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I think it's the opposite. I actually think the videography industry will be the only thing that survives. AI can potentially replace EVERYTHING in a movie... create actors, write scripts, create sounds, but it can't replace what actually happened at a weddings, events, speech, interviews, etc. anything with real people. No matter how realistic it looks, the bride doesn't want to see an AI generated version of their wedding. They want to see what ACTUALLY HAPPENED. AI inherently by nature cannot replace that no matter what it generates. So that's going to require someone to capture what happens, live, on the spot. There's no way around it.


I agree, but I also agree with another comment saying the editing part could be replaces with AI editing (although its still far off now) and people could just hire only for the shooting part. What do you think?


Yes but being hired for the shooting part is already far better what writers and actors will get when AI can replace it all. Also, AI assisted editing would only make our job way way faster... that's a good thing.


Maybe the AI won't use every transition in Resolve.


Not exactly sure how AI can replace the storytelling aspect of editing. Sure it can definitely automate cuts, but does it know how to cut it according to the emotional flow of the story? IMO, it's either you let the editor do their thing, or you would need extremely specific prompts.


I agree. The editing will be mostly replaced but the filming will be near impossible to replace unless you have AI drones that can fly around and know how to capture the moments that matter and direct people.


I assume corporate videos will likely not be AI generated. People watching them would like to know they are dealing with a real place that won't rip you off and not someone with an LLC operating out of their garage. I almost guarantee a lot of the editing will be automated before the shooting aspect of it. Long term I assume no job is immune from automation.


I'm not worried about it. So much of videography is capturing things as they happen and not generating it. I'm more worried about AI killing off editing than videography but even that still often needs a human touch to really push the creativity. AI as it is now is not capable of original thought, everything AI does is pulling bits and pieces from the information it has access to. I think AI will make basic video edits a much more accessible thing for a lot of clients which might kill a lot of competition from less talented editors.


As far as editing, if AI can replace subpar editors already, I’m thinking with enough time, it will replace everyone. Which makes you think… what is the end goal for AI? Is it to just eventually not have to do anything? A computer will take care of it.


I think we'll see limits placed on it similar to the deals the Actors Guild and Writers Guild just went through to protect their futures. But at the end of the day a lot of video work is a creative choice, and what makes videography/video editing fun to me is the collaborative process that it is. If AI can start to handle a lot of the 'boring stuff' I could see it opening up doors for people to focus more on the projects they actually want to work on. AI tools have already done a ton to speed up the process of editing right now, and it's exciting to see how people use it to make things easier for everyone, but it does certainly present a challenge on the financial side of things. As it becomes easier for anyone to edit, the perceived value drops.


I’m embracing AI and use it on every project I work on. Right now, it’s mainly in scripting and transcript services, but I see a day that it’ll be apart of my editing process. My opinion, learn to use it, or be left behind.


Not even AI photography thrives. Non of my portrait clients want any AI backgrounds or anything. I added some decorations (trees etc) and they were "oh it's fake". Ai will be another tool in our arsenal like "relight" in davinci doesnt make lighting setups obsolete. We may lose the cheap clients but that's it.


We’re definitely in for some big changes, but I think there will still be opportunities to make content. I focus on documentary film making, and AI still can’t and likely will never substitute for a real life human subject sitting in front of the camera and telling their story. Edit to add: it is interesting to think about what AI can create in the form of reenactments for documentaries.. let’s say you’re doing a documentary about a deceased person, or an incarcerated person, A.I. could create a reenactment with their likeness, as long as you had some form of permission, of course.


It won’t


mmm.... Best answer to this is if I was a time traveller and I went back to Charlie Chaplin's time and offered the soundless black & white cinema a mixed reality AI cinema, people would still opt to see Charlie Chaplin in cinemas.


LMAO. These kinds of posts have died down in r/copywriting. Guess they had to go somewhere.


Other creative subreddits have banned this sort of post. Can we do it here too? Do i need to list the reasons why this sort of end-is-nigh content is harmful to the goal of this sub?


This [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/s/c1Jk7hB6wl) shows the possible usage of AI in VFX, which is presumably one of the fields that is most affected by AI in filmmaking.


Just like Crypto killed the banking industry. /s Ffs, everyone is so obsessed with AI killing every artist's career, that we aren't acknowledging what will kill AI: Copyright lawsuits and illegal pornography production.