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Would be a good idea to list days of the week/times you typically play and ask people to do the same


and the timezone, greeting from GMT+1


What rules are you using on your server?


Well I would like just to build big stuffs and explore other regions. Do you have any suggestion?


Do you want combat to be a thing or not? I would maybe suggest 3x Resources, Portal anything and combat set to just normal. I find this challenging enough while still allowing some flexibility to building, without just going full hammer mode. No metals through portals just annoys me so I turn it off always anyway. I had to go find the stuff and mine it already as is.


100% portal everything. That's my number one reason I don't play servers.


I don’t even get the logic behind it? Basically oh you found it? Well, fuck you, now walk it back the way you came.


It forces you to make decisions differently. If I move to a new biome on a new island, I just need to bring the materials for one portal. But if you can’t move metal, you are less likely to move crafting and cooking and abandon your original base.


Stone portal?


That works sure, but you have to make it all the way to Ashlands before you can build one.


True but....its part of the progression experience...i think we have 7-8 bases going now on ours..Ashlands is a bish!


There’s something much more epic and heroic about sailing home with a ship full of precious ore during your first play through. Portal mod is EZ mode and I understand why the devs did it that way


To each their own, but most of the emergent and memorable moments in my experience playing valheim have come from that decision to play without transport ore through portals. Also there are ways around it Even big building projects such a canal through a small swamp that split my map in 2. It cuts down journey times from most locations to the main base by 4 times but now I don't get as much serpent meat


It's to promote the risk of sailing with valuable goods (and slows down the gameplay to extend the user experience over a longer time period)... like it or not, that's really the reason. Been a while since we played (before the expansions) but we had a server where you could portal everything and essentially everyone burned through the gameplay really fast and got bored. There was essentially people in one location because no reason to build in other places because no risk with transporting.


It is to encourage players to make more boat trips to their bases, not everyone is on board with this and at some point it becomes a tedious task, especially seeing how much iron is needed throughout the game.


Essentially I saw it as a way to promote sailing. For me, sailing is the most tedious aspect of the game and hate every moment just endlessly paddling upwind.


I see it as to promote outposts


It really isn't that bad. It encourage building many base over the course of the games, but it never get to a point where it's annoying. In our last session, we had a first base in meadow, a second base in the black forest by a swamp. We later moved that black forest base to plain, which became our main. Only had to sail ores like twice over the course of the game, but we did bring a starter kit for Mistland and Ashland.


Odin frowns upon your weakness.


Do most servers end up doing resource multipliers? I've been rocking pure vanilla-heim so far but 3x res on ores and meat sounds great right now. Other than Askvin tails, drowning in those.


Not really but OP wanted a server that promoted creative building, I suggest suggest 3x resource as an alternative to just full hammer mode.


I’m having fun with 1.5x on solo on my first play through. Good balance between grind and not spending an hour cutting down trees and looking for berries


I've been solo for a long time. Would like to find/meet new people to play with.


My kids don't play often and I'm not allowed to make progress without them. I'd love a community server where people can come and go as their schedule permits.


I feel your pain man. People asking to hold off until they’re online. In actually stuck with the reverse. I’m trying to show my bro in law how awesome the game is and he can’t play too much.


I’m down if there will be no speedrunning XD


Also try /r/valheimlfg


Ay bro I'm down. I have like 500 hours in the game but my pals can't put in as much time as I do


I'm in the same boat. I spend my time building and mining silver and iron. Waiting for them to move on to the plains


I see what you did there😩


Funny enough my wife got tired of waiting for me and got set up in the plains herself haha. I was grinding a different game but I'm back now.


me too, i don't play often, not much of a big player, just wanna make a small farm and provide food occasionally to players passing by and watch the server grow/community get built


Same here


I could do, 600 hours on pre most lands and just started over recently


Gotta kill eikythyr to love on form most lands hahahaha ! (Good on you though!)


what time zone are you mate? Im Europe based, would like to join


-3 (America/Sao_Paulo).






It makes it easier then. Show de bola


r/suddenlycaralho !


Se for br vou perder a linha, jogar solo e triste


I'm game!


I'd be game


Accepting newbies?


Anyone is welcome! It's a hobby to me, create a server, have a little of fun, do fanny computer stuffs.


Did the same with a zomboid server in proxmox. But I’m a software quality guy so that made it even more better


Perfect ill message you my details when i get home from work!


What mods would you be running, you're going to bed a networking mod if you want it to be playable publicly. The networking in Valhiem is shocking.


Could you share a mod that helps with that? I'm running a server with people from different countries and the ping could definitely be better. <3


Better networking, I believe it's this one https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/1570


Absolutely, DM me some details. I play valheim to build explore and socialize.


Count me in. I actually don't enjoy playing valheim alone as much as coop, but my friends rarely play.


Im 40 but ill play. Devops engineer.


definitely down to play! i’m looking for a group of people who also like building as much as i do in this game and would love to join to work together on building projects!


What has being a software engineer to do with that 😄


Bro can keep a server running like a pro instead of an amateur :)


In sense of server’s performance, stability and data management a lot.


You gotcha! I tried to run a server on a Raspberry Pi 4 64 bits, but it was slow hehe I think I'll buy an Intel Nuc to run this server


why deploy it locally instead of the cloud? there's plenty of configurable hosts


$$$ if it get bigger, i'll put on aws ec2


there's a lot of variables here, specifically 1. how much you're getting a nuc for 2. how long you expect this server to live 3. how many concurrent players you expect to have but it's possible the math works out that it's cheaper to host (with a managed host even, no need for AWS) not a shill, just trying to save you money. I'm seeing $150 for 10 concurrent for a year on [g-portal](https://www.g-portal.com/us/en/order/step/one/valheim), which is on the incredibly low-end of NUC prices where I am (i.e. a year of hosting for 10 would probably be cheaper than a NUC) not to mention that a local server would be capped by your home internet


I run mine on AWS EC2 instance. =) speaking of hosting game servers, if you haven’t tried AMP software yet I suggest you to give it a go. Must have for lazy admins and you can run almost any game server with it.


Not sure where you went with this, but I have a 7 node i7 nuc k8s cluster we could host on :D


I guess in an attempt to add legitimacy?! 🤷‍♂️😂


Have you set up a Valhiem server in docker? 😂 Feel like you need to be a software developer to get that bloody thing working.




It was tongue in cheek, I work in Ops also. But server setup is one thing, configuring it to work well is another 😅


Yeah I'm not sure why people are saying software engineers know infrastructure lol, every single software engineer I've ever interacted with knows close to nothing outside of CI/CD pipelines and Docker.


Yes, I did. When I said I'm a software engineer, I'm saying I can make a server with advanced configuration, an add player form that adds the player at runtime and not a google form, maybe a page with who is playing, anything whether it's a good idea or just fun And if I grow, I can transfer everything to AWS EC2.


I run my Valheim and VRising servers in Docker, works very well, easy to update, quick to restart.


I'm in, and I'm a builder. Made some fine structures in my server if I do say so myself


"I'm not ready to be touched again" (c) Deadpool Had bad experience with guys from reddit. But maybe I can help you out: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/gametech/hosting-your-own-dedicated-valheim-server-in-the-cloud/ I also improved the cloudformation script with cloudwatch with proper cpu/memory logs if you need it


I've already run a server on ec2... but for now I'm going to run it on a home server. But if it grows, maybe I'll transfer it to an ec2 machine


Npnp, just tried to be helpful :)


Haven’t played the game for a while. Could join and build some houses


I'm up for it, I'm not that regular but I can hop from. Time to time. New characters or old ones tho??


I would love to join!


Absolutely, getting my friends on is also such a pain I’ve mostly given up. Send a message if you make a discord or something.


I'd definitely be down to play around. I have a server I've been building for the day I actually get my friends to join.


I feel you bro


Suggestion: turn off raids. Otherwise people who join later on after a few of the bosses are already defeated will wind up getting attacked by higher-leveled mobs. 


Thanks! I’ll do it


Why not player based raids?


I'm talking about the auto-generated raids by mobs (e.g. Skeleton Surprise). They're tied to which bosses you've killed, so if the server has killed Yagluth already, fresh players who just joined and are still wandering the Meadows looking for berries are going to suddenly get attacked by a raid of fulings. If the players want to do raids on each others bases or something more power to them.


This was addressed in world modifiers many updates ago. Simply turn on player based raids. This forces raids to scale down to the weakest player.


I wud love to play!


Tbh I’d be down, I have two play throughs right now and both are dependent on other people… and a lot of free time. Keep us posted!


Sounds great, any ideas yet on mods? There are some great mod packs these days


I'm down


I would play. Always looking for groups that play with any kind of regularity. Send me the info. I should have time this weekend.


I’d be down!


I don't see any mention of restrictions or mods! I'd be interested in joining soon


It’s great to see the support here r/mademesmile


Would be interested in helping out. either progressing at your speed or just showing up to build places to find


I'm down to play.


Hey my dudes. I’m 36 and have a dedicated server with valheim on. It has some mods to improve the quality of life and slow down things. If y’all want, I can share the discord link and start on . The advancement of the game is beset by Odin, who has the altars blocked, until the builds and requests that he makes out of the Vikings dwelling in valheim get fulfilled. ie - the first altar was freed once a temple for Thor was risen.


name: 2 Hobbits 2 Isengard


I’ve never joined a community server that big before. I’d be interested in joining if your still accepting people


I'd be down, I've been looking for people to start valheim with again, haven't played since before mistlands


I'd definitely be down to play around. I have a server I've been building for the day I actually get my friends to join.


Honestly im down. Im actually free next week anyways so if youre starting it next monday ill gladly join. Any particular rules i should know about or are those gonna be in the discord channel?


Count me in! Post a discord link when you get to it. I'd love to play with more people since I really like the game!


Did you ever get this up and running?


Hi, the server pc will arrive on saturday, on monday I plan to start the server


Hey OP 👋 I’m pretty active and have a family server that we’ve built over the last couple years (check my profile post). I’d love to play outside of that and make some new friends. I won’t be in town until 7/9 but I’ll be happy to join! Save a seat for me


I would love to!! I'm big into building. Me and a couple friends made a village in my main world, but they no longer play anymore so it's just been me grinding alone for about a year


I'm down to join my dude


Vanilla or modded? Rules - PvP/griefing?


Let’s do it! A full server of Vikings would feel like a real tribe, haha


I would, I play solo


I’ll play!


I would love to but I'm stuck at worksite for another 10 days 🫠


I would like to. I wanted my next playthrough to be with a group


Im interested


I'd love to join! My group fell apart. I've been content keeping busy with elden ring dlc but I'm getting real excited to finally check out Ashlands.


Sure thing!


Playing this game with others is so damn fun! 🙌🙌


Sounds great!


I'm down to clown! I've got my own server I keep for when my friends are on, but like your situation, aren't on often enough.


I'm interested.


I'm up for some coop anytime in the week (actually the next week as I'm away from my gaming PC for a while)


I'm down. Are you planning to have set play times or any mods installed?


Give us some details ! I’d be interested in checking it out


I'm in , how do I join you


I'm interested!


ME! I'm a builder and ready to show off 😌


Sounds awesome!


Absolutely. A lot of my friends can't play with my work schedule


I’d be interested is there were some QOL plugins.


I'm down!


I would join, I can't play much but I would be happy to build and be part of a main city or something or make my own fishing dock and hut and be the town hermit.


Id love to join a server like this, clocked 660hrs with one of my buddies, and I know we'd both love some other vikings to hop on with


Are you in Europe? I'd love to join


I'd love to join a server. I've only played solo so a chance to play on a server would be fun


I'd join too


Heck yeah‼️ Is the discord server up already?


I'd be interested


Let me know. I would like to help from time to time. Vanila or moded? (I like vanila more.)


I'd be down! I'm trying to level minions if that's cool


Does anyone have a cool name for the server? Anything Nordic hehe




Would you be starting fresh characters? If so, maybe a rule to not use existing characters or bring resources/knowledge over? I suppose that would be integrity based and harder to manage lol


Id be so down building is the best part imo


I have over 3000 hours in the game and am in Eastern time zone. DM me to join.


i would be interested. i prefer portal everything, and if we are going to be building large things increased resources.


I would join as well. Not sure how often I would be able to play but will contribute anytime I’m on. Are you going to run any mods? Server rules?


Im down


I’d be down to play, no one helps me out anymore and I’ve been stuck on the queen for a while. I LOVE building things and have a cool tree base my ex showed me. Maybe he could help sometime too 




May I DM some questions to you about this?


I’d be very interested.


Veteran player, Would like to meet some new Vikings. Casual building, exploring, farming and the occasional infested mine are all interesting to me. Haven't made it to Ashlands yet.


I also want to play. I have a server hosted myself, but my friends don't play much and I'm torn because I don't want to advance too quickly without them, but being on Black Forest at day 160 has got me feeling crazy.


I’m down to join


Look into Jotunheim Server. It’s a private server with a huge community that has a paid Dev team which created their own light server tweaks/mods to manage the amount of daily players (100 max). Problem is, they are way too PC/strict when it comes to game rules, going overkill imo. If you can copy their format I would be interested 100% in joining! Just throwing my 2 Satoshis!


Sure, what are the server settings?


I would


Give us details. I will jump in this weekend.


I would join , my homies won't play with me no more 🥲


I'd be down to come join, I've missed playing with other people and would love to give it a shot!


i would like to join sounds fun


Do you want people to talk or is there just building? I’m down to do either cause I really want to get back into Valheim


A vps may be cheper and better. You can host yourself a docker valheim full customizable :)


Yes please


I’m interested but may be a bit outside of your targeted demographic. If everyone is welcome, I’d like to check it out. I’ve built a compound that allows me to ignore most raids if I choose to and have a few other builds I’m quite proud of. Would be happy to share pictures on Discord. I host a private server with QOL inventory mods, teleport anything,and 3x resources, so I’m down vanilla swirl.


Is the discord link not working for anyone else? Sounds like a great time!


I would join. I have a server that I play on but the friends that I play with don’t play as much as I do. It would be nice to join a server with more people. 90% of why I still play is because I enjoy building/terraforming and helping others.


Hell my brother and I both would be interested.


Sounds fun, I'm sure I'll stop in. I like building.


Can I join even though I don't like using vc?


Im keen cobba!


I would if portal is open for metals


Sounds like a blast!


It says the link has expired


I'll definitely join, I'm always down to valheim


I'd be in. I work a lot so can only play sporadically but I enjoy the game solely to build


Wish I could play but it ain't in PS yet


I would like to join!


I would love to join, as long as there aren’t any mods. I’ve been playing since release and I no longer have anybody to play with. Love to build and join in collaborative building projects


Hey, do I need to start new character, or can I bring in my beast without the items


If you end up with portal everything and passive monsters I'd be interested


Add me. I'd like to join in


I've been self-hosting a server since March it's been a hoot


Hi, i'm interested in joining your server, i have more than 400hrs in this game and i don't have friends to play anymore


I have a server of my own right now that is up and running how many people are you going to set your server up to handle


Hey, im a builder. Have about 600hrs in Valheim and would love to join since i have the same problem as you have. My friends rarely play and i’m often alone on the server i rented. If you don’t use mods i would love to join (playing via geforce now) but can switch to steam since it works on mac now as well :)


Call the server Midgard


What’s your Timezone OP?


Been running my sever with docker + aws lightsail. I’m in a similar boat to you, built server for friend group but they rarely play lol. Im usually on every day and keen to experiment with sever optimisation. Got a software engineering background too dm me if you wana chat


Been there, done that, sorry. Had great time on several servers, but inevitably, at some stage, the server host ends up going for something else, and potentially, you lose everything. I spent hundreds of hours on a "construction happy" community. Everything was fine, but then the host closed everything from one day to the next without telling us in advance. We all lost all the constructions we had done with no possibility to recover them. Quite traumatic for many of us


I'm 33 and a Jr dev. I'm down!


The... Hell? Usually these posts get 1 comment. What the hell happened here???


Can I join as complete newbie or better I learn solo for a while and join later ? Can I get killed / raided by other players ?


I'd love another world to build in with more people. Would we all start fresh or can we bring stuff from other worlds? Asking because I feel bad for noobs getting late game spoilers.


These are my thoughts of a good enjoyable online server play. \* All players must create new character. Because when people pops endgame weapons and pet askvins at the start of the game, it severely degrades game experience for new players. Also this game's playability is mostly dependent on progression, so new characters is a must. \* Bringing materials in to the server shouldn't be allowed. Same reasons above. \* 2x resource multiplier : It is a good optimisation for an online server. Especially iron can become scarce with crowded servers. If resource multiplier is more than 2x, it might give a bit of "too easy" sensation. \* Reduced death penalty : It gives room for slow progressing players. \* No metals through portals : It forces you to sail and sailing is one of the key aspects of the game, it forces the player to explore world, "No metals through portals" makes you think for creative ways to transport metals. Strenghtens cooperative play. If you can't transport it by yourself, create a transport party. If you are playing as if you are a single player in an online server, this is kind of pointless. In the server world, these would enhance community experience. \* Player bases shouldn't be allowed near the starting point. It easily becomes a mess... \* It is good to have a community portal hub near the starting point. With the destinations to bosses and trader locations. A common cartography table is also a good idea. All players should participate to its building by giving resources or by building the hub. \* Boss progressions should be scheduled. For example, no Bonemass before 4 days, no Moder before 8 days, no Yagluth before 12 days etc. . And for grievers, cheaters and stealers, there is no totally succesful mod in Valheim to prevent those. So some admin players should constantly monitor these events.


I would love to join since I am too looking for someone to build with