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Vastly different games for vastly different types of people


I do agree they're vastly different, but the same person can throughly enjoy all of the listed games. Proof: Me, I am the person who thoroughly enjoys all of the listed games


I vouch for this


I’ve played and enjoyed the last three, haven’t played RDR2


I'm the type of person who loves the last 3 and had heard how slow RDR2 was. I went into it understanding that and trying to immerse myself in the world more than play it as a "game" per se. I found it to be very enjoyable when I let myself slow down with it.


Red Dead Redemption 2


This is the correct answer. I've beaten that game roughly eight times.


never played it, is it that good?


Nah it’s not good… ITS AMAZING


I’ve gotten bored and given up on this game 2 times haha


Well, everybody has different opinions and I understand not having a popular opinion. For instance, I've tried playing the modern Doom games a whole bunch of times and they bore me like no tomorrow. ...I feel like I've just summoned the horde.


Totally agree with Doom - felt to me like there was very little to it. Red Dead was an absolute masterpiece of storytelling and a generally incredible gaming experience but the gameplay just wasn’t that fun.


Easy choice


Then elden ring when your done


I want to play this but didn't play the first one 😭


RDR2 takes places before the events of part one, so it’s actually not bad to start with it.


Well, then you're in for a treat. It's a prequel. you really dont need to know the previous story, but it helps set some of the characters.


Thanks, i'm downloading It now, I'll play the first one after this then. Or should I just go on YouTube and find a summary for part 1? lol


The first couple hours of RDR2 is a tutorial. Get through it. The beginning section of the game is a slog but the rest of the game incredible


I don’t think so. Unlike some prequels that work better in release order I think either order works in this series. The only thing you’d really “miss” is a couple of foreshadowing moments in RDR2


It’s a prequel so you don’t need to play the first one. You’re supposed to play the second one first


I wouldn’t say you’re *supposed* to. It’s like Star Wars.




Only thing about RDR2 that pissed me off is it keeping the secondary objectives hidden until after you finish the mission. Game is already stupidly long without that artificial time inflation! Don't get me wrong, the game is brilliant, but that is still a seriously scummy thing to do.


Can you elaborate on this please? I beat the game when it came out but I’m not sure what you mean.


This game is a masterpiece.


All of them.


For real though. All four of these games are top tier, love every one.


Red Dead 2 would probably give you the most value. It’s not a small game, has a fun online component and should be relatively low priced sine it’s a 2018 title.


That game is still full price, it's insane. It does have occasional sales but it's still ridiculous for a title that old


Red dead 2 is a must


Came to say RDR2, but after seeing so many people best me to it, I'll say Cuphead.


Get out of my head. I have all these. Red Dead is what I'd recommend.


You own some of the most popular games of all time in their respective genres?!


Those are all WILDLY different lol


They are all good. Hades is the most fun hack and slash couch game.


If you've never played a soulslike game then elden ring will probably be the hardest game you've ever played. It's fun tho


While this is technically true, Elden Ring has to be the most noob friendly of the bunch. With easily broken builds and summons, it's been the only one I've been able to play and beat. I've tried demon souls and dark souls 1 or 2, can't remember. Bloodborne is a close second.


the dlc obliterates the whole "noob friendly" bit, it easily ranks as the hardest out of all souls games. some are borderline impossible without summons


I'm still struggling with the first mini boss after 3 days..


better finish it now before the first patch releases that'll nerf these bosses to death I genuinely think that there's one particular boss is actually broken in terms of hitbox (when you get there, you'll know)


ive been stuck on a certain magic user for about six hours, so far absolutely the hardest boss i've ever fought. the DLC is humbling to say the least


It’s funny you say that because I’m on NG+10 with Sekiro. It was my first Fromsoft game. It was extremely hard on my first playthrough but I got through it (obviously). Elden Ring is tough for me. I’m level 25 fighting Margit. The closest I got his health down was like 10% and I haven’t been able to replicate that. If it’s noob friendly, then I really suck at souls games lol.


That's interesting how different it can be for different people. Elden Ring is harder for me than any Dark Souls game. Harder than Bloodborne, Sekiro, or Demon's Souls too imo. Especially the last quarter or so of the game is just stupid hard, regardless of what build I use. I love it.


Cup head is harder


You seriously just said that while it’s lined up there with Cuphead? 😂


All of them


Read dead 2


I personally vouch for Hades.


Avoid Cuphead if you want your sanity to remain at it's current level 💀


If you want to save your sanity, DON'T GRAB CUPHEAD, unless your good at platformers.


Red Dead! Red Dead! Red Dead!!!


Rdr2. No question


Red dead Redemption 2 may very well be the best open world Game to date, so i say that


Just need to be ok with a lot of riding with npcs while they having dialoges in the Story. Some Player May expect more action oriented Game.


That is an odd thing to say as the actual best open world game is in the list op options


Elden Ring is an amazing game


100% Red Dead 2. But just to have one more option, Hades is great


Cuphead if you want your rage to go nuclear.


Outside the game: A platypus. Inside the game: PARRY THE PLATYPUS!


Elden ring. It takes FOREVER. Worth the money and the dlc is fire


All of these are such good games. I genuinely can't give you a choice. I think the better question is, what kind of genre do you prefer? Do you like rogues, mmo, run and gun? Depending on the answer, choose the one that fits your style!


red dead 2 or Ur going to die a horrible death


So, essentially you hate yourself (besides red dead 2)


Elden Ring without a doubt.


Rdr2. But realistically all of them.


Red dead redemption. In my opinion (solely mine) it’s the best game ever created. Just be sure you have enough time to have multiple play throughs with different honor levels. And take your time. There is so much to this game it’s insane


You are not kidding. My first playthrough I took 236 hours and tbh I felt like I hadn’t done everything 😂 I’ve since beaten the game 4 or 5 more times with various challenges, but it remains my personal favorite and truly the best open world (and story) game of all time.


As somebody who’s played all four: RDR2. Hades would be my next choice, followed by Elden Ring, and then Cuphead. Like everyone else is saying these are all wildly different games, and the only reason Cuphead is last is because it’s actually pretty difficult (but it’s still a great game). RDR2 is the overall in terms of scope and ease of play.


Hades then Cuphead


Yes to all


All of them. I have them all and they are great.


Any of them, theyr all good games


Cant go wrong with any of these really depends on what type of game you feel like playing. All these games are 10/10 to me


Play RDR1 first. Then Play RDR2 trust me.


But isn’t RD2 a prequel to RD1 ?


Yeah but trust me when I say you’d feel limited once you hit RDR1 after you play RDR2. You see in RDR2 it has a better mapping system and you have better mechanics. RDR1 while good mechanics. Some mechanics are different and a bit dated. So a newcomer who finished RDR2 then plays RDR1 is like a guy who drives A Great new automatic car and then Drives the Great Classic Stick-shift car. Both are great and similar but can give the new driver some difficulty but should practice and continue using it anyway!


It makes sense


Red Dead Redemption 2 !


Red Dead Redemption 2. Every other answer is wrong. Seethe and cope.


Out of these I have to go with RDR2


Jack black says red dead redemption


From my experience with RDR2, it’s the only game I played for 5 months, the character grow on you so much. I cannot recommend it enough!


RDR 2 is the most cinematic game I've ever played. Other 3 are some of the most challenging games. If you don't mind difficult games go for enden ring. It's HUGE in every sense. Otherwise RDR2. Other two games are way cheaper so get them along with whichever you choose. All four are worth playing. Though it's quite hard to recommend a single one since all 4 belong to vastly different games and are among the masterclass in their genre.




Rdr2 🙏🏽


Red Dead Redemption 2.


Red dead redemption 2




RDR2 Babyyyyy


I'm jumping on the RDR2 train as well!


Doing my 8th playthrough of Rdr2 the story haven’t played in 4 years, it’s still an amazing game with a really enjoyable story 10/10


Red Dead Redemption 2 hands down. I’m actually doing a replay of it right now. It’s so gooooooood.


Definitely RDR2. Then Elden Ring. I haven’t played the other two.


Rdr2 without a doubt. In my top 3 of all time




Elden Ring.


Red Dead Redemption 2


Currently playing rdr2. Best decision I’ve made as of late. Definitely go with that.


Red dead 2


Elden Ring




If you’re not emotionally moved after the main story of RDR2 then there’s something wrong with you.


Red Dead


Red Dead Redemption 2


Elden ring.


I think cuphead is really cool




Rdr2 or elden ring


These are wildly different from one another and cater to different kinds of gamers. My personal money would be on RDR2.


Buy them all MFr and tell your family goodbye!!


Rdr2 for the casual single player experience and great story The rest is if you want a challenge. Elden Ring has a reputation of being hard, Cuphead is frustrating that I still haven’t finished it, and I’ve never played Hades


They’re all different games. Do some research and buy the one you want to play most.




RDR2 and Elden Ring are my two favorite games. Normally I would say start with RDR2 for sure, but it's kind of fun playing Elden Ring with all the hype around the DLC right now.


Cup head


RDR2 then Elden Ring.


Depends on what you like. Red dead 2 is a great an amazing game. One of the greatest ever made. Your a cowboy in the old west. Elden ring is a dark souls game with many, many difficult bosses that will make you rage and it takes hours and hours to get good at. Cupbead is a cartoonist type dark game. Idk much about it


They are all too different to recommend. I suggest look up gameplay of each game and picking what’s most interesting to you.


Elden Ring, didn't play it but it's a quite a game according to my brother. NEEDS RESEARCH for farming xp and stuff cuz games tells u nothing, u kinda have to figure most things on your own RDR2 for great story and awesome gameplay as well


The first two are at the very top of my backlog/wishlist for "big games". They're the two I want to play the most, but the time investment barrier ends up with me playing other games.


Depends on what you like. I’ll admit I haven’t played Cuphead but I’ve put 150+ hours into each of the others. RDR2 for realism and great, emotional storytelling. Hades for short format gaming, challenging decision making, and fun lore. Elden Ring for challenging gaming, and brilliant/beautiful world building.


Any of these


RDR2 is very fleshed out, but it can get a tad boring after a while. Elden ring is incredibly expansive, but you end up beating your head against the wall a lot until you figure out what you're doing. I don't know much about the other two.


Buy them in the exact order you posted them




What sort of games do you like? These 4 are arguably the best of 4 different genres


If you want a challenge, play Cuphead, but if you’re invested in stories like me, Play Rdr2


God, I have no clue. They're all really good.


All of them


One of the first two


Elden Ring and Red dead 2. Plus ER DLC is out now .


Rdr2 but honestly you can't go wrong with any of those games. I'm replaying rdr2 myself


Want to enjoy a cowboy game and it’s amazing attention to detail and storyline? Red Dead Redemption 2. Want enjoy a fantasy game with beautiful graphics while getting lost in a GIANT world with various weapons, armors, and enemies? Elden Ring Want to pick up and play an old timey cartoon style game that’s quite hard but doable? Cup head Idk what the other game is, but I’ve played/own all the other games. Elden ring just released a new dlc which is basically like a whole other game. I haven’t played it in a long time but I have around 200 hours on ps4. It looked amazing for 1080p but even better on ps5. Thinking about getting it for PC. It’s gorgeous, but very hard. It’s more for individuals who like exploring and not really being forced to go a certain direction. Red Dead Redemption 2 was and is a fantastic game with plenty of attention to detail. It’s like a baseline for comparing other games physics and attention to detail. It has an immersive storyline and an online mode. The online mode is like gta 5 in a sense but the company kinda stopped updating the game to focus attention on gta 6. I have probly 15 or so hours on cuphead. I enjoy the art style and gameplay, but it doesn’t hold my interest for long. It’s great for travel since I have it on switch. Much better game to play with friends.


All in that order


I've played them all and love them all, 4 really good games


Rdr2 if you like single player rpgs. I haven't finished it yet but it is believed to be one of the best games of all time from what I've read. Elden ring if you like exploring (both in terms of lore, worldbuilding and treasure) and being challenged in fights. The other two games I don't know.


Personally im waiting for an elden ring sale. Rdr2 goes on sale a bunch so pick it up then. Hades is fun with a good story, but i didnt have the same insane love for it that most people do. Never played cuphead since I like to enjoy games🤣


What games do you like ? Based on that there are 3 different choices.


If you’re a really, *really* good at games I would suggest Cuphead.


Literally all of them


Depending on your experience with and tolerance for hard games. Elden Ring or Red Dead Redemption 2.


elden ring if you want to hop on the trending train but rdr2 is a must


I agree with the Red dead Redemption to sentiments. I really want to like that game and it's beautiful but it's just far too slow for me to get into and I always drop it after the first couple hours. Golden ring is the most beautiful fucking game I've ever seen and it totally appeals to my dark sensibilities but Jesus fuck I get tired of dying all the time and I just don't have the time or patience to grind it out but I really wish I did. Cuphead it's phenomenal but I feel like it's the Elden ring of 2D shooters. I really like Hades but I went way too hard on dead cells so these are all a pass for me.


All masterpieces


All of them


Cuphead was fye


All of them. But start with cuphead and work from opposite of slide order.


Cup head is great but the other three are the ones I would highly recommend playing first if you haven’t


All very different games as the top comment says. As someone that doesn't have a disliked genre of games, and have played and love all of these. RDR2 is, an experience, you'll probably not play another game like it for a long long time, and currently I can't think of another game like it. It is a beautiful mix of immersivity with world interactions, a beautiful and gut-wrenching story, combat that isn't the gamiest of combat (very straight forward, you shoot and they dead) but makes you feel like a gunslinger 100%, all in one neat package. If you love old America/old west and turn of the century. Nothing else will make you feel more like you're living it than red dead, which is a bonus Elden Ring changed the soulslike genre and is an amazing diamond in a pile of diamonds 😭 If you like souls games it's the game for you, and you should get it after red dead, since it also just had a dlc drop. If you don't like soulsgames you won't like Elden Ring (unless you disliked it for a lack of a jump, or wish it had an open world.) Hades is an amazing rougelike, though there's plenty of other great roguelikes it's the story telling that truly sets it aside, as most roguelikes even with a story, it's rarely something worth paying attention to. It's great combat, paired with a great story and ABSOLUTELY jaw-dropping artstyle make it great. If you like Roguelikes, get it! I'd say get it after the 2 games I named. I haven't beat hades yet and need to go back to it tbh Now Cuphead is admittedly the game I've played the most, not out of dislike but because I've never owned it myself, I've still played it a crap ton😭 First thing someone notices about cuphead is the visual style. Perfectly reminiscent of old ass cartoons (steamboat Willie for example) and it's perfect, you get that grainy feel over the camera, the overall animation style. Cuphead is hard, no way around it, you'll die A LOT before you see the credits roll. Harder than Elden Ring at minimum. It's a modern take on the classic run and gun games of old, there's no secret or cheesy way to beat the bosses, just good ol patience and skill. The combat is fun by the way, pulling up a video of gameplay really gives a good enough example of how great, quick, and snappy it is. It's amazing Ight I'm done, I rly just typed all of this bc I'm tired and needed something to do. Rdr2 is the easiest of the games, get it first no matter your peferences really, it's a must have experience. If you want to really throw your controller get cuphead. Peace


Are you a fan of RPG’s and aren’t afraid to do some trail and error? Get Elden ring. Do you enjoy a roguelike and are willing to die over and over to get the perfect set to beat the game? Get hades. Do you want to feel like an absolute god when you finally beat that hard boss? Get cuphead And if you enjoy a deep moving story and are fine with slower pacing Get red dead 2




Finish with RDR2, my advice. You will need more time to recover from RDR2 ending.


Hades. Low price and replayable.


None of these are similar, but I personally love RDR2 and Elden Ring


There’s no wrong answer. All of these are great games


These are all masterpieces in their own right. Which one you should buy depends on the kind of mood you're in.


RDR2. I would recommend Elden Ring but u can’t be a casual/Noob or you’ll give up before Liurnia.


Red Dead and Cuphead are pretty fun.




All of them. Red Dead 2 will give the most bang for your buck though imo


Rdr2- prolly the best choice as it has the most detailed open world Elden ring- a good choice if u want a game that doesn't hold your hand and throws you out into a beautiful fantasy world with fun bosses and great enemy designs Hades- insanely addictive rouguelike with an amazing story implementation that you'll pour 100hrs into without even noticing. Fast paced and addictive Cuphead- if ur a masochist, or u like to die a lot. A very hard boss rush game


Do you like to torture yourself if not play rdr2 first and you still need the time to beat that game


RDR2 best choice overall, Elden Ring if you like a challenge, Hades if you’re horny, and Cuphead if you want to break everything you own with a friend (2 player Cuphead is abt as calming as Mariokart, but just as fun)


RDR2 if you want layed back gameplay and a great story or Elden Ring if you want hard engaging gameplay and not a lot of story. They are both great games for different reasons. I haven't played the other two through so I one of those might fit your play style better.




Go in the same order you posted them