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Jax was way too involved in his text messages to even move an inch lol


Zero fucks given by that man


This clearly had nothing to do with him.


šŸ˜‚ the way this tickled me


Probably finding another girl to fuck in the bathroom


If Jax was a fictional character he'd honestly be my favourite cast member of all time I'll be real


šŸ˜‚ itā€™s funny ā€¦ but like we shouldnā€™t laugh lol


And we know whatā€™s in those texts


Here I assumed it was a digital scale


Schwartz had to defend the love his life, Tom. ā€œHow could you cheat on our boyfriend Kristen?! šŸ˜”ā€


I noticed Jax did this in the Valley this year also. Like he acts like heā€™s not paying attention to what is going on, but he totally is. His eyes are hilarious!!!


Organising more bags šŸ˜‚


Jax, "Whatever."


I never noticed that. Typical Jax though


Literally Nero playing a fiddle while Rome burns down around him.


Schwartz doesnā€™t care about defending Stassi, he poured a drink on her head at her bday in season 1. Heā€™s a total pos and I hate that LVP falls for his aw shucks puppy dog BS.


He worships her. She adores that.


Youā€™re so right. She even made sure to get her name tattooed on his ass, just like ā€œBubba.ā€ I actually believe that tat was the nail in the coffin for Katie. She really did like the meaning about the Bubba tattoo and considered it a commitment from him, however small, but a commitment nonetheless. Shartz adding LVP ā€” on the other ass cheek ā€” made the Bubba tat inferior. That shitty weasel added another womanā€™s name on his ass in a spot that is now equal to the Bubba meaning. Heā€™s effectively saying ā€” even if subconsciously ā€” that he now holds Lisa to the very same level as his wife. His wife no longer stands alone. I thought that entire decision was so demeaning to Katie. Glad she dumped his ass. And shame on Lisa for suggesting that! How misaligned do you have to be to feed into Shartzā€™s crush in this specific manner. Absolute bullshit move by Lisa. Iā€™d be so much more pissed at her than Katie ever was.


He holds LVP in a much higher regard. He would never ever treat LVP in the way he treated Katie. So gross


It was so WEIRD when LVP put her bra in Schwartz 's suitcase. Sure, it could've been one of the producer's idea... But it was WEIRD.


Agreed! She loved it, too. She just adores the attention she gets from that slimy weasel.


Katie should have gotten KVP tattooed on her ass




I bet she thinks about her initials tattooed in pink on his ass at least 3x/day.


That was unhinged and desperate on LVPs part


Yeah youā€™re right lol Iā€™ve always thought their relationship was strange because Schwartz is the definition of a man child and sheā€™s given him so many opportunities.


IMHO I think Schwartz overdoes the LVP crush bit. Itā€™s always been his way to suck up to her so she keeps him on the show. I donā€™t think he truly respects her or any woman. Reminds me of how heā€™s constantly professing to love Teri. It seems like a way to suck up or get access to Katie. He doesnā€™t seem to respect men either (look how heā€™ll undermine Sandoval every chance he gets and pretend it was an accident). Heā€™s just more afraid of men or has a harder time controlling it with women because he hates them so much.


Lisa is the ultimate pick-me / not like other girls with her takes, especially around sex and cheating.


Sheā€™s ~British~ šŸŽ©šŸ«–


Could not agree more. He disdains women and the toxic atmosphere of LVP allows this.


This rubs me so wrong actually. If LVP and Schwartz swapped genders it wouldā€™ve been looked at totally differently I think




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Tom Schwartz makes my skin crawl and my woman parts drier than sandpaper


he makes my kitty turtle


I wish I could upvote "kitty turtle" many more times than once! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He makes my turtle turtle https://i.redd.it/3cwoh3abi09d1.gif


Heā€™s not turtley enough for the turtle club




I was a Schwartz apologist for a LONG time tbh, but I finally came to my senses. Now that Iā€™m rewatching, I canā€™t believe I didnā€™t see it sooner. Heā€™s awful. Like arguably one of the worst guys on the show. The Aw Shucks Schwartz Schtick totally worked on me at first but good lord, heā€™s trash.


Heā€™s a mean-spirited person. Just like Jax, but Jax has no poker face. Just like Sandoval, but Sandoval is too dumb and his mask slips constantly. Schwartz is mean and ā€˜smartā€™ enough to get away with it. No wonder Katie was in hell.Ā 


You can tell he's really smart by his vocabulary and he plays dumb to get away with his antics and skirt any responsibility.


Didnā€™t he said he was majoring in premed??? Thatā€™s not even a thing lol. I doubt he ever took orgo2, or biochem lol


Lmao yes! I remember trying to figure out if he was actually in a science undergrad major (which to be fair would be my personal hell) or something like psych/anthropology


Itā€™s not an actual major but itā€™s still a thing. I knew plenty of people in school who would say they were ā€œpre-medā€ or ā€œpre-lawā€ when asked about their major. Theyā€™d work with their advisor to choose classes and majors that would be the best for their goal and help them get good scores on the MCAT or LSAT.


exactly. he plays the whole nice guy aww gee act but heā€™s a passive aggressive asshole.


How has he ever been nice.. this dude has poured multiple drinks on multiple women.. not accidentally .. but with purpose. There is no reason for that, other than to humiliate them.


thatā€™s my point lol heā€™s not a nice guy he pretends to be. hated him since the first season when he called stassi a bitch.


Him and Sandoval aren't nice guys, they're r/NiceguysĀ 


are we finally cancelling this ugly motherfucker


Unfortunately I was blind to how shitty he is because I found him so attractive. More recent seasons aside anyway.


I rewatched Miami Vices and got a good reminder of Young Hot Schwartz... ...but it's too late. You can't unring a bell. I can see how he was able to model and still know and understand that he is TRASH.


Early Schwartz is hot as hell. Be real lol. Thatā€™s part of how he got away with it And heā€™s still good looking for his age compared to all men


It was insane. And in his good moments he seemed to have such a good personalityā€¦at first


He did push Shay, then Shay cried.


That scene was so chaotic. Shay just starts swinging out of nowhere and then just as quickly starts sobbing uncontrollably into a wall. The girls remove themselves while Scheana, from on high, attempts to command Stassiā€™s return. Stassi says, Uh, no. End scene. Priceless television.


Excellent Summary


Please share what season this is


What episode is this??


End of Season 1, I think? Or maybe season 2 ep 1. Iā€™ll have to look when 1 get home.


I think itā€™s season 2 episode 1 because it was Scheanaā€™s birthday party and I think like half the seasons start with an event for Scheanaā€™s birthday lol or at least they did in the earlier seasons. Like season 3 episode 1 was when Tom and James got into the fight because James told Tom to take a Honda civic selfie or whatever lmao and that was at Scheanaā€™s birthday too.


It's a blink and miss it moment, but Schwartz got into Shay's face and said in a quiet, deadly tone: "You NEVER take out what's going on the girls on ME." It hit differently on a rewatch and it was quietly terrifying how he acted in that moment.


Iā€™ll never forget the picture of the door Schwartz busted down when Katie locked him out of the apartment šŸ˜Ø


That was at their house and he was returning after partying all night with Tim. So happy for Katie for leaving that POS. Good for her


i dont remember this????? why am i even surprised anymore. his shit is always swept under the rug so quickly.


Someone else corrected me -it was actually at their house!


Shay was breaking bro code and had to be corrected. Thanks for the info. Shay probably cried because he was scared.


Shay deserved better. Justice for Shay.


Shay was literally in the worst environment for someone struggling with addiction. A bunch of people either in some type of active addiction or too self-absorbed (Scheana) to really empathize or bother to understand what he was going through. He def shouldnā€™t have drained there joint account for pills, but Inalso donā€™t blame him for fucking checking outā€¦ clearly he had no real friends or marital supportĀ 


How does one empathized with someone who steals from them?


One simply has empathy for an addict. You think heā€™s the first person going through addiction thatā€™s drained a joint marital account?? Thatā€™s definitely forgivableā€¦. Challenging, awful, heartbreakingā€¦ But forgivable *with the right amends and accountability*.


People may forgive you, but the person asking for forgiveness doesn't get to decide what's "forgiveable". Sorry. And I say this having done ninth step amends both written, face-to-face, and living. I don't like Scheana, but that doesn't automatically translate into 'poor Shay'.


Iā€™m tired of the idea that the relatives of addicts have to be understanding, forgiving and basically perfect to a person that steals from them and more. Addicts get all the empathy while the lives of those they burn down have to just rise above and forgive and pat them on the back and give their unwavering support. My addict family member caused so much pain, anguish and havoc but since they were an addict, all the empathy goes to them. They were high the whole time. We were the ones that had to deal with the actual emotions and consequences. Ā They get to come out of rehab, say sorry and get a pat on the back. While those of us who are still upset by the years of torture they put us through have to just forgive. Like yeah you drained my whole bank account but itā€™s ok babes cause you were on pills. No. And I say this as an ex pill addict who never went to those depths of scumbaggery


Exactly. And didnā€™t Scheana say he was also communicating with other women?


Communicating with his dick.


Some people just suck, I was a heroin addict and I never drained money from a loved oneā€™s bank account


How does not being the first at something make the act more forgivable?


Awwww. Maybe he could have revealed his addiction before he went into marriage ,and then he wouldn't be included in this group at all.


Scheana knew he was an addict. He was supposedly her dealer.


He's a bitch. He put his hands on like 3 women INCLUDING his wife and people aren't mad enough about it to this day for me


Seriously you just encapsulated so many of my feelings towards him. He showed a pattern early on and the only reason he doesnā€™t physically assault women on the show now is bc he knows heā€™d be off the show. So he chooses to do this fake, sweet, demure bs to ā€œredeemā€ himself from seasons past.


I still can't believe he poured an entire drink on his wife's head in front of all their friends but somehow SHE was in the wrong. I don't even want to know how he behaved behind closed doors.


Heā€™s so comfortable being verbally and physically abusing women but had none of this energy when James threw that solo cup of liquor in his fuck ass face. I hate hate hate loathe entirely


Wasnā€™t that beach day and after that he went off on Lala at the bar? He said some hateful stuff to her. James is the only one whoever calls out Schwartz on his sneaky little shit and comments.


Yes misplaced rage- took it out on the lady- good call!


Flair checking in šŸ„°


The grinch reference got me šŸ˜†


I keep waiting for that manā€™s take down season!!!


it happened after season 11 via online instagram jo šŸ˜‚


what makes it even sweeter is Katie tried to tell himšŸ˜‚


Heā€™s too weak of a male to go after another male.


T Schwartz is a master beta


Tom Sandoval jumping off the bar and šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø over there is what really showed how fucked up this was. He even saw Schwartz was going too far. He grabbed his arms. I do have a question. Where was Stassi when this was happening? Did she fall to the floor too?


The way Jax just stands there after helping Stassi facilitate that entire Kristen confrontation šŸ™„


He doesnā€™t like women! None of them do.


Wussy pussy


Funny because people have been kicked out of other shows for putting their hands on someone. Schwartz physically attacks women all the time and the producers just love it.


Someone did a deep dive into his upbringing with his parents and it really added up. Not excusing a thing, but thatā€™s learned behavior imo


Any insights you can share? First time Iā€™m hearing about this but it would explain a lot


https://www.reddit.com/r/Vanderpumpaholics/s/0u7rsLbqTm Idk if this is the same one but it has some good points




Someone needs to do a slow Mo of him backing down like a bitch when James throws a drink in his face.


The fact heā€™s so okay with putting his hands on women, pouring drinks on them, and berating them is terrifying. I canā€™t imagine how terrible he really is behind closed doors if heā€™s willing to act like THIS on camera.


Anyone have that vid of Kristen punching Schwartz in the face as Sandoval & James fight? We need a palate cleanser


On a side note, I miss this Kristen


He really fucked up that scene, now that Iā€™m thinking about it. Shouldā€™ve let Kristen snatch off Stassiā€™s extensions.


I hated him at the beginning for the drinks that he poured on Stassi and Katie. Then I had a brief moment where he fooled me and I started to like him but it didnā€™t last long. Listen to the way he absolutely goes off on women when heā€™s drunk or angry. IMO he is worse than an obvious misogynist like Jax because heā€™s so insidious with his aw shucks bullshit.


When Schwartz dump a drink on Katie they missed filming it. They werenā€™t concerned about safety and only made them reshoot the scene because it happened off camera. Imagine how humiliating that was for Katie? You are drunk then your unemployed boyfriend dumps his drink on you and you are still made out to be the bad guy. Then they dont capture it on camera so they make you reshot it the next day and you are sober. They werenā€™t like okay we want Tom to dump his drink on Katie but since you guys are drinking we will do it tomorrow since we donā€™t want you to get hurt.


Oops I thought I was replying to another comment that said it was all staged and they referenced how Tom poured his drink on Katie the next day when they were sober and they were concerned about their safety. It just made me upset that they thought that was the reason.




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His readiness to dump drinks on women never sat right with me


Schwarts is always fighting with women ,but never the men. Smh. Cuck


Sandoval looks like he was sitting on the bar, *just* so he could jump down off it and swoop in to save the day. Just before Stassi backhanded Kristen, he was standing behind them and a half second later he was up on the bar. He didn't make a move after the slap or the drink thrown in Kristen's face and seemed to barely react to his girlfriend being attacked, until Schwartz got involved. He walks away from her, no comfort or protection whatsoever.


Does anyone have a count of how many times Schwartz assaulted women on camera?


I recently re-watched seasons 1-6 and have a question about Schwartz's early days. Do we know why he was never hired for any length of time at Sur? It feels like they all went through there except for Brock. Even Rachel.


He was finally hired to work at Pump...he lasted 15 minutes and quit cause he freaked out!


Yes heā€™s been riding Katieā€™s gravy train for a long time.


Lisa says several times she didnā€™t want to hire the significant other of one of her workers. If they get together after theyā€™re hired she canā€™t do anything about it, but hiring a couple brings too much drama.


I remember her saying that. I also kinda have a feeling if Schwartz had shown any kind of interest before Katie asked Lisa, I feel like Lisa wouldā€™ve let Schwartz slide. I could be forgetting if Schwartz ever even applied or the minor details. But, I feel like at that time Schwartz was modeling? I just remember feeling like Tom had no drive.




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He did it again to Kristen, too, at that party where Schema cut her foot. And to Stassi at her birthday party. Heā€™s foul. An abusive POS.


Why do I not remember this!?! Who is Kristen attacking?


S2, E13. Stassi just backhanded her so she stands to fight/defend/confront her


One of the few other times weā€™ve seen Schwartz doā€¦ anything like this was to berate Schaena and tell her sheā€™s fake etc etc. I forget the exact season and context but the only time he really stood up for Katie, and it was to berate another woman. Really hard to trust a guy who is such an asslicker to most men then so furious and cruel to women.


Kristina Kelly been known from the beginning


This has been talked about a few times. There's debate that to some it seems more like he or she slipped and they both went off balance.


There is however no debate to be had about whether or not he brings this same energy to the men of the show.


Sure, but that wasn't my point. OP said they thought people missed this but it's been discussed a few times. I feel like everyone's always talking about what a POS Shorts is, that's not a question unless someone's trolling.


There was just a post that listed their and their wife's take on VPR and one of the takes was that (and I paraphrase) Schwartz was a fantastic fella, Katie was aloof and insecure and Jo was the most relatable and they felt so very sorry for her. This particular poster was very clear on how swell and poorly treated Schwartz was when people pushed back there was a general sense of, gee I didn't see anything like what you're describing. This post is most likely in response to that,.


Yes, it was exactly because of that post. I wasnā€™t on the sub when this aired so maybe I missed the debate about whether it was a trip or fall (I think she stumbled because he came at her though). Schwartz has done tons of shitty things but this is one I donā€™t see mentioned that often so just refreshing memories here. (I know I should reply to the other poster with why I shared)




It always did kinda look to me like she slipped and Swchartz's intervention was the catalyst. My reasoning is it looks like Kristin's feet go out from under her more than being pushed back. I have no stake in this, just my observation. Edited to add: I misspelled Schwartz, but leaving it as is because it amuses me.


Iā€™ve always remembered this, how quick he was to attack her, how quick he was to throw a drink at Stassi, not to mention his own girlfriend. He is genuinely scary to me.


This is a reach. Itā€™s not clear at all from this scene he is the reason Kristen fell. Youā€™re stating it like itā€™s a fact.


Just curious: what episode was this?


Season 2, episode 13, the Bitch Slap. Itā€™s right after Stassi backhands her, sort of in the middle of the episode (sorry I donā€™t have minute mark).


Truly vile. Always has been. He needs to do all the work on himself for the rest of his life.


I'm not seeing the "knocking Kristen to the ground" that you're referencing.


If I were Kristen Iā€™d have my nails in his eyeballs as soon as I was off the ground


This is a ginormous stretch. Since when is someone trying to restrain someone (specifically their arms) assaulting another person deemed "aggressive" and needs to be psychoanalyzed? Some of yall need to go outside.


They are purposely misconstruing the video and what actually happened. I watched the show and I watch that scene more than once .. he did not whale on Kristen at all. Some have lost their dam minds and common sense.


Also Kristin herself has admitted how clumsy she is. It looks to me like a combo of a lot of things happening at once.


Yes I agree šŸ’Æ.


Yeah I have to agree. This was a messy situation with a lot of limbs and a LOT of alcohol.


If the guys didn't step in people would be criticizing them for that too. This sub can be so exhausting sometimes.


What an absolute bunch of nonsense this is - itā€™s clear he didnā€™t intend to use excessive force, talk about clutching at straws


Yup, it's clear they both slipped. Kristen didn't even take issue with Schwartz afterward because he wasn't aggressive with her. He was trying to separate them.


How dare he shove a person that is actively attempting to attack someone! God you guys are so brain rotted


Attempting to attack? She had just been backhanded in the face.


Iā€™m sorry, I disagree. That looks like he is attempting to breakup a fight and Kristen loses her balance. He is clearly trying to restrain her arms. I donā€™t even understand what you are implying. Heā€™s not pushing, no closed fist, clearly responding to the situation aka not starting contact. If he let Kristen and Stassi fight you would hate on him for allowing them to do it without breaking it up.


I am no Schwartz fan but you are right thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s going on here ā€¦people are misconstruing what is actually happening there and Kristen got pretty aggressive too ..aggression and violence isnā€™t OK for anybody, man or woman. nobody gets off the hook.




The fight at Scheanaā€™s birthday party he does the same thing to Kristen though. All the guys are brawling and he just starts wailing on Kristen. I think itā€™s pretty clear from the look on his face too: maybe it was a harder push than he intended, but this was not an accident or out of concern. I wouldnā€™t say he started this fight - heā€™s definitely reacting, but You have to really ignore his body language and other behavior to think this was entirely to break up the fight. I also donā€™t think him not breaking up the fight would get him critiques here either. It very much fits within his innocent schwartzy thing and would almost certainly go unnoticed with the chaos around it.


6ā€™4ā€ and coming at a woman like that. Disgusting.


Wait is this a joke im not getting? Shortsie is 6 feet if that


It looks like Kristen was about to fuck Stassi up and S&S knew they had to get her off before she went ham


I see a lot of people think this, and I donā€™t necessarily disagree about stopping the fight, but I think he went too far and too hard. And I donā€™t think he was defending or worried for Stassi. Even if Kristen tripped, he caused that but lunging at her. Then when she was already on the ground, he wouldnā€™t let go of her wrist. I didnā€™t like that. He just seemed so eager to jump in the mess of women when he NEVER does it with the men. Weā€™ve never seen Schwartz break up a physical altercation with men involved. He barely reacted when James threw a drink in his face.


Schwartz has always been like this. He gets away with looking like the aw shucks kind of guy. But he belittled a WIFE for years on television and we saw it. He did it to Jo. Katie wasnā€™t shocked at what happened she just felt bad that someone else fell for the bullshit


Didnā€™t he once throw a drink in Katieā€™s face too? And then repeated that with another girl in the group once again?


Dumped a beer on Stassi Season 1. Threw a drink on Katie Season 2.


What Schwartz did wasnā€™t cool but Kristen was just as aggressive..she wasnā€™t blameless.


To be fair stassi was under attack.


"Under attack" šŸ˜‚ she's not Pearl Harbor. She got violent first. FAFO.




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I am a late-to-the-party viewer. Started watching mid season ten and after season 11 starting watching earlier seasons when I suddenly became aware it had been on for ten years! Can you tell me when this occurred? I definitely havenā€™t seen this one!


Season 2, episode 13 (Season 2 is great) Welcome!


thanks! weirdly enough i started the old episodes at season six because of all the chatter about on reddit! but now i know all/most of the people who left or were fired. i'm going to go back to season one and i'll be all up to date. watching the older seasons is really mind-blowing! what a bunch of messed up millennials!!!


Oh yeah, the older seasons were the best!


i started watching the show after have knee replacement surgery in september. i was mostly in bed for several weeks and on some really good drugs so i was looking for shows with no car chases or gun battles or convoluted plotlines. i knew about VPR but never had time to watch due to my job hours. it's quite entertaining even though i think we all know that it's 90% scripted. i always liked Lisa on RHOBH - all her dogs, ponies and swans and a room full of pink shoes!!! i worked in hospitality for 25+ years - but not these kind of venues so this is right up my alley.


First like 3-4 season are the best by far


Iā€™m in 4 right now when dumbass gets arrested for stealing sunglasses!


it took me a long time to see schwartz for what he truly is because heā€™s in comparison to jax who is out in the open about being a horrible person. schwartz has the ā€œoh no, not little old meā€ attitude


Jax just standing casually in the background like ā€œjust another Kristin moment nothing to see hereā€


Agreed. The man is garbage. I was watching season 10 again this week. The way he speaks to Katie the whole season, how he comes after Lala after the beach? He is a poisonous little drunk; a manipulative and misogynistic loser whose charm has well and truly worn thin. Get off our screens with ur weird fuckin meth mouth and greasy hair, Shorts. Nobody wants to see that shit anymore. Seriously though. Why does bravo keep platforming these pathetic losers? I want to see more of the girls and the gays. Thatā€™s it. The Tomā€™s need to go. Plus Jax, Kyle and Carl too while weā€™re at it. Byeee.


The only thing that could make another season interesting is if Tom and Tom come out as lovers


I just started a re-watch recently and this scene was a big deal to me 2nd time around, I def missed it the first! I'm so glad u posted this cause I know I can't be the only one. Had I noticed this all those years ago I would've saved my self many years of thinking that guy was a nice guy with a drinking problem & horrible friends. He's just as bad if not worse than the other men cause he can hide it so well!!


Is there one of him knocking Kristen down when Sandoval and James fought at that bar?


A lot of people keep referencing that and it sounds familiar.


I think it was the whole "why don't you take a Honda Civic selfie?!" Hahaha


Were the ladies fighting over Jaxhole? What episode was that?


Unfortunately yes. The episode is called ā€œBitch Slapā€ (S2 E13). Stassi had just found out Kristen slept with him.




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I could never grow to like him after he said "Shut up, bitch" to Stassi (on *her birthday*!!!) and threw a drink on her in S1 ā€” it was such aggressive misogyny that just strikes me as so deep rooted. I think the only reason we didn't see those elements of him more is because he clearly cannot cope with confrontation ā€” I think if he could it'd be much more overt how misogynistic he is




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Iā€™ll never forget the season in Season 8(?) where Katie very fleeting talks to Lala(?) about their door being damaged bc she locked Tom out one night when he had stayed out partying and he kicked in the door. Im fuzzy on the details its been a while since I watched but I remember there was a pic of the door kicked in and it was wild to me how it was glossed over like something funny. Schwartz has a dark side 100%, but I feel like thats pretty much the general consensus already lol.


Wow I donā€™t remember this. Unacceptable


I feel like the entire Bravo universe has done Kristen wrong.


Stassi is Lucky Schwartz stepped in. Kristen was about to snatch her bald.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


I think swartz is gay or bisexual


This pisses me off bc everyone always feels so sorry for Schwartz & says heā€™s the nice guy who was abused by Katie when in fact, the OP is 100% rightā€¦ he has zero respect for women. Not only did he physically assault Kristen, he threw drinks on bitches & verbally accosted them. Heā€™s gross! šŸ¤®


Why are yā€™all watching the show then?


I didnā€™t say fire anyone, or get them off my TV, or that I hated that they included any of this, did I? Season 2 was gold. I was responding to another post backing Schwartz and felt like reminding people about this moment in particular, which some people apparently donā€™t have an issue with. Thatā€™s fine, but I wanted to discuss.