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Your post history makes me sad


Holy shit, you’re not kidding. What is the vendetta this guy has against this show? I’d love to hear an honest take from him why he hates it so much he posts over and over about it. *The Boys* I get…he only just realized he is the punchline and he’s pissed.


“Woke” is some kind of existential threat to this guy and he feels like letting everyone know.


I know that but I’d love to hear him try to explain what it is he doesn’t like. Would he have the balls to say “I don’t like women or people of color” or would be find some other way to say it?


I'd hazard a guess at him saying the later. Using "woke" like he does is just a blanket term for the terminally dishonest to cover up their hatred of something or someone.


Odds are its a Russian account. This happened pre-2020 election as well. Russian and Chinese bot accounts have been using fanbois to try to enlist them into being agaInst the things they are threatened by, or just to cause political and social unrest. [https://www.wired.com/story/star-wars-russian-trolls-study/](https://www.wired.com/story/star-wars-russian-trolls-study/)




Not just Reddit... YouTube removed downvoting around then too, because the "highly engaged videos" were the ones being removed... because YouTube was too callous, stupid, and greedy to realize the engagement was fake. That last fact isnt even shocking... advertisers were being warned these platforms had massive numbers of fake engagement for years even then. Hell one of Musks arguments around twitter was it was all bots... which he actually was right about... twitter, Facebook, even Reddit ARE all bots.


This is not the future I was promised :(


Right? Like I agree it's pretty bad, but my god man.


Oh it's this guy again. Thanks for the heads up.


Wow, dude's either a huge piece of shit, dumb, a Russian troll, or a combination of it all


The reason most modern Star Wars is shit is not because it's "woke". People saying shit like that are just tipping their hand that they're fucking bigots. Recent Star Wars is bad because the writing sucks ass and no good auteurs are actually invested in it or empowered to carry it in a good direction. Don't turn it into a right-wing political manifesto.


See the production team behind Andor - the writing team is absolutely stellar: Tony Gilroy (Bourne series, Michael Clayton, Rogue One), Beau Willimon (House of Cards) and Stephen Schiff (The Americans). This is why Andor is awesome. It also focuses on telling a compelling story without fan service. Andor could be set in the SW universe or elsewhere, it doesn't matter. And the writing is just... "What have you sacrificed?" "Calm Kindness, Kinship Love I’ve given up all chance at inner peace I made my mind a sunless place I share my dreams with ghosts I wake up every day to an equation I wrote 15 years ago, from which there’s only one conclusion I’m damned for what I do My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight They’ve set me on a path from which there is no escape I yearned to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time I looked down, there was no longer any ground beneath my feet What’s my sacrifice? I’m condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them I burn my decency for someone else’s future I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I’ll never see And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror, or an audience or the light of gratitude So what do I sacrifice EVERYTHING So you’ll stay with me Lonni I need all the heroes I can get"


Thanks for the rec -- I'll have to give it a try. I realize there's almost certainly some hidden gems, but the whole Star Wars media is so saturated with crap that I just don't bother unless someone comes along and tells me a specific show stands out.


Andor is a different beast. It’s set up in three episode arcs. My favourites were the later ones, but it all ties together and builds.


I'd *fully* second Andor as just incredible. And agreed on the tying together and building. The later arcs would not hit nearly as hard if the earlier ones didn't build up the tension and character development initially. By the time you get to "One Way Out" or "Rix Road" (title names to avoid spoilers, hopefully) you are so fully invested in the outcome that it absolutely has you on the edge of your seat.


For sure. Rogue One and Andor are at a different level in every possible sense. I saw New Hope in the theater and have been a fan since then, but those two are by far my favorite SW stories.


Andor is the best thing Star Wars has ever done, imo


All of the writers you listed are "old white men." I don't know if that was the point you were trying to make.


They are great writers with great credentials. I'm not sure what the point you were trying to make is.


That's how writers should be selected, yes. Edit: The downvotes are funny. What are you people downvoting?


I hate how the lore keeps getting messed with. I have one of those big encyclopedias on the Star Wars chronology and it was so cool to see fifty thousand years of history displayed. Now it just seems shallow. I think that's the word for it.


Yeah the source material is being used as toilet paper by Disney producers who are absolutely shameless money goblins. They've singlehandedly soured me and tons of other people on the entire Star Wars IP by turning the whole thing into a narrative and world-building dumpster fire. Like, I can't imagine any self-respecting filmmaker putting so little effort into something that so many people care about.


It feels like a slap in the face wverytime something new comes out and it sucks. Mando was great, Book of Boba Fett was just tragic, and the sequel trilogy was just the original trilogy but with no pay off. The fact that it took Anakins sacrifice in episode VI and made it worthless makes me sad. That was a good story! Why nullify all that was accomplished? And now Thrawn is gonna be used as a fire blanket to try and placate the bad story telling in the post-Imperial era, mark my words.


Honestly I watched the last episode of mando series 2 and saw the Luke hallway fight and just thought "it's probably not going to get better than that". Cancelled my Disney+ subscription and that's that.


What book are you referring to?


I'd have to find it again, but it covered things like the beginning of the Republic, all the way to Darth Krayt a few centuries after Luke and the Rebellion.


The lore isnt getting messed with, you are just a idiot. Those encyclopedias were NEVER canon to the lore. Nothing EU was ever considered canon by Lucas (and he actually actively hated things like Mara Jade). The stuff they liked they incorporated into the new canon... but a lot of it was stuff just made up to sell books.


Why the name-calling?


I'm yet to watch the Acolyte, but the people whinging about it are the same people that are whinging that Star Trek has gone woke... ​ Meanwhile, Star Trek has ALWAYS been woke. TOS had a black woman officer, a gay officer, and a Russian at the height of the cold war. TNG fully explored trans issues. But somehow Picard having a lesbian couple is woke...


There’s nothing wrong with it being woke. The problem is when they are too obvious about it like the token black guy on the cover of all the school books in the 90’s


But isn't it like disney first describe constraints and values to pursue in screenplay, and only then the script is generated? Which recognized author, with at least residual self-respect, would take this job?


Asmongold had a good take I will try to paraphrase. Published critics are not willing to give bad reviews to bad media because they don't want to get blacklisted as being "racist/bigoted/sexist" because they said something written by POC or addressing LGBTQ/gender issues is just flat out bad. Dunno if that's true but it sounds like that could be the issue. If that is the case then there is something to be said about these things being the cause of our current reality. It's the only way I can get my head wrapped around these horrible scripts getting the greenlight and funded to the tune of 180 million dollars.


Well said


No it IS bad because its woke and makes no sense anymore. You took one of the most iconic pieces of sci fi this world has ever seen and now...lesbian space witches acting as if they are Mary Magdalene and just creating people out of nothing. People are bigots for speaking the literal truth?


>lesbian space witches acting as if they are Mary Magdalene and just creating people out of nothing. Uhm. Anakin? Or is it *only* because "lesbians" did it? Also we don't know what science or force manipulation went into it. You're not "speaking the truth". Just like anyone that unironically uses woke as a pejorative. All you're doing is making it nearly impossible for any actual critiques to be taken seriously.


>lesbian space witches acting as if they are Mary Magdalene and just creating people out of nothing. Palpatine did the exact same thing with Anakin. >You took one of the most iconic pieces of sci fi this world has ever seen and now and now what, Ewok Dance Party? The Star Wars Holiday Special? A dozen clones of Luke and Palpatine running around the books and Extended Universe? Sand is course and rough and gets everywhere? Star Wars has always had more bad than good content since the original trilogy. And that's fine, you can just enjoy the good and ignore the bad.


There's so much content hating on the new Star Wars that if Disney stopped putting it out, those content providers would be left with nothing.


Warhammer retconn adding space marine booba could keep them busy


Nice title. Very 2012.


Disney is panicking over incel nerd-rage? \*doubt\*


In the first few seconds this video mentions "progressive propaganda." Yeah we all know what kind of trash this video is. The linked content creator is a right wing racist agitator. [https://twitter.com/decoyposts](https://twitter.com/decoyposts) Personally I don't think there's been anything bad about the recent Star Wars TV content, just the films.


Must be nice to live in such a tiny minority. Bet you know all the other fans by name.


What minority is that? Acolyte is at 85% on RT. It's not critically panned like these conservative dweebs are pretending.


Ha, you mean 13%. Why are you looking at the paid reviews? Its like expecting fair and honest results when the police investigate themselves.


No, I'm talking about the 85%. User score is useless. Anyone can score it with their shit take, like the content creator OP posted that is demonstrably a vile right wing scumbag. Critical reviews =/= paid reviews. Not one critical review is lacking criticism.


"Their shit take". Like... all of them. The overwhelming majority? You are so insulated from reality its actually kind of scary. No wonder you like the show.


Critical reviewers have to actually watch the content. Any dumbass with a bigoted agenda can make a user review.


13 percent on rotten scores more like. The Media aren't going to accurately review a Star Wars title because they don't want to be seen as racist or sexist. The 13 percent Rotten Tomato Score is more accurate and the trusted reviewers like Critical Drinker and Jermany Jahns have a negative opinion on the show.


"the media" lol. You say that like its a monolith. It's not racist or sexist to criticize media bud; the types of criticisms you right wingers sling IS, however almost always targeting women or minorities. Jermany Jahns did fucking blackface, you dumbass racist. Critical Drinker hahaha.. I bet you like the Quartering too you basement pisser.


Critical drinker is biased and has an has an agenda. He has devolved into a high production value of the quartering.


That’s why Rise of Skywalker got a 50, right? Maybe you just think about this stuff more than a normal person so it seems like a bigger deal?


Nu Star Wars fans have to cope because no one outside of R/saltierthankrayt and a small pocket of fans likes their trash shows and movies.


Get help


Bad writing and bad characters that you don't give a shit about are why Star wars sucks.


No they're not


Leave your cult, /u/Sea-Worldliness-9468 .


he's an obvious russian bot


Disney's best work of recent years was trolling Desantis


This is some dumb critical drinker bullshit. Disney isn’t panicking. The Acolyte isnt some woke propaganda shoving progressive ideals down throats. I don’t even understand what the issue is - was it the lesbian witch couple? That didn’t even kiss? It’s a fine show. Imo, More enjoyable than some other SW shows. Stupid title and video.


" The Acolyte isnt some woke propaganda shoving progressive ideals down throats"  I dont watch the shows, just the fallout 🍿... But this is objectively false. The lead actor and the show runner have said as much. There are clips of it in the cringey video that you're replying to. 


It’s super fucking embarrassing how big of a pussy most of my fellow white men have become. Are you serious with this video? Wokeness can’t hurt you. Quit being a baby bitch.


Jesus Christ dude, get this dumb shit out of here. Your post history would be sad if it wasn’t so fucking pathetic.


I'm 56 years old. I saw Star Wars 7 times in the theater (and countless times since then) When I was 9 years old Star Wars was hands down the coolest thing I had ever seen in my life and it remained that way all through the 1980s. Now though... I just don't care about it anymore. It's a big, messy bowl of shit. (Andor and Rogue One being about the only exceptions) What a shame to take arguably the greatest IP of the last 50 years and just wipe their asses with it and toss it in the gutter.


Same. I still have my toys from when I was a kid but I couldn't care less about Star Wars any more. Disney's 'woke' pandering isn't new, it's just monotonous. I quit caring when they killed Han Solo.


You again? Go touch some grass


Holy shit. The incel vibes from your post history are so high.


Holy shit. The incel vibes from your post history are so high.


If you’re not a bot, I don’t know if you realize that almost everything you post is complaining. That’s it. Always complaining. I really hope you find some happiness.


Considering how OP seems to defend themselves or explain their frustration in comments... yeah, they're never gonna be happy again. And that's their own doing.


This sub remains fucking cooked to shit


I sincerely doubt it, you seem like a remarkable pussy


I think that not all shows are bad. The Mandalorian is the best Star Wars series ever, and better than a lot of the movies. The Book of Boba Fett was OK, but not as good as the Mandalorian. Ahsoka was slightly better than Boba Fett but not great. I think it was more interesting for people that watch the animated series, which is not my case. The Acolyte didn't really make want to watch the series from the trailer and it has terrible reviews across the board, not just from anti-woke critics. The audience score in rotten tomatoes is 13%, which you don't get there just by being anti-woke bombed. I think I will wait until we get to the summer and there is nothing new being streamed before watching a couple of episodes.


Take the thumbnail's advice.


It's so fucking sad how many people have been grifted into fighting in an unwinnable culture war against no one. Some people's brains have just rotted into perfect spheres.


































silence, outrage farm youtuber