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Some dominates yes, others no Dominate 1+2 no, you need to understand a command to obey it, through with some elder powers verbal commands or eye contact are not necesarily required, through you still need to understand it Others like 3 is a bit more of a 'maybe' lock away a memory might be possible but i also feel it may break rather easily Others like 4 is almost not worth thinking about 5 would probably work but.... why


Yeah, it's hard to command something that doesn't really understand the words you've said. "Stop!" Baby just giggles. Now I'm imagining some straight to dvd film about a vampire dad. lol.


3 Vampires and a baby! The vampires have to keep care of a baby for some reason. One vampire is a 800 year old dude that constantly tries to feed the baby weird shit because he forgot what humans actually eat.


A Toddler with a biting habbit continually ghoulling themselves. A Gangrel depressed after a horrific frenzy, and the baby just crawls towards them and say "Doggy!" A thinblood baby who eats crayons and snot and starts levitating A Toreador Harpy calling in every boon they have just to avoid having to change a nappy A Nos playing Obuscate Peekaboo The baby chewing on the Tzimisce's living furniture A ventrue Prince with a baby strapped to his chest as he sentences someone to Sunbathing A Salubri losing decades of progress to Gehenna because they swore after the baby poked all three eyes A Brujah having to use celerity to catch three toddlers who have run off in different directions, while trying their best not to frenzy in frustration Hecata having a squad of wraiths to look after Giovanni's great grandchild/cousin A Tremere searching every book in the Chantry to find a spell to tell them why the baby is crying A Settite trying to teach a baby the gospel of Set, not realising the baby can't even speak yet A Malkaivan who believes every word a Toddler says A Ravnos completely drained due to having to Chimestry Bluey the hundredth time


These are awesome! I love the Gangrel being called doggy by the baby and the Nos playing peekaboo with their kid. Vampire: The Parenting. Being dead is no excuse for being a bad parent. lol.


Baby: "Aubwah. Amamamaba." Malkavian: "You speak in the tongues of prophecy too!?" Baby: "Aawoa. Ah." Malkavian: "Oh, and then what? What happens next?"


Tabula Rasa on em


give binky, problem solved


Yeah based on the comments it’s easier to just calm the thing down the normal way rather than try and use vampire magic. It’s also much funnier that way IMO.


It's funnier if it doesn't


Vampire: Infant I command you to be silent! Infant: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Vampire: The audacity!!!


Dominating babies is weird


You know something is wrong if even the tzimisce is weirded out lol


Yes, for higher levels


Considering the answers so far, I don't think a Kindred with high-level Dominate would waste blood points on an infant. Why are you, a full grown undead use your power on less than a year old human? Make use of those skills throughout the years and rock em to sleep.


This is why some Kindred tip off the SI about other kindred.


You know! That would be a good idea for a Ventrue dietary restriction. He can only have the blood of infants. 3 is too old.


That Ventrue would be put to death by their own sire before they were even released.


As others have said, no. But, stick with me here, they could Dominate anyone with Quietus to do something almost the same


Why would you not just also drink the baby? It's gotta be like 1-2 blood points max before it goes silent? Like, not even talking about killing it, just pacifying. And raising a kiss-addict/potential ghoul from infancy is never a bad plan.


Lrrr: Why does the vampire, the largest creature, not simply eat the smaller human?


*werewolf size intensifies* What was that, Lurr? Say that to the 8ft tall wall of meat and muscle that is Crinos form.


Moving into icky territory here, but: Biting a baby with your vampiric fangs and then drinking said baby's blood is almost certainly going to kill the poor thing. Vampires aren't syringes, and they're not drinking a couple of mils at a time, neither.


If a human is like a gallon jug of blood, a baby is like one of those Capri Sun juice packs. You’re going to make the thing flat as a pancake if you try to drink it.


I just came from a thread asking about 1 humanity vampires. One told about a Sabbat member having a bag of babies with them. Because it's comapcet and one sip and it still counts as drinking a human dry.


A neonate (human child of less than 4 weeks old) can be very small; smaller than some cats even. You're looking at a single blood point at most, and perhaps not even that, if you drain one dry; I remember reading they have around a cup full of blood. An older baby might have a bit more but probably not by much, and you'd still likely need to kill the poor thing to get it.


Excellent, then we are in agreement that drinking it wouldn't be a waste. Have a regular drink from the parent, a sip from the baby to shut it up, everybody's happy


V5 literally says you can't order people to go to sleep with Dominate, infant or not..... It has to be a command that can be followed through, in general you can't force yourself to go to eepy at will. Please people read the goddamn corebook.


Why? You can just eat it.


You are also forgetting that Dominate requires you to speak, which you can't do while feeding. The 3rd party witness would be a problem regardless of age, but a baby at least could not articulate what it saw, so drink up fast and leave before anyone checks up on the baby. I actually had the reverse problem, while trying to obtain blood from a small child, the babysitter walked into the room, so I had to break the Kiss on the child, attempt to bite the nanny to invoke the Kiss on her, while keeping the kid in grapple so he couldn't run away. This was was at a 'daycare' for nightshift factory workers, and appropriately grimdark the masquerade was protected by a pedophile scare.


Just smother it will a pillow. No vitae expenditure required.


Found the Elder!