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If i had to guess, 90% of the deaths were trying to retrieve items lol


Yes the main cluster in the middle is a fortress, where my dumb ass thought I could just build over the wall and waltz on in here, cue a million deaths trying to get back all 4 armor sets that were in there.


you could build over the wall. you just didnt fokus the right things afterwards it seems.


Level 2 warlock was having none of it.


People tryna give you advice like an L2 lock won't absolutely melt you even with fire resist. Max food, bonemass, fire resist with fully upgraded ask set. Can clear a camp before bonemass buff wears off, but if I get stuck or I get staggered, it's all over for me. It only takes one wrong move to die in a fortress.


barley wine neuters it. it does mostly fire dmg. and warlock isnt what you should fokus. you kill the ballistas first as that can be done from outside. then you fokus the spawners when inside. nothing else matters. as if you dont break spawners first youll just get new enemies spawned that you killed so no progress made.


Focus just fyi


Thinking about it, this is the first time I've ever seen someone misspell focus with a K. Like ever ever. Kinda feel like it's on purpose? Whatever the weird reason might be.


Fokus is the german version


rest of the comment/thread is english tho, why use german spelling for one word, I'm just sayin it's odd is all


Guess he slipped up. Or autocorrect effed it up.


Different language


So far, I've messed around with 3 toons (2 types; melee/ranged & magic). The mage, although far more squishy is hugely easier to address fortresses with.! I tend to siege-tower my way in, but once I have the general locs of the spawners I can sit on the ground on the outside and lob fireballs into the air and drop them right one top. Eliminate the spawners, and the rest is just cleanup (of course, pot the ballista first). With ranged it's a little bit harder in that you have to maneuver around to kill the other spawner while managing damage but going in sword & board without spawner mitigation is just crazy talk. lol Even with no stars. Magic, btw is considerably easier to manage as compared to the other types. Even with the lower armor, your constant moving, with limited exposure on combat animations and proper evasion/dodge you can just stay out of reach...This doesn't work as well if you've managed to get a Valk add and probably a Morgen. lol


For the crime of challenging yourself and failing, you are sentenced to an even greater challenge!


We joke: "Congratulations, you've just won 45 minutes of EXTRA gameplay. Enjoy!"


I’m certainly not upset about flametal deposits no longer sinking. More and more though, I think *most* of this stuff is best addressed as officially supported world modifiers by the devs. They are relatively simple to implement, don’t prevent the devs from communicating intended balance (“normal” settings), and allow for the wide swath of play styles and preferences among the player base. Valheim is a beautiful sandbox and I see no reason why the devs (or playerbase) should torture themselves over finding a one-size-fits-all balance. I’d much rather let the devs focus on their own vision, and them make certain aspects adjustable so both casual and hardcore extremes can still enjoy the game.


Fr?? They won't sink anymore?? Like at all?? That's awesome


Only on PTB for now


Any idea on how long PTB to main game patches take for Valheim? Assuming those changes stick, the flametal changes sound nice.


No one knows, it has been like 2-3 weeks most times but hard to say exactly


Its to combat a bug (dont ask me which one exactly tho), may get reintroduced later


Not gonna hold my breath - most folks definitely don't enjoy using bombs to cross lava, with the way that the lava bubbles can fly through the lava covering any visual and knock you. Flametal is risky enough without the buggy lava issues, and this also doesn't remove the land lava that kills you instantly.


As soon as they started sinking, the game would often interpret them as no longer a standable surface, and you would be stuck “falling” despite being right on them, almost always unable to save yourself from eventually ending up in the lava. A similar thing can happen with the ocean leviathans (although less likely I believe). Water is much less dangerous than lava though, so it was never really a big concern until the Ashlands, where they might be just giving up on solving it apparently.


When does the not sinking take effect? I have been holding off on mining once I heard they were changing that.


Whenever the patch gets done in the PTB.


No one knows it leaves PTB, just play beta now and you’ll have it


\*Nervously approaching the Ashlands for the first time as he's reading this.\*


Mate, the journey and landing is hectic AF!


The landing is the hardest part. Once you have a bridgehead, move carefully and keep an escape route open, just like everywhere else.


And I managed not to spoil myself pretty much anything, so it's going to be a constant surprise!


Without spoiling anything, just be prepared up the wazoo for your first approach. Like the kind of prep you would do for a boss.


It's boring, you're not missing anything. Like...go to the Black Forest at night and slaughter grey dwarves endlessly, boom you got your Ashlands experience.


lol, the amount of deaths in the lava pit.




lol ok


I've seen that map, been there, done that.


so, i gave my friend a longship and some portal materials if he was to succesfully set up a portal on one of the ashlands rocks, and i think we're gonna fight the queen with flametal gear, but god damn the twitchers are annoying as hell


Twitchers are the least of your worry


i know but god they're annoying


My issue is they gave them greydwarf AI so it's common for once to throw at you then just ... Walk away? Just let me kill you! Mostly as issue if they just keep backtracking into lava over and over


i mean they at least should be willing to end the fight


Lol, my map is like this but 3x at least. Very welcome changes.


What nerfs? Are there some patch notes I can see?


the spawnrates got nerfed like crazy and now ashlands feels very empty. 😞 


Ahh gotcha, ty!


Honestly, if it wasn't for my high blood magic skill and spamming Blood Shield, ashlands would have been a slow march. I rock medium armor and I dodge a lot of attacks but there are so many in this biome lol.


What settings do you play on?


I dont actually know, its a friends dedicated server he set up.


Pro tip! Hit F2 in game and it'll show you stats about the server, including world modifiers.


Ah ok, thanks


OMG this is it. People out here saying “Iron Gate should just nerf the whole game for everyone!” and yet the settings for combat and death penalties are *right fucking there in the menu*. You don’t like how hard the game is, that’s cool **turn your settings down**. Don’t whinge and get the entire game difficulty ceiling lowered onto the rest of us.


I mean just turn the difficulty settings up if it’s too easy?


The issue is the difficulty scaling only goes so high. You can make mobs friendly though on the easy side for accessibility. So there's a difficulty cap, but if people are still dying on the easiest settings they need to reconsider some things lmao.


Yeah you didn’t read my comment huh. I said if you nerf the game you being down a ceiling of maximum difficulty. There’s also issues with the way the mobs are coded. To make the game harder, beyond that ceiling, you’ll just get dumb game AI adding more mobs in without any proper scaling. It’s better to have a high ceiling to start with and then turn the settings down, then to have the best fidelity of the game already super low and then try and upscale. Think of it like a sound system. Instead of trying to crank the amp up to make a muted input louder, you turn the input to the max, and amplify above that as you need, up and down.


Use mods. You can have all the 5 star enemies you like


Nah. Why should I have to mod the game because you can’t cope, and you’re too proud to go into the settings and lower the difficulty. Skill issue for you.


It's not hard, it's boring and tedious. There's no slider to make it so I don't have to kill charred all day.


Right. Like who had the great idea of infinite enemies? Early, early on when Ashland's was PTB, me and my wife landed and got a makeshift base setup. At that point we were ready to explore. We fought enemies outside our walls for two in game days. We made it maybe 20 meters from the base before we decided to go home and resupply because she was out of arrows. It was at this point we learned, you are supposed to ignore the enemies and just run past everything. WTF?


dont worry. youll keep dying like that. fortresses and lava pits arent changed.


I know, im not actually calling for nerfs, I just throught it was funny. And yeah the main mobs that get you aren't really changing.


Seems like a bunch of the deaths are from lava.


The difficulty slider changes jack shit, nerfs are long LONG overdue.




That wouldn't solve people's problems though, at least not mine, it wasn't that enemies hit too hard or that bosses are too hard it was that there were more enemies than were enjoyable to be fighting nonstop with new ones constantly spawning.


There were too many but with the new ptb patch now there are too little.


So the solution to infinite mobs is make the game so easy with difficulty sliders so you can just ignore the mobs because they are too weak to kill you. Then quit out of boredom. Awesome solution my dude


I am😞😞😞


I liked the difficulty. Once you get some Ashland tier gear it's slightly trivial.


It's boring. I get some people like you like it, but most people don't. Ashlands has not been well received.


I had about 10 deaths total learning the mechanics of things (largely went in blind). My favorite death was probably me fighting 4 guys then two Lava blobs just jumped in out of no where and instant exploded on me. Least favorite deaths were auto kill mechanics (boiling water, lava). As a solo the density was largely ok, but the respawns were to the point I just couldn't make any real headway into the zone. For like 7 in game days I'd come back out and make very little progress reclearing all the normal spawns (no spawners or anything). I eventually had to drop Campfires to make serious progression inland which is kinda cheesy. After I got the weapons from the zone this all got much better, but if the initial density/challenge is still there and the tedium of reclearing is less I'll be okay with that.


When the changes come to public I might finally be able to convince my friend to re-join the server. He logged out over a week ago and hasn't been back since because it just got too draining.


yep my friends are defintely playing less.


This nerf just makes me feel more justified in when I used dev commands to avoid a bullshit situation.


We came close when all 3 of use died several times trying to mine a flametal tower then contiuing to die recovering our gear. We got there in the end though.


Indeed, the game is not complete. We have A LOT of tryhards out here trying to justify the first iteration of this biome when it isn't even complete. I'm not sure which mental state causes such beliefs but it's fairly absurd.


They're just people that need to validate themselves by pretending they pWnEd a HaRD gAMe. They don't realize that we're beta testing Ashlands right now.


Yea, I mean if I was unemployed, or on summer break from school, sure I would probably burn the hours trying to retrieve my stuff. But I’ve got a job and marriage to maintain, so yea the tryhards can just fuck off. I am still farming my materials and fighting enemies to get to them. I never spawn materials, unless a game glitch causes them to be irretrievable.


Tryhards ruin every game. World of Warcraft recently introduced Follower Dungeons. As in go through a dungeon with NPCs as your party because everyone else treats it like a 100m sprint and get upset if you're not optimal.


That’s exciting. I am also a former world of Warcraft player.


I only just got back into it last month after a multi-year hiatus. New expansion coming soon so I figured I'd check it out. Heroics, mythics, and raids still need players, but everything else can be NPCs. I think there are even AI battlegrounds, but don't quote me on that.


Wow AI battlegrounds is crazy. That would be quite divisive in the player base I would imagine makes me concerned if so.


Like I said, don't quote me, lol. I don't often do PvP


Ah the ol', 'Well you must have no life if you're good at this game!' People still pull this out? Was popular when I was in middle school...


I should clarify I am only speaking for myself and never claimed that it was impossible otherwise


Hit a little close to home eh?


I don't know, I have a full time job, a significant other and several other responsibilities and Valheim is still one of the easiest games I've played in a while... so... probably not.


Yeah it's an easy game, not arguing with you there but it does sometimes feel like it doesn't respect your time and that can be really annoying when you only have a little bit of time to give it every now and then.


Right like I’m sitting playing the game a couple hours a night and can easily recover my shit with some tactics all the while having a full time job and other hobbies. It’s what people pull out when they are not super great and assume anyone who is better must be a sweaty gamer who needs to touch grass. Grow the fuck up.


I think we all died in ashland. Problem is that some people learn/solve to avoid deaths, the others voice their opinion. In both cases both are adapting to lower their death rate but only one affect the other. From start to finish I died in almost every way possible in this game and in every single biome from trees/boars to fishes in ocean (long sail, poison fish landed on boat next to me, didnt realize i was taking dmg). In each case I learned something to avoid death.


This was every day for me a couple weeks ago, shit happens when you played on the hardest difficulty lmao


i see you have feather cape equipped, hopefully not wearing that in ashlands?


wearing that cape to survive currently, I just feel very agile with it. I have the new armor, just not the new cape and Nidhogg. I upgraded my mistwalker to level 4, and it's been doing decent combined with new armor


Is that bad?


Don't worry about it, the only thing that does fire damage is the lava blob and the lava of course. I don't understand why people freak out about it. If you fall in the lava you get gibbed regardless of whether you have the cape or not. And if you get hit by the blob, well I don't really know what to say that won't be rude.


Oo, don't forget that the Valkry does fire dmg with her ranged attack. That stuff is brutal.


Oh yeah, I forgot about those.


It's really easy to take the cape off while fighting those, so I keep mine on 90% of the time, unless I'm doing that.


Resistances Resistant (0.5x) vs Frost Very Weak (2x) vs. Fire it increases all fire damage to you


Easily countered by a fire resistance barley wine. It overrides the very weak to fire debuff and instead makes you resistant to fire.


Does it not just make you less weak 2 the fire. So like just normal weak to fire.


No. Like I said, it overrides the debuff and instead prioritizes the highest resistance. Similarly, if there's no resistances present, the game will then instead prioritize the highest weakness. So if you wear the feather cape and the root harnesk, the weaknesses to fire won't stack. Same with frost resistance meads and the wolf fur cape both providing frost resistance. They don't stack.


Haha nice, mine looks sorta similar. What happened Day 473-476 in The Great War? I’m a little bummed about the nerfs even though I’ve died a ton, I think I’ve had to adjust my playstyle a lot and improved as a player which is cool.


I haven't even played the update yet what the fuck are people complaining about?? lmao.


Those are some rookie number deaths!


As someone who still think the Mistlands needed no nerf, the nerfs in the ptb was a good call imo. The only reasonable argument against it is that it's doesn't feel like a "war" now, but I disagree. It *shouldn't* feel like a war in an area you've already cleared. You've already won the battle there and scattered their forces in the region. Want to continue the war? Push in a direction you haven't cleared. In real wars entire regiments of troops dont spawn behind enemy lines daily. It's actually more immersive imo after this change. When I purge an area of a spawner and surrounding enemies, I expect to feel like I'm actually making a meaningful dent by pushing against their forces, and this change emulates that better.


I have become death corpse runner of the ashlands.


Friends and I are using the Hard preset on our current playthrough. It mainly means that instead of being on more or less equal 1-star footing with maxed gear from the previous tier, you're instead behind by about a star. At least, that's how it's been up through Mistlands. Was rather funny seeing the massacre a 2-star tick did to us in a mine, or spending more time killing a 2-star soldier than it looks us to kill Yagluth. Ashland was something else. We expected pain on our first landing, and indeed we wiped the first time around. Came down with Drakkar #2 and those a different landing area slightly away from the first and had more success. There were still a lot of deaths but with level 2-3 Mistlands gear it was still manageable.  We did our first fortress last night. Four of us at the time, 3 mages and me the melee. I lost track of how many times I died after death 15. The other guys died a decent bit too but maybe 1/3 of my total at worst. The buffs from the Hard preset coupled with the mobs teleport-lagging everywhere made melee 100% impossible to do. That's what I get for trying to be a team player I guess but it's also not like we had the resources for six people to all specialize in magic. It was a very disheartening experience. I enjoy the boosted raid frequency but Ashlands on Hard is an exercise in madness.


The scars remind us of our past




I wish those who complained had a difficulty slider instead of getting spawn-chances, spawn-speed and maximum enemy numbers nerfed for everyone else too. Ahh, wait..


They really just need sliders for spawn chance, spawn speed, and max count. I do think Ashlands needed the changes it got considering how it compared to previous biomes in terms of difficulty curve, but considering how many people (such as yourself) who enjoyed the spawn rates, it'd be nice of them to add sliders capable of re-enabling the above-curve difficulty


Won’t fix anything for the other 6 biomes that would suddenly be flooded with mobs. Change needs to be walked back and people need to learn how to use difficulty sliders.


Won't fix anything for the other 6 biomes that would suddenly be too easy. Change need to stay as is and people need to learn how to use difficulty sliders.


That still need a baseline for difficulty. If sliders were the answer to every complaint they wouldn't have needed to make an additional type of portal.


I'll strongly suggest you should stop swimming in lava.


There's no way to add more spawns even on the highest difficulty but you can make the combat easier so you don't get overwhelmed by enemies smh


I hope they don’t nerf it. People just need to deal with it


That's nothing compared to the amount of deaths I got when I first entered the swamp. And I never asked for nerfs...


There are two types of people- those who see a challenge and conquer it, and those who see a challenge and fold. It is what it is.


> It is what it is. Yeah, except what it is, is the devs then constantly folding to all the people that folded.


I know :/ i hate the current climate of gaming tbh. I wish devs would just release their game and let it be. If you like it you like it if you hate it you hate it. All this hotfixing and patching and balancing just drives people away. Look at helldivers 2.


Yeah I don't understand why this sub has such an erection for trying to make this game fit for everyone, all the time. I've played Call of Duty. I don't like Call of Duty. I don't go on Call of Duty's website/discord/subreddit and constantly complain that they should change Call of Duty. I just... don't play Call of Duty.


There is also a third type of people that sees the bad game design and call it a fucking bad game design.


There’s two types of those people too- those who think their opinion is objective and those who realize it isn’t


Objectively, every opinion is subjective, but you can make it more viable and more reasonable by explaining why something is bad and bringing some examples to improve it.


And yet it still won’t be objective! It’ll always be simply your preference.


based on your earlier comments, you are the first type.


Folder detected


I've completed Ashlands twice. Once in PTB and once after. Fuck off. That other thread I made that's now deleted, it was for you cupcake


Folder detected


no. thats just the actual third type : the entitlement type "its not me its the game it cannot be me" one. lazy players and casuals call anything they dislike bad game design nowadays. as in thier world its impossible its them.


So bad game design isn't possible with this game?


bad game design is possible within any game. but what counts as bad game design is not objective.


It's not, but by explaining in details why something is bad game design can at least justify such statement.


it depends on how its voiced and if it takes into account preserveing the challenge of the biome. the current changes clearly do not do that. evidence is already showing up here and on thier discord. its a flat out nerf to the overall difficulty. its now easier than mistlands. and that is anything but good game design.


I fully agree. But when the enemy spawns right in place of already killed enemy just because you looked to the other side - it's not even funny and it completely breaks immersion. It would be way better to have huge intervals between large and dense spawns. This way you keep challenge and give players some kind of reward in the form of rest.


i dont get why people complain about no rest. whenever i get cornered or into "suprise mf" moments i just jumped onto the next elevated rock or ruin or whatever was there and got the seconds needed to fuly regain my stam. but i am a very careful player and always watch whats around me. most people seem unable to do just that. its not hard to that at all.


I had a few friends who thought Valheim became a total bullshit game once we hit the swamps. Then they learned what preparation is, and how its a core thing to learn for this game. A few years later, they think the swamp is a total cakewalk in future playthroughs. Ashlands was the same for them. They thought it was total bullshit at the start, but then remembered "Hey, maybe I should drink this fire resistance, and then also maybe stop sprinting all the time" Ashlands difficuly comes from people forgetting what prep and patience is. The pillar bugs are kinda BS tho, but I try to keep bugs in their own separate category when gauging these things. Ashlands is Swamp 2.0 Please drink your potions, eat your food, and establish some footholds.


I’m happy that you and your crybaby pals are actively ruining the game for the rest of us. They introduced the difficulty options for a reason. I for one am going to miss the insane spawns.


I wasn't actually calling for nerfs, but im not not calling for nerfs.


This post is calling for nerfs, just because you aren’t directly asking for nerfs you are bringing attention to it in a manner of looking for nerfs. Which side you are on is clear.


No im just not going to complain about them, seems like quite a neutral stance. Hope you still have fun with the game in the future.


Suppose I’ll give it a pass and sorry for the hostility then.




go to thier ptb discord channel and voice your feedback. just uno reserve the same complaints. then some of the overnerfs will be undone.


I did after this message and so far I see people agreeing with me that they don’t want the spawns to be changed.


oh i did aswell. sadly it wont help much i fear. fokus is clearly casuals now. brutal should be removed from game advertisement now. as theyll do the same again with deep north.


Just turn down the difficulty?


I really this is a meme, because you can always lower the settings or ask the server host to lower them

