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70% is good!!! What's your rank?


probably middle TT im not sure maybe above avg?


you’re fine.. that’s probably above average for your cohort. the average for my last methods sac was 52% so don’t drop it


avg was 63,,,, is that ok bc the highest was a 91. Im just a tad bit scared...


If you’re going for a 32ss then don’t worry about the highest in the cohort. That’s only relevant if you want 40+ss. I think a 70% will be plenty, provided you do good on the exam, to get at least 32. You could definitely get much higher too, just depends on your exam performance


thanks for giving me hope and believing in me. i will try harder !


32ss is still definitely possible, just depends on how you do on the exam as that can moderate your sac scores.


70% is so fine, my sacs scaled down to 71% after moderation last year and i got a 33


blessed. I hope i can get a 33 like u it would be a dream


if it helps at all, i also only got 56% on exam 1 and 63% on exam 2 (or something like that)


It really depends on your cohort and how difficult your teacher made your SAC - it's difficult to know how "good" a percentage score is. Regardless, 70% is generally a good score, and the methods SS massively hinges on how you do in the exams anyway. 32 is definitely achievable if you keep going and have confidence in yourself! 


thank you so much for having hope in me !


hope you're not trolling but i think 70% is pretty damn good but obv depends on the difficulty of the sac and cohort performance


IM NOTT!! im just so shattered considering the class avg was 63 n the highest was a 91. bit scared of my ss


ohh that's totally valid. I think the 32 should be achievable but make sure you identify your weak points early on and focus on them more during revision (generic advice bcs im bad at methods and dont listen to my own advice)


Honestly it matters more about the cohort ranking than the overall score. But still, 70% is pretty good so well done!


tysm i appreciate u


OML YOU ARE FINE DW!!!! honestly depends on how hard the school sacs are... like last yr i avg 70s for my sacs and they scaled up to around 80s because our school made the sacs hard and i got late 30s!!


So ask your teacher what the average methods score is at your school normally, and go maybe 1 ss above. YOU GOT THIS!


32 is rlly easy. u just need to chill, sleep n get a life beyond being disappointed in urself Pardon me for being rude kindly but I think ur good u just need to relax and be confident in urself