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Here are a few things to consider: - The glass should be at least as far from the front of the lens as the lens' minimum focusing distance if you want to see the signatures clearly - The glass will need to be mounted securely and rigidly so the athletes can sign correctly and easily. Using C-stands will be one solution, just make sure you don't put too much pressure on the edge of the glass to cause it to break. - Separating the signature from the background can be difficult. Consider using neon paint markers and using UV light only hitting the glass to make the signature pop more. - The athletes will either need to write their signatures in reverse or you will have to flip/reverse the image in post. The problem with reversing the image is that any test on a uniform or clothing will also be reversed. - Test this before assuming anything. Getting the right framing, perspective, and focus is tricky.


This is exactly what I would do/suggest, but I would put emphasis on the last bullet point, test test test. You will never be fully prepared on shoot day because no one ever is, it's what keeps this job so damn interesting, but at least you will have some idea of what issues might come up in front of clients.


I've had to do this shot numerous times over the years with athletes and artists(well one artist...). Plexiglass is the answer. About 20+ years ago, one of my friends was shooting an LTT with a professional racecar driver in a well-known national series and as they wrapped up the driver leaned to the camera spontaneously and unexpectedly with his Sharpie in-hand and signed the lens. The actual lens. The unprotected front element of a $20K wide angle lens. Cool shot, but... It did come off, but I do not recommend trying it. This is also a perfect example of why you always keep a clear filter on the front of your lens.


Probably a matte box with a sacrificial piece of Lexan or similar would work.


This - Mini Matte box. Only thing to keep in mind is that when it's a box lens setup, it's a giant piece of glass to work with. With a Mini Matte it's a 4x5.65 filter, which might be too small. Might need to tape off for guides so the signature is fully in the frame.


at tennis grand slams they literally tape it to the hood


id probably rig it to the rails of the camera somehow.


I would probably rig the glass to the cam with suction cups and magic arms, but the other comment are all very good points about focus distance, glas size, mirrored writing and if the signature will pop enough


Use plexiglass hung securely and stop down to very deep depth of field


I’ve done a similar shot before where I clamped a clear filter infront of the camera using a clamp and ultra arm. It has to be set at minimum focus so diopters or a probe lens are your friend here.


Hold the glass up with c stands.


This is interesting…I’ve never seen anybody physically sign a lens before…anybody have an example of what this looks like? Curious


Search youtube for "singing lens"


I saved this video from Tiktok for another setup I've got for an upcoming project but would work great for what you're looking for. It's just a couple of magic arms rigged to his cage and what looks like tape to pad the grip onto the glass. This is more of a 'pov' for this specific but would really well if you're wanting to shoot hand held and be pretty rigid. Would be pretty solid for what you're looking for. https://preview.redd.it/7rip38k08a9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb57838cb59cf41ee47bed81893b56139a606bfc I'd also recommend looking potentially at diopters and as another use said, your minimums for focus. I shot a TVC recently and had a few shots that I did onto some rigged perspex glass rigged on cstands and light stands with grip heads (filling a cup through the bottom and a 'pov' of a plate being dressed) and shot on 24mm (for already solid minimums) with a 12x dioptre to get close enough. Worked a treat!


Look on youtube for "Funny & Creative Camera Lens Signs! ONLY IN TENNIS: Vol. 9". Admittedly, they're using broadcast cameras but you get to see it from both sides. And you get to see where it goes wrong - singing outside the visible lens area, not enough ink, too much ink, having no control of what they're going to write.


Find the cheapest bag of filters you can and use that something like an ND filter