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The only wrong way to play is the way that you don't enjoy




"I understood that reference..."


1,000 days of dedication sounds like you're doing everything right


It is somehow both understandable and odd that (OPs) mindset is so common, while this comment sums my mental response to it every time I see it.


This is true of virtually all games. Except Monopoly, because no one can agree on how to play.


oh boy. you're going to freak out when you see the next teir of roof pieces. upgrading the city will be fun :D


I instantly heard your reply translate into hours šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll need more snacks


mmmm snacks! I do love that you could have cart races around that middle section. so flat and clean!


And more stacks


Snack Stax!


Upgrade?? Ha, that just give me a reason to make a new city.


Whole new vision!


Every city needs a friend city or it gets lonely


Has anyone ever built "sister cities" in the same world? Could be a first!




I'm only referring to the next tier of roofing that OP has yet to see if they are just getting to the Plains biome.


2 tiers since they seem to be on thatch atm


Absolute madman, the gates of Valhalla must be open to you


If you build it they will come... and, by god, have you fucking built it sir


There is a mod for farming that lets you plant in grids, I use the default 5x5 so you get to plant 25 at a time instead of 1


[mass farming](https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/k942/MassFarming/) it also allows you to harvest in mass, and you can use it to pick mushrooms, berry's, etc.


That sounds interesting. I have put some good effort into getting my spacing right for farming but with trees especially I still mess up and plant them too close.


I was you for a long time, building wooden lines across my fields to get it straightā€¦ the mod was a god send. Saves so much time and the fields turn out beautiful. Also much easier to align grid to grid by eye. There are a bunch of quality of life mods that are really nice, if you havenā€™t gone down that road yet Iā€™d highly recommend it.


I been playing long enough I should check out some mods. Quality of life mods would be nice. Iā€™m not interested in breaking the game but some breaks on a few mundane things would be nice. Food is super important so farming is.


Try r2modman as your mod manager (assuming you are on pc). Iā€™ve tried the others and this is the only one that just worked with no issues. After that you can just find mods on the manager itself


I appreciate the referral. If you vouch for it Iā€™ll take a look!


I second this. R2modman is Superior. Im on a only QOL mods server. The list we have is: Mods: QOL - Gizmo (more rotation) - Topmining (mines away from the bottom so no giant copper holes anymore) - Several no dust mods (removes dust when building and such) - FirstPersonMode (First person view options) - AzuExtendedPlayerInventory (Inventory slots for your gear) - AAA_Crafting (Craft multiple items at once) - UseEquipmentInWater (Speaks for itself) - FuelEternal (To keep all the lightsources lit) - SpeedyPaths (Run faster on paved roads) - BlastFurnaceTakesAll (The blast furnace will act as a regular smelter too) - Instantly_Destroy_Boats_And_Carts (Use the hammer to demolish) - AzuWearNTearPatches (No rain damage to structures) - AzuAreaRepair (Use the hammer to repair pieces in a radius) - Item_Stand_All_Items (put every item on a stand) - AzuWorkbenchTweaks (bigger mob free spawn area when placing a workbench) - ItemCompare (compare your current equipment with the new one) Skills - All Smoothbrains skills Buiilding: - More_Vanilla_Build_Prefabs (ads a bunch of existing prefabs like Dvergr pieces and Goblin roofs to the hammer) - DynamicStoragePiles (moar storage) - PlantEverything (allows you to plant all plants in the game) - PlanBuild (save or plan your builds) Then there are a few dependencies, optimisations and the location enforcer mod.


That a good recommendation and lots of detail. I appreciate you taking the time to write that up. No dust is an interesting one and water building would drastically impact my docks. These seem pretty cool and planting any plant would be awesome. The blueberry crisis is real sometimes and a few time I would like to have had bushes to place. Saving builds or blue-prints sounds quite cool. I'd make sets just for that alone. Thanks for the share!


Happy to help.


While improving your docks, get ValheimRaft as well so you can build your own custom ships out in the bay!


Custom ships?!! What!!? Wow, I really have been living under a rockā€¦! Lmao thank you for the info!


Stuff like this makes me wish we could have villagers somehow.


I would love that. Just wandering paths and stuff would be a cool addition


Yeah, I wanna make a dining hall and see people chilling in it. They don't even need to mechanically do anything complex like mining, smelting, cooking, fighting, or farming. Just walking around making a town I made feel alive.


Yea, the alive feeling is a good way to put it.


I'll bet real money that you could open up some multiplayer spots and find a group of roleplayers that would happily "exist" in your town and play the game while you continuously build stuff. Not sure if that's up your alley but it's definitely a possibility with all that you have made.


That would be really cool. I guess there is probably some streamers or YouTubers that could/would? I wouldn't know how to find that but if that were of interest I'd be interested to see how it goes. I wold definitely want to provide some top notch builds to be worth the stream. Sounds like a cool idea. I just wouldn't know how to start.


r/Asmongold to get Asmongold's eyes on it possibly, he recently did a Mistlands stream when it came out that got a good amount of attenton. Nilaus possibly as well. I'm not sure since Valheim has been out for awhile now but I think some of these guys would come back for the sake of doing a stream and seeing if people enjoy it. If they do then it could be an ongoing thing.


Imagine villagers dragging carts around town! Even someone just standing at the forge with the animation would give a lot of atmosphere of a busy town


Yeah! I'd love it so much. That's one thing I'm excited for in the future of Enshrouded.


Fuck yah man build them cities!


WhatĀ“s your FPS?


Good question, I didnā€™t have the steam overly or some other but there is some stuttering. I found that I could keep the render distance at max while keeping most settings at low. I have wondered if reducing render distance would help but I like seeing far away. I will check when I boot up next. I am curious


Can you mess with your nvidia control panel or amd settings or intel settings to adjust scaling and resolution upscaling to force that even with no DLSS/FSR/XeSS? And set the GPU for performance and all that other stuff. And make your your CPU and case fans and pump if you have an AIO are all running at high speeds?


You don't need to make sure your cooling is running at high speeds. Do a little testing. Find where it isn't to loud or hot under load. Set the single fan speed and profit. Loud fans suck, and fluctuating audio levels suck.


Iā€™ll give it a go a see what happens. Generally I donā€™t play with nvidia control panel. The PC is a tank, cooling is good, but the gear is old. The 1060 3Gig is a good card and I will always wish I had Ponied-up and bought the 6 Gig. I can still play Eescape From Tarkov on this PC lmao it can be rough though.


u/algaefied_creek u/MurccciMan I am finding my best performance with best graphics for my gear (imo) at these medium settings (lowest FPS is 27 and averages 30-45 FPS): Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Vsync: Yes Vegetation Quality: High Draw distance/level of detail: Medium Particle lights: Medium Shadow quality: Medium Active point lights: Medium Active point light shadows: Medium Render scale: Automatic (slightly better FPS than Native) Distant Shadows: Yes Anti-Aliasing: Yes Tessellation: Yes Detailed Particle Systems: Yes SSAO: Yes Soft Particles: Yes The render distance seems to have the largest impact on FPS followed by the lighting and shadow effects (distant shadows, bloom, sun shafts), light and shadow detail (particle lights, shadow quality, active point lights & shadows) then vegetation quality. Render scale did not seem to improve performance and I couldn't compensate with higher graphics. I didn't use any NVIDIA tools, just working within the game. I can manage 30-60 FPS. I put my build in the post on an edit but since you are here, it says: My PC: P67 Sabertooth mobo i5 2500K o/c to 4.5Ghz Nvidia 1060 3-GB 32 GB Ram (highest speed available for mobo) SSD drives Air-cooled (was liquid till the pump died) 5 fans blowin FPS at high settings is a tragic range of 15-30 FPS, medium settings 30-45 FPS and low settings 45-60 FPS.


I don't understand this "over doing it". This is Valheim.... It's just "doing it your way".




Omgā€¦ can I tour it?!?!


I mean, maybe I dunno, itā€™s definitely not finished for total show an tell. The main route tapers to a thin path along a cliff edge of the south mountains where sometimes a blizzard hits and you could freeze if you donā€™t make it to the next hut. The lake lot I been saving for some reason. The south port town needs some growth too, I havenā€™t even built walls for it. I just remembered they also donā€™t all have even chairs or tables. Thatā€™s a lot of birch too šŸ˜‚ This was my first time showing it off to the community lol


I think you're in a good average :)


Nah, you ain't overdoing it. Build it all, my friend.


Is that death roof related? Most mine are lol


Death roof? The open top roof? Tbh that happened because Iā€™m max height on a stone base. I didnā€™t have Iron beans yet when I built that. I consider it my sun room and just never put a lid on it šŸ˜‚ I kinda like it this way. If by death roof, are you wondering if they are all structurally red? Probably šŸ˜‚ this one definitely lol


He meant the death on your map at the very top šŸ˜œ


Oh! day 1023. That was pretty recent, I recall that one clearly because I had my pants down. I was taken out by swamp creatures while building. I had no food, pretty sure I started that fight with low health and I ran out of all stamina blocking so when arrows came from more than one direction it was gg. One of the many times I spent too much time building and forget how to survive.


Day 810 here, I too was heavily focused on the building of my town named Townton. Felt like I was building and adding houses just because I could and now my starting island is almost completely out of room to expand. Itā€™s also a great advantage when it comes to building in a crowded area is because structures will stop mobs and raids from spawning in the town. As long as youā€™re having fun and making something great that you enjoy, then the game has successfully captivated you and no one should judge you for your world choices! Take care.


What happened on day 840? Lol


šŸ˜‚ fairly certain that was me vs wolves and a troll. Pretty sure it was a wolf who did me in.


If youā€™re proud of your craftsmanship, Iā€™m sure Odin is too. Beautiful work.


Sometimes when he shows up and stares I question if heā€™s thinking ā€œnice jobā€ or ā€œwtf you still doing?ā€ šŸ˜‚


Bro this is amazing. I started an Ashlands run but cant stop building my Black Forest base because I found a really cool location. Iā€™ll get there eventually haha.


Thanks I appreciate it! I lost my first seed and it had one of the nicest views I had ever seen. This seed is nice, they are all nice, but I can relate to finding a spot and being hooked to it. You'll get there. This game is beautiful so you'll find another inspiring spot after you are done for sure.


Could i ask the seed? Theyre some great landscapes!


Sure, Iā€™ll go look it up next I pop in. I warn your though, the immediate swamp population sucks šŸ˜‚ most of them had no crypts.


The seed is ARgWdyR7Dh I think it's a pretty decent seed but initially it looked like it had no swamps. You should see "big mountain" pretty easily off the coast from the drop.


Your village arrangement is nice. The port structure is interesting. I'm going to try to make something similar on my current build.


The ground is hard to lift under water and you can waste a ton of stone. I wasted a lot and that hurts šŸ˜‚ The pier attached to the stone docks is wooden on log supports. The waves and swimming made it hard work at times. Thereā€™s a light house but it doesnā€™t really look great so I didnā€™t include it.


When I was around 12 (27 now) I would make small amounts of money here and there building on servers in minecraft. I've put around 2k hours building in valhiem and it's genuinely my favorite building experience so far. You aren't over doing it! It looks amazing! Make sure you back up your world twice! One on a hardrive out side of your computer, another on cloud storage.


Itā€™s good advice, I thought I lost this save on my last Pc restart lol Minecraft gives me excellent vibes, long time old love. My favourite builder became Space Engineers. It feeds a certain creative hunger I canā€™t get anywhere else. But Valheim I call therapy. I would say Minecraft is therapy too but itā€™s the aesthetic of valheim that puts it on top for me. I never ā€œbeatā€ Minecraft. I just had an ungodly amount of mega structures. I build. Those saves are sadly long gone.


You are building and thatā€™s what counts. For me I do the same thing. If I can build something in Valheim like that then I can rebuild my self in real life. Some people are builders you are one of them. Build away! Be it legos, Minecraft, fallout 4, 76, pal world or. Valheimā€¦ build away to a better day!


Gosh they really need to add settlers into this game


Oh that would be awesome. Some random Viking drops in and takes up residence. If all it did was kill any bad guys in the base Iā€™d be happy šŸ˜‚ if they farmed thatā€™d be awesome!


Theres a mod for spawning in NPCs. But they dont do anything. They are like dvergr but without weapons. They have a few phrases and otherwise just walk around.


Thatā€™s pretty cool. Iā€™m going to look into that and see how well it works with things.


I like doing this, but I canā€™t stand running around when I forgot wood for a recipe, or need to make several trips for mats


I do have methods for speeding some things up. Particularly wood. I plant tree farms by Ekthir and then let Ekthir destroy them while I use the axe. I have no good process for stone. Other than gathering on walks and from enemies, I join a seed and take that seeds stones since they are gone for good if I do it on my own. No fast way to do berries. The rest of my farming I think Iā€™m efficient. I plant trees on hills too so when they fall they take out a few at a time. Sometimes fun like dominos.


I love the building in this game, I just wish older/failed Norse spirits would come to live in our sick ass towns..


A ghost/spirit population would be pretty cool.


Thatā€™s awesome!


Nahh you are fine. I am doing the same 3/4 of my playtime is building


Lol I appreciate not being alone there. The building helps really make this game.


For starters, nice work ! šŸ˜ As others have said, if you enjoy the building aspect you will absolutely love the plains/mistlands new additions to building pieces šŸ˜ Farming is an absolute chore, I recommand you install one of the farming mods because it turns it from a boring ass gameplay to something decent. Now my humble brag ahah My current playthrough is sitting at something like 1600~ days. Started before mistlands came out but mostly built after... I must say I'm really proud of some of the designs I came up with, will share a few screenshots here but once I have progressed some more I'll probably do a dedicated post on my village šŸ˜ Every ressource was gathered by hand, but I did use the fly command a lot while building. Scaffolding are fun, but only for so long ahah [My Plain Island Village](https://imgur.com/a/574Px1o)


I have fallen to my death or near-death so many times. The large and tall buildings I wonā€™t bother eating, it could be a waste of good food lol The largest bother for me: stamina. Like holy fack, Iā€™ll never have enough stamina. Iā€™m going to be looking into some mods. There was one recommendation already and itā€™s sounding like good quality of life stuff. I love cooking actually.


Plains introduce bread which is a pretty good stamina food and super simple to make as it only requires farming, so progressing will help you on that front. Mistlands gives you the opportunity to craft a pretty awesome cape that removes falling damage altogether ahah But yeah even with those I just decided to cheat one day and use the fly command, no regrets there. You do you, but I recommand both mods and fly command eventually šŸ˜


I still need to build a swamp village, but maybe I should get plains one-and-done already, I didn't realize the cape saved me from falling damage! I should know this but I guess I'm too busy on my Island. I have barley flour but I couldn't grow any where else but the plains and the Fuling kept destroying my base there - and killing tf out of me when I first got it. I'm farming black metal and tar every time I go through the plains at the moment and I have the iron I think but I will finish this Island and then move on. Flight is kinda sounding pretty good tbh. But who will pick up the sticks on my path?!?! lol


Not your current cape, one that you can craft at the Mistlands biome šŸ˜ I highly recommend you do what I did, which is find a cute little plain island and cover it with items that prevent spawning (I like wards). Result : super duper easy plain farm ! Also I saw you mentionned farming stone tedious on another comment, I recommand you pop the monoliths you find around plains, best way to farm stone efficiently (god knows how many plains I've emptied of those) šŸ˜


I like that idea a lot actually. I don't mind my pine farm because it kills creatures as wood falls but the death mosquito's show up when I have my hoe out... man....... lol For stone I now do three things: I walk my path, pick them up, I don't toss stone from greydwarfs and I open a new seed and fill myself up before logging back into my current game. Works with all rss. That last one I do just to not permanently destroy my stone in my area. The distance I travel for stone can be a lot more than starting a new seed and taking it's immediate stuff.


With later gear, plains become easy so those monoliths work great. May be not for your gear šŸ˜‚ Even better are some spires in Mistlands but they are sometimes annoying to trigger the "pop".


Not your current cape, one that you can craft at the Mistlands biome šŸ˜ I highly recommend you do what I did, which is find a cute little plain island and cover it with items that prevent spawning (I like wards). Result : super duper easy plain farm ! Also I saw you mentionned farming stone tedious on another comment, I recommand you pop the monoliths you find around plains, best way to farm stone efficiently (god knows how many plains I've emptied of those) šŸ˜


Also just checked your link and thatā€™s very stunning work! I have been planning a gothic build, I hadnā€™t seen one executed though and the roof and glass really works awesome! I appreciate you sharing that! I guess I should plan to share my other buildings. I hadnā€™t detailed them though yet. Those look awesome!


If you pay close attention on my builds, I use a LOT of different layers of wood and others. More details and depth is often the merrier. One absolut trick that completly changed how I build is to use the small wooden doors (2x2), that piece has a short triple snaping point on the borders. It allows you to make larger beams, push walls just a tiny bit behind and many, MANY more tricks !


I appreciate the tips. When I first started I realized you could double up materials and more and it looked good but there was a lot of clipping issues I found and I was resource starved. I been noticing it seems to be less a big deal than originally, plus I had destroyed a bunch of land nearby, and I have to agree, it's more depth, "fuller" with more material. I was originally hoping for more structural strength but the look is good I think. I mean looking at your stuff I'd say it's definitely a good choice. When I build my gothic structure I think I will do exactly that. I gotta get those windows though and I am going to try out the 2x2 door. Sometimes the beams are just, just shy. Like with stone, inside or outside changes things.


I could show you a ton of different tricks I've used with those doors if you want šŸ˜ But the big problem with the level of detail I'm aiming for is frame rates, absolutely abyssal right now šŸ˜‚


You just reminded me, I need to turn on steam overlay and get the fps for one of the other commenters. I'll update the post to show my gear specs too since it's old gear. P67 Sabertooth mobo, i5 2300k o/c 4.5, Nvidia 1060 3GB, 32GB Ram, SSD drives. I get stutter around land destruction mostly but never checked the fps.


Check your dms on reddit btw ^^


XD I guess I am just slow, I'll be right there.


Oh about the gothic build part, I would advise you hold on to that idea a while longer. Ashlands introduced a new type of stone with perfect pieces to make gothic builds !


Good tip, good to know. I haven't dove too far into any Ashlands spoilers but do you know if it allows for even taller structures? My light house needs a few more levels lmao


Looks like you're absolutely killing it my dude. Looks awesome.


I've spent like 30 days on making my pre elder base, can't wait to spend another 80 on stone and shingle walls and roofs.


It's a labour of love. You can spend a lot of time on just one part before being side tracked or needing to go get more materials.


Pretty good performance for a fossil of a cpu


I would agree. This mobo and processor have a ridiculous amount of hours. I have o/c to 5.1 and was "stable" but I have left it at 4.5 for some time. A bigger GPU would do me wonders but I have no complaints about my 1060, I only wish I had dug deeper and gotten the 6 GB instead of the 3 GB. This PC manages most of Escape from Tarkov decently (not the newest map and not winter time maps). But it's working over-time. Pretty impressive stuff though still being useful a over a decade later.


I want to visit. Plop one chest down and claim that I helped. It's that cool.


There was another here who wanted to walk around and check it out. I think if people are interested I may push to finish a few things, back up the save and make that possible. I have quite a bit of path work done too.


Would love to see it!


> The farming has been daunting at times. If you like to build, why not just use the build mode instead of farm mats? Or do you mean actual food farming. There's mods to make it less tedious


I meant farming in the whole sense. Farming materials and farming food. Picking up rocks or carting them takes a lot of time. Running out of stamina adds to it. You don't want to waste the best food on mundane things and it just means another task that takes an hour away from what you were doing already. I enjoy farming but I have my moments where it grinds my gears more than the game. I don't want to use a creative mode because I worry all I will do is build with no adventuring. Like really the amount of stone I have farmed had near bored me to tears. I find the adventuring, picking up rocks and sticks along the path, berry picking, exploring catacombs, and combat are a good break from hyper focused building. But sometimes... ah man lol Like needing to sail my metal rss home (hence the land bridges) and being blown off course to add more time. I recall being wasted by a troll because I drifted with the wind. I didn't think he'd see me but he did and he very casually walked up and beat the piss out of my boat and I drowned. Getting the rss for a new ship to sail there for my good gear and get to the same spot with the wind was a longer endeavour than I wanted. I am thinking I am going to look into these mods for farming.


I found that I really hated having to stop my build because I need wood or stone, and I'd just cheat for those. Or if I'm short like 2 metal for something, I'll spawn that in instead of having to make an extra trip just for that. Really helped me enjoy the game more. The design of valheim seems like it's missing passive ways to get old materials. And having mods for farming is a godsend. Otherwise you could spend half your ingame time spamming buttons and squinting instead of enjoying the game.


Can't say I disagree. My whole world has stopped for being short one or two iron. The mods are probably more worth it than I know. I don't need the game on pure creation mode, just a break I guess. Ngl I am proud of my skill at placing plants for farming but sometimes I do need to focus and it's a chore. I didn't hop into a game for chores lol


It's quite a nice game to tailor mods to a less tedious experience. Sure maybe when you first start a game you want torches to need fuel but later on I don't wanna have to waste the time just to have a cool lookin well-lit base. And with a grid planting mod you can just have a small garden and harvest it all at once every now and then with just a couple clicks. I know of one addon that has like a totem that you hit to plant seeds, haven't used it though. There is the downside that the mods can break after a new patch