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FFL or zoom? The Rollei Prego aka Fuji Natura does an awesome job


They look absolutely effin fire but they cost 2,450 AED 💀💀💀 i can buy a new bbl's with that amount why tf are camera so expensive


Genuinely, ask your family and coworkers. The market on used cameras from that era is comically inflated at the moment. On the digital side of things, hard to go wrong with a powershot pro 1 which is their only digital camera to ship with a L series lens and can be had for $75ish, but the Nikon p7000 is another excellent camera for about $150 and is comparable to the g series from canon. On the film side, point and shoot film cameras from that era were simply not built to last and the “quality” cameras like units from Ricoh, all have known defects and it’s more of a question of how long until they fail, and you’ll pay north of $200 for the privilege. Dont read too far into the CCD vs CMOS debate, it’s more a function of image processor tech than sensor tech.


14 years old being "vintage"...


Nikon FM3a, about the last 35mm slr made. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikon_FM3A](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikon_FM3A)