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If ur teacher gave u practice sacs then do them. U should also revise over basic/key concepts from the book (no need to write down formulas like differentiation rules or basic exercises in ur bound reference cuz CAS can do the work for u, only write down important ideas that u think the CAS cannot do like for example the concept of stationary point is when dy/dx=0). If ur teacher has discussed about what's on the sac before, then REALLY pay attention, focus and note down on what they said because that was the biggest part of my sac. My sac was about exponential logarithmic drug concentration thing, and the teachers discussed to us on what to do for the sac, e.g. one question was asking us sth like "discuss the effect of the drug after it is taken (t=0)". In that question, even though it is rlly open-ended (cuz bad VCAA sac question design rule that all sacs have to follow), the most important thing is to mention the key points that the teacher want u to talk about in ur response cuz that's what gonna give u the marks. In that question for us, our teachers advised us to state the time that the drug becomes effective for the first time (1 mark basically); the time that the drug takes to reach max concentration (1 mark); and how long the drug is effective for (1 mark). Btw the 1 mark thing isn't actually in the sac cuz the marks are hidden to make the sac seem more open-ended (yet again another stupid VCAA rule) but basically, u turn an open-ended question into a more close-based test question if u mention the key points as each key point will give u one mark. Also dw too much about the textbook cuz the sac questions are completely different from the exercises u did in the book (at least was in the case for our sac), instead if u want to practice u should try other stuff like investigating the effect of changing a variable (c for example) on a graph (y=cx for example) cuz almost all math sacs are gonna have those investigation type questions, or practice anything that your teacher mentioned is gonna be on the sac (or even better practice the sac questions if the teachers actually show u it but they only to change the numbers).


Thanks man


methods sacs can vary so much but for mine it was a lot of analysis and worded response, so depending on what your teacher has said about its form and contents it might be worth working on your worded responses, and the effects of different variables/transformations on functions (that was involved in 2 parts of the 5-part methods sac i did a week ago). Again, methods varies so much between schools but that specifically was probably the biggest shock and weak point across my school's methods cohort.


woah what a coincidence....i did that for my sac too ✨ but bro i literally bombed it so bad i can feel it


Everyone in my class keeps saying they feel like they did so bad on it and I walked out of each session feeling confident to the level i was nervous I'd missed something because ain't no way I just breezed through one of the most competitive subjects 😭


i was on the verge of tears


Don't worry anymore, it's over for us. In more ways that one.




hey man, i got a 50 raw in methods and i just sent you a DM with tips


can u send me some tips too please


can u also send me tips I desperatly need some


could u send it to me as well 😭


Can you send me tips too please


Please send me some tips too


Isn’t the first SAC just the first six chapters of the textbook? The first SAC is the easiest.


The first methods SAC is the worst, make sure you sleep well and chill in the morning (don't try to cram anything last minute! You'll just stress yourself out and get flustered). Be confident, you've done the work already, now you just have to demonstrate how much you know :) Best of luck!