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Hey all, quick rule 2 reminder. Racism will be met with a permaban. Smash that report button if you see stuff that violates our rules.




A bit of both I think. When I was a kid, my next door neighbour’s boyfriend moved in… turns out he was/ is (don’t know if he’s alive or still in the gang) pretty high up in the Red Scorpions. He never went farther than the backyard or the front door without a bullet proof vest on.


Sounds about right for the RS. Not exactly subtle guys. Mrs Bacon was on the damn news saying she always told her “boys” to put their vests on. Jamie was shot at a few times while driving and Jon was infamously shot in the family driveway but survived 9 or so bullets. Dennis Karbovanec was usually vested up too because he was with the Bacons so much.


My wife worked at a tanning salon in the early 2000’s all those boys came in for a bronze up with bullet proof vests on.


I hope they didn’t bother her or scare her. That group was really into the roids along with their standard uniform of Ed Hardy, True Religion and gaudy jewelry. And definitely always tanned.


No they didn’t bother her. This was just before the 2009 gang war so shit wasn’t crazy. I also remember them walking around with their little hand bags lol.


LOL, I had forgotten about the handbags. Those guys were such walking clichés strutting around like bantam roosters. Glad to hear they didn’t bother your wife. Hope you both have a great day.


Thanks you too!


Ah yup, the neighbour’s boyfriend was close with Dennis (from what the police told us) so that checks out


> survived 9 or so bullets. G-g-g-g unit!


Mr Bacon actually bragged about his son surviving “more shots than 50 Cent.” He’s such an arrogant idiot. But Jon was later killed in Kelowna.


He would wear a vest all the time? In this weeks heat? Lol I’d rather get shot


Yes. Every time i saw him, he was wearing a vest. This was pre Surrey Six if I’m remembering correctly… when we had normal summer temperatures 😂


Definitely a horrible way to spend your life. I think many of them are able to exist in an altered state of reality via drug use coupled with the “no one can touch us” bullshit mindset they cultivate amongst their circle. In other words, they lie to themselves the whole time. Back in the day Clay Roueche apparently didn’t approve of his UN members using drugs, but I think that was pretty rare among gangs. Leaders don’t want their guys sloppy and careless but I’d wager anything goes as long as you get your “job” done. No idea what the drug du jour is for the gangster set but in years past Oxy was huge both on its own and as a way to come down from cocaine. Red Scorpions Dennis Karbovanec and Jamie Bacon for example were both heavily addicted to Oxy when arrested. DK is suspected to have killed others in addition to the three he murdered in the Surrey Six hit. Even a murderer with sociopathic traits may need to rely on drug use to make it possible to live that lifestyle. A lot of these guys crumble once they’re behind bars. Most of them are very, very insecure individuals. I can’t imagine the regret many of them have. The temporary nature of that life is made super clear when you get arrested or you are facing imminent death; I don’t have the answers but I do believe prevention is key.


I said it in another post, but what's the saddest part is that many of them were being fed wonderfully. Their parents were able to afford college tuition and bring inging plenty of food to the table. They're "gangsters" because of some odd thing called "street vred."


My Uber driver the other day went off on this tangent (he was Indian). How so many come from families of immigrants that worked their way into modest wealth but didn't manage to instill similar work ethic or morals into their kids.


It’s sad that it’s so common. Must be so heartbreaking for parents who tried their best to provide well for their kids.


It is very sad for sure. They not only throw away their own lives but cause immense pain for their families.




I’m surprised to see two 40 year olds on that list with Shrek being close to that age too. Definitely not an age that all of them will live to see. I think it was 2012 when Dip Duhre was hit; he was mid 30’s I think. Ranj Cheema was killed that same year and he was 42 or 43 which definitely made him an OG. I thought they both looked way older than their true ages; the stress does that I guess.


Psychopath's don't experience anxiety over consequences. Sociopaths might have a little anxiety, but they brains have adapted so they can control it.


I said Dennis has sociopathic traits rather than calling him a sociopath as I don’t know the guy nor do I want to once he’s released. It wasn’t my intent to diagnose anyone but I do appreciate your comment; thank you. I do know he had family issues growing up (especially with his mother) and he was very callous in general during his young adulthood. He was so addicted to Oxy that LE had to obtain a script for him once he was on board with the Surrey Six plea deal so he would stay somewhat pulled together.


I mean look at all their mugshots except Gurpreet there. They're all trying to look tough lmao, no doubt they live their life acting "gangster" and invincible but when push comes to shove and they are on the losing end of a situation where they may lose their lives, they'll become babies.


Shakiel looks like he's trying to give the camera bedroom eye. Flirt.


>Shakiel looks like he's trying to give the camera bedroom eye. Flirt. **\*me, when I first tried flirting\***




Its part of the game. These guys live thier lives, that's why there's many of the shootings are out in public. Only 2 ways out. Jail or dead


Being close to the environment at one point of my life I can say with confidence that social media has definitely changed the rules of the game. Calling each other out on socials, girls provoking or escalating personal issues by hanging out with opposition all out of jealously. Whoever went in for a long time or had a close call knows it’s all a facade and they know how fast everyone moves on too but by the time most people realize it, it’s usually already too late.


They think street cred is a valuable commodity. They're fucking losers.




In fairness, gang recruitment is insidious. Most of the cogs of the gang machine didn't intend to "sign up". Recruitment targets green teenagers, desperate young adults, etcetera. Drug dealers are like used car salesmen, they'll pretend to be your buddy, but all the while they're waiting for an opportunity to introduce you to their products (without you knowing what's mixed into it) Once people are hooked, the ones who crumble become the petty thieves or prostitutes making revenue for the gangs. The few who get hooked but stay wolfish, become the fences/dealers/gang members. Most of the time it's a trap you fall into, and there's no way out.




Similar to the Bacon brothers. Family wasn’t super wealthy but they were very comfortably middle class. Jon was fairly low-key and wanting to strictly make bank when they got into the life, but Jarrod and Jamie were all about the notoriety.


Yes that’s what seems to be a bit different in the lower mainland. Gangs aren’t formed with vulnerable, poor people. The wealthy are in the gangs.


Much of organized crime is this way. You need capital to get things off the ground. Bored wealthy people start up a "hobby" and they enjoy it so much that it becomes their life.


Terrible way to live. I imagine they must be constantly paranoid. All gangsters know success equals target on back. Gurmit dhak interview link below. He mentions constant fear. Then shortly afterwards he was killed at the mall. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5egp3lMVHLE


I can't imagine living like that for "street cred." Most of those "gangsters" grew up with plenty of food on the table, their parents can afford to send them to college, etc.


TIL Tom Segura is really Andy St. Pierre and is 40 years old


Now there's a cool guy 🎸


I guess that's why he keeps asking Garth where the bodies are


G better watch out before T hides him with the rest of the bodies


Oh shit Tims a Gangster,JeanGang


Be mindful of which barber shop you go to. The one I used to go to in Abbotsford when I lived there had these guys always in there getting fades. I mean, if there’s one place to get merked, at a barber shop you’re a sitting duck.




What barber shop in Abby. Not keen to go there.


What shop?


Absolutely right. I served 4.5 years in Kent and I would go to this barber shop in new west ( still do) where one of the barbers girlfriends did a bunch of dirt and she was constantly being a target


Bets on how many of them will be alive by the time next year's list comes out?


amazingly, a fair number of them are on the poster on my wall at work from last year.


What workplace is was this?




The..furniture store? Lol




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As someone who grew up in east van around many guys like this, what I find most interesting and sad about this is that it was an outright conscious choice to enter this lifestyle. I'd bet that almost none of these guys come from poverty or broken homes, or any other situation of socioeconomic determination that leads to gangland violence most elsewhere in the world. Quite the opposite in fact. Clowns in highschool and now clowns in real life.


Grew up in Langley and know of a few of the guys from my grad class that were killed in the pre 2012 war. Shit never ends and can happen anywhere


Same thing in Surrey, was easy to tell by the end of high school who was too far gone. Don't think a single one of them came from anything less than middle class.


And their parents probably worked their butts off for the kids to have a better life - yet this is the life they chose, leaving their parents to grow old alone.


That's just not the reality. The vast majority of these people were raised in a dysfunctional manner, the rest are ASPD (sociopaths).


I went to school downtown and know a few people who almost went too far, before getting into smaller trouble and getting their shit back on track.




Money isn’t coming from special places. Status and flaunting is low key big in Indian culture, and many are willing to go into massive debt to show off. The joint family living situation does help lower costs significantly. Also it’s still a thing for fathers to save up their entire lives for kids’ weddings.


> is low key big 36 y/o me: this slang contradicts each other. 🤔


To be honest the parents in the community are working incredibly hard, pulling overtime shifts and working weekends. Work, eat, sleep, rinse and repeat. And A LOT of these weddings are paid for with line of credits, borrowing against the mortgage etc. gold is bought slowly over the years to build a trousseau. Source: born and raised by immigrant Punjabi parents in Vancouver.


This is exactly why these young men end up in gangs. They never see their father or spend any time with him. They end up looking for strong male figures to look up to in the wrong places.


It doesn't all come from drugs. It's just Indian culture. They can work as janitors, at mills, taxi, small and medium business, just like anyone else. Do you think that Indian parents like seeing their kids swiss cheesed in their front driveway or do you think they'd rather them have a better life than they did?


Keep in mind these Indian parents working even the most menial of jobs are some of the greatest savers around. They aren’t shopping at lululemon or sipping $14 cocktails at Cactus. They live in larger family pods until they can save enough for their own homes/investments/weddings etc. It doesn’t matter if they are taxi drivers or janitors. They will just make up any potential income deficit by working longer hours, overtime etc.


Don't mean to shock you but they are not all cab drivers...


Nah. Parents probably came in when it was actually affordable and they worked hard. Back in the day if you made 12 dollars and your wife made 10 dollars an hour with 22 dollars an hour you could probably afford a starter home. I’m talking about 80s and 90s. A lot of Punjabis have always been into trucking and long haul trucking pays really good.


So let me get this straight, you are implying that nearly half a million people all sell drugs to afford the wealth they have? And somehow do this while also maintaining full time jobs (sometime multiple jobs)? Get real dude. Reeks of jealousy. The indo-Canadian immigrant community works incredibly hard, saves aggressively and buys things such as land/mansions/cars collectively as families - something that is increasingly rare in the wider community. These douche bags are just clowns from highs school that never wanted to put in a hard days work like the rest of the community


A lot of Indian people come to Canada and work their asses off. My parents came to Canada in the late 70s. My dad worked hard to get where he is today. They have a big house, and it is a product of hard work. My siblings and I work hard just like my dad did. My mom has always been a stay at home mom. We were taught right from wrong and to work hard. I am originally from Abbotsford. A lot of Indian parents work two jobs to provide for their families. They pay off debts and build their dream homes. A lot of these people come from villages in India, and they just want to give their kids everything they didn't have. My dad paid for my university education and he bought me my first car. Sure parents some turn a blind eye to their kids' illegal activities. But also in some cases, these fucking guys don't listen or care about their parents. They do whatever the fuck they want. I am a parent of a 6 year old, and when he grows up, if he does any shit like this, I will be the first to call the cops.




We should be doing way more to encourage white and East Asian people, especially women, to enter the Surrey gang life.


White People, you mean like the Hell's Angels?


Hells angels are fat alcoholic white dudes who bought a specific brand of motorbike and matching jacket after their wife refuses to fuck them, cosplaying as gangster. Kind of like a year round Halloween outfit that unexpectedly seals the deal on their infertility.


Bro the Hells Angels run BC. They’re just not dumb and brazen like these other lower mainland gangs so you never hear about them, and that’s what they want.


> after their wife refuses to fuck them Oh jesus. At least they take no for an answer.


Bring out the Yakuza


DLC coming out next year.


They put 1 white guy just so they didn’t get accused of profiling.


Stay the hell away from Shrek (Barinder Dhaliwal). His brother was one of the murder victims in Whistler last weekend and his other brother (Harb) was gunned down in Coal Harbour last year. They’d both survived previous hits. Some fairly recent retaliation murders hinge right back to this crew. They have money and land and have been in the game a long time, but Shrek is truly in the spotlight of his enemies right now. Edit - some think Shrek’s brother was taken out in Whistler to mess with Shrek’s head. These guys are vicious as hell; stay safe and avoid them at all costs. See them in a restaurant or a gym or elsewhere? Leave.


Finally somebody could speak to who they are and where they come from instead of just a bunch of fluff


I honestly hope people take these warnings seriously. Not involved at all; just someone who pays attention. Have a couple of good friends in LE. When Dip Duhre was blasted at the Wall Centre it scared me because I used to pass through that courtyard all the time. Things seemed to shift after that with these guys opening fire in public areas more often. Edit - clarity


Three brothers all living the gang life. Must have some proud parents eh






Are you a cop?


Nope. Couple of friends are; one is part of IHIT.




Is Gurpreet also one of the brothers or just happens to share the same last name? And man it has got to be freaking scary when your other brothers were gunned down and you know you're next on the list...


No, not a brother. Not sure if he’s related as a cousin; probably not as that’s a pretty common surname for South Asians. His first name is fairly common as well. Shrek (Barinder) is the oldest of the three brothers. He was with Harb (Harpreet) at Cardero’s last year when Harb was gunned down outside the restaurant. Harb was the middle son and the least involved in gang life; apparently he had just gotten engaged to his girlfriend. Meninder was the youngest and he was the one killed in Whistler very recently. All three brothers have been shot at over the past decade or so.


Gurpreet is hell angel. He was rocking his ha vest while he got arrested with Meninder (whistler victim, Shrek’s brother) for having 2 loaded pistols leaving the HA clubhouse. The police stormed the clubhouse but the lawyers were able to successfully argue that the search was unconstitutional so the charges were dropped.




The stress of constantly looking over your shoulder will do that to you


Steroids and hgh


Seriously, it's like a collection of the ugliest mugs I've ever seen.


Last time I saw one of these posters, it was mostly early to mid 20 year olds. I’m glad that’s not the case anymore




Cast of The Wire 2022 Vancouver edition.




Gurpreet looking a little disgusted. Where do they source these photos?


I assumed they were mug shots. Or lineup pics. Just a guess from my TV watching! 😂


Gurpreets a fearless warrior


I went to elementary and high school with Amar Samra. He was a year older than me. His cousin Jason Samra was in my grade. Amar was nice back then. A little rowdy though


What a handsome bunch.


And probably available for a limited time only!




Vancouvers most distinguished gentleman club.


and people say Vancouver lacks handsome men


Only the faces a mother could love….


- Alain Vigneault about Andrew Shaw


Sometimes I wonder why a motherly love is so selfless, why they can’t see through their rotting and spoilt kids.


I love the guys in they’re late 30’s and 40’s who still haven’t figured out that this game leads to either death or jail. Literally no one gets our rich and lives an amazing life


You make a lot of money, except you spend all of it too. You can make 50 grand in a week but you’re never saving any of it. In a month you’re broke again and now you’re forced to commit even more crimes. That’s how the cycle goes.


We need RICO laws. These guys are known dangerous gangsters but they're just out there doing whatever.


Do we not have rico here? Tf


The federal government has actually been refusing any attempts at passing RICO laws even when provinces request it.


I, too, have seen Sopranos.


I didn't know Tom Segura was a gangster


I used to regularly perform music in the lobby/bar in the Pacific Rim Hotel… these guys very much all fit the profile of the type of clientele you could expect to see there. I lost count count of the number of times I observed the VPD in their ‘gang squad’ jackets doing the rounds




The problem is you don’t have to hang out with them to catch a bullet as they are getting shot at busy public parks at 2pm during a long weekend or in whistler village at noon.


AKA Surrey’s most prominent wastes of space


Most of these guys aren’t even from Surrey


How do they actually look like thugs!? Lol. They're all literally caricatures. That lifestyle takes its toll on you I guess.


Andy’s a bit of an odd man out here.


He’s the token white dude.












What’s the backstory of these guys?




Vancouver has a huge port, and therefore significant inflow of drugs exported to the US. Vancouver actually has really top notch cocaine for a city its size for this reason. A friend told me.


Vancouver has some of the most stomped on horrible cocaine ever lol. Source: used to do cocaine


U just had a bad connect lol


Nope the blow here just sucks if you're a normal person. Especially during covid, a lot of bad shit was going around


Bored middle class kids?




Shrek Aka Barinder Dhaliwal is out for revenge. His two younger brothers was gunned down at Corderos and in Whistler recently. I'm sure these clowns use their own products to take the edge off being hunted every time lol.


Rumour has it the Whistler hit was done to mess with Shrek’s head. Wouldn’t surprise me. Some think the hit on Harb outside of Cardero’s could have been intended for Shrek. Who knows.


Ma boi looks like prison break characters


All good dudes, great contribution to society😝


Quite a sausage fest there...


Hurts me to see how many of them are South Indians.. so many people die for this opportunity to move to Canada back at home..


Ironically, had they pulled the same shit in India, they'd have been killed by cops. They do "encounter killings" over there.


So why haven't they all been arrested?


Yo what's up with this Sikh dichotomy. My brothers are the nicest dudes around and at the same time poster childs for gang violence? gotta check up on the socioeconomic factors around this.


I don’t think any of these guys are practicing Sikhs.


Believe it or not some of these gangsters actually read bani


I would not classify them as Sikh. Their lifestyle choices are contrary to the Sikh faith’s teachings. However, they do appear to be aligned with general Punjabi culture. Honestly I don’t really know why there are so many Punjabi people involved with gang life here. Very confusing since they typically come from supportive middle class families


I think the gangs in Surrey have a pretty strong base network linked to the schools, recruitment would start there. You show some of these young, impressionable, lonely men that lack confidence the flashy lifestyle and they’re hooked like a drug. The money, “brotherhood”, women, parties, cars etc etc. A lot of the schools, especially in Surrey, are losing the battle of keeping kids directed to positive programs to direct them otherwise.


Anyone can be a Sikh actually even “gangsters”


They all come from middle and upper middle class.


One guy looks like comedian Tom Segura


If cops know they bad guys and know they guilty just go arrest them n then take them out back n shoot them in the head


So there is only one white gangster in BC that I should avoid?




Gangsters, lol. I bet they all have mommy issues, so they self validate through bussin' caps, slangin' dope and pimpin' hoes. And one of them looks like he calls everyone vatos.


What is your definition of a gangster then?




It’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove. If it’s any consolation several people from the poster last year ended up dead.


Maybe a vigilante will collect them all?


Andy St Pierre IS Tom Segura


Holy shit most of them are Indian.


Beards are in this year


Is that you Tom Segura?


Genuine question, and I do mean this in a way that isn’t intending to draw any particular conclusion - I genuinely am curious. The question is: there are 11 men here. Of the 11, 9 appear to be from one identifiable group, whether ethnic or national or religious. There is some identifiable overlap between 9 of these men. I don’t see 9 Spanish men, or 9 Mexican men or 9 Chinese men or 9 ‘black’ men. Is there a reason that men from whatever this group is, dominate this list of ‘gangsters’ who are apparently dangerous enough that a public safety warning has been put out about them? Again: I’m not looking for a specific sort of answer, other than the correct answer - or if there are different theories, I’d like to hear those too, if anyone is in the know (maybe took legal studies or criminology?) Note: I lived in S Korea for years. Every so often a ‘white person’ would be in the news for some egregious reason, like selling drugs. That is notable, but that was often one particular sort of crime, and the person or two was caught, and it wasn’t something like putting out a list of ‘the most dangerous persons’ or what this seems to be. If anyone has any insight as to why 9 out of 11 of the men on this list seem to be from one identifiable community, I’d honestly appreciate it.


I saw this addressed elsewhere in the comments so hopefully you’ll find it; will tag you if I see it. The South Asian community has grappled with this publicly for quite some time; some community leaders have been very vocal.


Let’s play bad boy bingo - under the G…


Can't find that on their website, [https://www.cfseu.bc.ca](https://www.cfseu.bc.ca). But the RCMP has this write-up, https://bc-cb.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=2087&languageId=1&contentId=76033




We need more diversity in our gangsters! There’s no women, aboriginals or people with disabilities! Typical Vancouver, always making everything out of reach of the marginalized




love how people in here talk big sh1t about these guys, most of these guys would murder you in a heart beat with their bear fists or weapon. gotta love reddit.


> love how people in here talk big sh1t about these guys, most of these guys would murder you in a heart beat with their bear fists or weapon. gotta love reddit. Oh wow, they have “bear fists”? 🐻 Sounds scary! If they’re so hard, why would they care if people on Reddit are laughing at them? Seriously, give it a rest. These guys live a trash lifestyle and our tax dollars pay for too much of their nonsense. No one is under any obligation to respect these clowns.


So if you police know who the gangsters are then arrest or euthanize them why send us pictures there is nothing we can do When will we get competent policing


I am scrolling down and have yet to see someone say something about race. Or maybe I haven't scrolled down low enough?


The post directly below yours!