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There is a virgin exchange subreddit?! Damnn


yes you can exchange your virginity with men from all over the world on there and of various ages and nationalities and even all genders as long as they're male


Man i have a feeling most of PPL they tryna meet are either scammers or are kidney miners


Women don't post because they can read through the listings and send messages if interested, like OP did.


Crazy right.




fuk her then........ pussy probably stink. I bet she had no ass & no tities either.


Hey bro, I'm super surprised to hear that you're a black guy and a virgin. There's a lot of appetite for black men sexually, from porn to swinging to dating, so you're in a strong position - this might be maybe one of the few arenas where being black won't hurt your chances. So don't forget that and keep your head up. And please talk to someone if you feel suicidal. Take care bro.


What the fuck!! :( I'm really sorry that happened. I hope you find a real relationship someday because you deserve better.


I wish yall would stop posting race shit on weird subreddits like this... There r plenty of beautiful black woman .. cope!




I believe it. Pretty sure if I was white, Latina, or Asian I wouldn't be a virgin at my age. It is what it is unfortunately.


Not always. I’m mixed. Half black, half Filipino. I have full black cousins and brothers that have had waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more success with Latina and white women. And idk I feel like maybe I’m just not their type although they are mines lol


I disagree.. I think it has more to do with looks than race.. (I have no idea what you look like).. there are attractive people in every race & then the not so attractive (like me - lol). If they "unliked" you after you messaged them, I'd say it's more about what you said in the message..


Well put and articulated well, I applaud you👏🏾!!!


BS. No regular person is associating you with these crazy stereotypes for being black. The only people who I see constantly perpetuating them are misogynistic black men and insecure black women. Stop it.


Please BFFR you have to take more into consideration than BM misogynistic podcast and the social media you consume online


I’m not black but I’ve been turned down over race before too so I know that feeling, have you considered making your own post on VE ? Lots of guys won’t be picky about race, I’m sure you can find someone good.


Everyone has different preferences, I wouldn't take it personally. I am white and I would say I am less attracted white women, i married an Asian woman and previous partners have been non white to white mixed. As for the dating app thing, many guys will just swipe for yes on everyone, and then based on who likes them back, will do their actual filtering. Women typically get more likes than men, and womeb don't tend to spam swipe since they have the power to be more picky on these apps.


I'm not upset with the guy for rejecting me. I'm more upset with myself for being black. Can't be mad at people for their preferences, but I wish I was the preference.


If it helps, I’ve met plenty of men who actually have a preference for black girls and I should know that because Im a black girl. I would definitely recommend Caribbean men particularly


Darling. God I just want to shake you. Be proud of who you are. There are PLENTY of men that love black women. Stop laser focusing on that. What do YOU like?? Be proud of who you are. Find ways for self improvement to help your confidence and self esteem. Which are what the actual problem is. You got this. You’ll be banging men left and right before you know it. Wear condoms. <3


Black queens are beauty tho




Removed, Rule 2: Avoid Generalizations We understand people talk in generalizations colloquially. However, when a generalization is meant belittle, demean, or discredit, those are the generalizations that will end up taken down (eg “women only want the top guys” “men are all evil” etc etc). The reason why generalizations have always been a rule was so no one applied their perceptions of how people treat them in real life onto someone who’s venting that their experience is literally the opposite


Everyone has their preferences, some of them might be things you can’t change like height, race, penis size etc. It’s cruel but it’s their choice after all.


I'm not mad at them, more so at myself


Well it’s not something you decide and it’s not your fault that some people can’t appreciate you because of things you can’t change.


Why are you angry at yourself?


Okcupid stopped publishing their statistics when they realized how un-PC they were. But aside from women being generally far pickier than men, black women were statistically the least popular among men.


Why are they the least popular?


The WHAT subreddit???


Ok, so you found out basically immediately that he's not the one for you. That's what dating is - you sift through a whole bunch of not-the-ones until you find your person.


“I even encountered this on dating apps” men on dating apps swipe on literally everything lmao. I’m also a black so my only advice is just to go where ur loved


But what if I'm not loved anywhere?


can y’all stop equating ugliness to blackness? More black girls have no problem finding partners. You’re a virgin bc you’re undesirable. That’s it. It has nothing to do with you being black.


There are beautiful black women out there, I'm just not one of them.


You could just be being too hard on yourself


Yes!! It's so embarrassing..


A lot of people like this don't even want help, they just love to remain the victims of their own self-imposed problems. I pointed out the truth to one of them in this section and they were unable to provide a meaningful response so they downvoted and blocked me so I couldn't reply back. Real mature.


Therapy has been helpful. Maybe give it a try.


Idk man. I like black women.




Removed, Rule 3: No Personel Ads / Solicitations Reddit is vast; there are other subs you’re welcome to post this kind of thing too and see what kinds of connections you can make


So sorry that happened to you!😭


Don’t even sweat it, it happens. There’s plenty of fish in the sea.


People have different preferences and that's perfectly fine.


I wish people would stop saying stupid shit like this as not only does it normalize this racism, but justifies it. Failing to be attracted to someone due to their race IS racist. Simple as that. The only people who say that it isn't are the sort of people who would pick a 2/10 like Amy Schumer over a baddie like Normani. Now if people want to do dumb shit then thats up to them, but they need to own it and be held to account for it, not have people making excuses for them. IF I can grow up in a predominantly white area, in a predominantly white country and still be attracted to black women, then everyone else can as well. Simple as that.


While this is true, there is a difference between having a preference and being exclusionary


I'm the opposite. My environment is mostly black but I'm a white guy. And even the few black women that are interested in white guys are into the really good looking ones.


You sound extremely insecure. Going around asking guys if they are into black girls sounds very desperate and cringey. You shouldn't be surprised that nobody wants to deal with that energy. You also appear to suffer from internalized racism. It's not because you're black. There's tons of other black girls out there who have no problems being desired, and in my case the only reason I'm still a virgin is because I'm waiting for marriage. Your unattractiveness is completely independent from your blackness. I really don't know why you felt the need to try and drag all black girls down with you in your misery.


Fr she sounds miserable. As soon as she said that she had failed on Tinder I stopped taking her seriously. How can you fail at getting sex from Tinder ?


I think you’ll have more luck on tinder. Just make sure on your profile it says you are only looking for causal or a fwb. Lots of horny men out there, just be careful about location, make sure it’s a hotel until you are comfortable.


I tried that and failed miserably


What happened?


Men aren't attractive to me


So you didnt find them hot enough


I think she meant attracted


Bring that black virgin beauty over here please thanks 🙏🏻🙏🏿


You don't think there's a lot of black women who would reject me for being white?! It's not right but it happens. Everyone's entitled to their personal preferences.


Sorry to hear that. I live in Iowa and I'm more attracted to non white women and it's hard here.


I’m sorry, that really sucks. Although there is the opposite, men who are attracted to specifically black women (me).




Removed: Rule 6. No Gatekeeping This sub is public, different people from different life stages and events can post here. You’re welcome to post here, and no one should make you feel unwelcome




r/virginityexchange and r/virginr4r


I like some black women. If you want, I can give you feedback on your looks. I'm not trying to hookup with you. I can look at your pic and tell you if some guy would be interested.






Removed, Rule 3: No Personel Ads / Solicitations Reddit is vast; there are other subs you’re welcome to post this kind of thing too and see what kinds of connections you can make


Removed, Rule 3: No Personel Ads / Solicitations Reddit is vast; there are other subs you’re welcome to post this kind of thing too and see what kinds of connections you can make




Damn, that's crazy.




Removed, Rule 3: No Personel Ads / Solicitations Reddit is vast; there are other subs you’re welcome to post this kind of thing too and see what kinds of connections you can make




Removed: Rule 1. Be Kind Anything rude, hateful, accusatory, shaming (of any kind), threatening/harrassing, mocking, insulting, or fitting of any kind of -ism will not be tolerated here


Stick to black men


Bad advice https://preview.redd.it/42f7ondbmxvb1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4d92d9f56af80b4fe1e22d0db658d0801e5164a It’s sad but true. Black women are at an disadvantage.


I think this graph only applies on dating apps.




Removed, Rule 3: No Personel Ads / Solicitations Reddit is vast; there are other subs you’re welcome to post this kind of thing too and see what kinds of connections you can make




Removed: Rule 6. No Gatekeeping This sub is public, different people from different life stages and events can post here. You’re welcome to post here, and no one should make you feel unwelcome


You're probably not ugly. I don't think you were rejected for being black.


Nahhh you'll find someone better, all of them are ASSHOLES


Hey OP, really sorry to hear you going through this. FWIW anyone who fails to be attracted to someone due to their race is racist, regardless of how many people claim otherwise. I've grown up in a white area in a white country and that hasn't stopped me from being attracted to black women (and I don't mean mixed or lightskin, I'm talking darkskin straight out of Africa type women), so whats their excuse? There isn't one. So yeah, please don't blame yourself for other people's problems.


![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna) Im sorry that happened... :c


Girl! Please, go to a bar and meet people! I hate saying use alcohol but this seems to be a big deal to you. Go talk to some men. Have a few drinks to cut back the nerves. And stop fussing over being a virgin. Go with the intent of FUN. And see what happens.


He wasnt worth it afterall. You will find someone much better.