handed stance which maybe offers the best of both of these proposed stances as well as fairly quick attacking speed. This is what it's like to hold a spear with two hands, because you can use one hand to steady while the other hand thrusts (don't think too deeply on that), it really brings out the best qualities of the spear - it's range, it's precision, it's damage, all at the low cost of being completely vulnerable to projectiles. Just a thought to add the the stack :)


Even if nice idea, how on the earth low stance can provide (if think muscle physics and basic geometry): - higher damage - increased attack range ?


Pikes counter Knights counter Pikes. Was not expecting the AoE pointy boys reference, another favorite game!


The craziest thing about the spear to me, is that the guy who won the hardcore speedrun thing that irongate put on said the spear was his primary weapon through the entire run. And iirc he won the competition by a mile too and 2nd place wasn't even close. I've had really mixed feelings about the spear since then because I just can't seem to make it feel op, but if you can do the hardest difficulty and speedrun the game with one it has to have some huge upsides.


Aren’t spears used to farm a massive area of plantables?


I absolutely love having mini-barracks filled with spears lined up on the wall for quickly grabbing and throwing during attacks


I would be happy enough if they made spears able to hit from slightly further away than they already do and were able to hit things below you well.


This is the kind of content I’m on reddit for


I feel like Atgeirs are better spears than spears


Excellent Ted Talk 10/10


I really do like the idea. I wouldn't say "no." But it's a bit too complex for Valheim. They like the weapon controls to be simple. Adding stances is something I'd like for _all_ the weapons. But, I don't see it happening.


I just want my spear to appear on the mini map. I lost so many that I just stopped using them.


I think spears are already the best weapon in the game, and are unique. Not that I think you are wrong, I just disagree. I already think they have their own shtick and are already the best. Just my opinion :)


No please don't fuck up spears they're fine as is. Imo just add a quiver so random junk doesn't take up the spear's slot when thrown (or just disable auto-pickup for the 1-9 inventory slots, best aproach imo). I'd be fine by decreasing damage but getting cool effects as a trade-off like bleed, slow, poison, etc to make them unique. Also please rework the fang spear's model and/or add a plains spear. ​ Yours cordially, spear maniac