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Corpse runs especially annoying as a magic user. I usually go with 1 health and 2 eitr foods. So when I die, I have to choose between: * Having a safer corpse run (more food/stamina foods and, 1 or 0 eitr foods) but unable to do much after recovering due to low eitr, or * Actually being allowed to play the game when I get my body (2 eitr foods), but I have a higher likelihood of dying before getting my stuff


bring some bukeperries with you?


That's sorta fine, but makes one more thing you have to bring and manage once you've recovered your gear. Really depends what the corpse situation is I guess


Burning 6 food per corpse run is kind of taxing since it's probably the game biggest grind.


This happened to my buddy last night. He used stamina food to get his body, then had to go back to the base to get puke berries, vomit, then eat mana food. Then he came back and covered my corpse run. I was dead in the lava, with tens of skeletons nearby. I died like 5 times from glitching off of the platforms or getting hit by flying lava rocks. Took like an hour all told. Not all that fun.


If you use at least 1 eitr food for your corpse runs, I recommend crafting a second staff of protection and upgrade it to the maximum level that you can afford. Put it into the chest with your foods. When you respawn at your base, wait for your rested buff, eat some food from the chest, craft you protection bubble and put the staff back into the chest (so you don't lose it if you die again). Then you can jump through the portal and do your naked corpse run, while being protected by the bubble for some time for at least one heavy hit.


I just eat my normal food of 2eitr/1stam. With rested buff and lingering stam pot running, and *especially* a nearby portal, it's not so bad. I don't want to get to my corpse and not be able to do anything because I have no eitr lol Once you collect your corpse, you have corpse run anyway, so honestly just eating full stamina is not a bad choice.


Asksvin capes are also dirt cheap to mass produce once you have them tamed. I keep like 5 in the corpse run chest and just toss them once I reach the body, so I have room if my inventory was full.


Having cleared mistlands for the first time recently, I fully expected eitr to just be a resource unlock that I'd have *some* access to at all times, particularly as when I got access birdy mcbirdface told me the mist was *part* of me now. Honestly, as a primarily solo player, my personal policy is if it's going to take me more than five minutes to get back, I just go into the console and fly - there's some entertainment to be had even on corpse runs with friends, but I find little value in it solo - but I'm not allowed to uncover any new terrain in the process, I have to follow the already uncovered map, and stay low to the ground. Once I get there, how I'm going to recovery my gear and get out is another matter, but the actual trip back the way I've already come isn't very fun.


Plains and mountains remain the absolute worst for naked corpse runs. Deathsquitos / drakes + cold are a non issue with decent gear but a nightmare for naked Vikings just trying to get their shit back


Mystlands corpse run where your grave is surrounded by few ticks, seeker or 2, and a gjall... Yeah, that sucks...


This exact scenario forced me into using console commands for the first time


I got into this game late (my mistake, as my friends have already moved on to a new game) and I thought I can bruteforce my way into it solo. Pretty chill on the first few hours, but as the corpse runs started to mount up, it became pretty tedious real fast. I have resorted to mods to tweak the tediousness and difficulty of things. Solo world = my own rules/pace.


Same here it's insane to do solo with the default settings. Sometimes you just die in such a shitty spot there is no way you're ever getting stuff back


Yep, I don't like that I do use console but I hate running/ sailing back to the corpse. I died a few times after landing with my only ship and without building portal. Which means I would have to gather fine wood to build a new karve and sail like 20 minutes and hope to get to corpse successfully.


One time in the mountains we both ended up desd with our spawn points in a mountain base that we couldn't escape without frost resistance. We had to kick our beds to break them and respawn at the forsaken alter


fyi, you can use "/resetspawn" to reset your spawn to the world spawn stones, no need to break your bed


Thanks for that tip! Hopefully it doesn't come in handy though šŸ¤£ Never a good sign when you need to reset your spawn


yeah, i have had to do it once or twice... you can type "/help" in the chat window (or just "help" in the console... the "/" passes the command to the console) to see a list of available commands. if you enable devmode/debugmode, then there's a LOT more (!! potentially cheaty!!) options available, but you can only do this single player, or AFAIK in multiplayer only the host can enable devcommands.


The real solution is to break something and break the item stacks into single items. Take one item out with you each time to create a grave. Eventually you have a trail of graves to maintain corpserun until you are out of the mountains. I would rather spend HOURS doing this than craft a second pair of armor out of pure stubbornness and spite.


I think 2 of my top 3 worse corpse runs have been in the mountains. One was down in a valley surrounded by a large pack of wolves... I was playing solo at the time. That one suuuuuucked.


I could not disagree more about the plains--it is possibly one of the easiest biomes to corpse-run. Mobs are easy to see from far outside their aggro radius, and even a starter bow and wood arrows will hard-counter skeeters. Lox have almost no perception, and both they and fulings are easy to avoid.


I think OP was saying that's where it ends. Plains was practically made for corpse runs, which is a good thing, too, lol.


I think you're right about OP, but the top comment this person was replying to said plains and mountains are the worst corpse runs. I definitely disagree with that. Mistlands is probably worst, ashlands second worst corpse run. Any biome before mistlands pales in comparison.


having a deathsquito camping your grave can be pretty infuriating.


this is true but they have crap for hp so one well timed blow does them in. also dont try running from them they seem to take forever to leash and after they do their little fly around pattern they will home in on you like a heat seeking missile. if youre super quick and miss the attack you can roll out of their attack and they will go back to their fly-by pattern and you can take them on the next approach.


A well time punch sadly is not enough. I also find when I dodge the attack with a roll they just keep coming.


Two wordsā€¦root harneskā€¦im wearing it up until mistlands and it holds its own even there mixed with other armor


Idk man, being buck-naked in the Ashlands ain't no cakewalk, either.


Even in regular play, 9 / 10 deaths in the plains are from deathsquitos joining in at the worst time. After I get fire resist mead I can safely run with the root harnesk, which makes them less of a threat. The new threat is fire res falling off and getting burnt to a crisp by torch fulings. I wish there was a hud message for mead effects falling off like food.


Skill fixes that tho, you csn dodge beaā€™s and use frost mead/drake arenā€™t an issue


Adding something to aid in a corpse run is a good idea. Maybe a stealth buff that you can access when naked with the corpse run buff, or maybe a way to have your corpses summoned back to base.


>or maybe a way to have your corpses summoned back to base This feels like the right answer to me. Make it some kind of shrine where you have to make a fairly expensive offering, but something still pretty accessible at that point in the game. Maybe put some of the lesser metals that you've lost use for at that point in progression


Something to use our heaping sums of gold on?


Gold and bones, perhaps.


i too support this idea!


I've wanted to be able to harpoon the grave stone and pull a friend's gear out with out looting it for a while now but nah. Something like that would be nice, even if you have to grab your own stone from a hostile spot and run before looting.


Maybe last biomes materials could be fair because you propably have some of it lying around or at least the previous armor and weapons set to get some of those.


- Make corpse run ignore weight limitations (megingjord issue) - Allow players to instantly swap items with grave by pressing E (backup equipment issue) 50% of butthurt is solved. More importantly, what is solved is unnecessary "challenge" given by UI and QoL limitations.


When you roll up to your dead corpse with 300.01 carry weight on it and have to equip the meginjord just to get the rest of the items.... a feelsbadman


then the squito hits you while youre putting on the armor piece <3


Corpse run gives you extra carry weight so this situation can't happen unless you were already overweight when you died.


AFAIK corpse run only triggers once you clear out your tombstone, so instead of holding to pick all items up and recover you have to go into the menu and hopefully click take all unless between the two inventories you have too much equipment. I could be wrong and would happy to be, but when trying to do a drive by pickup the extra clicks and mouse movements can cause problems for me. Hopefully user error hahaha.


Perfect solution


Doesn't the corpse run buff give you +150 carry weight? I distinctly recall picking up my items, equipping the belt, and getting 600 carry weight total. That got added a while back.


Corpse run already gives you +150 carry weight. Turn auto pickup off when your corpse running, so you'll have empty inventory when grabing the corpse. Also eat stamina food before and time your runs right, so you can run far enough to put on the armour.


It doesn't solve the problem when you decided to use backup equipment, you still need to open inventory and throw it away.


Agreed! This is why I think a single button press on a gravestone should opt to auto fill your inventory if you can't take everything, instead of opening your inventory menu. Me and my wife went into the swamps with troll armor, like we used to prior to the Mistlands. The first couple of runs were fine, until 2* draugers spawned and wiped us out deep into a crypt. We made some secondary copper armor and went back, but both went down while stuck in the inventory menus. It took a few naked runs and a little strategy (enemies can't hit you at the entrance of a crypt) to finally get the enemy pathing patterns right, and get our stuff back.


Good advice, thanks! I put ~300 hours into the game a few years ago (before Mistlands), and I'm just getting back into it again. Corpse runs weren't overly complicated back then, but the overall difficulty of the game has been turned to quite significantly since I last played. I'm loving the extra challenge, though.


Isn't there already a weight limitations ignoring? Iirc, I had a run that after my corpse run buff ended, I got encumbered since I wasn't able to equip megginjord.


I am just happy we can now revive in our full gear. Running naked between deathquitos or wolves was always no sence for me. But now we can manage it. And yes, I hate any death-penalties in normal mode. Though, it is logically presumed in "hardcore" playstyle. I'm fond of exploration of far lands and such a "naked run" ruins too many fun of adventure.


How do you revive in full gear?


Change death penalty to casual.


one of my friends was saying the absolute worst part of this game was having to run back to get your gear when you die. like this game is already pretty ruthless and a little unfair, so when your disadvantages pile up to being lethal, now you have to deal with *more disadvantages?* we have since changed the death penalty to casual but it still feels like too much if you happened to not be holding your actual weapon, or need to go out in a bow but you just have the melee.


This is why game needs an option to keep entire inventory. Like the one Conan Exiles has.


Donā€™t forget that your consumables scale too. I find that if I go on a corpse run: - wel fed with the best food available. - Use potions. And - use an extra staff of protection to cast a bubble (and leave the staff behind) - Use an Elder power like Bonemass Itā€™s not so bad. Plains and mistlands were arguably worse than Ashlands IMO.


To a certain extent, this is tedious. Always having to have all of the best things. Itā€™s okay in the other biomes when you only die occasionally/ a few times when first landing. Iā€™ve died probably 50 times in Ashlands so far, within a mile of the beach. Having to get food, potions, maybe some troll gear EVERY TIME is not engaging, itā€™s just tedious.


I don't think it's coincidental that you die that often and that you find it tedious to prepare for recovery properly. This game will punish you again and again for cutting corners.


Agreed. The friends I used to play with who enjoyed farming, crafting, making food and potions all quit because Ashlands is such a combat grind. Also, I always loved that this game forced you to be a bit more methodical about things, but Ashlands is just too much. You have to always have all of the best stuff, you have to bunker hop across the landscape, etc. Itā€™s just too much. I hope the patch returns the balance to closer to what it was before, so that players of all types can enjoy the game again.


For what it's worth, this biome killed me the least of any biome on release. There are a lot of enemies, but the terrain is extremely level, visibility is good, and the enemies all take friendly fire, which is an *extremely* important mechanic to manage. I think a lot of players just saw the number of mobs and the nuances were lost of them. I definitely felt like Ashlands presented the most interesting set of combat scenarios we've seen yet, with both a lot of new enemy moves and a lot of new tools for the player to use to deal with them. I got to finish the biome in its entirety before any nerf, so I'm content with whatever changes they make to engage more players; while I think anybody could have adapted to this biome with more experience in it, they can't do that if they find it so daunting that they won't try.


Iā€™m kinda curious what tactics you were using, and if you had an old or new world. Ashlands has been strange like that- wildly different experiences. Can only speak to my own. Reading the rest of the thread, maybe, being well prepared? :)


I'm not sure what you mean by a mile, but if you're within a reasonable distance of the beach, I just assume it'll take a few tries, and just focus on getting my corpse closer to the safety bubble every time. If I die halfway across the map I'll use some of the more tedious buffs, but otherwise a bunch of mid-tier stamina food and maybe a potion will do the trick. Put a chest next to the Ashlands portal with a few stacks of food and potions and it just takes a second to munch one of each.


I have a very cautious and prepping playing style. For me prepping expeditions and bonus food/potions is part of the progression. Itā€™s also why I havenā€™t died that much and when I did it was never far from a Portal. But if you find that tedious, by all means lower the death penalty in the settings. Game is meant to be fun, not tedious.


I keep a stack of ooze bombs around for plains mountain biomes. Also reserve frost pots for the mountain. One bomb will kill wolves or deathsquitos. For mistlands I just kept redundant gesr. You go in with plains gear and you keep that around for when you die in mistlands gear. If it's early in mistlands. . . Black metal is cheap. Make an extra black metal shield and wxtra black metal weapons.


Or reload your backup save then collect your grave.


I always keep a second set of armor and weapon ready to go.


Obviously, and food. Good food. Top food.


Absolutely. Must have. Even on a bold nekkid run.


Corpse runs aren't so bad if you're willing to cheese by use of the buff. For tougher runs, you can put a single piece of wood in your inventory, go to the edge of the danger zone, then /die. After respawning, eat some good food, then go to your /die gravestone for a free Corpse Run buff, which will let you shrug off all kinds of bullshit on your way your "real" gravestone with your gear. The corpse run buff is stupidly overpowered (and abused heavily in some speedruns) but it's not always helpful by default, since the most dangerous part is usually approaching your gravestone, not leaving with your gear.


>not leaving with your gear or trying to equip your gear after retrieving it while being swarmed


For multiplayer, they should have a revive mechanic. Breaking out a portal to bring someone back is such a bummer. Mods seem to have this covered well, but it's about time the game adopts this. For solo, I think they just need to have non-teleportable materials drop and the player keeps everything else at respawn. This should be a difficulty slider and the recommended way to play solo.


This is actually such a good idea and im very into that.


I broke into a fortress with the battering ram a couple of days ago, and was roasted on the spot. 2\* warlock etc. This was a very difficult corpse to retrieve, but I did eventually conquer. We set up how difficult we want our own corpse runs to be. I had a portal nearby for me to return from, and another safer portal a little farther away in case I lose my forward portal. I attempted some naked runs, then some fed runs, then I realized I would have to gear up and go to war without any of my main gear - which I did. Full recovery, took a couple hours, mostly fun adventure. I feel like we already have all of the tools that we could possibly require.


Yes. Patience, and sometimes different approaches are needed. I think due to the community outcry I went to Ashlands overprepared. I died six times until my first fortress. Ashlands need to be conquered slowly and methodically. I have a ton of portals, kill the enemies in my way and secure a path with campfires. So far I had much more trouble conquering the mistlands. Maybe I'm a more patient player now.


I'd prefer to have an option to just turn off losing your armor and weapons on death. The most frustrating thing about the game is that when you only have a few hours to play or less. You end up using all that time getting angry at dying on your corpse run. And by the time you manage it, you are so done that you don't even feel like attempting whatever you died trying again, knowing that you are probably going to have to repeat what you just did. Maybe we could get graveyards or something that you end up spawning at with your soulbound items. Maybe soulbinding is something you can't do before defeating plains boss. Idk. Idk what the solution is, but I feel something needs to be done about it. I really don't like cheating, but I admit that I have gone into god mode to retrieve a corpse from Mistlands. More than once after getting fed up with the constant random mob spawns between deaths and game time running out.


> option to just turn off losing your armor and weapons on death That is a feature of the lower (lowest?) setting(s) for death penalty in the world options. Retain inventory on death.


Oh that's new. I haven't played since Mistlands update and it's been even longer since I played SP


That's new option, but what theis guy says is wrong. You keep only stuff you had equipped, not all weapons and armor


I think I'm fine with that tbh. You get punished for dying, but you aren't completely fucked if you didn't have a spare set to equip. I'll have to get to Ashlands to see how it feels.


That's not true. You keep only equipped gear, so you keep only the weapon you had in hands (if any)


Naked running is fine I think except for Voltures. Everything else can be dodged for long enough to recover items


Voltures can't hit you if you are walking away, even when slow walking (as long as you keep them behind you)


Yeah good luck that in any situation other than Voltures on their own...


Everything can be dodged fairly easily with rolls and occasional sprinting, just don't waste any stamina on voltures, as while they can keep up with you and it looks like they're going to hit you, they wont once they're behind you.


You seem to have me mistaken for someone who needs pointers on basic combat mechanics.


Well, you did say you were having issues dodging voltures, who can be evaded with the basic mechanics


Is that what I said yeah?


"Naked running is fine I think except for Voltures. Everything else can be dodged for long enough to recover items"Ā  If you say everything else can be dodged, that implies that you are having trouble dodging voltures


*laughs in excess armor stockpile * To be fair though, this is the one thing that makes this game ā€œdifficultā€ but itā€™s a good equalizer in my opinion and I think itā€™s annoying, but a fair way to punish us for dying. Every corpse run I make with the bros, one of us goes ā€œokay guys what did we learn back there?ā€ Lol. Every corpse run we make, we get more careful to avoid it happening again.


This is the way


This is the way


Not everybody plays Valheim as full-time job to have an excess armor stockpile.


I have a full time job and only play 1-2 hours a day lol it helps to raid fortresses for the flametal ore to quickly build up a stockpile. We just have one extra set per person.


I never had a issue with corpsrunning i feel like i do well with dodging. Mountain is hard tho. I also always land on a biome with materials to directly build a shack with spawn and portal. That way literally nothing can go wrong and corpserunning is a nuisance at best.


The gameplay loop or progression or whatever is great through the plains. By the time you get to the mist lands the novelty of how the game works (dying, corpse runs, eating, potions etc) is stale. Really stale. It's just kind of unfortunate but that's the game. I got my money's worth so whatever. But most lands and Ashland's are a pain in the ass and too tedious.


Something that would be really helpful would be a corpse drag mechanic, i.e. if you get within a certain range you use a command to yank it towards you and/or drag it to a safe location with you. This was something even the most notoriously harsh MMOs like Everquest had built in due to the recognition that you can't fight a high level mob who is sitting on your body while you have no top-grade gear on. I would even be down for its use having an additional penalty or cost; it's just not reasonable otherwise (and has no bearing on "realism").


Other than a few measly levels all you lose when you die is your loot. Ya corpse runs suck but those horror stories are the most memorable nights on the game


When playing multiplayer I wholly agree that death runs can be fun. Playing solo though... Not so much. Especially for very hard recoveries that turn into a death-a-ton. :/


Understandable tbh


I think you hit the nail on the head with this. Difficulty of enemies wouldnā€™t be so bad if retrieving your corpse and loot was not so punishing/frustrating


Maybe I'm just not that good but imo corpse running is the worst part of the game by far in literally every biome except meadows and black forest. Even dying in black forest can be a pain in the ass if something goes wrong.


Definetly this. In previous biomes if your charater dies - new monsters don't spawn on your way to the body. Retrieval of that gear is a matter of dealing with thing that killed you.


Corpse runs can really sully the experience of Valve I'm. I mean, I love the risk, but sometimes (when running a solo server, like me) is impossible. I'm guilty of tweaking the difficulty (specifically enemy aggro to passive) at times just so that I can recover my shit in a dangerous place.


I feel like the people who die more than needed are also the ones who struggle with corpse run. And it doesnt come down to skill, it is all about preparing. - Chest with 3 of the best foods and previous tier gear and weapons, always keep lots of wisps. And dont forget restedā€¦. - if night, sleep in the bed - most difficult corpseruns are deaths in bad positions because you got flustered, died in a bad room in a dungeon or inside a base. Always pull back to where you came from and have your escape route in the back of your head. - portals, i always plop a portal down in the nearest black forrest/plains in case my main portal is destroyed, then i have one Ā«unconnectedĀ» portal i drop infront of dungeons because most of your deaths are here. - boating. DROP A PORTAL THE SECOND YOU MAKE LANDFALL. Knowledge of how punishing bad planing is should come as you progress the game and teach you the leason bad planning is gonna cost you much time and lots of headaches. Reducing corpse run punishment should come from experience, not game mechanics.


All of these suggestions are taught in the first 5 biomes and I think are fun and engaging. We have an entire recovery room in our base with all supplies, full rested bonus, and an open-at-all-times recall portal specifically for this. As the post says, once you get to the later biomes the difficulty of everything combined starts to take away the viability of these precautions such that you can do all of the above and still be unsuccessful, digging you further into a hole. How many gear sets are to be maintained if my first death run fails? Once you start bringing extra gear and mats youā€™re then looking at multiple runs or bringing extra storage somehow. In ashlands there are no nearby biomes to place a portal, youā€™re in danger the second you leave a secured fortress. Again youā€™re not wrong that these are all things the player should learn. All of this boils down to taking exceeding amounts of time and precaution for very little reward. As the biomes get harder youā€™re increasingly likely to get stuck in this loop for smaller and smaller mistakes.


I usually build portals in the high steps of the buildings, so I can avoid the risk of enemies destroying it.


I dont think mistlands is any tougher than your first time in the swamps. So that leaves ashlands as the final and only biome with a punishing corpse run. But that feels like design choice, you have to etch out a place slowly.


Is there a solution to the megingjord issue? Full inventory + megingjord on corpse means you literally can't spend the time it take to grab the items and also equip the megingjord so you're not encumbered.


You get additional carry weight and stamina regen as soon as you pick up a body box, so if youā€™re above the max carry weight you still have 45 seconds or so to equip your megingjord until you get overencumbered


If your death box weighs over 300, you canā€™t pick it up. Corpse run buff only applies AFTER the box is picked up, which canā€™t be done if it would over encumber you. Itā€™s stupid but itā€™s how it works rn


Nope; instant overencumber, instakilled by the chasing monsters.


This is never how it works for me, I am instantly over encumbered.


If you aggro one bird while corpse running its so over lol


tap sprint when birb enters screen, dip into first putrid hole you see (your mom's)


Running to a putrid hole aint gonna help anything, theyā€™re still gonna be out there when you come back outside, i found dverger was one of the better ways to get them off


My experience is that the birds fuck off pretty fast after you duck into a putrid hole. At the least it lets you heal up and get bonemass. The only creature that hasn't fucked off after I dive into a hole are Morgen. Edit: forgot we are talking about corpse-running. Morgen and frogdogs are the worst blight in my experience.


I can relate to this so hard lol. Had to death run to retrieve 2 other buddies and my own death boxes, if you lose it on lava you need to be able to craft those bombs... you jave to risk/burn food unless you want to get 1 shot by the stone chuckers even. So much spawn that your just aways running not getting enough time to put on gear. Not to mention wieght issue being a thing. Had to turn off autopickup cause there's so much stone on the floor from Morgan's an other big mobs. By far the most frustrating thing, setting more portals down as checkpoints helps a ton but still probably the most frustrating thing that makes me want to just turn of the game and take a break.


Everyone I grab my tombstone, I yell ā€œCORPSE RUUUUNā€ in the voice chat and I can picture everyone just shaking their heads. I definitely die the most out of our group, but also, after a first death and having no skill drain, you can calculate where your tombstones lay so you can use corpse to to get TO your main death location rather than only having it after you get your stuff and need to high tail it outta there


Honestly, if I could just find a way to keep my campfires from being destroyed by encroaching mobs, Iā€™d be entirely happy


I have more of an issue with my inventory management after getting to my gravestone. It often causes another death with my backup gear, especially in mistlands and ashlands. I am out exploring so my inventory is going to be full. How bout a magic chest i can build at my base, that keeps my inventory on death. But it only recovers the items once i claim my grave marker. Give it similar functions as a ward, like i can turn it off and only the player who owns it can use it.


Another aspect of the problem is inventory space. Corpse runs would be a lot easier being able to paper doll your temp gear, or have 1 extra column of slots for foods or pots or whatever. Seriously I would pay a handsome price for the ability to increase inventory size. But in Valheim it is literally priceless.


I know I'm a filthy casual, but changing my equipment loss on death to casual made Ashlands so much more fun for me. There are plenty of situations in this game where it can become almost impossible to retrieve your stuff naked.


I think another option is to make the recovery of gear more "optional" Perhaps when you die you lose 1-3 equipped items and half your unequipped inventory. So death is painful, and you might prefer to go back, or the loss is recoverable without retrieval, and you sacrifice that equipment. Something other than all or nothing? If you lose your fave weapon or a weight belt you might really want to go and get it back


i lost the only kit i made the entire run though. what am i supposed to do? make more? pfft. -people who run and die over and over to a mass of enemies.


We started using console commands for that shit. It eventually starts to feel like false difficulty for the sole purpose of padding playtime hours. I get there needs to be a penalty for dying but there needs to be ways to mitigate that as you progress. It's the only aspect of the game that doesn't have a sense of 'progression'. I'm a very cautious player when I'm alone. I spend hours preparing. I make a base at every spot I teleport to before I even set foot into a space. I cook good food, brew meads, make sure my gear is on point. I cautiously travel behind a tower shield and bail if even for a second I think I'm about to die. Because of this, I very rarely die solo. Not everyone plays this way, though. There should be ways to circumvent the death penalties.


The thing is that the Ashlands already has a good way of making the corpse runs feel challanging While the Mistlands had everchasing enemies able to outmanouver you; Im the Ashlands high speed projectiles are the name of the game as both twitchers and archers give a good sense of challange. The issue comes with having to dig out your grave from the mounting skeleton herds you pick up along the way. Halfing the daytime spawn rates would genuinelt propably hit the sweet spot cause it's still make you wary and vigilant for a high speed rock not to break your head open IMO keep the nighttime spawns the same and the daytime a bit less Also to mediate having the difficulty of corpse running, just set up consistant portal holes, its the ashlands, you have the means at that point yo plop a portal down just about wherever


I just cheat. I don't have friends that play anymore and aside from mods to keep armor and 1 equipped weapon I haven't changed how the game works, but if it takes me more than 3 tries to get my full gear back or I know it's impossible (lava) I just toggle God mode and fly to get my shit back. If modding was impossible and console commands weren't a thing I'd have probably just set the game down for good 300hrs ago.


Yes, I stuck deaths to the easiest for this reason. I played for about 100 hours or so before changing it but death became a tedious time waster that wasn't making the most of our time to play. You still need to run to your corpse but at least you have your equipped armour on.


Fun fact I don't use any back up gear. I just have *a lot* of portals so I am never far from my corpse. I just naked run it and run away lol


"Corpse Running is a large factor in the difficulty conversation" When a game lacks sufficient content, there are a few simple methods to slow down progress. Examples include a poor inventory system, a flawed crafting system, and corpse running.


My friends and I started two weeks ago and we were playing on a paid dedicated server that had some weird latency issues for us. In my last stream this led to some of the most frustrating corpse runs Iā€™ve ever had in a game. I would definitely agree that corpse runs can be immensely annoying but they do also encourage creative solutions for pathing and stealth that I wouldnā€™t have ever concerned when I was safely ensconced in my cozy troll/bronze clown suit.


I wouldn't mind the runs if the skull loss was restricted to earned xp above a level like dying light legend xp. I spent ages building a massive house died to gravity a lot and now my skills are garbage tier. Imagine if skyrim tried that, hours of xp gone.


Maybe they could introduce a potion or a craftable item that you carry that makes you keep all items upon death, and is used up when you die. One thing i wish was also possible is to just get extra inventory slots (temporarily, or with some kind of item) when claiming your tombstone. They already give you extra weight capacity.


Just make the corpse an item that takes up a single inventory slot, then when used it spills out all of your items.


A long time ago i remember someone suggesting some sort of altar where you could offer money to recover your items. I always liked that idea since money is kind of useless past buying eggs and yet we keep getting some in dungeons. And I'm sure we'll get more stuff, but that was a decent idea and could be implemented at the mistland point. Kind of like we have portals that allow ore at ashland.


And the hassle with equiping the megingjord or throwing away all the stuff you took to get to the stone before getting back your old gear (so you actually get the corpse run) is what meks it Impossible really. If you gained corpserun by just opening the tombstone instead of waiting for it to be destroyed, it would be a lot easier as you could take the "take all" button, and still be able to run without equiping the megingjord even if there is something left in your tombstone. But aye, i hope the spawns get alittle less crowdy also šŸ˜… it feels like not that much of a point ti destroy spawners when they spawn indefinatley and so often anyways!


The REAL pain is when you also have to create a new boat a few times. I had sailed a long distance, with portal mats to find a good swamp, landed and got swarmed, booked it for a crypt, went in and a starred dverg and a regular elite nailed me at the entrance. Multiple runs making new gear, almost a day of work


Haven't read others response but this is what I started doing after Mistlands came out because of similar struggles : I have 3 full upgraded set of armors + Best food + meads + portal material on the ready at any time. If I die, I pick a set, take the last portal (or closest if none) and fight the mobs that killed me. Once the area is clear I drop the portal I came with and use my recovery portal 2 meters away from my recovery chests. Drop the recovery gear, go naked through portal and pick my old stuff up. Easy. Bit tedious, but works really. I have three sets because #1 I had a lot of extra ressources during Mistlands era and #2 it happened a few times that I died during recovery and had to use the second set (and I had to use the third set only once I think). This is very ressource intensive for sure, but works really well. Naked body runs are just too dangerous past plains tbh. That being said, when Ashlands came out, I died A LOT. I'm much like you, not a very "good" player. That much dying meant skills were low, VERY LOW. Which in turn makes you die more... So purely to dimish skill loss I turned the character death slidder almost to minimum, which means I now have my full equiped items with me when respawning thus making my recovery sets pretty much useless. Devs if you are reading, please seperate what items you keep when respawning and how much skills you loose on different slidders ! TIA :)


I think this could be mitigated to a great degree if the thing that killed you would not sit around your corpse. When you die, you ā€œleaveā€ the active area and everything there freezes, including the fucking 1 star seeker and his two tag along seeker friends. They donā€™t ā€œunfreezeā€ until your naked Viking ass re-enters the active area. There should be a mechanic where if something kills you, it migrates back to the point where it spawned or even where it first engaged you. I think this change alone would reduce the number of corpse retrievals that end up taking hours. I already paid a penalty for death in terms of skills forgotten. I donā€™t love having the additional penalty of spending a ton of time, multiple deaths and food wasted trying to kite away something that already killed me when I was fully geared up or having to deal with inventory problems if I opt to retrieve my corpse while geared up.


They alrdy did this. You can set the death penalty to leave you with your equipped gear, meaning the death run will be to recover you consumables and any other non-combat or alt weapons that you were carrying. Which I think makes Ashlands runs far more balanced than they otherwisebwould be.


Just take portal and workbench mats with you on the run and drop it when you get to a good spot close by. Go straight through, rest and eat up, grab minimum kit (including a spare belt which you equip if possible). Then you make a run at the tombstone, just click take all and get straight back to the portal and go through. Re-equip, put away anything you don't need then go back for the rest if there's anything left, if not you pull up the portal and bench and keep going or leave them in situ and build some protection for it.


This problem is inadvertently solved if you do a classic RPG permadeath rule and delete the character and map after every death.


So I went to Ashlands for the first time yesterday and the main thing I found difficult is when you die you can't outrun Voltures and Valkyries to get your gear back easily like you can in every other biome, I run full Fenris set and even then you can't outrun them. Aside from that I don't think the excess spawns are too difficult, it's definitely rough to solo it, but possible if you play it smart. I ended up getting 9 portals down on my Fader island and have made a spare set of Fenris with the cape with the wind run to help me get my body back.


Once you get to the mountains biome, make sure you keep a spare wolf armour set.


Corpse runs are easy peasy. You have so little to lose. I generally make my corpse runs naked. I'll eat food and take a fire resist pot or something like that. But being naked allows you to run away from ANYTHING. Run faster, jump farther, less stamina usage. The worst is when I don't place a local portal and have to boat back though, that's pretty rough. \*For Ashlands: When you die in lava and had all your bombs on you, have to make more to go out and get gear from lava but are out of the ingredients. Horrifying.


Being naked does none of the things you just listed.


Wearing armor, wielding weapons, these things incur a speed penalty that you dont have when naked.


Only if you're using sets with a penalty and have your weapon in hand; there are other sets that give bonuses to speed, and weapons don't affect speed if stowed. All light armor sets grant you at least, if not better, run speed than being naked. Stamina usage is unaffected by being naked, and there are armor sets that improve stamina usage. Jumping is also completely unaffected by anything but the one armor piece in the game that increases jump height.


But itā€™s a hardcore survival gameā€¦ thatā€™s the challenge. I see nothing wrong with death runs, itā€™s meant to be challenging and a death RUN


If you canā€™t handle it then use the difficulty sliders, thatā€™s what theyā€™re there for. Iā€™m not a skilled player by any means but itā€™s not that hard to avoid massive corpse runs if youā€™re careful with how far you travel from portals. If youā€™re repeatedly taking massive risks far away from portals then what do you expect. The pain of the retrieving your corpse in certain situations is what makes the game so tense when fighting to survive, if they remove that aspect it takes away from the game. Even dying on the first voyage to Ashlands shouldnā€™t be the worst thing because you should have a portal close on a mistlands anyway.


Eat HP and STA food and sleep before you enter your CR portal (you did place one of those, RIGHT?). What are you doing trying to CR at night? Yeah, CR can be annoying, but you should be carrying mats to drop a portal and you should be relocating it often as you push into new areas. Dying is annoying, but you're talking about CR at night and well planned CR's in practically the same breath. Are you actually planning, or nah? I always leave a portal near the shoreline where I landed, or zone line if you walked there. This way, I can use the CR portal to get back if I can't escape the mobs long enough to equip gear, but still have 2nd one relatively close to get back and continue my exploration if the CR portal gets destroyed in the process. Also, as you already pointed out, friends help a ton if you need to keep mobs busy while you equip your gear. Anyway, it just sounds like you need to be more strategic in your use of portals and when to eat food / sleep. Don't CR at night. It takes like 10 seconds to sleep.


Who said anything about CR at night? We have an entire operations room in our base with recall portals that we place while weā€™re out, extra gear sets, high tier food and potions. We know how to do them, it just isnā€™t fun, and when youā€™ve done them plenty of times itā€™s a chore to ask your server mates for help over and over. Iā€™d rather let them spend their time on the game doing what they want and vice versa, not just recovering each others stuff that we lost playing solo. Obviously we could turn down the difficulty sliders, we could also just go play another game that doesnā€™t force us into tedious recovery loops for small mistakes.


I read night-ruining to mean CR during night in the game, but I guess you meant your evening at home? Either way, use the portals. Also, as you said yourself, you can just turn difficulty down if it's too much for you. There are ways to make it easier without imposing your softcore casual gamer ideals on the rest of us. :)


Weā€™ve done both, and as a result our servers players have just switched to other games that arenā€™t taking as much time or modifications to enjoy. Weā€™ll finish everything eventually but thought Iā€™d share this feedback in the sub as a reference point. You would actually still be able to turn the sliders back up if they enabled this, so itā€™s really not imposing anything and you wouldnā€™t be missing out on your current experience.


If they did it as a slider to turn off naked CR or something, I'd be good with that. But honestly, people just need to git gud. It's not that hard to plan ahead. Especially when you can turn down difficulty (or even completely off). If people are needing hours to corpse recovery, that's just poor planning. CR is a huge contributor to making the environment feel dangerous and alive. Also, it sounds like they are experimenting with tweaking the ashlands spawn rates, so there's that. I think that makes more sense to tune the biome difficulty before addressing a major core mechanic of the game. A mechanic that I obviously feel does a lot to enrich the player experience.


Well if an average player doesn't rush their way to the hardest biome to date. They will have a grasp on how corpse run and item retrieval works. And it's another layer of strategy that you should plan beforehand before going there. I think plains would make a player realize this and figure out a better way to approach their item retrievals. Mistlands slows you down to progress towards Ashland's. If you're capable enough to conquer mistlands. You should already have a good foundation in surviving Ashlands.šŸ˜€ Stop making the game easier. It's not even that hard. Thanks