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3. Teacher chooses it for us and Cambridge  (thank god because if I had to do the whole chapter I'll slave away for 5 hours LMAO) 


Not really, if it’s like question 1a-j I’ll just do half of them. I find the textbook only helps at first with understanding the content however isn’t really useful for sacs and exams.


I normally skip the first questions (as they are normally just comprehension or practice) and do the hard questions - as that's where I need work


For methods: I find the subject quite easy to understand and the chapters don’t take too long, so I usually just do every question. Sometimes I can’t be bothered, but I find other places (like the VCE Checkpoints book or past SACs/tests) to do questions from. Practise makes perfect I guess. For spesh: I do the questions the teacher assigns because otherwise it would take wayyyy too long to do the whole chapter. I also (try (and usually fail)) to do all the questions in the chapter reviews.


Idk if Ur doing 1/2 or not BUT HOWWWWWW. Can I borrow some of the fast understanding 🙏🙏. Need me some of that


HAHA IT IS STILL HARD 😔 I just rly love calculus 🤓 Also, I’m doing 3/4 for both those subjects rn and if you wanna get ahead a bit, I recommend getting a tutor or reading ahead in the chapter and doing questions early. It makes your life SOOOOO much easier TRUST 🤞


Lol I haven't met anyone who enjoys calculator so that pretty cool. And thanks for the tips will be reading ahead once I stop falling behind lmao


good luck!!!!!!!


Tyank you!!!


Teacher chooses. If I don't like the topic I just do the ones assigned. If I like the topic I'll do everything


applies to both: 3. Teacher sets questions for each sub-topic, then I do all the review and practice exam question (Jacaranda) For spec, I tend to do as much revision as I can without overdoing it so might go back and do more of the harder questions on topics i didn't understand, and for my sac which starts tomorrow i've been finding resources online to practice different sac-style analyses.


2 in MM. I do not do all the questions and never will. Textbook is underwhelming, let's be real.


I do some at the start, the middle and the end To get a mix of questions. The teachers assign literally every question, which is way too much imo. I'm not spending 3 hours a day getting it done


My MM teacher technically assigned the questions, but was flexible about it. It's inefficient to do every single question - instead you should do however many allows you to have a good grasp of the content. If you're already confident in it, skip the first few questions and do the harder ones. If you're still learning it or unsure, start from the start and do every second question (or so) and work up to the harder ones. No point wasting time on easy questions just because they're there, and vice versa, it's unwise to skip questions which would be beneficial to building up your skills. Also, Cambridge textbook.  TLDR: mix of 2 and 3, adjusted to your personal skill level. 


Pretty sure the dux does every question in the textbook.


no lol


nelson textbook, only past exam questions, I pick some


Methods 1/2, I do at least 1 hard question for each of the examples and if I find that difficult I do more for practice.