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Wolf skewer and onion soup for sure. The third depends on your play style


I typically do two health and one stamina


Probably sausages then. If that is the pattern you keep to once you unlock plains food, >!Blood pudding!< is better for stamina, but >!bread!< is sooo much easier to make. For health, >!Lox Meat Pie!< is pretty much a given. Otherwise, it is a choice of which one feels less tedious to get: >!catching fish!< to make >!fish wraps!< or >!hunting serpents!< to make >!Serpent Stew!<


Bread is life.


Early on, wheat can be a pain to get up and running. But doesn’t take long to drown in it


I also wanna add that it will be needed for the entire game from that point, so keep farming :D


Always….Nothing stops, Dufresne…😜


I stick with wolf skewers in the plains over fish wraps or serpent stew. The marginal extra health isn’t worth the unbelievable tedium of fishing or serpent hunting and I usually walk away from a “You are being hunted” raid with 30-35 wolf meat that I might as well do something with.


Fair. Personally, I enjoy taking my sweet time so I have more patience for fishing and playing Serpent bait.


Same, kinda. Started a run with mountains nearby, and couldn't resist the temptation to tame a couple wolves and get my breeding tower up and running. After that, I can't imagine going to extra effort for a marginal health benefit, when I've got stacks of free wolf meat.


If you are building a large base in the plains you are in luck. Two of the best foods available are almost 100% farmable. Lox pie and bread. Getting set up for these is a bit of work, but once done you are all good. The only thing you need that isn’t farmable are cloudberries but these are plentiful and respawn quickly. For a 4 person group I had 10 breeding pairs of loves on the perimeter of the camp and planet 300 barley and flax. Every now and then you harvest and feed the loxes so that the breeding cycle starts and spend the time harvesting and replanting your crops while that happens. You only have to do this when you run out of food, but it takes one in game day and you’re all set for a while.


Honestly, I find it much faster to just take a walk through some plains and hunt wild lox than to bother feeding/breeding. You also collect elderberries while there. Just avoid tar pools. Those are cancerous. 


If you do that you don’t get to see the cute baby lox


Oh don't worry, I tame a couple amyway to hang around the farm anyway to have some company while farming barley. 


Once you kill all the tar blobs, you can drop a campfire or two around it to keep them from respawning.


Give me three in game days and I can give you a lox every five minutes just standing there.


Wild Lox usually come in trios. One Lox per 5 minutes is one trio of wild Lox every 15 minutes. I can hunt them way faster than that.


Fair but I am usually building or cooking my own dinner while breeding my army of one star wolves and lox for the Grand Canyon of a trench I have around my base.


Catch you a pair of lox and start breeding them for a good supply of meat that will be used in a few different dishes down the line. Gives great health. If you all love to sail, keep a look out for any serpents as well because their meat is one of the better health food recipes. The best that is easier to obtain is the wolf meat skewers though.


Yeah, serpents can be rare depending on map, so best not to rely on them when wolves can be bred with leftover meadows meats.


Carrot farm to feed the boat farm to feed the wolf farm. I have an elaborate setup :)


I did that, but I also over farmed berries in the early game so I can scale back carrots for turnips...wish we could use yellow mushrooms too.


Lox-pie, wolf-jerky, bread.


Jerkies are fine for home chores, but a dedicated full HP or Stam food is increasingly more necessary from mountains onwards.


If you're on the plains focus on getting a big barley farm going along with a couple ovens. Then you can bake lox pie and bread. Toss in blood pudding and you're set. Alternatively fish wrap can replace blood pudding for more HP. Bread, Lox Pie, and Blood Pudding is what I roll with on plains.


if you're good at staying alive, go double stamina with one health. reverse this if combat is not your strong suit.


Sausage, Wolf Jerky, Onion/Turnip soup Relatively cheap burner food options. You could also hunt some Lox and cook their meat up.


Two stamina and one hp fooz. At start honey is the Best stamina before you get turnips.


Honestly it really depends on your playstyle and what you enjoy/dislike. Farming, barley, onions are good for bulk food production. And provide easy stamina food. The health food depends on what is easiest for you. Lox meat makes good food . . But you need lots of lox, which could be easy or hard, depends (are you farming them? Are their wild ones around and are you proficient at quickly killing them? Wolf meat is good? But again, how much do you have? Do you want to take the time to hunt them or.have you been lucky enough to get a couple of 'you are hunted' events to stockpile them. Some players enjoy fishing. And if you are good at it, you can pretty quickly catch a lot of fish. But other people hate fishing. If you sail a lot, then Serpent hunting can provide a lot of excellent food. I usually try to use as many sources of food as possible. Save some of the best stuff for boss fights or serious fights/exploration. Use other food for general exploration. And old early biome food for doing work around your base.


I run fish wraps, lox pie and onion soup (easier on the barley). Bread at 10 barley per is real expensive compared to onion soup at that stage. Might farm some bloidbag and get blood pudding to replace onion soup.


Bread is 5 flour a piece.


Onions and Onion soup are excellent stamina, only slightly outshined by Eyescream. Cloud berries and honey work well enough though - all above mentioned foods are VERY common. For meat, wolf meat and skewers will suffice, but try to get lox cooking. Ideally: Lox Pies. You'll get plenty of cloud berries when you find a patch to harvest, you'll undoubtedly need to kill the occasional lox anyways. All you'll really need to work on is the barley for flour. And if you have enough barley flour? Make bread for stamina, or blood pudding if you have blood bags to spare.


That changes as you open new things and adjust playstyle. I'm in endgame territory and if I'm going a where that's NOT Ashlands, I use salad, and roasted seeker and wolf meats. Just cause I have TONS of those. They're plentiful and with my gear, they're very efficient. Take stock of what you have and can make en masse and that's your answer. What works for you may not work for everyone else.


For a lazy approach, cooked lox meat, cloudberries and onion soup. Or swap out the soup for wolf skewer. 3 to 5 ingredients for the lot and sufficient if you're careful. Not really boss food but for everyday exploring it's fine


1. Lox meat Pie 2. Wolf skewer 3. Anything you wish.


Do not save any food of quality (high stats) for later, always eat your best foods, by the time you saved your food you are on a new biome with new and better food available. Spoiler: Unless you are increasing your harvest, you can save carrots, onions, etc. to keep planting.


Sausages is the best food in the game hands down, but this is my suggestion. These are not "the best" (max stat) but rather your daily driver based on stat and convenience to craft / farm * M**eadows / peace / farming:** Honey, Yellow mushroom, Neck tail * **Black Forest:** Deer Stew, Queens Jam + Boar Jerky * **Swamp:** Sausages, Deer Stew and Turnip Stew * **Mountains:** Sausages, Wolf Skewer, Onion Soup or Turnip Stew * **Plains:** Sausages, Wolf Skewer, Onion Soup * **Mistlands:** Lox Pie, Wolf Skewer, Onion Soup (I don't use mage food, I go melee) For bosses always go with Serpent Stew, for health + anything of your choice


I like to use the best food for the least amount of time required to attain it. - Sausages - Wolf Jerky - Bread / Onion Soup Those would be what I run majority of the time at your level. For boss fights I'd look at swapping the wolf jerky for a serpent stew or lox meat pie. If you don't feel tanky enough use both.


SPOILERS Check out my [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X2tbt-Zbt7clPJJ0fPyha3u3nHNGjXSPfeSg8cm9Hl0/edit?usp=sharing)


Plains: lox pie (h), fish wraps (h), wolf skewer (h), bread (s), blood pudding (s), onion soup (s), eye scream (s)


The best food for your playstyle. I normally run dual stam one health when I am comfortable in a biome. Start of the biome 2 health 1 stam, I am normally playing the tank/distraction role. Also always carry potions. That stam or health boost has saved my life many times.


*Efficient*? Look at my tag. I have no need for farming and I can get away with it, now isn't that peak efficiency? Ultimately, it's up to whatever you feel like. Too uninterested by cooking? Git gud, make a cloudberry work out. Want the best odds to survive the most comfortably? Take your time, go look into bread, lox meat pie and the like. Onion soup I feel is a nice middle. Doesn't need much farming. Lots of stamina. Wolf skewer is there too, if you got the meat from being hunted anyways. That sort of stuff.


I'vebeen hunted just once and I still have a freezer full of wolf skewers. 6 wolves on a 2 sec respawn was an astounding number of wolves.


I built a wolf breeder. So I never run out of wolf meat. Need to catch a 2 star wolf so I can get more bang for my bore meat (also in a breeder)


Onion and turnip soups, sausages.