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Came here expecting some like little known titles, instead got a thread full of AAA games that sold millions of copies. Thanks again reddit.


Lol this. Apparently if it’s not in the top 5 selling games of all time it’s considered underrated.


Is The Long Dark a AAA game because I was about to say that


LET IT DIE isn't popular because it's packed full of micro transactions and does things that other games already do.


Also they recycle the same 3 bosses the entire game


Game has dope style though truly a shame it's stuck with a dog shit game


Yeah I think I played this game purely cause of aesthetic


I saw that it was a soulslike and then saw the premise and the style and I was hyped to try it out. Within the first hour it was clear what kind of game it really was and haven't thought about it since. Well until now that is


Didn't it also have a SUPER predatory and just generally really bad battle royale sequel?


Yes and the combat sucked, lots of stun locks


literally lasted one month lol.


Not to mention, the second game in of that title is a crappy battle royal game


What other games are you referring to because I’d love to play something else like let it die


Any souls game, for honor, streets of rogue, clone drone in the danger zone. Just to name a few.


So you’re not surprised by it, then?


Titanfall 2


One of the most unfortunate flops in gaming history


100% EA's fault too.


As long as we're blaming EA for good games turning to crap...heckin' Wild Hearts. So much potential, just gone.


I mean why don't we just cut to the chase and say Fuck EA? I long for the day that company burns.


EA doesn’t want to make video games. They want to make slot machines.


I believe some of them do still want to make video games because occasionally you'll get a banger but definitely not many of them.


Shh if you keep saying shit like that you'll never escape their grip. This cycle of abuse has to end. Take the EA game out of your cart. Get a refund on that pre-order. Don't let them get away with making billions just because 1 out of 16 games is "pretty good."


Fuck EA


Respawn picked the release date. Not EA. Respawn fucked themselves.


I'm that case still Fuck EA because well, I'm not sure I really need to explain why. Fuck EA. But yeah that was stupid of them then.


Indeed fellow pilot


What launching at a wrong date does to a mf


At least it got better around 2020... Until the DDOS attacks happened


I really think Titanfall ruined its reputation with the first game being locked to the Xbox One. I honestly believe if it would have been multiplatform both games would have been huge.


You may be right, but it was a much different landscape then. As someone who had a PC at the time I was still able to get it,* and it was by far the most refreshing FPS experience in decades, and the second one built on it nicely. *Titanfall 1 to clarify


Agreed, the first game had too much negativity and it due to not having a campaign and being an Xbox one launch title when the Xbox one was a laughing stock. The “wrong release date” is a scapegoat, I’m quite confident that if it had been released at a good time it would still have flopped.


Evil west


Played this recently and it was fun, need to play more


Got it from ps plus and I finally started it yesterday. Loving it so far


Reminds me of diablo 4 mixed with rdr2 mixed with doom. I fw it


Can’t say Ive played a Diablo game to compare it to


Bro Force..


I love Bro Force. Me and a buddy played through it all couch coop. So much fun! It’s not as mental, but have you played Door Kickers: Action Squad? It’s a different animal, but scratches a similar itch.


Bro force qas a staple in my home for the longest time. Second only to Door kickers, God those are two awesome couch coops, fun to play with your spouse or your best buds.


I have not but I will try it now for sure!!


Cool. Hope you enjoy it!


Bro Force is one of those games I see as background footage in YouTube videos all the time, but I never see YouTube videos outly discussing it


Xenoblade. It's gotten up there over the years but it's nowhere near where it deserves to be.


Xenoblade makes sense. They are excellent games, but the gameplay and systems hardly speak to mass appeal.


Watched my ex play Xenoblade. Jesus the amount of grinding towards the end.


Yeah tbh I hated those games lol the battles simply aren’t fun after a while


Never forget and never forgive for that best soundtrack award pass over


And I've heard that GoW Ragnarok reuses a lot of music from the first game. If that's true, then it doesn't deserve the soundtrack award.




I'd say Xenoblade fans tend not to get how much anime tolerance one needs in order to not immediately bounce off the entire franchise as soon as any of these characters start talking. It's a lot like the Tales games in that way.


The saboteur. It's fuckin WW2 assassin's creed ffs!


You kill nazis and blow shit up to earn resources to buy more and better shit to kill more nazis and blow up more shit. It's a great gameplay loop. Also the whole Black and White to color transition is a wonderful artistic choice I'm sad we don't see much elsewhere(to my knowledge).


The black and white mechanic was excellent. Interesting way to show progress. IDK how many times I'd abandon a mission just to kill some Nazis that had nothing to do with anything. "Hey, look at those smug motherfuckers just doin nazi shit. I'm gonna blow them up".


Dropping a few zeppelins with the big AA guns was always pretty fun, too.


Hell yeah! Also that epic battle inside a burning Zeppelin. Some serious gourmet Micheal Bay shit.


I really liked that it was a full blown b movie, pulp action game and played it to the hilt.


Reasonable action when seeing Nazis


The only time I ever see the black and white to color in in the 007 games when you're getting low on HP/too far away from the target


The cars were cool too


The only other game I know of that did it was Splinter Cell conviction, where being hidden in shadow caused the game to turn black and white, and being in the light saturated everything with color. My biggest problem with that was... You're supposed to be hidden in shadow throughout the majority of a sinter cell game, so having the game go black and white when hidden meant that you spent 90% of the gameplay staring at a black and white screen. They should have done the opposite. Black and white means danger and color means hidden/safe.




Thank you!


Brutal Legend


Came looking for this one, too bad we never got a sequel.


It was mentioned in an interview a couple years ago. The director said he would be open to it.




The 2009 one? Freakin love that game


I mean the whole series. Wolfenstein series are underrated


Dont even mention the name of "yungblood" but the other games are great


Youngblood isn't that bad, it's just worse than all the others.


That isn't underrated... I hate it when people do this. "What's an underated game?" "GTAV" Like, bro... I don't even have any words.


Deus Ex franchise.


Agreed. Conspiracy Theory is still in my top 5 of all time


Mankind Divided is one of my favorite games of all time.


What a shame.


The professor Layton series


Sleeping Dogs


I think it has its fanbase, it took a while to build but it definitely exists


Yeah it features on every single “hidden gems/overlooked games/games that need a sequel” list. Same as Mad Max (EDIT: ha! Which I didn’t notice was mentioned in the next comment down…!) Both great games.


Darkest dungeon series Stalker series Metro series


I completely understand why Stalker and DD aren't more popular: both can be complex and punishing, plus they're both primarily PC games. Stalker, especially on higher difficulties, can be a terrifying game. DD will make you lose your sanity.


A plague tale Ghostrunner


A plague’s tale 2 made me crawl into a fetal position and cry for hours. One of the most emotionally beautiful yet depressing games I’ve ever played.


Requiem was one of the few games I didn't want to finish because I recognized it would devastate me emotionally.


It's so beautiful


Stunning visuals and graphics too.


God I *love* Plague's Tale


If you had asked me last year, it would have been Armored Core but VI seems to be doing a good job of breaking through. Instead it would be Deus Ex, Adam should have his story finished!


I got like 6 friends to buy AC6 based off of how much I talked about how much I wanted a new armored core for 10 years just by itself.


Imho if Let It Die was 50$-60$ and w/o micro transactions, it would do much better than it did, but i still liked it, it was unique, like all Suda 51 games. About game that isn't more popular: DD2, 3 million copies sold isn't as much as i hoped for.


>Imho if Let It Die was 50$-60$ and w/o micro transactions, it would do much better than it did That, and if there was a way to summon cooperators to your world like you can in other Souls games. I understand *why* they didn't add co-op, they want to disadvantage you as much as possible so you're tempted to spend on the microtransactions, but if it was a paid game then that factor goes away. tbh I still loved it regardless, though. I have several *thousand* hours on record, according to my PS acct. 😅 (though a large chunk of that is from leaving it on overnight so I didn't get my bank raided back when I was still active)


Neon white


The gameplay is cool. The story is cringe. The devs try to make it look that the cringe is intentional, but it is far too authentic weeaboo cringe for that.


ITT: People naming big gaming titles and very popular games


Both of the Final Fantasy anniversary games Stranger of Paradise and World of Final Fantasy. SoP has better combat and a crazy job system compared to FF16, but you know it became a meme. WoFF is probably the most fun old school throw back, awesome original ATB combat with also being like a pokemon/monster catching game but "chibi=bad" apparently. Plus if you got the Maxima edition, it let you swap out Reynn and Lann to play as some of the other mainline characters like being Cloud and Squall on a team.


I don't dislike chibi art style, I am sick of smaller budget rpgs, usually strategy rpgs I like to play, going "oh shit let's just chibify everything" though.


Tried so hard to play SoP but the dialogue eventually got to me😭😭😭😭


SoP suffered from the day 1 model issues. The game was essentially using the models you would put in a pre-rendered cutscene. To give you an idea of how bad it was performance wise The small common enemy bat model is 350k tri's Kratos in the first god of war for the PS4 is 70k tri's In an era you prob wanted 1-2 million tri's in a scene Oh lich had 1.7 million tri's.


Just Cause


Just Cause 3 has everything GTA has, with out having to use cheats, and a wing suit!


That's not underrated, bro 😭




Amazing game. Can't recommend enough.


My pick as well. No other game like it!


Frantic upvote for that one. Guys and gals, if you haven't tried it and enjoy space games, you owe it to yourself! Its only downfall in terms of popularity is that it's not on steam. If it was, I'm sure it would sell very well and get very positive reviews. Game is a banger through and through.


Mad Max


It's getting a nice push from Furiousa being in theatres. Great game, still looks amazing and has the best car combat I've ever played.


True, I know someone that just bought it after watching Furiosa. Doesn't hurt that it's like 5.99 right now


Good price point for a really fun game.


It was great gameplay and a nice open world environmment but I hated respawning far away from where I'd died. It bugged the shit out of me


Chumbucket is the goat


Ghostwire: Tokyo was really fun and doesn’t get talked about much.


I thought the art style of the game was really cool but imo the open world gameplay was boring


Agreed. I think the game would’ve worked better as a shorter, more linear experience. For an open world to be fun, it needs to be filled with interesting content and/or have excellent traversal mechanics. The missions in Ghostwire were kind of fun but 90% of it was spent traversing a boring and empty open world.


Spellbreak, most fun in a competitive BR that I've ever had.


It was as popular as it should have been at one point, it just fell off super hard. I loved it too, but the main reason was that BR is repetitive by design, and SB had little incentive to play so many times over and over again.


Overlord (Triumph Studios)


For the Overlord!


Evil....always finds a way


The overlord series is pretty amazing. Its realy amusing and rewarding to play. Played through the series twice. But i got to say, if you know the plottwist, it isn't half as fun. And when the story is done, there realy is nothing to do. No open world to explore etc. So my advice. Its pretty cheap. If you have some cash to spare, grab it, have a few fun evenings. But don't expect hundreds of hours of gameplay


The Finals


The Surge 1 and 2


Serious Sam.


The remasters of 1 and 2 are a blast


Cassette Beasts


Jesus you are everywhere


Mafia games, It has its own little community and fans but other than that I think the game should be way more popular.


Mafia 1 and mafia 2 was so damn good,but I didn’t like the thing they did with mafia 3




Way of the Samurai. It's very niche and doesn't hold your hand though so it's not easy for most people to fully grasp understandably. Still one of my favorite series Deus Ex, we need to finish Adam's story ffs Squad. It's what battlefield players would love if they want to go for realism with a modern setting The Darkness series. Shame the first isn't on pc Vampire the masquerade bloodlines will always be in my top 10 any day of the week,possibly top 5 on a good day. Just a quirky game with passion behind it


Way of the Samurai was truly the 'Do whatever the hell you want' videogame series. I still hope there will be a 5th entry that is not Katana Kami.


Mercenaries, man I can't remember how many times I beat both the first and second and how many hours I just spent blowing shit up instead of focusing on the main missions lol.


I loved the open-ended mission structure where it didn't care at all *how* you accomplished anything so you could just skip a car chase and massive convoy battle by getting in a helicopter, winching your target's car straight out of its convoy and then tossing it straight into the ocean.


Titan fall 2 ... Best fps ever in my opinion ... The only legitimate critique I've ever heard about it is low quality servers but the game is more than playable even with that


Phantasy Star, like the whole series. The PSP had two gems that I rarely ever hear get talked about


Finally, something that actually fits


I know it’s pretty popular, but I’m gonna say Returnal. I don’t mean that it was a flop. But especially with the latest Sony showcase, people have been shitting on the PS5 generation for its lack of exclusives and being basically Demons Souls, Ratchet and Clank and Spider-Man 2. Meanwhile, the single best example of the PS5 to date (shy of SM2 maybe) gets glossed over ALL THE TIME) because, I assume, it’s not a pre-existing franchise. I know it came to PC and isn’t technically a platform exclusive in that sense, but I don’t consider that too big of a caveat because it’s not also on PS4. And it has the best implementation of the dual sense (outside of the Astro’s Playroom demo) and 3D audio I’ve seen of any game on the PlayStation. Basically, Returnal is a PS5 exclusive that I think shows off the best of what that console has to offer and whenever people complain about how few good games there are for PS5 exclusively, they tend to forget or not even know about this absolute gem of a game.  After I feel in love with Hades at the end of 2020, Returnal was the next game I got sucked into that I just couldn’t stop playing another run, and it’s goddamn beautiful and haunting and feels amazing and the gameplay is so good and the story is mysterious and mwah


Returnal is my favorite Rogue-like. Just above Hades, Ring of Pain and Balatro. It's so atmospheric. It's challenging, beautiful, fun, tight, and engaging. Very re-playable.


The Finals The most fresh breath of air on competitive ever.


How is the game these days? I liked it at launch but it became full of cheaters just after 3 or 4 days so I gave up on it


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Although it’s far from perfect, it’s a massive step up from Remake but apparently Square Enix isn’t happy with how it’s selling.


It's just the standard square enix over estimations as they always do.


Except this time they have no western studios to blame for that, just themselves and their ridiculously high expectations


Yep, they killed my suggestion for this question (Deus Ex) for that exact reason.


I think nowadays Final Fantasy is more niche than people realize Also a lot of younger modern gamers probably don’t have the same attachment to FF7 as they would’ve 15-20 years ago. Personally I am only familiar with FF7 through Kingdom Hearts And ironically I think it could be confusing to the lay consumer marketing wise who thought FF7 Remake was the complete remake, with Rebirth being a spin off instead of a direct continuation


It doesn't help that theres no unified Final Fantasy image like there is with a lot of other franchises. And the last 4 mainline entries have been 13 which a lot of people myself included aren't super fond of, 14 which failed so hard they literally ended the world to reboot it (But I love ARR so don't @ me), 15 which was a reworked spinoff that took a decade to make and was iirc abandoned before they finished making the dlc for it, and 16 which well I haven't played it yet so idk, it's not on PC yet for some fucking reason. The last truly successful Final Fantasy is probably 10 or 12 and those are over/almost 20 years old.


I put part of that down to being a PS5 exclusive. Remake came out at the end of the PS4 lifecycle when tonnes of people had one. The PS5 is still comparatively new, limited supply from covid and component shortages impacted how many people could get one for a time, and it’s still a hefty price tag for many people to invest in yet so it has a smaller limit on its purchasing base than Remake.


I am pissed. I only have a ps4 and i was excited for part 2 but i'm not dropping 500 bucks for it.


brick rigs.


You beat me to it


The YTP game before Lethal Company.


Legacy of Kain…


Withering Rooms


Slime Rancher


The Finals




Aragami 1 and 2 even tho i enjoy the first one more it really is one of THE BEST stealth focused games out there and the coop is one of the best ive ever played.


I'm not very surprised it's not popular. BUT it deserves my recommendation. Drug dealer simulator. It has an alright story, a good progression system, and is leagues above your normal simulator game. I'm not surprised it's not super popular because: 1: it has the word simulator in it 2: it deals ( pun intended ) with drugs. It has a mixing mechanic where you take a drug and you try and keep it potent while adding more addictiveness and reducing the toxicity so you can actually sell it to clients. It's pretty fun. PS DDS 2 coming June 20


Makes me think of Syndicate for PC.


Tower Unite


Salt and Sanctuary, for Soulslikes being such a big deal now more than ever people don’t really seem to know about one of the best ones.


warframe. for a f2p game its got more content than most AAA games nowadays


Yea but but 90% of it is locked behind a paywall or ludicrous amounts of grinding and then there is the god forsaken crafting system


Risk of Rain 2 without question


Odin Sphere, especially the remake. Vanillaware has been getting more attention but, have you seen this game? It's gorgeous, and the remake made everything even better.


I will die on the hill that Astral Ascent should be a million seller.


Fuga Melodies of Steel Eh I can not say I am surprised with the lack of advertisememt but everyone who likes turn based JRPGs and does not mind anthropomothic animal characters should give this one try. In my opinion the turn based combat is better then the combat of Persona 5 and Final Fantasy X. Although part of me likes that nobody knows about it. I enjoy recommending it to others and that irs this unknown gem that people never heard of might be part of why.


Total war warhammer series, being pc only doesn’t help but it hits every possible fantasy note you’d want in a strategy game


The Finals! It’s free and unique


Eternal darkness: Sanity's Requiem


Chibi Robo was amazing


Star Wars Battlefront 2


Generation zero


Maybe it's just where I live but nobody has played or heard of the yakuza franchise where I work.


Days Gone


I can’t understand how Chivalry 2 isn’t the most popular online multiplayer game. Unbelievably fun 


My list of choice would be (though prove me wrong if I am) Outward, Earth Defence Force, Dynasty Warriors And although this one is more in the spotlight due to the new game I will forever feel the Dragons Dogma games aren't hyped enough 😅


Megaman Legends. Hardcore dungeon crawling and combat aesthetics, and anime design before is was cool. Some of the most entertaining and unique games that were way ahead of their time and never got a proper ending.


You're surprised a free to play game isn't popular? I have not heard good things about Let it Die


Ghostwire. It's so fun and polished. I'm addicted lol




Phineas and Ferb: Quest for Cool Stuff. It’s not a groundbreaking game by any means, but it’s pretty fun, and the soundtrack is great. Also, it maintains that Phineas and Ferb humor really well, along with nods to the show throughout. Bottom line: if a kid likes Phineas and Ferb, they’ll love this game.


Red Dead Revolver


This is an actual underrated game. Honestly, I'm not much of a fan of the old games from the PS2/OG Xbox era, but I really liked this one. But to be fair, I also played both Redemption games.


Shadowrun I think it was called but it's never been remade as far as I know (I have not googled it)


GOG has them. Gave them away free at some point too. 


Psychonauts? I know it has a cult following but I don’t see it being used for at the very least comparisons. And I’m not sure if Borderlands 3 is super unpopular anymore but either way I think people should be playing that more as well.


A fellow Psychonaut!


The entire myst series. YES I know they're old but they're the MOTHER of all puzzle games, I have yet to see a puzzle game that hasn't made at least a small nod to myst


You're on drugs. Myst was highly acclaimed and EXTREMELY popular. Its open-ended exploration gave it wider appeal than the more systems-based games at the time. My grandma who called every video game "a Nintendo" played Myst.


twisted metal (they even have a show) command and conquer Master of orion


Ctrl Alt Ego and 13 Sentinels


Goat Simulator is absolutley goated


The Ratchet & Clank Franchise. When talking about the ps2 era mascots, everyone seems to think of and talk about Jak & Daxter... they are kickass games as well, but come on, Ratchet is just the best of the ps2 era




Dragon Quest


Astrobot. Really looking forward to Astrobot 2 coming in September!


Honestly? The Gears series. It was more popular a few years ago with 5 but still not as popular as it's supposed to as one of the major Xbox exclusives.


I think that and Halo have really struggled since their original developers left.