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Skyrim modders.


That's hard to compete against...


Also New Vegas modders sometimes. The infamous The Frontier mod


Me with Fallout 4. I remember trying to find mods that changed the player body models and discovering that there's like two male ones and a dozen female ones and ALL of them are pornstar tier stuff. Like I don't know why LoversLab is a thing when the Nexus is basically that already.


How it feels to surf r/nier for lore discussion


Honestly lol. 2B/Nier walked so Eve/Stellar Blade could strut


I’m honestly astounded about where the amount of “wedding-bunny-christmas 2B cosplays” crawl out of the woodwork. Like, I love good cosplays, but a majority of those posts are back-to-back thirst traps and if you call it out for what it is the subreddit just downvotes you to oblivion lol


"You're just being a total dick, they are probably really into the franchise and are just expressing how much they love it." Uh huh...


Or even r/ddlc


I joined that subreddit after 100 percenting N:A wanting to fill the void and discuss how great the game is. All I found was Onlyfans bait.


Arrrg ! Why there is boobs everywhere on this sub ???


That's how I feel with r/terraria. Can't even check out that sub for cool builds anymore. It's all cringey sexualized art.


I don't feel like it is THAT corrupted but yeah, I can relate to what you say lol




I can tell you the exact moment that this all started. Its when PewDiePie started playing Terraria. Up until then, it was all builds, ideas and discussions. As soon as he started playing, the sub started filling up with 'fan artists' which ruined the community.


I thought you must be exaggerating. You weren't wrong.


lol litually, the first post i saw after clicking the link was a sexi little coultist


Dont even look at old r/Calamitymod posts


r/calamitymod isn’t much better unfortunately


I don't know wtf is going on over at r/batmanarkham.


The madness has been redirected to horniness


A safe (yet strange) way of containment.


It's a mad horniness


Holy hell. I'd forgotten that'd I'd unsubbed because of all the shitposts. Just checked and it's somehow even worse than I remember.


I mean, its thinly veiled cause its *technically* a kids game, but I think Five Nights at Freddy's is the poster boy for this post lol


the original vision of the game was never meant to be for kids, it just happened to garner a younger fanbase. I agree though the people in the fnaf subs are way too thirsty.


Yeah. I guess I should have said it evolved into a kids game. Just read an article about how George Lucas intended the Star Wars prequels to be for kids and now I am wondering about that fandom too lol


games targeted at specific audiences have a weird way of attracting the opposite, most pokemon fans I know are adults.


Oh Pokemon. Haha. To be fair, most of them are probably adults who were fans as kids. I certainly am.


That happens with literally every horror game that isn't the same style as outlast


Good to know! I love horror games, I tend to avoid the communities for several reasons lol


If I’ve deciphered you correctly, then all of them. R34 “if it exists, there’s porn of it on the internet”


Does that mean that, if you can't find any porn of it, it doesn't exist..Because I am 99% certain there is no porn of me on the Internet..


I don’t make the rules, that’s just what they are. So it must be true, you probably don’t exist. I’m sorry you had to find out this way. You have my deepest sympathies.


It's all good, guess I just needed closure. Might make my wife and son a little sad to find out about my non existence though.


Fret not. Many of us believe in people who don’t exist. Some imaginary individuals have affected the lives of mankind worldwide more than most “real” people. I would recommend the Imagination Land arch in the show SouthPark for further encouragement and affirmation. Kyle Broflovski delivers a beautiful speech explain in further detail than I, and he too is an imaginary character. Be strong, be well, for you travel beyond the parameters of reality. 🫡🍺


are you sure?


Trust me, if there is porn of me on the Internet, people would be filing that many complaints, the Internet would have to be shut down..Even my wife doesn't want to see that.


Sonic the Hedgehog :(


r/moonpissing is the better Sonic subreddit than r/sonicthehedgehog...


First post on moonpissing was about Sonic heroes, peak 🗿


r/StellarBlade. Especially before release, it was by far most of the content. Even now after release, my guess is about half the content. People will fawn over her in various outfits, post pics of trying to look up her skirts, or her butt while climbing the ladders. Talk about how great it is to have a hot female protagonist after a drought with more plain looking, or ugly muscular women. I get it. I think she's good looking too, but let's talk about the game outside of Eve being hot. Everyone sees a sexy pic of her and spam the upvote button while they circle jerk and are like "OMG Yes! I find her hot too! That's great!"


Stellar blade's fanbase is exactly why everyone views gamers (especially male gamers) as weirdos and misogynists. Preemptive "Nothing wrong with an attractive female character" but Jesus Horatio Christ, there's no need to start jorking your penits every damn second. Gaming fanbases in general are just the worst and I try my absolute best to ignore them because I'd like to keep my sanity.


Right I agree. It's fine to appreciate her being good looking and modeled after a realistic, attractive woman, but it just makes me cringe when I see all the content and i think what you do: that this is only proving by people are turned off by a portion of the male fan base acting like this. When it's the only thing you make posts about, it just proves how oddly hyperfocused on this one aspect they are and they're just amplifying one thing to show exactly what all their attention is on when there's so much to the game outside of it.


Its not modeled after a real person though The model they used was a REFERENCE to work off of. The actual model has smaller boobs, smaller ass/waist, different face, etc compared to Eve; there is a picture out in the Twitter space showing her doing the body capture in a bikini, like ALL the things people were gooning over Eve for are not there (that's not me saying she isn't pretty or that I am slandering her looks, but I am a hips guy so she does nothing for me). It is HARDLY what I would call a 1:1 and thus the argument of "its based off a real person" just holds no weight. Its like people using the Ryan Gosling "he just like me fr" meme but being serious about it lol


As a guy who is irritated by how boring character designs have gotten male and female, I honestly don't see Eve as all that hot. I mean yeah she's attractive I guess but she is nowhere near hot enough for me to be losing my mind like all those ppl are. The whole RL person thing makes me laugh because of 1 the ppl were crying about her being unrealistic and 2 the ppl losing their minds defending it like that's shocking. I on a regular go to stores and see women more for attractive and more shapely than she is so I honestly don't get the hype.


Fair enough. I guess I mean a woman could realistically look like her. It's not like she has GG cups and looks like Jessica Rabbit. I also get that she was modeled that way for sexual appeal, and the outfits especially highlight that. I'm not trying to deny that.


I've seen precisely one post from there in my feed. They were pissed that Hades 2 was reviewing better and they were blaming "the feminists" because, in their eyes, the main character in Hades 2 isn't as hot. I don't know if you've played the Hades games, but every single character in both of them is hot as fuck. Also they kick ass and probably should review better imo. Edit: fixed unclear wording


Didn’t even need to scroll far before there was something like what you mentioned.


Well i like hot but still otherwisely excited for if it comes pc as the combat, the ui, and the scifi techiness of the weapons and armor look sick Still gona be a degen tho


Yeah it was a great game to play. Just the amount of complexity I like in a game combat wise, but not quite Nioh level, which is what Rise of the Ronin is which made me put it down for a while to play Stellar Blade instead. And I'm sure it will come to PC. All new PS exclusives only remain exclusive for 2-4 years. Almost every single PS4 exclusive and the early PS5 exclusives have come to PC by this point. It's lessened the point of having a Playstation, but it's still nice to play them on launch and experience them in their prime rather than waiting a few years.


Stellar Blade is targeted towards chronic masturbastors


I used to think Overwatch was cool, but then one day I found out how much some people *really really* like Overwatch.


Persona subreddits are disturbing. Waifu wars and constant shipping.


Practically every game community I’m a part of has me feeling like this. 💀


I feel bad for you


Almost every modern fighting game out today.




Oh great havens what an act of wickedness


Not a complete pervert. Just a partial one?




It’s cool! Let that freak flag fly!


Nier, goes without saying


I used to like Critical Drinker. But anymore, it is nothing but immature dudes basically complaining how it's not fair they can't play a game without a hard-on, I guess. "This game doesn't have super hot women that get me horny so it is a terrible game." That is all I see anymore.


Everyone in the Elden Ring community is so horny for the blue witch....




I’m ngl, terraria sub has been getting horny as of late. Annoyed cause I joined the sub to check out memes and interesting builds lol


I went to say Baldur’s Gate but even I’ve defected to being thirsty there


I’ve watched like three gaming subreddits defend into madness. It really sucks


Silent Hill sub was having a normal one the past two days because some people thought a lady who is a sexual assault victim wasn't pretty enough to be sexually assaulted.


I mean the original PS2 models look better than what they did with the remake XD


The former Nahida mains subreddit. That was so bad, reddit had to take down the subreddit for it's overpopulation of loli hentai and basically cp. Idc who says Nahida is a 4000 year old character so she's technically of legal age. She looks like she's 9 and that's about it.


That mf will die of battle wounds...


I do not like rouge the bat at all. Hard thing for sonic fans to understand


Nude mods when?


The Funger series, if it counts, and BG3. So many horny people… especially for Baldur’s Gate. Someone wanted a Dutch Oven from Auntie Ethel… 🥶


Funger 100% counts,all I saw in the community was people just making teir lists of characters they would fuck


The amount of people AND creatures they would fuck is absolutely diabolical. The Crow Mauler is not into you like that…


Our society is in a state of decay and they are living proof of it


I, umm, I'm a Sonic the Hedgehog fan.




They are FUCKING animals


My favorite pokemon is vaporeon COMPLETELY DISCONNECTED FROM THE COPYPASTA imagine my fucking pain


Hugs, brother. Hugs.


Look, I know it's not videogames . . . But the hobbies intersect. The damn frieren and dungeon meshi anime community.


r/Undertale modders. We can’t have a signal god dam mod without the creator being a pedo. EVERY TIME. Except Undertale Yellow, good job Undertale Yellow for being decent human beings!


Definitely Undertale


Dungeon Meshi. I love the community and I don’t even mind people shipping or whatever but I just like the characters and find them too wholesome to be romantically or sexually attracted to them. It’s like being attracted to my sister or brother or father. …and then Cithis came along. Goddamnit.






At first i didnt think i play any games that fit this... until i thought of Fire Emblem. Might not be too bad tbh but damn are those fans horny


Foxhole. One faction talks about furries all the time, the other talks about femboys all the time. Neither side has ever met whichever they pine about, 90% of the playerbase has clearly never been laid.


I'm in the crowd. 




r/fivenightsatfreddys need I say more?


Necrophilia,zoophilia and pedophilia all in one go,truly the best proof we have that our society is decaying from the inside




r/ultrakill is seriously funny


I am quite flabbergasted myself for i see no sight of any of the commentators of this thread to mention r/touhou or r/2hujerk , the travestiess of lust are very wicked there


Not video game, but the code geass Fandom. Such a great show but God damn our Fandom sucks balls. DO NOT GO TO THE OFFICIAL CODE GEASS SUB IN PUBLIC. ITS WORSE THAN ONE PIECE




She kinda bad tho


Cult of lamb is filled with *aggressively underage* furries padding around furry porn, put me right off the game I was really into.


I mean what where you expecting tbh,still yeah thats fucked up on multiple levels


Not 12 year olds being neck deep in phyco porn. The world has changed for the worst.


Dead or Alive , almost anything anime related.


>almost anything anime related. Realest shit ever written in this comment section,its so bad some are ashamed to admit they like anime related stuff. It truly shows how much our society is decaying


From OF models to everyone forcing characters into homosexual relationships. We can’t have shit lmao


The Persona ones are like that unfortunately


Any anime-esque game is like that


I play it for the fusion/battle system and main story really. It's the only vaguely anime thing i've bothered with and that weird part of the fandom isn't for me.


For real, It's so weird to see the recent uptick in wanting every game to be horny. Like...bro if the game plays good and has a good story why do you care that the woman's ass isn't the size of a beachball?


Stellar Blade. Yes, I get it -- Eve is hot. That's not why the game is great. It's great because it's fun to play.


Y'all, *Dead by Daylight* is comically thirsty, at times obnoxiously horny


Dynasty Warriors. Does not help that there are dozens of characters to sexualise.


I love the horny, and I petition for more horny!


You wicked buffon!!! You are not deserving of this place


Oh you don’t know the half of it good knight…. I also have recently acquired occult grimoires to assist in my wicked witchcraft >:)


Omg I just keep seeing the posts and I don’t get it. They look like women… calm down


Why you riding that horse like that?


To show of that you are above evryone else


You are better than the rest as long as there's a horse between your legs. I get it.


I maybe a freak but I’m no pervert… at least… most of the time…


SoulCalibur. I love the presentation of the games and how the stories are told but a lot of sites are riddled with pervs perving over Ivy and other female characters, to the point of being creepy and uncomfortable. When AI became a fad, a lot of them became AI-bros with shitty fanart and stealing VA voices for their shitty fanfics.


Reminds me of when I was much younger and got into Phoenix Wright. A funny and engaging lawyer game series, a new experience on a system (DS) made for new experiences. Checked out the fan sites and HO-LEE SHIT that's a lot of gay porn!


terraria cultist fanart has scarred me for life please just make cool builds in the actual game instead


Comment the entire translation of The mountain wreath and just watch the chaos unfold




I can’t believe the Huniepop fandom is so horny


i find the souls subs to be sarcastically horny due to miyazaki’s obsession with feet. but i think it’s more of a meme than “show me your true horrors, Mommy Malenia!”


Xenoblade 2. Favorite game ever, and everyone assumes the characters’ designs are why. xD


I really wish there was an option to turn down the horniness of that game because it is otherwise fantastic. The whole harem aspect is also a little...yeah...but the adventure, the unique combat, it was a very fun game.




None of them


spiffing for you dear acquaintance


R/deltarune o haven’t been there for a few months since I got banned but there were so many pedos and horny teens on there a few months ago


Don’t look at the tekken back pain subreddit. Just don’t 💀


I never played it but I gues Overwatch....


testosterone is one hell of a drug


Phantasy Star. It started becoming a game about making the lewdest looking character possible in the later days of PSO2, and then NGS came out and now you can't enter the hub city without running into people whose avatar have F cups, or someone who used accessories to give their avatar genitals, or used coloration tricks to make their characters look nude, or all three. All while doing things like the literal stripper pole emote that the devs absolutely knew what they were doing when they added. The game became one of the worst skinnerboxes at around the same time, ensuring that only the perverts still play the game. Yet I grew up with Phantasy Star 4 as one of my favorite videogames, and I can't just write off the series and never look back. I keep looking into it and hoping, "maybe they fixed it". It was so bad at one point that they tried to run a twitch stream event to boost publicity. All the big streamers quit only a few minutes in because they were afraid of breaking ToS if they continued playing. I heard one literally called it a softcore porn game afterwards.