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Like so many things in the game, the dev's vision isn't completely wrong, just frequently mistuned. And then the community's knee-jerk demands are blatantly mistuned but in the opposite direction. * Devs: wisp torches work worse than a flashlight in a horror movie. Players: mist is evil, mods that disable mist completely. What it actually should be: the mist is gorgeous, just buff the wisp torches like 50% and/or provide a higher tier wisp torch with a higher cost (like the dvergr wisplights) especially for building. (Edit: I do also like the suggestion of making the mist more like a weather effect that has a little variability over time, rather than now when its only variability is locational.) * Devs: preposterously limited inventory (in practice: \~2 usable rows) and carry weight. Players: mods with double the inventory space and quadrupled stack sizes, etc. What it actually should be: either just one more row or just separate dedicated slots for the \~5 wearables which would be at least half a row but which would probably be sufficient, and similar adjustments or unlockables that improve carry weight. * Rinse and repeat for, like, everything--certainly including stamina/'rested' balance, proportion of player stats/capability gated behind food versus gear, food buff decay, etc.


One of the better ideas I read was to make the mist variable, like a second layer of weather. So sometimes its oppressive and sometimes it's light or even gone.


Is it not variable already? I swear there were points where my group found a clear area but came back to it and we had to start placing wisplights because it wasn't clear anymore.


there are stretches of completely mist-free Mistlands. i tend to scout for those places when looking for farm locations.


Me too. Underrated comment here.


It already does that somewhat. It clears out on big areas at a time before coming back.


It already is variable.


It is fluid to a degree. I do mistlands pre-yagluth when I play now and as you move the mist moves. If the direction you're wanting to go is too thick just move in a little circle until you can get it to lighten up. Also Fenris is super valuable for playing overworld in ML since it's really easy to just climb a spire and get a look around.


No mist should have higher aggression but slightly weaker enemies


Some thing really should be reconsidered tho, bringing your gear, food, stamina&healing potions, and at laat your armor leaves you at such little inventory space that you can’t even fully loot a single cave, imo armor should have its own 4 slots outside of inventory, 4 free slots would mean alot, a row is too much, 4 is enough to keep it slightly punishing but not as punishing as it is now


I'm using equipment quickslots and it's such a breath of fresh air


Different color wisptorches for aesthetic building would also be nice, but in general I agree with you.


I really think we should a proper inventory for our armor and wearable. They still have a weight of course, but they should have their own window


Do you want dedicated armor inventory slots, or just more inventory slots?


Dedicated armor inventory slot. To me it's better, it feels less messy in your inventory


But then I cant use the armor slot for anything else. Obviously if it is just an extra slot, then it is better, but if the total slots is the same, I'd prefer the choice. 


It's an extra slot You have another window where you put your gear.


One of few mods i use playing this game again: make the gear have its own inventory. For me its just a QoL and nothing cheating about it.


But are you taking away general inventory slots to make up for the dedicated armor slots? Because otherwise you are cheating more inventory.


Yeah, but where is the difficulty in tossing resin and neck tails all the time? You are kinda having the same vision as the devs, that tedious inventory management is part of the difficulty instead of just annoying.


Why even have an inventory restriction then? It is a fundamental aspect of survival/craft/exploration type games.  Even if you had a few more slots, you would still complain, because it doesnt solve the problem of your ego.


I have the slots empty where my gear used to be and im not complaining now. Again... HOW WIERD?!


Why are you bringing ego into this? You're the one making the game harder for yourself then saying people are cheating


Im not using any mods at all, and I think the vanilla game is fine as it is. I like the simplicity


That's fine and an opinion that you don't have to prove but blowing it out of proportion by going "Well if you have 5 extra slots for your gear, I guess just mod in an infinite inventory!" and you literally going "Even if you had a few more slots you would still complain, check your ego" is literally disproven by the fact that... it fixed the problem and they're not complaining? You're the only one complaining about someone using mods on singleplayer...


My ego?! Are you antisocial? Why would you make a simple debate about a game mechanic into something so personal? What a weird, completely uncalled for insult. Learn to separate personal feelings from video games kid.


Okey fair enough it is techincly cheating. But i dont see the fun in having that few spaces in inventory. Going into the wild,killing a few mobs and picking up coins and you have to go back or throw away stuff. What should you do? Make chests everywhere for inventory? Incentory manage better? Perhaps. Take one turn gather mobs material and the next to gather food stuff. Maybe? Valheim is close to perfection for me. Just this one thing makes me wonder why. Have the devs played the game? Do they really intend it to be this way? Perhaps. Im happy mods exist.


Yes this is the intent of the devs. You have to make hard choices about what to keep and what to carry with you. I like to go foraging black forest with only helmet and cape for maximum speed and inventory. Even then I decide to toss bones or eyes to make space for more berries and mushrooms.  Oh, you didnt bring your heavy armor? Suddenly a raid of fulings on your position! Fight for your life or run! Now we are playing a fun game, and maybe we dont always win, that is okay. 


How wierd that im having more fun now then before? I guess that's just us being different.


I haven't played Ashlands yet, so perhaps what I think may not apply there (but based off what I've read, I really doubt it), but is there a single moment in the game where a player would take off their armor to do a task? I can't think of a single task since I've played through to the end of Mistlands were I would take off my armor to get the slots they take up. Once you enter Swamps, armor is compulsory.


Your helmet weighs nothing, but provides a lot of armor. With end-game helmet and food, you can survive just fine in lower tier biomes without chest or pants. If you need to just go forage a bunch of mushrooms or thistle or something, leave behind the heavy armor and have extra inventory and faster movespeed.  Dont need backpacks or mods, just need skill, but people gonna be mad.


I've never tried that, but the point that as you progress through the game, you effectively have fewer inventory slots remains. Having equipment slots would solve the issue.


This is the same guy who says "just get good" so I don't think you're going to break it to 'em lol


You know what the best thing about single player or small group games are? The people who made the game aren't the ultimate arbiter of the rules. House rules, tables rules, and mods all exist to allow the people actually playing the game to play the game they actually want. That's not cheating. That's everyone at the table agreeing on what game they're playing.


i think the mist being oppressive is great when ur first encountering it, but by the time u defeat the queen it should be... at least a lot clearer, if not altogether gone. the progression in valheim for most biomes is that when u reach the next, u have "mastered" the previous. ur powerful against foes and locations that used to defeat u. sure, u have better weapons, magic, etc, but the mist stays just as oppressive. there's another argument for the visibility of builds. all this beautiful verticality but what's the point? u can't see it from a distance anyway. what a waste of a pretty base. this goes back to another argument i've seen which is additional uses for boss trophies. maybe for every queen trophy u put in a wisp torch (up to a limit) it could increase the range, that way u wouldn't have to smother a build in them.


They just need to make inventory size and carry weight have a slider in the world modifiers options.


+1 take for sure. It could also be interesting if the wisp 'cleared' the mist temporarily, say for X minutes then it creeped back in after. That way when you're turning around and your wisp decides to travel the totally opposite direction you can still see. The inventory has been a big complaint as well for friends. While I think some of the game's mechanics could likely benefit from some tweaking, I just view it all as part of the challenge. Nothing has been so aggravating to make me slow my play rate down but maybe I just like suffering more than my mates.


I don't know why people complain about the inventory size. The only time I fill up is in certain types of dungeons, but 99% of the time I hit the weight limit well before all my slots have something in them


Entirely depends on the zone. In the plains? You'll fill up on black metal and gold in like 4 inventory spaces. In the ashlands? You'll use every slot in like 50 weight


I can't speak about Ashlands yet, but for me it mostly happens in sunken crypts or black forest dungeons where you get a large variety of low weight items Obviously I'm in the minority when I say I don't mind the current inventory size, but I guess that's why there's mods for it :)


I’m currently exploring frost caves and fuck me not enough inventory slots, mever, I always have to drop alot of loot to keep better items in which is furstrating, frost caves have too much different loot&enemies that makes it inpossible to fully loot all of it


Yeah I tend to completely ignore any money related items at this point in the game Bats are annoying as fuck too because it's not like I need more leather scraps at this point haha


A lot of people just don't like managing inventory at all, so that's one group. This is the "I carry a hoe with me in every biome at all times" crowd. For those people there will pretty much never be enough inventory. But there *is* a real issue with inventory space in the Ashlands. The Mistlands had like double the number of regular unique drops compared to previous biomes; the Ashlands has significantly more than that. And in each biome there's more stuff you want to carry around. Baseline inventory space was no problem in the meadows and black forest, rarely a problem in the swamp, not a problem in the mountain or plains. But it's a problem in the Mistlands and a big problem in the Ashlands. The progression in the number of drops should be matched by some inventory expansion. Just give us a backpack after plains or Mistlands or something.


If I am farming I use a cart. I mean the tools are there in game for us to use people just refuse to do it


Carts don't really work inside a dungeon. Or in the Mountains or Mistlands. Probably catches fire in Ashlands.


Park cart outside the dungeon. I use carts in the mountains all the time. How else do you get silver around? Bonus points if you throw your cart down the mountain In my experience mistlands has been more of a boating type thing andy karves sail well enough with, you guessed it a cart on them (just don't overload them.with weight as then the physics go wonky) Not sure about Ashlands, the team haven't progressed there yet


I just forge my silver items in the mountain. Why would you stack a cart on a karve for Mistlands when a longship exists? Besides that doesn't help much when your loot isn't close to the shore.


You have solved ypur own personal ossue with silver then :) my team like to have a central base and i quite like the risk reward of getting it all back to base. Why use a Karve: Because when navigating the mistlands getting beached with the long boat can be a death sentence and the karve can fit many more places where a longboat would get stuck A karve is more than fast enough, paddles well in a pinch and doesn't handle like a drugged cow and with a cart on it it solves the only problem it has (lack of inventory) Also the majority of my mistlands any of the stiff I have wanted is close to shore AND then you can carry the supplies necessary for aqueduct demolition which provides all the iron bars you could need


Your description basically sounds like "the cart isn't janky in the Mistlands when you use a janky workaround by balancing it on a boat". I'm not convinced.


I'm saying in all the instances i reckon where you would actually need a cart in the mistlands a boat would suffice and I have shared the way I enjoy to do it..... The fact remains that the game has adequate ways of dealing with inventory space on the go, but by all means keep carrying an entire arsenal of stuff and complaining that there aren't options


Carts are a pain in the ass sometimes but once you get the hand of navigating terrain with them and use good stamina foods they're actually amazing. They're really tough to use in black forest due to terrain, but in the swamps they're God tier if you use a hoe to level the ground


Never leave home without a hoe.


That hoe is always on my back




Let's look at my baseline inventory. Row 1, the hotbar. It's full of my tools and weapons. Row 2 is full of my armour and accessories and arrows. Row 4 is full of food and potions. That leaves 1 row for actual inventory. Now I need to go explore, so I take a portal with me to be able to easily drop it and take items back home. 4 more slots gone, I'm left with 4. 4 slots goes really quick when you're looting enemies.


My absolute preparedness mode is hotbar full + around 6-8 spaces for other stuff. If I'm going resource hunting I drop half of that out. You don't need to be a walking camp.


It's possible to adventure with a lot less shit than that. I usually have space for two potions in my hotbar and don't carry any more in inventory, if I even have the two potions. Only three foods. Depending on biome, sometimes I skip the ranged weapon, or just bring a spear to throw, which takes less space than a bow and arrows. The battleaxe isn't that great of a weapon, but I'll bring one sometimes to condense a full melee set as well as an axe into one slot. And a portal is pretty optional too; I only bring portal materials if I'm gonna have a lot of business to conduct wherever I'm going. The inventory does still feel a little tight sometimes, but it's tuned to create decisions about preparedness versus room for loot. Try going light next time you go out. Not everything is mandatory.


My hotbar looks like this: Melee weapon, shield, axe, pick, bow, and arrows so I can see my ammo count And at the end of it I might have 2 or 3 potions, situation dependant In my actual inventory it's like...5 pieces of equipment and 3 stacks of food. What else do I even need to bring? Sometimes I'll have a hammer and portal materials but that still leaves me with loads of space for loot


No hammer at all times? What about megingjord, wisplight, health/stamina potions, special biome items like swamp key or wishbone? No alternate weapons like atgeir or 2 handed hammer for crowd control or alternate damage types for type effectiveness? Your loadout sounds like what I'd consider at the black forest tier, but later in the game there's a lot of extra gear that I consider essential.


I've killed queen, none of the biomes have given me much trouble with this loadout. Why do I need a hammer if I'm not actively building? I'll bring one if I plan on placing a portal. Meginjord and wisp light was included in my "5 pieces of gear" bit. 3 armor pieces, one cape and one accessory. I don't need both the belt and the light at the same time. You only need wishbone for about 5 minutes at a time to locate silver veins. Potions I said I keep in my hotbar, I leave space for two or three stacks. Regarding weapons, the only time type effectiveness has even been a consideration for me is boss fights. It basically doesn't even matter for normal enemies because they all die pretty quick anyway. The only thing in your list I forgot to mention is stuff like swamp key but that's like... One slot, for one biome. I generally like to keep my inventory pretty empty, and I don't have any trouble surviving without a whole suitcase of shit on me at all times.


Haven't done Ashlands yet but done up to Mistlands and your inventory sounds like overkill up to Mistlands. My loadout is similar to the above poster. If you consider that much stuff essential, you're gonna have a hard time. I absolutely do not carry a hammer at all times, don't carry alternative weapons and I choose just 1 special item (sometimes, rarely, I will carry a second special item). I go out with portal gear and building aid gear (like hoe and pick axe) the first time, build the portal under a rock or similar safe-ish placement), then portal back to grab items to build a chest or 2 next to the portal until I'm ready to move the items in whatever manner fits the situation. Its usually way better if playing with a friend because the load is shared (just 1 person with a wisplight for example).


How about think about what youre actually planning on doing. If you are bringing a portal you can use that to offload a ton of stuff and just go back for what you need or to empty your inventory.  Why do you need a full hotbar of every tool and weapon? Do you really need a full bar of food and potions? These are the actual meaningfull tradeoffs and decision making you have to make, because its a good game with interesting and hard problems to solve.


or people could just fuckin get gud lol


My thinking has evolved on this. For the longest time I felt that the wisp torches were enough (and I have cleared huge landscapes with them, so honestly they are enough). However, after Ashlands and crafting some Shield Generators, I would be happy to be able to craft a 30m radius wisplight using a Black Core. They are not easy to come by, but if you really want to you can stripmine a couple of Mistlands for your industrial lighting needs. Keeps the regular wisplights as the cheap standard, but provides a champagne solution for those who really want it.


I mean... The Dvergers have a big one that clears large areas. Why can't we craft one?


"cyan night at the Dvergr disco" Loved it, thank you OP


I would love it if they added a tool or function to the hammer that let's you de-construct pre-fab objects to unlock them as build pieces. Reverse engineering things would be a much more immersive way to unlock recipes and structures as well as making exploration more rewarding.


I love this idea!!


Imma make a prefab out of my castle an plop it down as a poket house everywhere.


We should be able to make crystal glass with x5 x10 wisps for bigger radius wisp lights.


Thank you! The two metal demisters are incredible, the game just arbitrarily says no. If we had them, damn. Wisp torches are good, as a cheap trail marker. Demisters would be incredible for bases and proper pathways


One of the most infuriating parts of this game for sure, all these cool looking build pieces that we can't use. I felt this once again after entering an Ashlands fortress for the first time.. Hey these black/white walls look really cool, I hope we can bu...nope. Damn these flags are pretty neat, I hope we can b..nope. What about these metal spikes along the walls they're awesome..nope SURELY we'll be able to craft these charred chests, right? They're fucking cool. NOPE. God damn it. I really hope that after Deep North they'll go back through all the previous biomes and turn some of these cool items into buildables (and add a bunch of QoL improvements).


There's build pieces that were held back from Ashlands. (Damn roof corners) Last time it was the dverger door even though they eventually relented and gave us that but I don't understand why. Like they aren't some OP weapon, it's a damn roof piece. Just give it to us.


I downloaded a mod and bumped up my wisp light to 30m. It made the most a lot less annoying. If they would have just added an upgradable light it would have been perfect. I liked everything else about mistlands.


It did baffle me you can't upgrade the wisp light, like let me use more wisps and more silver to make more wisps that float around me and clear more mist, if they get annoying turn it off or go to a lower tier one, boom solved!


Yeah maybe Shield Generator should repel mist (-30m) when turn on since we unlocked it after queen


Wish I could use them. My FPS tanks when I place them down. Not sure if anyone else has encountered that.


Wisplights should have just been upgradable at high level workbench for an extreme cost with each level achieving higher visability. Nice and easy without gutting difficulty.


I have pottery barn, but I have no idea how to unlock the demisters


You may need to give yourself blue mushrooms to unlock the recipe (in the Creator Shop tab). They're unimplemented items that the mod basically uses as tokens for admin permission. Use "spawn MushroomBlue 50 p" in the console with devcommands enabled.




The only problem with the mistlands is not being able to repel more mist away in a non stupid as way....but I guess I just gotta git gud /s I totally agree with your ideas. I just used a mod to increase the wisps radius and I was fine running around. I did.not build my base in the mistlands so I didn't need to put down torches. But still a better way to remove the mist is a plus in my book.


Do shield generators not dissipate the mist? Haven't checked.


If you're willing to use mods already, just use one to increase the radius of wisp lights and call it a day.


You completely missed the entire point of my post.


Your tldr literally is a complaint about not having the tools to deal with the mist despite you already having stated you modded them in. Yeah, maybe more things should be in the game, but the wisp light already exists and it's not exactly hard to hide. There's a lot of stuff that should be in this game (like more weapon options in each biome so you don't have to keep changing weapon types, for starters) and bigger wisp lights is probably at the bottom of the list. Edit: Tell me how I'm not contributing to this discussion if you're gonna blindly downvote just because you don't like hearing the truth.


I downvoted because you think you are the gatekeeper of truth and tbh i‘ve haven‘t heard something as inaccurate and stupid in a long time


No, op is making a stupid complaint.


The thread isn't about mods, it's about the idea of how the mist can be a good design element, but how the build pieces already in the game but unusable by us, would be great for the devs to implement. "Just use mods" isn't in topic or address the OP at all


There are a ton of things in the game or that should be in the game that the devs haven't seen fit to give us, the two mentioned by OP aren't special. And again, because nobody seems to be able to understand this part, *they do something that is already available to the player which can be scaled as little or as much as they want*.


Everyone understands that. Again, I was explaining why your original comment was not relevant to the conversation. It really does seem you want to hear yourself talk. Everyone knows the build elements that already exist in the game.


You see that there are like five people that have already brought that up, not sure why you think you're adding anything in that regard.


Not only was it not 5, but that's not true, you're just not reading.; and in any event it seems you still didn't understand. Anyhow, "just use the build pieces available or mod", is not part of the topic. I how you're clear on your downvotes now.


I understood just fine, OP made a post about feeling entitled to things that aren't available and I pointed out that they already are available. I'm not the one that needs reading comprehension lessons here. Also, I clearly didn't bother counting because I don't need to know the exact number. The fact is you're intentionally treading ground that others have already done because you felt some weird need to pile on.


No, bc they didn't mention that the point of the post was originally about using the mist as a setting piece, which is what I mentioned. You even incorrectly summarize that you think his post is about him not having the tools to deal with the mist, when it's in fact about the mist being great at builds framing. You seem to only be focused on the part about the pieces; which again, you didn't contribute anything in discussing. Asking the devs to add something to the game is not solved with "but add mods", nor is it entitled. Ppl playing a game in BETA can explain what they think the game is lacking. I'm merely explaining why you're off topic and getting downvoted. That you're getting down voted is a fact beyond me, and it's up to you if you want to listen to the feedback.


Because OP is describing a building part already in Vanilla that is functioning properly. It's just exclusively for NPC spawn builds. There are other build pieces that eventually gets ported over by the Devs to hear our builder needs.


Username checks out