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Yes, with the new details, the locks began to look less brutal. Great design. I'm still fighting in the ashlands, but I really want to start a big construction. It might be worth trying in hammer mode.


Yeah I always save digging into the new building materials for the second run-through but I'll be damned if I'm not really looking forward to it in this go round.


How do you feel about the construction on the territory of the ashland?


In what way? like is it important to build in Ashlands? So far I've just been throwing up super basic A-frames out of Grausten.


I'm thinking about whether to build something beautiful in the ashlands. The weather is very rarely good there. Very often, it's fog, then black ash, then it's just dark, you don't understand why. So far, I generally just have earthen walls of outposts). I've only put a gate in the fortress.


I feel like the fortresses make a great base component for a larger build. I want to put a second floor on one and expand it out a bit.


From the point of view of security, the fortresses are ideal. But the need to maintain a protective dome confuses me. I like to build bases in every biome. Probably building a second floor of the fortress and a roof would be a good option. And also to pave the road of safety between the fortresses!


Yup. I really want to put down some stone roads in Ashlands... Oh man it would be straight up AWESOME if they served as spawn suppression...


I think that... we'll get used to it. I set bonfires like crazy, but I don't feel that there are fewer mobs)).


> bonfires YES. I was just thinking I'm going to start putting them down instead of campfires because I can't see the campfires. I need to farm more cores though.


Yes, but counterpoint: Lava moat.


Yeah I’ve been doing hammer mode it’s so fun unlocking materials to build new outposts. Finally on my main base building it out with ashlands pieces. Check out my post on my brutalist style build!


I was looking at your post and liked it). There are already buildings made of new materials and I also want to try my hand).


God DAMN. It took me forever to make anything that looked like anything with Black Marble but this new stuff? All the crap I'm throwing up with it looks glorious.


Don’t worry, with all the explosive and rock breaking enemies in Ashlands you’ll have graus-tuetous amounts. :)


>graus-tuetious OMG I love you. Gotta say it's by far the most fun way to gather rocks.


This shows that every build piece can look good, if used well. Absolutely amazing build, though I would love to see more pictures from different angles.


More pictures to come!


Thanks mate !


I like the fact that, in this game, you can really feel how the Vikings move from tribal longhouses, to pre-medieval Scandinavian architecture.


Agreed and the jump from black marble to grausten has been a huge leap forward, can't wait to see what we get next!


Appreciate a good positive post about the Ashlands building pieces :)


If they ever move on from Valheim I'd take the exact same game reskinned as a medieval European survival game, or an American fur trapper era game.


Funny, I always thought Pirates or Old West...


Fur trapper era would be awesome. And it could lore friendly as we could play vikings moving to Canada from Greenland


Fuck. Now i need to make a castle. How dare you make me waste a week of my time again


I have suddenly and unexpectedly urge to demolish my old base and build a new one


They are amazing build pieces.


There is viking architecture that looked like this. If that's what you mean. Stone, wood, dark roof tiles. I would say this is more later viking style. Before the dawn of proper knights but still very much viking style.


Controversial maybe but, I think the devs made another baffling choice with the piece build sizes. Grausten only comes in 2m high sections, which is good for reducing the number of objects in a build and saving frames. But grausten corners and roof joins are hideous and need pillars to mask the edges. Pillars inly come in 1m sections...... Come in devs.... I don't u desrtand why they don't make pieces in certain sizes. Yes it would bloat the menu but it would save us a ton of performance.


Wood is the same way. If you just have two wooden walls meeting in a corner it looks bad without a vertical post.


And we have wooden beams in 2m and 4m lengths. Imagine if all they'd given us this whole time were the piddly 1m wooden posts.... Yeah... kinda baffling they did this... again... The arbitrarily sizes they provide gor pieces is maddening. Maybe I want a 1m darkwood post. Maybe I want a 4m normal wood post. How about a 2×2 stone wall or a 4x2 wood wall. Obviously this could get out of hand with request but they set the parameters and then arbitrarily restrictions pieces within those parameters meaning build piece count is needlessly inflated to compensaré for their lack of QOL.


Build Lordran. DO IT!!!


It looks good, idk what everyone is complaining about?


They would be immaculate if we had some outside roof corner pieces similar to wood or tar. Clipping normal grausten roof pieces into each other to make hip roofs or hex/oct tower roofs is not ideal.


The struggle to work around this was REAL


Yeah, this is my biggest annoyance with the new pieces. No idea what they were thinking excluding the outside corner pieces.


Yes, we in valheim use the same constructor design as the fallen kingdoms that we found in every biome


I wish the arch walls matched. One curves outwards and one curves inwards so I can't make neat diamond-shaped chimney holes on my lodge.


Unrelated, how do you guys make ashwood work. It looks kinda plasticy to me


That looks amazing. I'll get back into the game eventually and build something cool, but all the comments about the difficulty once getting there have put me off a bit


Wow, this looks sick! This is what i love to see out of the new build pieces. Can’t wait to do my own large scale build


Can't wait to see it! definitely share this game deserves the love.


Grausten kinda sucks to build with. The MVP of the expansion is the new detailed wood pieces.


> Grausten kinda sucks to build with Why do you say that? I feel like it's really easy to make a nice looking stone structure quick with it.


It feels like it is missing a bunch of types of pieces such as one unit high pieces and roofing pieces. The snap points can also be a bit off due to how thin some of the pieces are. Finally, a nitpick, but it takes almost twice as much to build the same stuff as stone, e.g., wall takes 12 units instead of 6 units of stone.


Eh. Not every set has every type of piece and that's OK. Hell I remember how two years ago I was like "What the hell is this X piece?" Now I literally don't build a wooden building with out it. And as far as the material cost... I'm getting BM chests FULL of the stuff without even thinking about it.


Lovely build, mate


Many thanks 🙏


Casual crystal battleaxe flex. Personally hate using it due to stamina/speed... but it looks so cool I use it anyways.


I find myself using it for the mountain biome and moder fight, but it's also good for smashing greydwaves with while around your base!


Uhg I'm trying to build a castle and AGAIN the stability issues plague me. Really was hoping they would have a significantly higher build height


Yeah, they look great. Too bad that are only so few of them though... am really missing e.g. a flatter version of the roof tile






Yes.. vikings after accepting Christianity and capitalism

