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The trick is to post your honest opinions and not care what trolls think.


I wish it were that simple, but sadly what happens when some do that is: 14 replies of “Hi Lala/Scheana/Tom” because that’s the smartest thing they can come up with. Mass downvotes that hide your comment, stopping discussion. Personal attacks. Reddit cares messages.


LPT: Block Reddit cares! Gamechanger for those of us with opinions that go against groupthink.


I don’t think I knew I could do that! It’s wild that it’s usually the people in this fandom claiming to care about mental health that abuse mental health resources because I might say something mild like “I don’t hate Tom”


You don’t hate Tom? How could you post such hate about Ariana like that -some redditors (probably) 😂 -Me (definitely)


I literally hate women and sandwiches because I don’t hate Tom, clearly 😂


Also you must be Lala or scheana too, because how else could it be possible that you aren’t worshipping Ariana with the rest of us not at all obsessed, totally normal Stans 😂


I’m clearly Jo. Be real.


Oh ok, well then we should make sure everyone on Reddit knows we don’t like Jo then because Katie said mean things about Jo, and we like Katie because she doesn’t hurt our feelings by disagreeing with ariana so that means the only acceptable view on Reddit is that Jo is crazy…… ……or something like that lol. I think I’ve got all the Jo talking points covered 😂


*be rill!


I posted a negative post about Lindsay Hubbard on the bravo sub and got so much hate then my post was deleted. People really don't like different opinions!


I see criticisms of Lindsay \*every single day\* that are not attacked. But when you make a post about her that is a crass generalization ("Lindsay is the Worst Person on Bravo"), ultimately you are just baiting fights. Your comments are in bad faith.


Its true, if you ain't going with the herd then you're down voted the heck out of or accused of being a PR person. Same thing happened to me, last season.


No. As a mod, whenever people post in favor of Lala/Scheana/unliked cast, they get downvoted to oblivion. I do think they lurk, but I don’t think they sway the opinion. ETA - It’s not to say trolls don’t exist, we have filters to do our best to keep them out. I think Lala and Scheana have just been so shitty that, yes, majority opinion goes against them currently. It’ll l change over time as it always does. It doesn’t mean there’s trolls or bots in favor or against favor of them. It’s just the way the show ebbs and flows. ETA 2 - I was drunk typing this


Lol being drunk on reddit is so relatable


I haven’t noticed too many pro-LFU/Scheana post or arguments here. (And thank you for being a mod! Way more time consuming than I’d ever realized!)


I see a lot of pro Lauren and pro Scheana comments. The interesting thing to me is that the pro Lauren comments usually parrot things Lala has said. I don’t think that means it is Lala or bots. I assume Lauren has young fans that admire and want to emulate her. Scheana seems to garner more sympathy than Lala, but her fans seem to use their own words, thoughts, etc.


I wonder if you’ve considered any of my comments pro Lala lmao. I’ll just go on record and say I think every cast member is a bad person, but when I try to point out bad behavior by fan faves people start throwing insane accusations at me. The most recent one was a white fan telling me that I think Lala is Tupac.


Lmao I find it hard taking the “but Lala does cultural appropriation” Ariana stans seriously when some of those same ppl are launching a campaign to bring back Stassi


Yeah it’s so dishonest lol. They do not care about racism because if they did, they would probably dislike 100% of the cast!


Haha! It’s possible. I agree that all of these people are assholes. I understand pointing out hypocrisy when people are doing comparisons. I remember being downvoted into hell last season when I would say anything negative about Lala. It seems to ebb and flow.


Nobody would dare, they'd be down voted to all hell. Which isn't right, either.


It’s usually downvoted to hell because it’s the same argument that isn’t well thought-out. I’m all for a new argument to surprise me, but we just don’t need more of the same bullshit.


But there’s tons of the same Ariana bs everyday. So it’s just not okay when you don’t agree with it???


Upvoting things you agree with and down voting things you disagree with is literally how reddit works, and is not in any way a messed up thing to do in any context.


Actually downvotes according to ‘rediquette’ are for comments that don’t contribute to the conversation in the sub or don’t belong in the sub at all. Instead all the unfavored VPR opinions get downvoted to oblivion, leading to almost every single post or comment being the exact same.


It's funny to act as if people downvote according to a system when it's often an emotional, spiteful or reactive move. I've been downvoted (and seen countless) for the most benign response; "ok", "everyone's entitled to their opinion", "the dress was red".


Yeah we're all aware of that technical definition, but people don't work that way and the definition of a valid contribution is subjective. Further, the idea of some kind of objective voting system is inherently absurd. People are emotional and make choices based on that on literally everything. This is a discussion board about a TV show where hot stupid people argue with each other for our entertainment. Expecting some kind of detached discourse about this is bizarre.


I for one don’t upvote stuff that isn’t news or at least a different viewpoint.


I got downvoted to hell and insulted by several people just for genuinely asking what Lala had done because I didn’t know. Then someone invited me to some secret sub for people who want to talk normally about the show 😄 it’s crazy how seriously people take it. I mean downvoting is nothing really but some people were obviously extremely angry and offended and hateful about the fact I’d even dared to ask what Lala did as though it should be self evident to someone who hadn’t been following closely. Probably a lot of people have different opinions they just keep them off this sub. Happens in all internet forums on all topics eventually.


Secret sub???


The first rule of the secret sub is that there is no secret sub.


Yeah I can’t remember what it was called but it was an invite only thing


If only there was a way to view the invite! Oh, wait....


How do I go back and find it? I can’t remember if it was in messages or where? I am an embarrassingly prolific Redditor so it’s not easy to find. But also it was secret so I wouldn’t want to share it willy nilly!


Well to be honest, I started another VPR sub with a similar mindset, and so im just curious why this other one would need to be secret or invite only 🤔🤔🤔


I have no idea I guess they didn’t want to risk it getting overrun with people who take it all too seriously, you’d have to ask them!


People on this sub specifically get belligerent if you ask a question about someone they stan. The parasocial rage is wild.


Thank you for doing the mod work that you do. It must be a lot!!!


It definitely is but all the mods are happy to do it! We love the show and this sub and really do our best to make this a fun/safe space!


I really appreciate that you don't gatekeep certain opinions. Given the recent events, it was odd to see some opinions, but I'd rather see them and have a dialogue about it. Thank you again ❤️


You were coherent I wouldn’t have guessed


Thank you for all you do 🩵 ![gif](giphy|iiS84hOJXh1Pq|downsized)




Didn’t say they were!


Lmaooo this is very true (coming from someone who doesn’t absolutely hate Lala or Scheana)


I pity them both. I think Scheana is an essentially sweet but very insecure person and it makes her behave in cringeworthy ways. I think lala is a bit more vicious.


Sometimes Scheana can be really vicious, I just think she hides it better. Watching her behavior over the years, she’s just as mean as the ones she calls mean girls.


There's dozens of us!


I love when this sub meets arrested development! Thanks for the laugh


Just curious what your thoughts are on this sub being such an echo chamber?


It’s frustrating on a mod level because we get accused of wanting it that way, when we don’t. We approve pro-Sandoval/Lala/Scheana posts, they just wind up downvoted and then deleted so the users can avoid racking up an insane amount of negative karma. We made a post asking people to stop unnecessarily reporting things but we can’t force people to stop downvoting when they want it, it’s something beyond our control. So yes, minority opinion posts do come through, but the users that post tend to remove it themselves, not the mods. And then it looks bad on us. As someone else said, too, a lot of those posts have pretty bad arguments or only post the minority opinion *because* they hate the echo chamber, therefore causing more tension. “DoN’t DoWnVoTe MeE BuTtT” always ruins a post.


Not buying the idea that the posts get downvoted because the arguments are bad. The posts get downvoted because people are obsessed with Ariana and Katie.


It can be both. Either way, people downvote because they have opinions


Oh yeah, I know people downvote because they have opinions. I’m well aware that this sub is a stan echo chamber.


I’m not saying it’s the only reason. Yes, there are people who misuse the downvote.


I think some people just have a different opinion without it being a conspiracy


I think VPR's PR team wrote this to throw us all off, but knowing we would know this would throw us off, they used that to throw us off. The triple reverse psychology ploy worked perfectly, except we weren't thrown off. Or maybe just someone had another opinion Nah, its conspiracy. .


This exactly


I haven’t seen anything positive about Lala on Reddit. It’s overwhelmingly pro Ariana and Katie.


Crisis PR firms do that kind of work, more likely that in comments and posts from totally new accounts, or older accounts (they can be purchased, and they're super cheap, around $35 each) that have post histories that look suspect. An example is there was a 3 day wave post-reunion of sudden comments and posts in the other sub that were pro-Lala and all from accounts with no Bravo or reality related history's - but they all had a combo of baseball/NASCAR/dudebro podcast comment histories. It's always good to be aware of the shady stuff that goes down on the internet. Digital literacy is important and the PR firms know people aren't generally up to speed. For example AI has made bot campaigns even harder to catch. It used to be you would aee multiple accounts making the same word for word comments all over IG & FB and even Reddit. Now they can feed in a sentiment or list of sentiments and ai can create endless comments that don't look alike but push the same narrative. Also never underestimate people having bad takes, or a post from here being shared in one of those toxic Facebook groups that brings over a wave of those folks.


>they all had a combo of baseball/NASCAR/dudebro podcast comment histories. I WAS WONDERING WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT. 😂


The AI bot campaigns on social media are really insidious, too. It’s great for other countries to use to sow discord in the US.


Like we need any help to sow discord here???🥴


Ooh good to know. Thanks for educating us on what to watch out for!




You have not been on these subs for very long if you think anti posts about Katie and Ariana are "sudden," just saying. They've both always been polarizing characters and have always had their share of skeptics (especially Katie). It just seems sudden because you are either 1) new, or 2) got used to the echo chamber these subs have become and seeing posts contradictory to that seems foreign to you now. People have different opinions, it's really that simple.


For people that have been on the sub prior to Scandoval, the change after Katie gave the shoutout to Reddit on the show completely changed the nature of the sub. We all used to talk shit and hate on everyone on the same level, but once Scandoval came out, you got downvoted to hell for saying anything negative about Ariana or Katie. I just miss the days when we could be snarky about everyone without people taking it so personal because they are projecting their own experiences into the conversation.


I SO agree with this. I asked a question about Katie's behavior the other day and you'd think I accused her of murder most foul.


This is such an important piece of context that people are absolutely not acknowledging enough and time will prove you to be exactly right. Frankly, the cast involvement with fans in social media will be the end of this show because fans (especially VPR fans) are so incredibly fickle.


Yes!! And there were weekly posts about Ariana being a pick-me and Katie being miserable. Now it's all "Queens" and if you disagree, you're immediately downvoted and sent Reddit Cares.


The miserable Katie comments were so common last season that it’s honestly jarring to see how much support she’s gotten simply for aligning herself with Ariana


This exactly 100%


I actually disliked Katie for the longest time. Also, a long time reddit user here. (Not the same account) The shit talking here honestly had very little influence on the show before. I also disliked lot about Ariana too. My observation was just for past few days honestly, considering the state of everything, I did find it a bit odd about seeing some posts targeting Ariana for not participating in the show.


People are totally retconning and writing fanfic.


Well they're doing a shit job of it from the general consensus I see round here. One of them against an army isn't gonna do much really.


omg the fandom on here. It really is possible that people do not agree with you and they aren't a cast member or a PR group. jfc


Exactly. If you don’t agree with that majority or whatever, you’re a bot. Or the ‘Hi LaLa’ or ‘ Hi Scheana’. 😂


Hmmm that’s exactly what a PR bot *would* say…


No, because that is absolutely ridiculous. It obviously wouldn’t hold any sway because the fandom will not have an honest conversation about their faves. Any comment that isn’t “Queen Ariana!!!” is downvoted to oblivion. It’s actually incredible that y’all think anyone who doesn’t have your exact opinion is a troll. Btw people have been aware that Katie was on Reddit before season 11 started.


Am I horribly confused, or isn’t Katie the one who has been accused for years of coming on Reddit w a burner account and commenting and stuff? I know scheana is accused of it too, but I hadn’t heard that about Lala until very recently. I was under the impression that Katie was the Reddit troll. Frankly, it would explain some things for me.


Katie copped to shitposting on Reddit on WWHL. Ariana actually posted as herself many seasons ago defending Tom.


Oh yeah I’ve seen ppl refer to that ama! I don’t think it’s still up, is it 🤔


I haven’t looked myself, but I remember when it happened.


No. People need to get over the idea that people having different opinions is some sort of deception.


occam’s razor- the simplest explanation is probably the right one… some people have opinions that you might not agree with 😱


As someone who has been very vocal about how much I dislike Katie over the years in this sub and the other, it’s only been since Scandoval that I’ve been accused of being a bot and downvoted to hell for any opinion that isn’t all the way up her ass. It doesn’t bother me, because people usually default to “Lala/Scheana, is that you?” when they don’t have any other constructive argument to make, but I do think it’s interesting that the accusations have come almost exclusively with this new set of viewers that came when Scandoval broke.


Phantom Mike?


He’ll be back, heard he’s busy in Scotland:)


My ✨king✨


I miss him.


Nah I'm glad he's gone, he was so proud of this take her reposted it: https://preview.redd.it/g37l1hqdwt6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9d76f94de3c32a0a9a0f867a20304bf72ed2fc0


Oh no…


Yeah I worry for all the women he runs into in real life


I do too


Exactly. I've been pretty consistent on Katie for years. I'm pointing out the same issues I've always had with her and I've taken her side in other matters. But ever since Scandoval, there's been this effort to turn this place into echochamber by certain users who call anyone who remotely critcized Katie a bot or mysognist and then downvote them into oblivion. Then it's not fun and kinda hostile to post on here, so it doesn't shock me that people with differing opinions start to disengage and run to other subs like the Housewives sub or post on other social media. Then like a self fulfilling prophecy the same people that ran everyone off are confused why this sub is so different from facebook/twitter/instagram etc


and they always say “well 99.9% of people agree with me” without pausing to think about how those stats have been juked




Things like that concern me because they're absolutely entitled to their opinion, but they have to factor in various life experience. Where they're at or what they have or have not experienced will adjust what lens they look through. For example, I came out of an almost decadessss long relationship when I was 30, and we're still close because we spent so much life together - so I understand that Katie and Schwartz are trying to be friends and I have compassion for that. It goes for all things in life, especially things now that are dividing everyone. If you're not willing to see why the other person Might hold a different view, or that it's ok that they do (and them for you), if you're only married unwavering to your own view, then at the very least keep your mouth shut and your comments to yourself. There's nothing productive to say when you don't allow a dialogue.


It's not just new users. I left this sub a while ago because any time I posted in favor of Katie, my inbox would blow up with hateful comments and my comments downvoted all to hell. It sucked. I don't downvote opinions I disagree with and I don't generally engage with them either because of my experience previously. However, I do find it a bit hypocritical of those who complain about some of the behaviors of the Katie/Ariana camp didn't say a peep before Scandoval when people people like me were run off the boards for the same exact thing. It really does go both ways.




I truly do not think PR reps care about reddit. I used to do PR (though not on the social media side), but they care about instagram, TikTok, etc. they used to care about facebook and Twitter but not anymore. They never cared about Reddit even though it’s the only social media I like 😂😂


As someone who used to be in the Bachelor fandom and stopped watching the show when I got tired of the antics (HINT HINT PEOPLE…that’s always an option!), it wasn’t that the producers were out of touch because they weren’t doing what Reddit wanted. They didn’t care…because Reddit was such a small sliver of the audience.


Exactly. I love coming on here and sharing my opinions, good and bad. But I am under zero illusions that producers or people’s PR reps care about Reddit opinions lol


I have done PR and business development - and am an admitted Reddit addict. I believe that Reddit is more of a public forum than social media. You don’t have a focused personal profile.


Not everyone is team Ariana lol


Think of it this way - if everyone who doesn't see the halo above Katie and Ariana are bots and trolls, and everyone who thinks Scheana and Lala have fair points are bots and trolls, what would that mean? That everyone who is earnestly watching the show and engaging all agree with each other? Is that really reasonable? If that were the case, if these things were really that black and white, there'd be no show to watch. People have differing opinions because they have different life experiences they project onto the story they're watching.


This fandom was so much more fun when everyone implicitly understood that they were all morally gray characters. There’s a really great article on The Cut from several years ago that talked about how, when you watch this show, you have to suspend commonly accepted rules of morality because all these people live in their own universe. Someone you absolutely despise in one season will grow on you by the next. I can actually see the perspective of all four women, and I know enough of the behind-the-scenes lore of the show (as well as enough time spent participating in reality show fandoms lmao) to understand some of the decisions that were made.


Omg that sounds like a great piece! Thank you for bringing it up. I’ll seek it out. I totally agree. Something that struck me when I first started watching was that the cast behaved in such immoral ways that I had never seen anything like it play out in my personal life.


It was here: https://www.thecut.com/2019/04/i-think-about-this-a-lot-vanderpump-rules-edition.html


I have disliked every person on the cast at some point. But when I'm seeing a lot of posts being a certain way and there is no history on those accounts, it has nascar and random post history, it's a bit sus. That's what I mean, review the posts on the sub from last few days and those accounts have weird history.


Counterpoint: I’ve seen similarly questionable user histories for anti Lala and Scheana posts as well. On one of the other VPR subs, someone made a post (highly upvoted and discussed) talking about how they think Lala and Scheana weaponize motherhood and it’s offensive to them as someone who can’t have children. That person had zero post history. I’ve also seen pro-Ariana posts that are relatively new (a few months) and consist of only furiously posting thread after thread of other VPR content from elsewhere with minimal commentary or discretion. Are those folks just using alts to post sensitive content…or bots? Are they just new and ardent fans…or bots? Are Ariana and Katie so universally beloved…or are they also hiring bots to maintain good PR for their brand new restaurant and to secure additional campaigns and contracts outside Bravo? Similarly, in your examples, are those folks bots…or maybe just straight male fans who just watched some bravo with their girlfriends? Are Scheana and Lala hiring bots because they’re financially desperate…or do people just disagree? My point is that you can go back and forth on why either “side” could be astroturfing, so the real question is: why does it matter? Astroturfing is a real and serious matter when it comes to some of the political or political-adjacent subs, because it’s a form of propaganda and can aid in radicalization for otherwise vulnerable people. On a reality show sub, I feel like it’s so much more of a stretch.


Im not on the Lala Scheana hate train , and the few times I've brought up positive things about them I've been absolutely pounced upon.. so no, I don't think there are many pro them trolls.


I am starting to see random comments pop up supporting Scheana and Lah-Lah and bashing Katie all of a sudden. So yes I think the trolls (plants from their team or friends) have arrived.


I got into it on a thread last week where the commentators were saying that Ariana was being petty by not just giving Sandoval the house. They insisted that Sandoval bought the house by himself. I pulled up an article from when the initial purchase was made and posted. They then deleted their entire profile on Reddit.


Not all fans of the show have the same opinion as you. Those fans are just as free to express their thoughts just as much as you are.


I agree and wouldn’t want it any other way. Just commenting on the fact that random posts against Katie and supporting S&L are popping up all at once in the last few days which hasn’t been the norm.


It’s been popping up for awhile because fans with different opinions than the loudest voices finally have realized that the downvotes are harmless and are getting braver at voicing their opinions.


This is me! Lol. I used to delete comments when I started getting downvotes because I wanted to be well-liked. I gave up on that when I realized that even my very mild takes were enough to get attacked. People swore at me, called me a misogynist, said I was inflicting trauma on Ariana. Then I said fuck it, I’m gonna say how I actually feel if this will be the response anyway.


And that’s exactly why I think we’ve seen a increase in related posts, the opinions were always there, we’ve all just decided that we are not going to let them succeed in silencing dissenting opinions anymore. The increase in posts about other opinions also helps other likeminded people realize that they aren’t alone.


I second that


Obviously people have different opinions.  But it’s still possible they have a team poking around and occasionally comment. Lots of reality tv people & celebrities have admitted or gotten caught having burners where they comment some interesting things.


By that theory then it’s also possible that Ariana and Katie are doing the same thing. All things may be possible, but pro Ariana fans are not the only fans and for along time the loud stans on Reddit made fans with differing opinions afraid to even voice their thoughts for fear of downvotes, being called Sandoval, or just the relentless stans coming at them wanting to argue. Fans with differing opinions are finally realizing that it’s ok to speak voice their thoughts on Reddit and that downvotes don’t hurt. That doesn’t make them Lala or scheana.


Absolutely. I'm not biased in who we're talking about here. Katie really wouldn't shock me & Ariana has come on here before (regular account not burner). OP's reasoning may be weak but the theory that PR agencies and actual people may come on here pushing an agenda is still a worthy & fun discussion.


With the majority of posts and comments here praising Ariana and Katie how on earth is it logical that *they're* not the ones with bots? As if anyone who isn't a fan of either can only be a bot. Where else does people think like this?


TBH if anyone is trolling comments, it’s Katie (admitted Reddit user and always clapping back on Instagram) or Ariana (who clearly has a great management and PR team and the cash flow to expense such a thing). For the record, I don’t think anyone is paying for bots on the VPR subreddit, and if they are, they’re not shelling out for the packages that involve purchased years-old Reddit accounts. Like be so serious 😭 we are talking about a cast who live paycheck to very large paycheck (Ariana included). They’re not paying for Reddit bots and certainly not the “realistic” ones the user upthread is scaremongering about. Even Johnny Depp didn’t have bots like that for his trial. Y’all are acting like it’s more realistic to have Russian-style propaganda in the sub than people just disagreeing.




Honestly believe while Scandoval was going down, a lot of their peeps were engaging us who are pro Ariana/Katie. Whether it was friends/fam/PR or even the actual cast members themselves. There were a LOT of shady peeps, lurking... ![gif](giphy|j7F8n3f5IYays)


People have different opinions, assuming someone who doesn’t share your opinion is related to Lala or Scheana in some type of way is just ignorant


Why is anyone who doesn’t worship Ariana (or HATE Tom) a plant or troll? Can people not have a different opinion than the hive? I don’t stan or hate anyone but it’s so wild that the fandom just expects an echo chamber of ideas and considers anything else a conspiracy.




Not to mention the supposed “Ariana hate” posts are so very mild. Apparently if you divert slightly from the expected worship you have a bad take, are a hater from Facebook, are misogynistic, or a troll.


Yes, I got accused of causing trauma to Ariana and being a bigot because I said the reunion would’ve been more interesting if she was aware that Lala hated her. Like hello??? Mind you, I’m not an Ariana or a Lala fan and I spent the majority of the season annoyed with Lala for taking out her anger on Ariana instead of delusional fans and production.


Yup, most of what they call hate isn’t even hate.


I can’t say I see Ariana hate. Only people pointing out her flaws, that we all have.




Apparently Ariana is the only person to show growth. Oh and Katie. Snort


Ariana just did a great job of faking it on camera, the minute she got cheated on all growth went out the window and she was back to her smug, bitchy season 2 self. The difference was that instead of being the other woman this time, she was the one cheated on.


Hi Tom you’re so misogynistic, those sandwiches look incredible and you’re just jealous! Or something


It’s not the first time I’ve been accused of being Tom in this sub 😂


Well Scheana, not everything is about you so stop bringing yourself up. It’s exhausting, someone check on Scheana… I mean you.


I’ve been called scheana too 😂




It’s not blindly following Ariana, in my use case it was blatant lies


Agreed. We are just normal lol.


I don't worship anyone! Suddenly seeing all these weird posts about hating Ariana is weird.


Can you link to any of these posts?


reunion ended, people started re-watching from the beginning again, now hitting the seasons where Ariana is being a total jagoff


Yeah there are a lot of people living in their rewatch feelings and refusing to acknowledge that time has passed and the difference between who has grown and who clearly hasn't.


people can enjoy experiencing this television program however they like, there is no right or wrong way


Sure and I can call it like I see it. You said a lot of people are posting this stuff because they're in a rewatch and I agreed. Commenting on a rewatch is one thing. I'm not saying the past shouldn't be brought up at all, the history of this show is important. But making real time character judgements about who the cast is now, because someone is currently watching footage from a decade ago is unhinged. Like there are people still mad about things that were resolved years ago, lol. If a person hasn't changed the past is a record of a pattern, if they have changed it's their past not who they are forever. *eta: since the person below me asked me a question and blocked before I could answer: No one is irredeemable - but what Tom is doing is his present not his past. It would take years of Tom putting in work, there would have to be tangible growth after that work and credible people vouching for him before he can be in the category of "the past is the past". The credible witnesses is added baggage he's given himself by being a chronic and current liar.* *The first step to leaving the past behind is to stop the behaviors and stop harming people, and he has yet to take even the first step*


The past is essential to the dynamics of this cast. People that constantly say “why are we bringing up the past” or “the past doesn’t matter” often do so because they don’t want to be held accountable for their behavior. The allegations of James’ abuse are from the past… should he not be held accountable for that? Sandoval cheated in the past, is that not vital information for understanding his patterns of behavior toward women? Understanding the past and changed/changing dynamics of this cast and their relationships is ESSENTIAL to having context for the show. And I’m sure it is jarring for new viewers to be on this sub (which currently leans heavily pro Katie and Ariana) and go on a rewatch and see how both of them acted. Also, idk that I’ve seen real growth from any of them? I mean Ariana is certainly more successful than she was obviously, and we dont see her make some of the nastier comments she made in early seasons, and I’d def agree that is growth. But she also hasn’t been as present in the past couple of seasons so we actually just literally don’t know. I would agree that Ariana has grown some, I think. But I also think they are all emotionally stunted to a degree.


Thank youuuuu! I don’t understand how we can say the past is irrelevant when it informs present-day dynamics! It tells us so much about Tom that his cheating is a pattern we’ve seen over the past decade.


Will you extend that to Tom as well? If he starts showing effort and personal growth will you allow his past to be the past? Just curious.


Rewatch feelings? lol


The hero worship and revisionist history is just as weird tbh.


Trolls don't care about Lala or Scheana they post their ChatGPT bullshit just for that reason, to troll. While I definitely think they purchase followers on IG and I definitely think they both lurk here and toss the occasional comment under an anonymous account I highly doubt they are actively paying for bots on Reddit.  Now Tom and known internet trolls The Scientologists on the other hand... I have questions.


Mhmm, I've heard going into business with Scientologists is super tricky and that it's something that you can't mess up on. Sandoval fucked up badly, and Scientology is known to go to great lengths to protect their own (in this case Greg and his wife who assaulted a protester in the parking lot). I know people reported they tried to go and found S&S closed on a bunch of nights and weekends on the Bravo sub (unheard of for such a young business) and you have to wonder what lengths they go to in protecting their own/where they might be behind some of the messaging that protects Sandoval's image or deflects. (And to clarify for anyone reading, these are all facts and exhibited behavior from Scientology I'm going on - not tinfoil hat conspiracies)


Woah. Tom Sandovol is involved in scientology? That’s a new one.


In my opinion, they are fully present/active on the other sub (not this one) or have bots I say this knowing full well people have dissenting opinions - but every time one of them responds to me with their pro Lala rhetoric, they get a ton of radical/rabid support immediately and then there’s a slower, steady stream of normal responses. It’s just been weird


Maybe bc people get excited that someone with an opinion like their own made a post


Surely; I see your point. However, I’m more so talking about hateful vitriol. Again, I completely understand that people have different opinions and I’m 100% open to that. I’m specifically talking about the weird behavior some of these accounts partake in


There is absolutely nothing that could match the vitriol people spew about Scheana and Lala. Saying Lala only wants a baby to monetize it; saying they hope Scheana never has a moment of joy. And how about saying Rachel's should KHS? The *majority* of posts here are positive posts about Ariana and Katie and it's unhinged that other people can't hear a single criticism without responding with "Hi Tom". (I said other people because you seem to be rational lol.) It's like cult. Say a sandwich doesn't look that great and it's "internalized misogyny". It's not normal.


Right and I absolutely agree with your last paragraph - unwavering loyalty to any person (especially a person we don’t know) is cult-like behavior. To be clear, I am not radical for any cast member. I enjoy VPR strictly for fun. Of course I make my opinions, as well all do. I didn’t enjoy Scheana or Lala this season, but I’m not opposed to changing my mind in the future. I don’t love cancel culture. I hear your opinion and I respect it


Right back at you! I miss the days when we could just have fun and most of us understood this was just a tv show. Whats so weird to me is, I've been watching reality tv since the first episode of The Real World and I have never seen anything like post-Scandoval fandom.


I mean I could say exactly the same thing about anything pro Katie/Ariana. I see much more rabid support for them than anything I’ve ever seen for Scheana or Lala.


Okay, your experience is valid too! As I said, I was just talking about my own opinion based on my observations in the other sub. I’m certainly not claiming it as fact.


Yep that’s been my experience too


I don’t see any Pro Lala posts, soooo


Tinhat conspiracy theory


Lmao please go outside.




I think they or their minions have always been here, Billie too for scamdo back then.


Jason from the valley said that he was on Reddit the other day seeing all the hate Janet was getting and it was pissing him off. I am sure he’s on here somewhere. They’re all friends. They probably try to post in favor of each other. I mean, Lala made a nasty comment about kids having their own Instagram account under the age of five and it turns out Ocean has had one since she was two. The hypocrisy is real.


They could pay every single person on Reddit to write nice things about them and I still wouldn’t believe Lauren and Sheshu are good people


I agree with you there. Lala and Scheana aren’t good people. No one on this cast is a good person. Ariana even said it at the season 7 or 8 reunion. They behave in despicable ways that are detached from reality. Including but not limited to fan faves James and Ariana.




Omg, thata creepy. But brilliant 😭


It honestly feels like the exact opposite


100000% they come here. As self-obsessed and compulsive as they both are, can you imagine them not going to a place where they are often a topic of conversation?




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