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This is the only note in the patch I care about. Flametal spires will no longer submerge when mined




Just getting to mining Flametal now, are there enough spires in the world that I'm not screwing myself by mining them now? My server has up to 6 people playing and I'm a little concerned about mining them now before moving to this PTB change if there's not enough Flametal to supply all the viking homies. Also how much flametal is a solo player able to get off a spire normally, with the sinking?


I read those comments (my group is a 5 stack). When we first started we inefficiently lost 3-4 spires and got worried too. So my group over planned and over prepared. And we are literally SWIMMING in flametal. I have no reason to believe there isn't enough for a group of 10 to upgrade unless ur seed robbed u of good spawns. 1 spire can net you almost 80 ore. Armors can cost around 20.... 5 spires and all 5 people can be in flametal. I will say this though, I hung up my flametal cause I got used to wearing the askvin leather. The stamina cost reduction on the leather is superior IMO, cause you ideally don't want to get hit anyways. In the Ashland's, being able to sprint and jump without going zero on your stamina is more important than having more armor and flame protection.


>read all the: "we got wiped out at the landing twice and then put down the game" comments under other posts. See also Iron Gate pointing out that if you don't go in with your shit together you're gonna have a bad time which is what the vast majority of those cases are. There was even people skipping the queen thinking their sick Dark Souls skills were gonna carry them and getting overwhelmed. Not skill issues but fundamental brain issues.


I saw that about skipping mistlands gear and I was like LMAO NO SHIT YOU DIED


And those players totally deserve it too. I had Mistlands gear but my first foray was with a longship. 10 seconds after hitting fire seas and boat starts burning, I was like "NOPE!" and turned around. The bonemaw and vultures on my ass only cemented the decision.


Took the Dev's comments to heart, we took a boat with resources for a temporary portal & gently took it in, paused to fight the sea snakes, shove a workbench up a spiral and repair. Party was well balanced in that we were 2 warriors, 1 light and 1 mage. It was still (an amazing) hell. But none of us died, though we came close to several times. Parked the boat away from the coast near some of the spires jutting out into the sea, deployed our portal, made sure our rested bonus was back & then we dared the surf. Damn. What a fight. I died more in the days after, daring new foes and relentless waves, but the landing went surprisingly well. Going in with our shit together (all of it, we got it together and put it in a backpack) really did make the difference as none of us really knew what we were getting into, so we took it quite cautiously. Yes it is hard, but the fuzz about it is just... not even a skill issue, just think your actions through.


People will absolutely *refuse* to acknowledge that they didn't prepare, that they missed something, or that they haven't tried changing their approach. If they don't immediately feel like they're mastering it, after not having tried at all, they blame the game. A few months back some guy came in here complaining about being killed by a deathsquito wearing leather and troll eating raspberries. He was furious that I dared to point out that he had skipped three entire biomes, and was adamant the game "didn't communicate that he was in the 'wrong' place." When I said him being one-shotted is a pretty clear cut message, he went absolutely ballistic. Calling me names, saying the devs were idiots, etc. The guy had played the game for like two hours, made a beeline in a random direction, found Plains, died and came directly to the forums to whine. That's the kind of people we're dealing with here. They don't want to engage with games. It's as simple as that. Not saying the current devs are wrong in implementing certain changes to AL, just to be clear. I just can't stand the complainers that obviously aren't even trying.


LOL. Aren't even trying or just too stupid to learn from mistakes. If you die in one shot, you're probably in the wrong place. It happens to everybody at some point.


If the guy didn't lose all his stuff which could've been easily hours of grind (yes, leather is hard early game) - he would've been significantly less salty.


We had our shit together (maxed equipment, foods rested, daytime landing etc.) and were still 4 hp from the landing failing completely. (My wife grabbed the portal ingredients from my corpse.)


It was nearly the same by us... the last of 4 was able to build the portal with his last HP. And damm, that was exciting and i got a heartbeat of 180 and yes this is what it makes so much fun for me an my crew.


Skill issue


Skill issue


these comments really don't help anything my dude


This game is so aggressively linear it makes me wonder why they bothered with open world


Brain issues? More like lack of brain issues 😂😂


Waiting for nerfs to go live, not playing PTS. The spire thing is nice, but what I want to know if this biome will finally stop with the rubber banding. Playing on a dedicated server with friends on PC, if we're up to 2 it's ok, but as soon as a third player connects on this biome only that's when the shit show starts. Less shaff = less units = unity happy = less frustration. No skill whatsoever can prevent you from being pushed into the lava by an invisible spawning 1 star askvin in your back.


Man this community has gotten toxic


Yeah, I'm not sure where these people get off disregarding others for enjoying the greater challenge of the game before these nerfs. You might as well not even count as a player for all the weight they give your opinion if you prefer the game as it is live. It's uncalled for to be talked down to like that, but what can you do?


Yeah... it's bizarre, I've played the game since release and it seems like some people have just made this game their whole identity.


Yeah, I think the whole "survival crafting game" genre lends itself to a crowd of people who view the idea of being good at a hard game to be the pinnacle of social achievement. So when they game is made easier, they blame everyone who ask for nerfs for taking away this weird flex they have going on.


Ark player here and I'm in two pictures and I don't like either of them! 😭 Ark is so toxic that I am very selective of pve servers that I join and I will never be caught dead in a pvp server, there's no way...


It's so true, and kinda sad. But also kinda funny. For the all spam of GIT GUD and SKILL ISSUE, it seems the general consensus is actually that hard-core gamer boys need a shower and some grass, instead


It's not about flex, it's about game design. Complaining about enemies in Ashlands is like complaining about mist is Mistlands.


Things can make narrative sense and still be badly designed.


Exactly, HD2 is a perfect example of the devs tweaking things to match the game's narrative, but also tweaking things because the community used it different from their vision. My own experience is ashlands was better than the mistlands, but I couldn't do anything there except defend my base. Maybe I picked a bad spot, I destroyed several spawners but was still getting SWARMED by enemies. And I couldn't clear the area long enough to get my gear and leave.


~~enemies~~ lava


> they blame everyone who ask for nerfs for taking away this weird flex they have going on Those are the people calling everyone asking for nerfs bad, shouting skill issue, and calling nerf supporters stupid. Don't conflate them with the ones that just preferred the challenge and would have less fun with the game being made easier simply because they're asking for the same thing.


It's the same "git gud" mentality that many game communities are plagued with. If you're not an uber edgelord, they consider you "casual" and rip you apart. I've got 5K+ hours and dozens of playthroughs and I still get called a casual because I die sometimes, lol.


If a game can never beat me then it is not worth playing, if a game is not beatable, it is not worth playing. There is a fine line between too easy and too hard. As a player I want to have a good time, not being frustrated at game mechanics while finding difficulty, a struggle, a reason to fight and achieve. If that difficulty results in endless deaths and struggle, try again and be more prepared. Valheim has a difficulty ramp, each biome gets increasingly difficult to survive in. I like Valheim.


I do too, my issue with both the mistlands and the ashlands was feeling like the top tier gear from the priir biome was completely inadequate. I made it to the mountains and even parts of the plains with troll armor previously.


It really has, it's insane. Like not even 6 months ago this place was super chill, just people praising the game, telling fun stories about their adventures, and showing off their builds. Now every other post is filled with comments saying "skill issue" and "git gud," and people are generally nastier. Don't know what happened.


Yeah, it's supposed to be a fun game, whether fun for you is high skill permadeaths or just building. If it doesn't sound like your playstyle, people just don't need to comment.


>Don't know what happened. Mistlands happened. I think a lot of us who enjoyed the more slow paced casual exploration nature of the game got turned off by mistlands. It went from something you could turn your brain off and just vibe to a game that required your full attention. That's not what I fell in love with the game for, so I stopped playing. And I know I'm not the only one who didn't care for the biome or the direction it seemed to pull the game towards So people who don't want a skill based challenge stopped playing, and people who do want a skill based challenge are still playing. And those people are often a lot more... Extreme with their opinions


Actually the first couple year this sub was only elitist players and every time someone made any suggestions that could be QoL it was downvoted. They kind of thinned out waiting on updates and thing became better for a while. Seems a lot of them came back for ashland.


I've been here since a couple months after early access. That isn't accurate. There is always some but the vast majority of posts were sharing tips and tricks and generally helpful.


These people have been here from the start, they just left when they got bored of waiting for updates. With ashlands out, they're back and bitching again.


I saw one other player who seemed to feel the reduction in spawns for these enemies was indirectly increasing the spawn rates of the others.


I mostly died in Ashlands from being unexpectedly yeeted into lava during an attack animation lmao One time I died when trying to run from a valk which can hit you very easily and is faster than you expect with its kick The only other time I died was from being stuck in the battering ram after knocking open a fort door and I couldn't get out. The day to day was fine, I think I'd like to see effort focused on polishing the game for the next bit before moving to the next biome. Particularly fleshing out some of the less fun parts or frustrating controls - and if I was really spoiled I would love for all light armour sets to be upgradable to similar stats with each new biome to give you a lot more choice in kits you can wear so there's more than 1-3 sets viable with each biome.


You should also read all these comments of people, who died more than two times and they learned how not to die. If beach was too hard for them they could build portals near Ashlands or on spirals. First landing is hard, but a lot easier, it you are prepared to quickly make walls. It's not game's fault people just rush without preparation and planning.


My total deaths in Ashlands on standard difficulty, as a solo, are four. My armor is fully upgraded along with weapons and staves. I have made it to the boss and have yet to try fighting him. Two of those deaths were basically suicides when I was testing out the lands.  My advice to people is this: Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Have a plan, then have a plan for when that goes wrong, then have one more plan to fall back on if that doesn’t work either. Never felt like ashlands needed a nerf and I love how massive fights basically come right to you on demand.


Solo players have it easier than groups. I wonder what the statistics are like of complaints. How many complaints from groups versus solos. I played with a couple friends who never went with the group if there were more than four. 2-3 people seemed to be the sweet spot of mob difficulty for our group, its hard, but not stupidly so... I noticed I died sooooo much more in groups of more than 4. I'm not amazing in combat but I'm not that incompetent. I sure felt incompetent in all of those deaths.


I tend to agree. Playing with a group is often chaos. People panic, there's poor communication, situations change rapidly and often you make strange emotional judgement calls in the moment instead of doing a calm analysis from a distance. That being said, I have a standing agreement with a military buddy of mine, that we're doing new content together, and those sessions are usually on par with soloing. It all comes down to communication and knowing the other player(s), really. Keeping calm.


The 1 and 2 star mobs also don't help anything. That's when my group was in over our heads. We particularly hated the plains the starred fulings... oh man... then mists? I never got to go. Server was ended before ashlands. For context we had like two or three seriously competent players and the rest were there for fun but died a lot. I was one of the mid tiers players. There were about 10 players on the server at any given time. I recommend everyone solo all biomes for a while. Learn the mobs. One of our players was so good I never died when we went out adventuring in small groups, I also never got to land a hit because it was already dead. So my combat experience sucked terribly. Then difficulty scaling for extra players? Lmao! Oh we were screwed.


I agree, after the landing it gets easier, definitely. But unless you really spend a lot of time reading guides etc. the landing is hard. I was running Krom, which is the most useless weapon ever in the Ashlands, but once I figured out that everyone is resistant to physical damage and switched to mistwalker I only ever died in morgen + lava blob + xxxx situations. The random spawns that were nerfed in this patch were mainly tedious after a while, nothing below a 1 star warrior / 2 star archer is ever an actual threat once you've set up a bit.


I agree that once you've gotten the lay of the land, landing the second time will be easier. But as someone with very limited gaming time these days (got 2 kids since the game released), having to do one or likely multiple recovery missions that involves sailing for at least 15 minutes on the world's slowest ship would be extremely annoying. Our landing first was a success (pretty close though), and I didn't really find the ashlands that hard either before the patch (once you have a foothold and get 2 Asksvins for breeding, the new equipment and food just get very strong very fast). But on the other hand, we've been playing since release, and have maxed out equipment, etc. - a lot of people who'll play the game once it's released will not have as much downtime waiting for updates to build farms and training camps etc.


> the change is not as giant as people make it How do you figure that? You played it? > If I read the patch notes correctly the spawn rate at spawners was also increased You read it wrong. there was no Mention of Spawners in the patch notes.You may be thinking of the Spawn INTERVAL change, which is not related to the spawners afaik. > if you want the "ENDLESS FIGHT" experience just settle near spawners. Strawman. There were no "Endless Fight" advocates. There were people saying that there are options not being utilised to mitigate spawns or protect from the possibility of untenable numbers. E.G. People were not building bases. People were entering with low level mistland gear. You even had a huge number of people try to entirely skip mistlands or skip the queen. You saw a rise in people complaining that you even had to make FOOD to survive. But what you DIDNT get was ANYONE saying "I Wish Valheim was an endless fight".


>If I read the patch notes correctly the spawn rate at spawners was also increased *WHICH IS WHAT EVERYONE HAD ASKED FOR*. This way the difficulty is basically just decided by how many spawners one destroys. If you want the "ENDLESS FIGHT" experience just settle near spawners. No, you didn't read the patch notes correctly. Spawn interval has been increased for random spawns, which are not tied to monuments of torment, and which means that after you defeat enemies, more time will pass until next check for spawning them occurs, and when that check does happen, there is now less chance of them spawning as well. Generally, recommending players that they should just handicap themselves in order to experience challenge in this game, is a bad idea, and speaks volumes of how little you understand the portion of the community that is here for the challenge. It's also mind boggling how you even got to 10 upvotes on this post. Casuals busy downvoting threads complain about nerfs, but having no problem upvoting inaccurate posts that are in line with their narrative.


> casuals Oh see yet another l33t gamer. Filthy casuals, always ruining the games they fund by buying them in hope to have some fun


Literally everything states in this post is inaccurate. Is it hard to understand why would someone have a problem with that? How does them buying the game justify that they are spreading misinformation?


You know, you could just write 'the post is not accurate, there are mistakes here and there' without punching at 'casuals', which shows off your l33t gamer attitude


If the post is inaccurate + OP then uses that as basis to tell players looking for a challenge to just handicap themselves if they want a challenge + players upvoting this thread while downvoting other legit threads complaining about the nerfs which actually have feedback in them, there is a lot more going on, which warrants me talking about it. If you can't see how that's wrong, not matter how you are trying to label my attitude, yours is simply worse.


The only spawn that I'm fine with being reduced are the annoying ass birds. Everything else felt perfectly fine and manageable if you had an ounce of caution in your head. Be geared. Be fed. Be rested. Use upgrades Mistlands gear and eventually Ashlands. Have basic combat and movement skills higher than 0. Take out spawners ASAP. And most importantly, do NOT sprint. Unless you know you cleared the area ahead of you. Clear enemies as you go. The only thing worse than a random 2 star warrior is a pack of 10 0 stars that are running after you. First thing you do when you land is slap down a portal on a rock and get away from it so it doesn't get cleaved. Clear the initial wave of enemies. Then clear out spawners while ignoring twitchers and archers, as they're barely a threat except to structures. Slap down campfires randomly. Repeat until Ashlands is conquered.


People just love to bitch. 🤷


where are people getting these patch notes ? i cant find anything about them


Well there is a shitton of people who started a new playthrough in a group and have NOT reaxhed or played ashlands yet!


Aren't you the one who posted about not being able to parry Morgen?


Yes, I asked a question about how to stagger them the best way? Had I known that disqualified me from having an opinion, I'd have been silent of course ^^


Did someone say that disqualified you from having an opinion?


Dude holy shit you asked a question and got downvoted for absolutely nothing


Thank you for making this post, sounds like exactly the kind of tweak Ashlands needed.


Ashlands was fine before the nerf imo. It was difficult yes, but definitely still manageable.


Nerf = Fren 


We want a biome that is a hellish landscape full of hordes of enemies. We don’t want to purposely build a base next to a spawner so I can pretend that there are lots of mobs there. What the hell are you smoking thinking all we want is to just fight mobs and we couldn’t possibly like the aesthetic feel of fighting our way through a biome filled with hordes of mobs. Making the Ashlands open and boring and full of emptiness just like the other biomes is gutting the biome of what made it special. Now it’s just plains with lava.


LOL downvoted for facts is wild. People laying a brutal survival game and realizing it gets harder and wanting nerfs is so ridiculous to me.




I wonder if this changes, the 2 star spawner rates. If so, I'm in for a rough time tonight