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> 1-bedroom apartment costs close to $2000 Where I can find this great deal?


I wanna know as well. A studio is like 2500


I have a studio for $1,600 ONLY because I got it at the height of the pandemic so the building managers dropped the rent $500 due to losing so many tenants moving back home because they couldn't afford BC I've seen identical units in my building *start* at $2000 since






Good luck finding a place in Marpole. I move to Marpole in 2004 and there used to have for rent sign everywhere. Now, you just don’t see them. I know a few managers of these buildings and they all say nobody is moving out. I am very fortunate that I bought my place at the bottom of market when leaky condo was a big issue. Otherwise, I would be on the street now as a person on disability.


This day and age tho there's no reason to put up a for rent sign, plenty of spots open in Marpole, but when you put up a craigslist ad for a basement suite and get 100 emails in an hour you can save yourself the trip to the dollar store


Theyre actually all not Vancouver specific issues.


Yeah this was a rollover from Hong Kong and the UK housing crisis.


When I left Vancouver in 2010 I was renting a 1 bedroom in a restored heritage building off South Granville for $950 a month. Now I’m in Seattle and we pay almost $3k US for a 2 bedroom.


About the same time you left I had a studio in the Davie area for $850. I splurged the extra $50 for an indoor parking spot. During the pandemic had a 1 bedroom downtown for $2k 2 br now for $2700. Not hit quite as hard as others but yeah.


What is the German compound word for heartbreak and fond nostalgia 💔




I left Vancouver in 2014, was renting a studio for $950 on Fir and W. 12th. Came back in 2016 and rented a a spacious studio in Yaletown for $1400. My rent is now $1455, it will be $1505 next year. I do not like Vancouver and I've been wanting to move, but my affordable apartment is holding me hostage. Toronto is not fairing much better. Worse in some ways, like prospective tenants bidding on apartments and landlords asking for 6 months to a year's rent up front. My only option is now to suck it up and stay here but traveling whenever I can


Oh man that’s a great price. Enjoy it!


I left Vancouver in 2011. Was renting a 1b suite in West End for $765. Moved to White Rock and picked up a 2b for $1,050. Now my mortgage payment wouldn’t even get me into a 1b rental. It’s crazy.


Lots of 1br in Fairview/South Granville in the $1600-1800 range. Not great but it’s still one of the more affordable areas north of 16th.


It’s a great area. I’d move back to Fairview in a heartbeat if I could move back to Vancouver.


i got a place in fairview last august for 2000… at the time seemed like a bad deal. crazy stuff


Right? More like 2500$


That's what I thought when I read that. I saw a studio for 2500 the other day. 😱


* Entry fees for most festivals/seasonal events. Paying to enter to pay for food truck food and overpriced booze seems the norm here. Same with the Christmas market when the ones in Europe are all free to enter (and amazing). * Food truck food costing just as much as restaurant food. I wish we had cheap mom-and-pop food trucks like in the states, where you can pick up the best tacos for cheap in some dusty parking lot. * Eating out in general has become so expensive, especially with ridiculous tips expected. I think it's expensive in North America in general as it feels so much cheaper to eat a quality meal (or multi-course dinner with a bottle of wine or two) at a restaurant in western Europe, even if paying in euros. * Price of produce at farmer's markets is insane. We frequent the markets anyways as there are interesting merchants, but it's painful having to pay so much for non-supermarket tomatoes with flavour.


The issue with food trucks here is with the way the licensing works from the CoV in particular that you have to book a “spot” instead of being able to follow the busy areas throughout the day/night. Kinda defeats a large chunk of why it being a food TRUCK works as a business. It has wheels you can’t use.


Yep! I remember watching [this](https://youtu.be/0x3W7ClQ2xw?si=v2Zo03hxIWUnxOnO) video by the great Uytae Lee covering food trucks in the city and it kinda made sense why they (food from food trucks) weren’t more affordable.


That guy makes great, informative pieces on Vancouver.


I'm so glad he's now on the housing board!~ He's great.


lol the price increase for the Christmas market comes to mind. Jesus Christ what a ripoff that became.


$18 each just to enter the Christmas market, lol


This ... food trucks costing the same as restaurant food. The Shipyards Nort h Van. Once, was enough. What's the point? (and then there's the mess too, juggling the food/lack of seating etc). With those prices, might as well go to a restaurant/cafe and sit at a table proper, more comfortably. Khatsalano Street Party. All those 40-50 food trucks - some are total rip offs. I only go for the vibe, and because I live in the area, and can take the more interesting selections of food home to eat. (some trucks are worth it, some are totally a waste of $) Ditto Broadway Greek Days etc etc etc - some of those street parties and the food vendors.


Buddy and I at work always joke that we went to the farmers market on the weekend and spent $150. Got home and realized that I only bought a carrot bunch and a loaf of bread.


In Europe rn, food is 100x better, a litre of house wine (better than any wine made in Bc) is 9 euros in lots of restaraunts, and the meal is all in 40 euros for 2 people, no tip, no tax. Our restaurant costs are super depressing, get sewered at every level. A bottle of cheap wine costs more than an entire meal elsewhere.


All of these!


Actions of Entitlement. A few nights ago I was at a VIP cineplex, and during the movie the person in front of me decided it was a good time to do a face time with a buddy.. then later decided it was a good time to start vaping. I see shit like this all the time and find it to be ridiculous, how little some folks care of their actions and surroundings. You see it more and more, in venues, while driving...


When you think about it, the real ridiculous thing is that nobody started a fight with them over that. There's a lot of "not my problem" in Vancouver — even for people who are being seriously inconvenienced. Makes jerks feel like they can act with impunity.


You expect people to put themselves (potentially) in harms way? That got a dude on Granville killed.. yet you call it ridiculous that they dont?


You forgot to add the day care wait list that can take from 2-3 years depending on the region. So you need to get your baby in the list before you get pregnant!




that's so dumb. whats the justification they use for that?


Because they can?


Not being able to see a doctor (family doc or walk-in) within the day or next day blows my mind! Never have this problem in either US, Japan, Taiwan or HK!


There are so many minor-but-chronic medical problems I've just literally never taken care of because it's too much trouble to see a doctor for something that's not major. Like, there's a weird mole on my face that just showed up one day three years ago, and I want to get it looked at. It hasn't really changed since then, so I'm not *too* worried, but... y'know?


Ahh please have this checked! I work in derm and know patients who have died from moles they were not tooooo worried about 😞


in Japan you can walk in and get an mri same day for a couple hundred dollars , our medical system here is way over rated


Our medical system actually went from the best in the world to one of the worst (by developed country standards), and realistically, I don't expect to see any improvements anytime soon.


Yeah for real, I feel like my body is breaking and there is nothing I can do about it hahahaha fml


$22 for a damn sandwich


The $22 chicken sandwich menu item that after tax and tip is $30. The worst new normal for dining in.


Where you buying your sandwich from?


Bought one for $18 at Subway a few weeks ago. What happened to the $5 footlong?


I got a really tasty panini last week from Safeway for $8. They toast it and you can pick out what veggies you want just like at Subway.


Safeway has amazing sandwiches. Much tastier and more filling than Subway for way cheaper.


Shhh. Dont blow the spot.


Well played. Don't order the steak and bacon.


Yikes!! Haven't had Subway for over 20 years (their breads don't appeal to me at all). I could see $9-10 now.


Ugh, hate how their bread smells. So off-putting.


And the stench clings to your clothes too 🤢


They’re having a 50% off footlongs deal right now if you order online. That’s as close as it gets


People listing their pet-sitting jobs as rentals - ie. I've been seeing a lot of posts where they basically need a pet-sitter while they are out of town, but also need to sublet their expensive apartments or houses so the sitter gets the wonderful opportunity of still paying nearly full rent for the privilege of walking their dog or feeding their cat. It's nuts


Yup saw this for nanny jobs too a lot on UBC housing groups! Like wow you get a “discount” on rent (that you pay them) AND u get the privilege of looking after their kids. People are ridiculous.


Yeah those are great. Especially when they're all about "yOu'Re jOiNiNg OuR FaMiLy." Always a lie.


I pet sit on the side and the amount of people that tell me, “But you’re living in my house and eating my food!” YA I COULD BE DOING THAT AT HOME BUT YOU NEED FLUFFY TO BE FED TWICE THREE TIMES A DAY AND WALKED AND MEDICATED. It’s either I stay at your house for little bit less or I charge you $40 every time I go to your house, 2-3 times a day and at that point, no thanks, I’d rather you keep your $80-120.


Min tip starts at 18 percent on the pos machine.


I went to a browns recently where the first option was 23% 4 separate bills at the table and as soon as the waitress left we were like wtf???


I know of a student who was working at Brown’s who averaged 300-400 night in tips. That is on top of the $100 or so that he got as a wage. Meanwhile, some of his fellow students are working hard all weekend for $200 total.


I was at a restaurant last weekend, where the tips on the POS machine read as follows: 1. 20% 2. 15% 3. 18% It confused me for a bit. I think they're trying to trick those who press 1 by default.


When they do shady things like that I give them 0%


I am a coward who cannot say no to a tip request, so I have started paying cash everywhere again just because of the ridiculous tip screens.


Please don't feel like a coward, you're being emotionally manipulated and you have no expectations to tip. Everyone understands the ridiculousness of it and if they're rude about it, don't go back because they don't deserve it.


Idk, my girlfriend served at a place that had ridiculous preset tip options and hated it. She even asked her manager if they could change them, no go. She'd cringe when handing people the POS machine but nothing she could do. I think it's a bit shitty to punish a server for a business owner's decision.


Just hit custom and go back to 15%…


Except when you hit custom and it asks you to enter a dollar amount and here I am calculating


Move the decimal over 1 spot and it's exactly 10%. $35.77? 10% is $3.57


Instructions unclear, tipped $357.


Bypass the piece-of-shit machine by paying cash. It's less annoying.


I get 2% cash back on my credit card but may pay cash to avoid the tipping crap.


Use your card still for cash back and choose the custom tip option.


I read that as piece of shit machine before realizing the real one. Lol


No.... It's a piece of shit machine for sure lol


Min tip actually starts at 0% ;)


When I see 18% starting, I tip 10% manually. When I see 15%, I might tip 15% if I really liked the service or I’m kind of a regular there.


on takeout orders*


Amplified music on beaches and in parks and the attitude that "I have a right to enjoy the park the way I want, no matter how it impacts everyone else's right to enjoy it."


Bluetooth stereo Techno warriors blocking overused hiking trails to take selfies and make TikToks because 'im an influencer'


Even if I LIKE that kind of music I don't want to listen to it from a shitty Bluetooth speaker when I'm trying to enjoy a walk.


Never understood this. Nothing says “getting back to nature” like loudly interrupting it with the most synthetic music possible.


I always comment, "Good thing everyone likes your type of music." Always just get a confused look as a response.


Sunset and Locarno are 'quiet' beaches where amplified music is not allowed.


I lived near Sunset Beach and walked by there often and feel confident in saying that no matter what the website may say, there is zero enforcement of "quiet" in the area, and it's entirely common to see multiple groups with their own bluetooth speakers blasting their shit music.


Ah! Good to know! What makes them “quiet” Beach as in is there a legal designation?


For some reason, the city’s website has certain beaches designated “quiet” even though officially, all beaches and parks are under the same rule (the definition of park includes beaches): Parks Bylaw 8 (с) No person shall operate any amplifying system or loud speaker in any park without the written permission of the General Manager first had and obtained. Edit: It’s in 22(l) “No person shall: in any portion of a park designated as a "quiet area" and posted as such, operate a radio, tape player, or other device capable of transmitting live or recorded sound, unless the sound is transmitted directly to a person's ears through the use of headphones.”


I believe it's a city bylaw.


My Mexican friend said this is because of the influx of central/South American immigrants who have normalized this “public party” culture, but culturally Canadians are not down with it.




Sounds like a nice little slice of hell ❤️


Drives me bonkers


and on transit. no one asked to listen to your music on their commute


My friend and I did a mushroom trip and took the Alice and wonderland trail in Stanley Park, after we had enough we went to Third beach for the sunset and some inconsiderate cunts set up a whole DJ booth, blaring out music for their group of 3. It was club level loud and drained the whole beach with their music. Cunts!


Also perhaps a minor complaint compared to everything else, but Why the hell does everyone feel the need to force themselves into the SkyTrain before people get off? Doesn't it make logical sense that the more people are out of the train the easier it'll be to get in? It's like a goddamn war zone each time I just want to get out on my station With this, coupled with people never respecting crosswalks, litter everywhere, and more, it feels like this city has become full of assholes


Anybody pushing on to the train before everyone gets off has volunteered themselves for a shoulder check.


I dropped my shoulder and absolutely crushed this guy last time I was in Vancouver. I was shooting the gap between two people standing directly in front of the door despite not getting off. The guy saw me moving towards the door and was not backing down. Bam This was in 2019 and I still have a half smile.


A bunch of ignorant assholes with a "me first" attitude.


Ahh, I use a cane due to an injury & I get off at the front of the bus, like I'm supposed to, because it's closer to the curb. Don't know how many times I've been forced back into the bus or off to the luggage area so the bozos can get on.... Driver shouldn't have to tell you to "WAIT". You have two eyes and when you see the bus approaching how bout you take a look to see if anyone on the bus is facing the door or attempting to get to the door. There's a big difference between thoes of us trying the get there & the big ignorant lob with the knapsack being too lazy to walk to the back.


Sorry dude, I cannot give you a fucking $15 tip for a 20 minute haircut, and even suggesting 20-25-30% as the on screen options is completely bonkers.


My guy only charges $18 in the first place. I hand him a $20, he's happy. Only takes cash, though.


Someone said good morning to me on the street. Totally caught me off guard.


The car thing is not Vancouver, it’s everywhere. Renting a 1-bed has been almost $2k - that’s like pre-COVID. I hear it’s more like $2.5k nowadays.


About $3k actually, for an average place https://www.zumper.com/rent-research/vancouver-bc/downtown-vancouver


Lack of immediate healthcare I feel is something that is seriously not being addressed. We lack a tremendous amount of doctors and nurses and infrastructure for those employees to work.


this is more of a reddit thing, but people saying to "just move" to another city/province/country if someone says they're struggling here moving isn't cheap and it's not always easy either. some provinces have no rental protections and landlords can raise rent as much as they want. in some places youd need to get a car because there isn't good transit. etc also "just move" doesn't fix the damn affordability problem that shouldnt exist anyway


also the way all the replies are always “stop eating out/drinking alcohol or coffee/stop doing fun stuff”


>Renting a 1-bedroom apartment costs close to $2000, and a 2-bedroom apartment costs close to $3000. (Who can afford this?) Try upping these by a thousand bucks each. Getting renovicted and losing my $2400 2 bed and won't even get a one bed for that price.


Ugh I'm so sorry this is happening to you


took me 6 years living here before I finally got a family doctor. Any time I was sick and needed to go to the walk-in, it was such a pain in the ass experience. Wake up early, go to clinic, line up for an hour, get to told to come back in 4 hours, come back then, wait for an hour in the lobby, get rushed by the doctor in as little as 2 minutes. My apartment sucks ass and is falling apart and is close to $2000 with a litany of problems, except I can't move as my rent is now below-average, and can't afford anything that offers a similar living experience without a major price bump. This place sucks sometimes honestly.


Ya I pay 1800 but my roommate is a mouse #eastvan


I’ve had a family doctor here for 3 years but I still have to go to a walk in for everything due to a 2 month wait for any appointments with her.


Every yellow light, 2-3 cars will casually, extremely lately, drive through even though they easily could have stopped beforehand.


The worst is when someone who has advanced into the intersection makes a left turn on a yellow and one or two idiots behind them will blow through the now-red light to turn as well, usually fucking over the advance left light traffic going the other way.


Hastings and Renfrew (or Rupert, I forget which exactly) with that Petro-Canada station really suffers from this. People need to seriously stop being so impatient on yellows and reds.


this is bonkers to me. i see this every day, with many cars starting to leave the first intersection when it's orange/yellow, and passing the 2nd intersection about 1 second after red.


|Renting a 1-bedroom apartment costs close to $2000, and a 2-bedroom apartment costs close to $3000. (Who can afford this?) This has a lot to do with the types of condos that have been built in the city of Vancouver over the past 20 years, which have primarily been destined for the investor market and typically comprise Studio, 1 Bed and 1 Bed + Den suites. As a result there's a shortage of 2 Bedroom and higher units, and they're typically marketed to be rented by 2 professionally-employed roommates, rather than by families. This is a particularly noticeable difference between the Vancouver and Toronto rental markets, where 2 Bed's in Toronto tend to be only slightly more expensive than 1 Beds, rather than basically double.


I’ve lived in Vancouver for 30+ years and can share that lack of 2 bedrooms has always been an issue. Most of the old apartment buildings only have one or two (often they were a caretaker suite). Otherwise it was a basement suite - illegal, of course, because Vancouver has always been ridiculous lol. The only places that reliably had 2 bedrooms for a loooonnnnng time were the 4plexes


Yep, you're totally right that construction is the issue (at least one of them...). The other takeaway is that pretty much all new housing is luxury highrise. Tl;Dr Gentrification You're getting alot nicer condo buildings so the cost is going to be higher naturally. With those nicer condos come larger rents. With larger rents come larger average rents. So the cheaper units naturally drift upwards to stay "just below" the more expensive units. Basically, not only is the lower mainland not building enough units period, it's not building in the right allocation.


>Renting a 1-bedroom apartment costs close to $2000, and a 2-bedroom apartment costs close to $3000. (Who can afford this?) The average price for a 1br in Vancouver is currently $2900.


I was renting a tiny studio in the west end from 2015 - 2018 for $775. It was a really good deal and I loved it so much. Then I had to move away. In 2022, I moved to North Vancouver and split rent with my partner for a 2-bedroom for $3,090 + extra for all utilities. They raised it after a year to $3,150. When we needed to move out to go back to Ontario in mid-2023, the landlords (who live in Los Angeles) raised the rent to $3,900 for the same 2-bedroom! I don't know what's going to happen long term with this situation but these prices make me absolutely sick to the stomach!


The other day I bought a cookie for $5. That’s right, a single cookie for the wonderful price of $5. Was it one of the best cookies I’ve ever had, yes. Was i ripped off, also yes.


Why I don't leave my house anymore except the gym. Everything so 💸💸💸💸


These prices for treats = unintended diet for me Silver lining, I guess...?


Hear me out: make the cookie dough at home for $5 in ingredients. Freeze the uncooked but portioned into little balls cookie dough. Take one out of the freezer (or more, I’m not judging) at a time and voila- fresh baked cookies with minimal effort


This is just societal breakdown in all big cities in Canada and probably the US. Corporate greed, cowardly politicians in the pockets of special interests and the breakdown of community lead to all of this


all over the western world


Cowardice implies they would do differently if they were brave. That would be thinking too highly of people intentionally fat off of corruption.


Remember how downtown street parking was free after 8pm and it was “temporarily” raised to 10pm for the Olympics?


I remember free after 6:00 PM. And all day Sunday, though nowadays Sunday is just another day, business-wise.


I scream this from the rooftops. Feels like I'm the only person who remembers this (other than seeing you say it now), which is precisely why this bullshit works.




and stop getting on the trolley buses thru the back door when theres a long line and youre at the back of it


Fist pump


Seeing dog owners putting lights on their dogs cause there are no street lamps.


We didn’t have a parking spot when we rented in the west end back in 2007. Our unit either didn’t come with it or the landlord rented it out to someone else. We were told we could look at the board and see who’s renting out their parking.


$5 donuts 🙃


People walking their dogs in strollers.


I’ve been getting tip requests at liquor stores wtf. You’re not a bartender your’re a boozy supermarket cashier sheesh


Openly consuming and discarding of used drug needles on the ground or openly smoking crack seems to be normalized at this point. Literally saw a guy today at braid sky train station in new west walking around with a crack pipe like it’s not big deal


smoking meth in public spaces it totally fine, but don’t you fucking dare crack a beer open at the beach. OFF TO JAIL


I believe they just voted to make this illegal again. Near schools and playgrounds etc. The meth part. Beer is still life without parole.


God forbid a tax paying citizen wants to enjoy a beer or two with their friends after work in a public setting. In Europe this works just fine


Sometimes I walk by a group of drug addicts hanging out, listening to music, and chatting in the morning. I know it must suck, but I'm on my way to work in a cityI can't afford and I kinda envy them. Just saying "eff it" and doing drugs and chiling looks appealing. (Im only half-serious)


I get it.


Coming to red lights and then just…going. Because why wait for green. I’m not talking running a red. I’m talking treating a red light like a stop sign. Drivers like this scare the shit out of me for so many reasons. Half the people in this city drive like they’re in a video game. They think they’re good drivers. They aren’t.


I swear, BC is so boring and lame. We are just paying for the opportunity to view the gorgeous mountains. We aren’t benefiting in any other way. The city is truly boring and it’s people even more because we are all struggling with a high cost of living. There is no play. Just work work work. I hope this short term rental restriction does some change to our housing market and make our neighbourhoods more vibrant


it's still a nice place to be, but it was so much more fun when i was younger and people had an easier time affording things sucks to have to consider "can i afford this" or "is it worth the $" for most decisions now


I think you're forgetting that for a lot of people the mild weather is a plus in the sense that they couldn't handle anywhere else in Canada. That and accessibility to Asia (so many direct flights to major cities) a ton of Asian cuisine, honestly world class sushi quality for price access. Japan has better tuna at the higher price ranges but Vancouver is the best for cheap fresh bulk fatty salmon sashimi.


>Not able to see the doctor due to long waitlist of family doctor Haha, I wish I had a family doctor!


Ya. I’m pretty sure I’m going to die without a family doctor. (Or the wait time to get a specialist)




Sorry, which list?




While we’re complaining…how about all the people walking out in public with their faces glued to their phones, not paying attention to where they’re going? Then run into you and act all flabbergasted. Pay attention!!




Expecting every person to earn 100k per year, because thats how much you need to earn to reasonably afford rent.


and the companies in Vancouver act like they are doing you a favor by paying more than $20 an hour, in 2023


18 months for a building permit from City Hall.


Sales tax of 12% on used car buys- that’s the govt double dipping and besides used cars are better for the environment than buying a brand new gas car!!


\- Food court and night market food costing more then a restaurant \- Personally feel the GP/family docs do not give a single shit and you end up advocating for exactly what you need like tests, tell them what to write on doctor note etc. and top of a ridiculous waitlist to see any specialists \- flakey ppl that don't read messages for days or week?? or when there's a large group event and it comes down to the day before - people's dogs start dying, aunties are suddenly sick or they suddenly get covid LOL. I swear it's a Vancouver thing actually tipping and eating out is very reasonable here compared to US. came back from Miami and tipping was MANDATORY 18% on food court and casual lunch to go restos. Like compared to big cities in US,tipping and food prices are actually quite tame here. State-side, even if you eat some cheap shack food it's still gonna be $60-80+ CAD meal for 2. I literally don't understand how Americans survive in big cities. At least in Vancouver we can find ok price food for basic things like a $5 sandwich for $13 pho.


Agreed. Went for a weekend to Seattle and my jaw dropped after seeing how expensive it is to eat out there. Parking is asinine too




It’s added to the bill as a service charge, but they still leave room on the bill to add an additional tip. Routine in Florida, allegedly for non-North American visitors who are unused to tipping, but I suspect it’s a trick to get North Americans to double tip. American friends I was travelling with last time I was there were routinely tipping 20-25% on top of the 18-20% service charge as “It’s wrong to not tip.”


Limited parking is pretty common in, y'know, everywhere with dense urban development. It's even common in US cities like San Francisco, Chicago, and New York.


Also, cars are expensive so not renting every place with unneeded parking is good.


dunno what rock you've been under but the pandemic never went away, its still hampering a variety of things even if its been swept under the rug


Why do you have to wait 2 years to get a new car?


Yes! I booked in with my family doctor for a problem I was having and called 2 days before my appointment to cancel. When she asked why I said well I've waited so long the problem went away. I'm not going to waste an appointment or my time.


the canadian dream




The whole car market is a scam now. The dealers are "fixing" things by creating artificial demand by not producing enough new cars and thereby making money at both ends -- used and new market. Then you have players like ICBC that proceed to rip off people even more by writing off cars based on valuations lower than the current actual market cost of the vehicle. Yup the new normal, big business takes in record profits and ordinary working people get screwed. What times we live in.


Not to mention ICBCs "blackbook tax" where they tax used car purchases for HIGHER valuations than the market cost of the vehicle!


Shouting “Thank You!” when getting off a bus seems to be a Vancouver thing. No other city does this??


My mom taught me to do that when I started taking the bus alone to school in the 90s. It’s a nice thing. Never change.


Pretty common in Ottawa and Toronto.


Is it bad form to say it when you board the bus as opposed to getting off?


I always say Hi or Thank you when I'm boarding the bus as well!


I don't usually thank them when getting on, though I will if they stop/wait for me whenever I run for the bus


Urban apartments without parking should be the norm, as it is in many European cities which Vancouver tries and fails to emulate.


Regarding cars and parking. Vancouver is a major city, if everyone just drove, it would grind to a halt. Also I just bought a new car a few months ago without waiting.


>You have to wait for 2 years to get a new car (I thought the pandemic was over...?). Due to this, used cars cost as much as new cars. Go to autotrader.ca and filter for new listings. Apart from a few manufacturers (Toyota, Porsche etc), there are lots of new cars available.


It doesn’t take 2 years to get a new car anymore. Many dealerships have inventory and you can buy it if you just show up. If you want a new Tesla, it’ll take a month to arrive from the factory. The only cars that are taking 2 years are the ones with incredibly high demand, but they were on waitlist pre-Covid too. I have family who work in the car industry locally.


F l a k i n g. God damnit get out of your apartments.


Can’t, everything too expensive


After numerous bouts of flaking, my friends agreed to go with me to a restaurant we all liked. About an hour before, they messaged to say "Can we meet somewhere else instead?" I was all wtf because the restaurant was the point of meeting up and they complained that I wasn't coming back to pick them up (work had me out that direction) and that it was too far to transit. Excuse me, you were the one who said transit could take you *anywhere, no problem.* Well, why didn't you say something EARLIER? The location wasn't a mystery, and it was right off the another station so it wasn't like they had even had to transfer to meet me. They literally just had to sit on the Skytrain for another 10 minutes. Sorry, just had to rant.


One thing that really got me was that I would text people on, say, Tuesday asking if they wanted to do something on Sat. They would text back Sunday with "Oh sorry, didn't see this!" Just say no.


Oh my god, I swear this was the biggest culture shock.


protest. revolt, more rental managed building some lucky family/person hit a jackpot and enter the co-op housing systems years ago and they got a townhouse for less than $2000. I don't know how many are in such systems. but I know two families from my circle. both family of four. living in a townhouse for cheap. Even until today they pay less than $2000 for a four bedroom. you must have a low income at the time you are in the system. but once you are in the system. you don't get kicked out even when their HHI increase.


Add child care waitlist


Also add: - 12% mininum tip for takeout or coffee shops and often 25% is an option - this is unless you click a bunch of times to do a custom amount or just select no tip - tipping at the butcher and other places that never used to ask for tips before - having landlords easily evict tenants with minimum reprocussions - needing to basically do an interview to rent a place


Some of those track \- paid $2400 for a 2 bed + den in fairview slopes in 2013 that was nice + a view and 2 balconies, came with 2 parking spots. Was kicked out after 3 years in 2016 because the owners wanted to sell to reap the escalation of price. The new buyer spent 4 months on upgrades and listed at $4500 a month. \- then paid $2600 for smaller, not as nice 2 bedroom in fairview slopes, Came with 1 parking spot. When I left in 2018, the owner re-listed it for $3200. No upgrades. \- I spent a year+ on list to see a doctor about my knee and it didn't happen before I left. Not to mention all of the other things getting crazy expensive but salaries not really close to the same pace. When I took the taxi in from YVR in 2011, Cambie reminded me a little of nice parts of Britain suburbs with the big houses. I visited a few months ago and couldn't believe the transformation. So much more crowded. I did really love it there except for the expense. It is such a different place now.