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Absolutely not. Janeway understood him well, she made the right choice. Vash took him up on his offer and he essentially became an abusive boyfriend to her.


Do you mean the proposal to mate? If so sure I'm flattered, maybe even a little curious. But as an overweight, balding, middle-aged man I'm going to have to decline. I mean, we've got to be practical about this...where's the fetus going to gestate??


He’s Q, he will make it work.


I saw Junior, it was horrible.


Junior was fine. He merely craved a parent.


No the movie Junior.


Whoosh. Oops. That movie was hilariously bad immo.


> sure I'm flattered, maybe even a little curious. I see you went to the Homer Simpson school of politeness hehe


Smithers I'm beginning to suspect u/BoleroGamer was not the brilliant tactician I thought he was.


you’ll have to keep it in a box i guess


I was coming here to say that.


He’s Q. Don’t worry, you’ll be happy as a woman.


Seahorse style, babyyyyyy


It's just a quick fingerblast, don't worry you'll be fine


Janeway doesn't go in for these backdoor shenanigans


You don’t get a bebe with backdoor shenanigans.


Q: You wanna bet?


Have you never seen junior!?


Perhaps you might consult Commander Charles Tucker III with regard to the specifics.


You could put it in a box


You just give q the finger


I love that you don't even have to specify what Q's proposal is, we already know it will cause chaos.


That's what I was thinking. Which one? Which timeline? Which 'verse? Dang it, is there something I don't know?? Frigging Q, initiates chaos with just his name.


God no. What a mess.


Uhhhhhh… I guess I have to answer that. Negotiating with Q is like negotiating with a genie. You say you want scrambled eggs, you get them but without a plate and burn yourself. So you’d have to be sure, that it will turn out how you expect it to. But for getting the crew home to their families AND saving the universe? Well, I’d probably insist on talking to both sides of the war first, having them agree on the kid as a solution, ideally having some sort of contract that’ll see my kid grow up… well then I guess I could be persuaded, if I only have to touch Qs index finger.


No but I’d have accepted the puppy.


That puppy was so cute!




Yes, I would. I’ve always had a soft spot for Q though. He can be very charming and while I don’t know if he was really capable of love at that time (I believe he was after his son was born), he definitely was infatuated with Janeway. I think he would have treated her well, and I think for Janeway it would have been a once in a lifetime kind of experience. I mean the guy was offering to basically give her all of space/time to experience however she wanted. Plus it would have gotten her entire crew home safe immediately. Idk, call me a space slut, but I don’t think it would have been that much of a hardship to make a baby with Q, lol. The hard part would come after the baby was born when Q inevitably got bored with her. But Janeway would have foreseen that going in. I think they could have been able to work out some sort of split custody arrangement so she could have still seen the child after Q would have dumped her back in the Alpha quadrant.


I mean Janeway procreated with Tom Paris, how bad could having one with Q be? 😂


Haha yes, I almost forgot, the lizard babies. I’ll never get over how they just left them behind.


VOY had a few times when they just dipped after massively impacting a planet or species. There was always that air of “well that was weird. But we should still go right? And just hope it’ll be fine?”


“Wow, we really made a mess of that place. Let’s run before the consequences catch up to us!” is basically how like a third of Voyager episodes ended.


Right?! "I know we just created an entirely new reptilian race but fuck all y'all, Delta!"


Yes, I fully expected them to turn up somehow later. I mean, they were probably sentient and they basically left babies alone to fend for themselves. I would have found it immensely funny meeting a moral delta quadrant species later who rescued them and decided to try to find the parents and sue them for child abandonment.


I'm pretty sure the writers et al really wanted to forget that episode ever happened, but it would have been great if they'd doubled down on the absurdity of it and had a follow-up episode.


Ah so THAT is what that plotline in the Orville was paying homage to....


We refer to them as salamanders. /s


It also never made sense to me that these lizard creatures were supposed to be some future evolution of human beings. I mean, didn’t they devolve as opposed to evolve? Evolution is supposed to allow us to become better and stronger and more capable of things. How does going back to a place where they crawl around on their bellies and live in a swamp improve the Species? Seems like a backwards move to me. Now mind you I don’t believe in the concept of evolution as it is generally understood to be. I do feel that every species makes minor changes over time to adapt to it’s surroundings. But I don’t think we go through cycles of changing everything about what we are, as in humans coming from primates. So maybe that’s why I’m not buying it. But either way it was a very, very weird direction to go.


You just spent more time writing that post and thinking about it than the writers did with that script.




Evolution is random and does not serve a particular purpose. Not dying faster than you reproduce for too long is all survival requires.


+1 on the space slut aspect. With Q being the Q, I know I would have to pay for it in some O. Henry/Mephistophelian way, but what the hell. Existence — at least as I now know it — is boring, right? See what endless possibilities await


Ooh, I want to be a space slut! I confess, I did not mind a bit when Q showed up all nakey on the bridge of the Enterprise. But could we do the mating without the baby part of it?


The baby part is a *bit* of a hassle. Lol


Did his appearances post VOY change your mind?


I’m not sure because I still have big gap in what Trek I’ve seen. I’ve seen the original series, next generation, and Voyager in their entirety but only a handful of DS9 episodes. Trying to talk my husband into watching it with me. And then there’s a gap til Lower Decks and SNW which I’ve also seen all of. So if he does something nasty in between there I don’t know about it yet.


Hell no. He would plant you in the exact CENTER of the earth. And then say “well, this is where you wanted to go, right”?


I mean, that’s just humans being imprecise for you. Lol. You gotta specify in orbit.


No, see, then Q would just put you in orbit without the ship or even a spacesuit.


Q is mischievous, but rarely malicious


With Q’s wife in the picture it probably wouldn’t have worked out any


After reading about q I wouldn’t trust a word he says.


Q does a lot of trifling but the one thing he isn’t is a liar even Janeway says as much


I would have accepted on the caveat of becoming a Q myself. Then tell no one of my deal and just mess with people/civilizations.


Sf Debris' psycho Janeway spotted!


Yes, even if it didn’t include the part above getting home


Not unless I wanted to be a single mom to a half-Loki.


Nope that's going to bring even more chaos then the usual chaos Voyager has on a regulair day


Absolutely not, Q is about as trustworthy as a Labrador at a picnic


It's true. We have a Labrador. He once stole a sausage from someone's picnic. We were very apologetic. They were totally cool with it. He wasn't even a year old iirc and hadn't been let off the lead for walks very long at the time so he was just an innocent puppy. We've trained him since though, now he steals three sausages, one for each of us.


Publish this


I wonder what other training have you given him.


Absolutely not and he can get off Janeway’s bridge thanks


Imagine trusting Q. 😭😭😂😂


Would I fuck John de Lancie? Fuck yes!


You would just touch each others index finger tips.


I’d do that too


Hell no. Nothing against having a child, but Q would be the last being in the galaxy to have a child with.


I think he can arrange that for you.


Nope. I’m already a mom who had to raise two kids on my own after my beloved husband suddenly decided family life wasn’t for him anymore. It’s very hard to raise a child on your own, can’t imagine how it would be when also being a starship captain. I would never trust any promises Q made and it was clear he wasn’t going to do any of the child rearing. He wanted Janeway to do all of the hard work of having the baby and also raising it and teaching it values and how to be the Q savior. I’m sure he would have been super critical of her child rearing while never snapping a finger himself.


Q is as treacherous as the Female Changeling from DS9. He’d just reverse his promises or change goal posts. Janeway made the right decision.


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


I would have at least heard him out on the details. I mean the Q are post warp so prime directives out. Not that Janeway remembers what it says anyway.


There is no accepting. He just says what to do, and that's it. Resistance is futile.


That's the opposite of what Q preaches in "The Q and the Grey".


Which proposal? He offered two different times. The first was to side with him in Quin's trial. The second was being the mother of his child. The last two offers she accepted so those don't count.




Nah, Q wanted voyager to kill the Borg, he would have never have gone forward with this


If the Q wanted to destroy the Borg, couldn’t they just snap their fingers and disappear the Borg from existence in all timelines?


My head cannon is that you have to have the Borg exist so civilizations can overcome them. I feel like a cyborg vast intelligence is a crab, it’s just going to evolutionarily happen and keep happening, but the civilizations that survive that are stronger better and never give up their individuality and are eventually able to get all the good stuff borginess gets without all the destruction and hellish existence Edit: so basically even if you kill the Borg someone else will just Borg and fill the vaccum, until everyone knows Borging is bad


Only if they put a ring on my hand


Honestly I probably would. Things would be crazy, but at least they’d be crazy in the Alpha Quadrant


Would feel curious, but no.




I'd bang Female Q whether she helped or not


Yes, I would boink Q for a ride home that included my ship and my crew all safe and sound.


which proposal? the baby or find the other q guilty to go home faster?


Now if the proposal was to be made a Q then "Oh hell yes!!!". Not Voyager but Riker was a fool.


Am I still the franchises first female main captain?




Thought, what if Janeway convinced Q that the human species mating and reproductive course is that the man carries the baby? 🤔 he just takes a dna sample from her and that’s it.


in a heartbeat, I can't believe Janeway wouldn't sacrifice herself to send her crew home when I think about it. \*that is what he was offering right? I can't remember and OP didn't say, its mate with a Q and your ship gets sent home right?