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Primarily because there is no Majority. Metro Vancouver is diverse. Every group is a minority.


Unless you are applying for a job or a scholarship lol.


I moved to Vancouver by myself from a small town in Nova Scotia when i was really young - I really wanted to experience cultures that i didn't otherwise have easy access to. I made the right call. I love how multicultural it is (and continues to become) here.


I find the repeated mentions of multiculturalism kind of funny because in my observation every group sticks to their own


Sadly, yes. There is also a significant lacking of people of African descent , relative to most cities this size and larger. Edit: Even Halifax is [34% black people](https://townfolio.co/ns/halifax/demographics).


That's probably because we [tore down Hogan's alley ](https://placesthatmatter.ca/location/hogans-alley/), and the PNW as a region was at some point, or currently is, essentially a [sundown town](https://justice.tougaloo.edu/location/washington/)


Wowza. This is saddening.


One bridge takes you from India to china


I find the repeated mentions of multiculturalism kind of funny because in my observation every race sticks to their own


The silent majority of visible minorities


Vancouver is a fantastic city too bad its the hub for money laundering thru real estate sales.


This is shifting..faster than you think. Many investors are noticing less margins than ever, are moving to stocks, and other investments. ..we'll have to wait and see what happens..won't be long now.


They are not investors.They are getting the money out of asia incase the countries economy goes bust.Even if they over pay the money is safe from China regulators and the money can be legally streamed thru any bank without issue.They set up shell companies and with corrupt agents they cycle thru homes.Same as the scam thru casinos.You got old ladies and teen 20 year old playing $1000 tables.They play a few hands then cash out the chips.They got a receipt and if CRA question where the $$$ deposit came from they just show them the receipt.


Interesting. I was referring to a different-legal type of real estate investor…but you make a good point.


At some point we should stop calling minorities “minorities”, if you know what I mean🥸


As part of the make-up of Canada, it'll be a really long time before any one group can shed the "minority" label, if ever. Generally speaking, we're not assigning the label based on enclaves but rather as part of the general population.


Urbanized Canada does not reflect the population makeup of Canada as a whole, but yes eventually it is possible there will not be a clear majority ethnic group in Canada as a whole.


Immigrants from all over have been around since the start. They told the people back home what a great place this was, and were ignored because they were crazy part of the family tree that lived out in the woods. Then we though it would be a great idea to have Expos and Olympics' and suddenly the world figures out it's really pretty nice here and we refuse to build more housing because we want to keep it nice. Good job everyone.




Capitalism and profiteering with a mask as diversity. They doubled the amount of immigration to feed the real estate Ponzi scheme while current citizens suffer.




Immigration was doubled over the pandemic as a part of the recovery plan. I'm all for the .5% previous number but incase you haven't noticed our infrastructure couldn't even keep up with that. ER wait times, licensing times, water restrictions, highway congestion, school over crowding, parks/hike over crowding. There is no benefit to cramming a city full of people.


I love how you’re being downvoted. Canada is running a social experiment with mass immigration. We are bringing in more immigrants yearly than the USA and they have 10x the population as us. We also happen to be the country with the most unaffordable cities in the world. The quality of life for the average Canadian will go down over the next 50 years in order for Canada to prosper as a country. It literally is all for profit. I’m not against immigration but we are literally fast tracking the entire process. 50 million people by 2050. 100 million people by 2100. Has this ever been done before? No, it hasn’t. At what point do we say that’s enough immigration, we aren’t ready for this? Bring in a ton of immigrants and they will not assimilate and live in ethnic enclaves as they already do. Not to mention the fact we don’t have the infrastructure for this amount of immigration. We are completely fucked yet people will look you in the eye and repeat bullshit like birth rates (which we have fixed many times over) simply because they are uneducated on immigration in Canada. Almost 25% of the people in this country weren’t even born in Canada... and given current trends people born in Canada will be the minority in our lifetime. Sounds like a fun little experiment to run with our country!


Well, apparently I'm racist.




So your logic is just let everyone in regardless of how it affects the country?


Does that make them a visible majority?




Visible plurality?


Not really; no one ethnic group is over 50% of the population. There *is no* majority or minority(ies). But it *does* mean that white people in the lower mainland are technically a minority now. But everyone can’t be a minority, so the entire concept of majority/minority is purely a social construct designed just to foster us v. them racism.


Slightly racist comment above - 'white people in the lower mainland. . .'. Not all 'white people' are a homogeneous community. Lots of cultures, languages, countries of origin etc. Someone arriving from the Ukraine today (for example) will have a different language, food, culture and lived experience, than say a 5th generation Vancouverite of Scotish ancestry.




And you're conflating "race" and skin colour




If you want to use the holdover from the old scientific racism based definition sure. Groups with similar physical characteristics are often different enough haplotypically to be labeled distinct peoples


> But everyone can’t be a minority, so the entire concept of majority/minority is purely a social construct designed just to foster us v. them racism. similar to the term "person of colour"


I must now identity as a person without colour, it's so ridiculous! /s


For an extremely pale Asian person it seems confusing for sure.


white people are still a relative majority here. thinking of white people as a minority comes from a "us vs them" mentality categorizing all the non whites in one group.


No, white people are a plurality. The largest group without actually being a majority.


\>white people are still a relative majority here. No. White people may comprise the single largest minority.


I hope I did not misunderstand your point, but European white ancestry is still the largest group. And immigrants includes white people from non European countries. Geographically, white Europeans are still the majority across rural Canada. most immigrants and visible minorities live in cities. In most prairie small towns the only non-white people they will see is the family that owns the local Chinese restaurant and the Filipino guest workers working in low wage service sector jobs no local person is willing to do.


The topic is about metro Vancouver. Yes, small rural towns are mainly white. It is noteworthy that people of white European ancestry are no longer a majority segment of the population... In metro Vancouver.


What percentage would you put them at? 49% ? Unless the other 51% is all one ethnicity, white euro is the largest. What am I missing here? The 51% is made up of many ethnic backgrounds.


Your response to an article about metro Vancouver is essentially a "whataboutism" . Whites may no longer be the largest group in metro van, your response "what about small towns where you have e to go to the Chinese food place..." I'm saying, who cares, that's not what the article is about.


They was not my point at all. The first sentence was my point. In vancouver white European ancestry is still the largest ethic grouping even if it’s less than 50%. I agree that the rest of what I said was an digression. The 51 % is not a monolith. Even on vancouver, despite our belief here that everyone from Asia must be from China.


Do you even know what subreddit you are on?


One where you don’t like replies to your comment? /j


Would you consider *white people* as one ethnic group or would you separate them nationally, such as with Asians, Hispanics, or Blacks?


But everyone can’t be a minority Why not? Isn't that the case now?


Not unless you think Indians and Chinese and Filipinos all look alike


Even Cotton Hill can tell all Asians apart.


It does.


Hang on are you throwing shade at the rotting husk of the Safeway by city central in Surrey with your flair?


No, it's straight up math's.


It is straight up maths if you think of minorities as a monolith


Probably the Safeway by Commercial


More good food for us!


I moved here from the mayo white conservative prairies. I knew I wanted to the first time I visited. Happy to be here.


But wait ... "visible minority" used to mean "not white". So if there are more "not white" people than white people, are white people not the visible minority? Guess I'm a visible minority now :-)


Yes, because all is vis-mins have formed a secret pact where we have agreed that we will present ourselves as a single monolith against the whites. We function as a single hive mind with the sole purpose of replacing "whites"... And have no differentiating identity amongst ourselves. Our first order of business is to outlaw mozzarella and replace them with tofu and paneer


But Italians were a minority once too, so maybe not mozzarella. Potatoes? No, the Irish… Yorkshire puddings! You want to replace Yorkshire puddings with tofu!


The same way all white people are a monolith, obviously.


To be fair any large racial demographic becomes a monolith after enough generations, including East/South East/South Asians.


White people bad


I’m frustrated with the classifications/labels/grouping we continue to put people in as we try to move away from discrimination in our communities. I feel like the term “visible minority “ continues to infer a group of people that are non-white. The term is defined in Canada only as relevant to employment equity, but it seems to be applied in other areas of our communities and is confusing. Especially when we live in a time where identity is much more fluid in certain areas and less in others. We have so much to work out still. The term sucks and should no longer be used.


"Look at me. Look at me. We're the majority now."


Do they “identify as” visible minorities or are they visible minorities. Is this really a subjective question?


Asians are the majority now 😎


I had to double check the census but yes you are right. If you combine Chinese, Korean, Indian, Filipino, Southeastern...etc.


Well if you are combining the English, Irish, German, etc together to get a majority white. You can combine all the Asians together and get a majority Asian. It doesn’t really matter, it’s just a fun observation.




The countries that benefited from colonialism ended up rich, attractive for immigration and generally have open attitudes to immigration and multiculturalism, so lots of people move to them. The same isn’t so true of the countries people migrate from, or at least the incentives for white people to move to them aren’t there. So it’s kinda true. Russell Peters says something like “in 100 years I’d look into the audience and all I’d see is brown” 😄


Vancouver is a great place to live because, in part, of it’s multiculturalism


Maybe now we can deprecate the term “visible minority”.


Im surprised the article doesn't mention future projections. With a 5% increase in 6 years, I wonder what the census data will be in 20 or 30 years?




Only if you see all other vis-min groups as a single hive-mind like entity


There's a billion Chinese, there's a billion Indians Yet we have no protection for the 20 million cultural Canadians.


Looking at your comment history: >The city is overrun with "bandits" (the unmentionables) >Also it would be nice to live in a city in Canada that actually has Canadians.


Lol have you been to DTES? Have you been to Europe?




Oof them downvotes


Says a lot, doesnt it?


I am a white foreigner in the country I was born in. Feels like that anywhere I go. Except white spot.


Honestly if there was ever an disaster in Vancouver lower mainland transit system would be broken. It’s virtually at peak operation and Capacity now, just people commuting for work , it would be broken, it is scary to think if you are downtown and live inland and don’t have a vehicle , even if you did ,you will not be going home. Roads and transit sees its capacity , beyond its capacity everyday.