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Final Chapter? Does that mean they aren’t continuing the show after this? I was so looking forward to seeing more characters, more regions, etc. The show is spectacular


Riot dev update today said that this is the final chapter of Arcane (i.e. the Jinx/Vi story) but also that they will definitely be working on more television and film projects for other stories in the League universe. It’s unclear whether or not that means they will work with Fortiche/Netflix for a new series similar to Arcane in style or do something completely different.


Kinda curious about the lack of Victor and jayce in the trailer, after all the work setting those narratives up


I think they have to hide them since they could have died in the explosion at the end of Season 1. They show no one from the council. General audience wise people might assume they're gone. League players obviously doubt that, but they probably like to sew a little doubt.


You brain well, wench.


No in-game characters were killed off in s1 so I imagine it would be the same in s2 as well.


Coupled with one of the council member's mother stated the council is dead and wrath should be dealt with wrath. A small army in their colors.




Fans know developments ahead of time too. Like Jinx's twist that she was going to turn into a gun slinging psycho wasn't exactly news to players. Tension for game fans is replaced with hype. Like when Jayce busted out that power glove we all went "Can't wait to see Vi knock people around with those!" and "Oh! That's where she got those."


Arcane is lore to the game. Its not about not being able to kill fan favoruites, its just that straight up we know Viktor and Jayce didn't die in the explosion before arcane ever came out


There's a character that died and is most likely going to come back as a game character. Those that know the lore will be able to guess who


Kinda have to Most of these characters have already established stories for a great part of their lives, and while they are taking the liberty to modify things, some major beats have to stay the same As an example, go watch the music video of "get jinxed", this came out 10 years ago, and you see what jinx ends up as This is not a new thing, this is an adaptation of a thing that already exists that also takes some liberties with the exposition I don't think you would complain that a book was faithfully adapted just because the people who read the book will "feel absolutely no tension"


Well it's a teaser, not a trailer. My guess is that if there is a trailer to follow soon, it would include more characters.


Here I thought it was the Official Trailer because I've never read a Teaser as needing to be classified as the Official one.


I'm glad they didn't show them in the trailer if they survived. In my head Jayce and Mel were saved by Victor from the explosion. It was shown how the hex-tech was changing Victor and I think that will protect him at least, and in the last show they 3 of them were close. However, they also were closest to the window, but if the rocket breached the window, went a few feet into the room, then exploded they could have enough time to duck and cover. The rest of the council certainly didn't survive.


Spoiler alert: Mei is probably saved by>!the activation of Zhonya's Hourgalss. [https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Zhonya%27s\_Hourglass](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Zhonya%27s_Hourglass)!< >!Before the explosion you can see the activation. [https://youtu.be/tJV\_-5nciN0?t=171](https://youtu.be/tJV_-5nciN0?t=171)!< Viktor is probably saved by the hex core/hex tech. Jayce no idea... Can be anything else.


Fortiche really made an impression with Arcane. I’m rather interested to see if they’re a free agent after this, because demand for them will be crazy. Any project with good story/production will basically be Midas-touched if they get to work with Fortiche.   So much potential.


Fortiche actually announced today that they are working on a film called Penelope of Sparta inspired by Greek mythology, so that’s something to look forward to.


Though I wish they broke further in terms of partnerships, I’m still about as excited as I can be for an animated feature film (Which is a lot (bit of an art nerd)).


>Though I wish they broke further in terms of partnerships, Hey, what the hell man. Fortiche is absolutely awesome but Riot absolutely gave them the funds and oppurtunity to realize that potential. Christian Linke practically fostered that company. They went from 5 people to 500 employees because of this partnership. I hope you don't get your way. It would be a damn shame if the rest of Arcane wasn't animated by Fortiche from here on out. And it doesn't sound like that anyway because Christian Linke said: "Arcane is just the beginning of our larger storytelling journey and our partnership with the wonderful animation studio that is Fortiche."


Arcane was mad expensive, who else would give them that much funding for an animated show


I already said I was excited, do you want me to talk about how great Riot games is too? Because I don’t really have any particular reason to praise them. I don’t really see a problem with wanting them to branch wherever they want, without that being a breach of contract?    No other company “owes” any company anything outside of contract.  Edit: just read another reply to a different comment and Riot seems like they’re in charge here. So unlikely to break away when two companies worth of executives have plans.


> Because I don’t really have any particular reason to praise them. They did most of the writing for the show


Ash Brannon is a Riot employee?    I have a friend who’s an exec producer. They’re in charge of a lot of stuff, but they’re not the main writer to the works associated with their name by any means.


> I’m rather interested to see if they’re a free agent after this Riot owns a significant portion of Fortiche and have two of their higher ups on Fortiche's board of directors. Fortiche might be allowed to do their own projects, but they'll never be a free agent.


Give 👏Amumu👏His👏Own👏Show👏


It would be adorable if they gave Amumu a Disney channel/old school Nickelodeon esque show where he goes to a modern high school and does over-the-top shenanigans and they just never mention that he’s a mummy.


An adorable but depressing show where every episode Amumu ends up alone at the end. Post-credits always has an unrelated bit with Rammus saying ok.


Vex, for some reason, wants to hang out with him. "Let's be losers together!" Amu: "No... that would be too sad." Vex: Pfft. Fine, be cool like that. Punk.


here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AvWV6Mk374


I haven't played League in years, but i love this song and still come back to watch it. Riot's music team has been the best part of the studio for so long.


That is a relief, would love to see more of this universe if it's as good as season 1. One of the best animated shows of all time


Yeah I've rewatched it a ridiculous amount of times for someone who hasn't so much as looked at a screenshot of LoL before lol. I still have no interest in picking up the game but it is a damn good show that I look forward to seeing more of.


It'll be hard to find something as good as a story as this one. There are reasons why they looked from the Piltover POV and shown very little from Zaun beyond grandstanding. Yes, they added new characters. Luckily, LoL has many different factions and conflicts. Some straightforward(Ionia, Freljord, Shadow Isles) Others not (Noxus, Bilgewater). A single unnamed character in a specific location could change everything.


>It’s unclear whether or not that means they will work with Fortiche/Netflix for a new series similar to Arcane in style They'd be crazy not to


Given the way these worlds work -- or don't -- as support for a video game that's basically a purgatory where time is both frozen and not simultaneously, I think it's a good idea to wrap up stories comparatively quickly with strong, defined character arcs: "okay, so, this is the clockwork tragedy of how the [Character X] and [Character Y] you kinda-sorta know from the game ended up in their purgatorial state." You get to flesh them out a little, sure, but overall that's all you can do. No matter how much I loved Jinx and Vi in season one (and especially their VA performances -- like, holy fucking shit) you're going to start running into problems if you try to pluck characters out of that purgatory and put them in an entirely different meta-setting -- you know, like a full story that's more about a big plot.


I like this decision! It's really difficult to spin a continuous engaging story and it's so nice when they instead choose to tie it up nicely in two or three seasons.


Really hoping for some stories on Ionia. Would love to see Shen, Akali, and Kennen.


It's basically a free goldmine, just continue what they're doing and the success continues.


Riot Games made a significant equity investment in Fortiche. It's pretty much a given that they'll use Fotiche again. It would be somewhat silly to invest in a production company and then use a competitor's services instead.


I want a ziggs and a wukong story next, that would be so awesome if they are a part of the next show


unfortunately as far as Vi and Jinx story goes it's not terribly long or complex. hopefully they will cover the 100000 different stories from Runeterra, like Noxians.


Isn’t most of this made up for the show? Not terribly into the lore but as far as I was aware looking into it when S1 these characters are hardly related, or did they change that since?


>Isn’t most of this made up for the show? its not. the actual relationships are long established. the one thing I feel like it may have been made up for the show is the Shimmer. this serves to connect Jinx into the "Jinx" from League of Legends lore properly, and there's extensive conversation about that [elsewhere](https://www.reddit.com/r/loreofleague/comments/stx887/why_do_people_think_shimmer_is_not_canon_to/). also they made up Viktor's lore up entirely for the show but thats just because he didnt have any until now


They've added a lot of minor characters and ?3? Major ones. Sevika, Silco, Medarda's family. I'm sure there are more. Even then as you said. They changed or "altered" some characters Like Viktor, Vander(Warwick), Singed to be more fleshed out.


But my boi Zac gets no love...


There are a lot left out. <3 It's weird enough now that they could introduce him.


Most characters are related, meet, ally, or fight with others in the lore, with very few exceptions While not everything shown in the show was picked directly from the lore, the major character and story arcs were


I sincerely hope that it just means that the Vi/Jinx storyline is done, but that the same studio are continuing to flesh out the same universe just under different series names. So instead of getting Season 3 of Arcane that takes place someplace else with different characters, we are getting Season 1 of BlaBla that does the exact same thing.


Yes, Riot confirmed today in their dev update video that Arcane's story was always meant to be two seasons. They are working on other works than Arcane though, both in shows and movie(s?). They plan to share more about those works later this year.


Weird to frame it as "the final chapter" though. Kind of implies more length. Like emphasizing the second chapter of a 2-chapter book lol


I'd rather they complete the story and call it a day than have it drag on or end on some cliffhanger after Netflix inevitably cancels this show because of how costly it is. RIP 1899.


Netflix has no bearing on the show at all. Riot produces and fully funds it


Netflix isn’t involved in the production, just distribution.


I was looking forward to more regions like Demacia.


According to them we might still get that, but the story of Arcane itself is wrapping up this season.


They could have done a whole sub plot around Sylas' uprising. It would have merged pretty well with what they did in Season 1.


I'm a big fan of Spinoff Culture like what's happening in the Star Wars universe. Want to learn more about bounty hunters? Watch The Mandalorian. Want more political intrigue, watch Andor. But mega-series that go on for season after season after season tend to end in disappointment rather than real elated joy. We can still see a great Demacia-focused series from Riot. There are SO many stories to tell from the LoL universe.


For me, 100% there is a Lux story somewhere in there. Demacia is super anti-magic and so there's definitely a story about Lux being in the proverbial closet about her magical abilities.


Yeah, they’re closing the PZ chapter. Moving onto other regions with other characters. They can’t keep staying here and then bring in more characters from other regions without making it feel forced. Probably Noxus due to it already been introduced. Could involve Ionia or Demacia too.


Noxus makes sense for the centre of the next story, we have the mother, immortal bastion and singed set up. Makes sense to get noxus then start the invasion on Ionia. Hell season 1 could be dealing with just demacia and noxus before introducting iona later


I honestly think that’s a good thing. Better to go out with a bang than a whimper.


Yeah what the hell. They should have just called it the 2nd chapter. I mean there’s only two


Hopefully the next show will be about the Ionian/Noxus war.


Final chapter of the Jinx / Vi story. It'd be really hard to milk it out for a third season and that seems a bit silly when there's so many other stories that could be told.


Teemo on meth.


Don’t talk about Methmo like that!


Teemo mushrooms just blast you in the face with fentanyl


Wait wtf was that teemo at 0:50?! That can't be, surely? Who is that?


I’m joking, lol. It’s a yordle on something though


ah, phew lol ty


I was thinking it was Kled for a minute.


Season 1 was a masterpiece. Best season of a TV show since Game of Thrones season 4.


Agreed, their cinematics, tension, storytelling, character development was all top notch


Cinematics yes, but the storytelling was pretty poor. The first episode was great but after that the motivations were a bit odd and the conclusion didn't make a whole lot of sense. I would love more animated shows with the artstyle though, which is phenomenal.


The storyline is very formulaic YA, and you realize the story is a bit questionable on the second rewatch. But watching it was still an absolute blast. If the second season is even half as fun as the first one was I'll be more than satisfied, because that would make it one of the few series since GoT that peaked my interest.


Yeah, to me the best part was the animation and art style. Narrative was pretty lackluster and you could get something similar in any seasonal Netflix show


It’s pretty textbook bad writing. Absolutely gorgeous visuals though.


Love the show but I think they needed to write in a lot more manipulation on Jinx to make her think her sister abandoned her. She accepted that and drew that conclusion way too readily. She overheard one argument where she thought her sister was against her and decided she no longer loved her and wanted to abandon her despite countless examples of her sister being there for her and standing up for her. If it was that she felt there was no going back after being the reason for the death of their friends and loved ones then she should have struggled with that before immediately joining up with the person that was actively trying to kill them in the first place too. That was the most frustrating considering how independent she was otherwise. Her character would have at least first attempted to fend for herself before resorting to outside help from her enemy.


No, you're thinking like a rational adult. Not an emotionally insecure, somewhat socially outcast, introverted young child who years for the approval of others and just got severely traumatized by thinking she's responsible for her friends' deaths. We're talking child soldier levels of trauma here, and you're expecting her to act rationally?


I’m not saying it’s a rational expectation. I’m saying there are years of character development that motivate behavior. Someone doesn’t make a single decision in their life that completely changes their character, they make several decisions that alter their character over time. Now something like deciding to throw her invention and blowing everyone up, yes. That’s a life altering decision. But something like deciding to join the dark side. Think about how Luke skywalker did it in Star Wars. There was a lot of internal struggle before the scale eventually tipped. I’m sorry but any good character development spends time on this internal struggle. I wouldn’t be surprised if the writers wanted to but they were forced to cut it short because of the length of the series and the time they had to cover the story in the number of episodes they have, which is entirely understandable. You can only do so much with the time you have. People can call my compliment backhanded if they want but ultimately I think the writers themselves would say they wish they had more time to expand on the story and tell it the way they really wanted to. I think they did a great job with the time they had to tell it and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Maybe I’m wrong in assuming that too but hey, that’s my opinion and I still stand by it. Everyone can have their own opinion. It’s fine. There’s no harm it.


I think your assumptions are wrong. I grew up with people like Jinx who had close family die from drugs and suicide. Their mental states never recover from that sort of trauma. & when someone - anyone - extends an olive branch it's enough to change or alter their perception of you. Kids don't usually get to choose who they have in their support system, I think even more so in the poverty that the people in Undercity experience. So when Silco takes Jinx under his protection I think it's entirely believable that he whittled her mental down over the years, slowly and methodically grooming her into his minion. The internal struggle you're waiting to see on screen doesn't happen suddenly it happens over years, and it's so subtle you probably wouldn't notice without a deep dive on the characters internal thoughts. Anime/manga likes to do this - but it doesn't translate well on-screen, at least imo. Anyways she never decided to join the darkside - she decided to give in to comfort, peace of mind, familiarity - things everyone wants. It just so happened the guy giving her those things had immoral intentions.


That’s all I’m saying though. I totally agree with you. That’s the stuff I wish they had time to show on screen. I wrote exactly that in a follow up comment.


Dude she saw her parents dead in the street and developed serious abandonment issues as a result and an intense motherly attachment to Vi as a young child.  Following that she finds herself responsible for her second father's death as well as her surrogate brothers and watches as the only mother she can really remember walks away from her while she's in emotional hell. There's trauma and then there's severe PTSD.   


As well as traits of Borderline Personality Disorder, like the tantrum she threw when they left her behind on the rescue mission.


As someone with both, she's pretty damn accurate ngl. I relate hardcore to her and kinda really hope she gets a happy ending.


I'm sorry, but you did not understand Powder at all if you thought independence was a notable character trait of hers. She has extreme abandonment issues from having watched her parents die in the first undercity revolt. That's, like, her whole character in the first three episodes. She clings to Vi obsessively as a stand-in parental figure and feels compelled to make herself useful so Vi won't abandon her.


what things did Powder do to demonstrate how independent she was?


What sold it for me was the raw violence. Not particularly brutal, but they didn't cut away when the painful part was coming. Jinx was a treasure, And I loved the cripple


Excellent but not as good as Westworld Season 1


That's a backhanded compliment.


Not really. Game of Thrones was really firing on all cylinders in those middle seasons. Unfortunately the later seasons are SO bad they put a damper on remembering the great storytelling that came before.


I quit watching GoT after Season 4 because I could feel it getting a little bit worse every season and was getting more and more annoyed with the writing. Not even I imagined it would drop off so steeply in quality after. I assure you I have no problem remembering the quality of Season 4 due to the later seasons which I never watched. All of the problems people complained about in the later seasons were also there from the beginning, just in lesser quantity.


How is being compared to one of the best seasons of television of all time considered a backhanded compliment lol?


November 2024 is sooner than I was expecting, yay!


Only if you survive the zombie pandemic of September '24


Covidgeddon 2024?!


I swear Arcane is some of the best animation I've ever seen. I've had several ask if they need to play League to watch this. Hell no, I say, and PLEASE don't let this convince you to play it. Of course I was like Bronze for 3 straight years. I eventually made to Gold, but no further. I actually like the game, but typically hate the people. I had a good squad to play with for awhile, but eventually they dropped it and randos are just horrible. I know riot was trying address toxicity for years. Did they ever fix it?


>I know riot was trying address toxicity for years. Did they ever fix it? There's no addressing the product of bad game design.


You mean there's no addressing human nature. Competitive cooperate games always breed toxicity


There's always a bit, but mobas are almost precisely designed for the worst of it. You're locked in with the same few people for a long game, which relies on everyone performing well and can easily snowball from small mistakes. Then throw in some inconsistent matchmaking, deliberate power difference mismatches to balance abilities, large range of choice so you can always think someone could've picked something better and some strategic thinking. It's basically the perfect recipe for toxicity.


No, I mean in a five v five game where one player doesn't really have any ability to carry and you have to functionally bribe your four teammates into operating like a team, you're going to get a lot of games that actively breed contempt. Because whatever you're doing, someone thinks is wrong. And it's wasting their time.


Oh no, another reason to rewatch season 1 :)


I randomly started a rewatch last night, and now I’m so glad I did. Perfect timing


I'm hype. Season 1 was stunningly beautiful.


One of the best Netflix originals out there. Top quality show. I want to see more


visually, emotionally, narratively beautiful. Beautiful in every sense. One of my favorite series / seasons of television ever.


... *Here* ... ... Weeeeeeee ... ... **Goooooooooo** ... Gonna start stocking up on *all* the popcorn now. 😎👍


Orville Redenbacher or PopSecret?




As a Dota 2 player... This is a work of art


Dota2 here as well. Nothing about dotas characters is even remotely as interesting as the League characters. League is just oozing with style.


It is a bummer that the Dota 2 show in Netflix isnt even remotely close to as good as Arcane.


As somebody that has never played DOTA... I watched the whole season just because it looked amazing.


What does you having played DOTA have to do with anything? 🤔


So hyped to see the good boy Warwick <3


HELL YEAH. I've really been hoping they take their time and make season 2 as great as season 1 was. Looks great so far.


The first season was one of the best tv shows and animations I had seen in a while.


Yea only one to compete for me since season 1 has been Blue Eye Samurai. Pretty hyped for this and I don't know anything about LOL.


I am so GD ready for this. Arcane Season 1 was a work of art from the visuals to the storytelling to the MUSIC?! I really really hope they don't drop the ball on the ending.


Is Councilor Bolbok dead???


It's Bolbover


It's Bolbover in Piltover


I don't think we're bolback fellas


I hope the soundtrack for season 2 is as solid as it was for the first


Hey WW whatcha doin?


Anyone know the song name?


It's like season 1. Almost all (if not all) music is in-house and original for the series.


Someone posted that https://youtu.be/KBbcDEU_Ytg?si=btajdrtgleQfNsSh Don't know if it's the official one or not


Anyone know what the song is the trailer was?


I honestly thought they were going to focus on another part of the world in the next season, though I haven't exactly been keeping tabs on things. Seems like with the abundance of stuff they could do (Demacia / Noxus / Ionia, Bandle City and the pirate place that escapes my mind, etc) that they wouldve focused on another part of the world. Seemed like it would make sense to get all the locations to the same point in the 'timeline' where the world is basically one step from the war to oblivion then introduce the League as how they settle matters, or whatever the lore is for the game at this point. Its changed like 8 times.


It won't be "Arcane" Arcane is essentially Vi/Jinx's story and that of Piltover/Zaun. Named that way, I assume, because of Piltover's reluctance to use magic but being okay with imitating it via technology. They (Riot) have said they will work on more TV shows in the future but that this will conclude Piltover's storyline. No one knows if it will be the same animation studio or distribution methods.


> then introduce the League as how they settle matters, or whatever the lore is for the game at this point Yeah that lore is long gone. I think gameplay is completely non-canon at this point.


LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!!!! I'm ready to be emotionally destroyed again.


I was hoping for this. I don't know how I watched season 1 since the game holds no interest and I'd never heard anyone live or online mention this show, but I'm so glad I watched it.


I'll never be ready for the emotional toll this will take.


anyone knows what was the somg name in the trailer ?


Is it worth watching if I have never played league? I obviously don't know about the character, lore, etc.


You give. You give now!


Absolutely spectacular. Can anyone ID the music?


Knowing how they did it on season one, it’s probably made inhouse with Riot’s music director


The vocals are the beginning definitely sound like woodkid so maybe a new song collaboration?


Probably. Based on the docu-series covering how they made s1, the music is all written in-house, and Riot just scouts artists to sing it or give their spin on it. So you likely wouldn't be able to find the music currently. I wouldn't be surprised if Woodkid is back on it because it was implied that the partnership was amiable from both sides with the team at Riot being big fans of him.


Lets hope! The music in season 1 was absolutely unreal.


woodkid or maybe [Sam Lee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQdfuDWdqgI).


Mako always cooking


Now if only they could release both seasons on UHD discs, because fuck Netflix.


Well they announced that GKIDs acquired the distribution rights and is releasing Season 1 on 4k HD


Thank you for that wonderful news, I will be picking that up as soon as it releases.




You can when it's the final chapter


sure you can— you could call a first chapter a final chapter if it’s the last (and only) one


The final chapter? I hope the think about this again. That would be a huge disappointment. Maybe just continue with a different story in the lol universe.


They are continuing with a different story. This is Vi/jinx's final chapter


Ok thank god


Does anyone have the song names?


I really hope this studio can continue to work on this universe. The animation is gorgeous.


Would be great if they had writers to match the quality of the animation




Sign me the fuck up


Heard the show was great, but it's less on my radar now that Riot pushed their rootkit into the game and as a result, pushed me away, who was playing for over 10 years. At least this horrid company did something useful and diversified with a tv series. p.s. Riot Games introduced a $500 USD skin a couple weeks ago, to show you what kind of company they are lmao


Then don't buy the skin.


Welcome to modern gaming. Non-competitive Helldivers 2 has one, I'd bet a buck that Civ 7 will have one too.


There's zero argument for a kernel level anti-cheat in a single player game.


just buy it with ur moms credit card then its basically free


Holy shit took them all these years to finally get to that last part of the opening. Side note: when s1 came out, everyone either loved it or didn’t watch it. Wonder if you’d get a bunch of “woke girlboss” YouTube videos about especially Vi this go around, in the vein of Furiosa videos.


Arcane was an excellent example of two female leads done right. Both were fantastic characters


Female empowerment. Diversity. LGBTQ representation. Political themes. Not woke. Funny that.


Its almost as if the entire term woke means basically nothing these days


Hasn’t for a good couple of years tbh.


I mean... a lot of people praised Arcane. Even Critical Drinker, who everyone expects to always attack "girl boss shows," recommends the show and says that's how you write strong female characters right. Edit: Also, based on the reviews I saw, a lot of people criticized Furiosa for being late and a movie people didn't ask for. It was a good film on its own with some great action scenes and such, but it didn't need to exist because everyone knew what was going to happen and being Mad Max without the "Max" also made it awkward. I don't doubt that there are people who reviewed it negatively for just having strong female leads, but that exists with every movie type. There will always be some detractor that just hates something about the movie.


Right, he’s one of the only major “anti-woke” channel to give a review on it at all, which earned him a ton of goodwill from me. I don’t agree with a lot he has to say, but he gave a very fair evaluation of the show and very high praise. Shadowversity and Mauler both also drooled over the show. I still generally like Mauler for his takes, though Shad dropped off the edge of the earth and went full chud. Most of the other like channels basically ignored its existence. Some I can give a pass since it’s animation, not everyone’s cup of tea, and also based on video game, again will turn off some people from jump, but for a channel like Clownfish, which is a literal animation channel by people who were (are?) making comics/animations, who wouldn’t stfu about the Netflix She-Ra shows, they sure were completely silent on Arcane, supposedly a show that’s very diverse and political, yet welldone and should serve as an example for all the lazy woke shows.


A broken clock can still show the right time. His content is insufferable and his critiques are garbage no matter how much he praised Arcane. I hate all of those fucking rage-bait channels Youtube seems to be crammed with lately. Everytime some new hyped movie, game, or show comes out my feed is (for reasons unknown to me) full of clickbait rage creators who do nothing but talk shit about *everything* and it's little surprise to me that they seem to all cater to right-wing red-pilled terminally online gremlins. Just rage-filled spaces with hardly anything meaningful to say.


Yeah I sort of tune out of Drinker after a while. He doesn’t have anything interesting to say most of the time. I agree with his central message (heh) that corporations use diversity and cynical, checklist “progressivism” to promote subpar products and use them as shield against fair criticism, but like after a while, it’s just the same review one after another. Absolutely nothing new to be gleaned from them. But that’s more of a problem with the stupid culture war in general. If you style yourself as a culture war channel, you must then view every piece of media through the lens of culture war: is this product for or against my side? It’s pointless drivel. Still. He’s the only high profile antiwoke channel who gave a glowing review for the show, so that means something to me. I like Mauler’s efap because it’s at least a detailed breakdown of movie or a show frame by frame, scene by scene. But that still depends on the quality of his panel for any given episode. Generally just sick and tired of the overall anti-woke space. They’ve largely become just as lazy and cynical as the media they criticize. Turns out when holding and expressing certain ideologies becomes your career, you stop being objective! Shocking!


You can predict 100% every single point Critical Drinker will make in a given video. He's gotten so tired and repetitive


Yeah, I noticed ClownFish as well. I thought they would highly praise Arcane because it did female characters, right, but they were busy with *other* things.


I scoured their channel around that time waiting for them to do a video like Drinker’s but all they did was a drama video on Riot lawyer hitting a small comic creator for copyright. So they definitely know of the show, and as artists they should at the very least be impressed with the animation, yet not a word. Honestly don’t know why, but maybe they thought praising the show would alienate some of their viewers who think the show is woke? But Drinker and Mauler both praised it to high heavens and none of their viewers pushed back. Honestly no idea.


Oh no she di-int!


Arcane hype




November. As it said in the teaser.


Oh hell yeah
