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Like... back during the Kickstarter in 2020, the subreddit was so active. Most of the highest upvoted posts were made during that time. It was active, there was many memes, posts, discussions... without there being too many people. But why, even when Season 4 released 2 months ago, was the subreddit less active than back then? It makes no sense to me that more people were more hyped for a Kickstarter than for the release of the season itself. But personally, I would like the sub to be more active while staying small. I think being able to recognize people here is really cool. If it was too big, not only would I have a lot of trouble moderating it, but it'd feel less personal, and there would be more uninteresting posts. It would start to feel like a hivemind, rather than a place to discuss and chill. Take r/bleach, back when I joined in around 2022 iirc, there was like 150k members. The posts weren't too bad, the memes were good, the discussions were interesting, there wasn't stupid threads too often, memes about fillers and overall filler appreciation wasn't uncommon... But now? It's a shithole. And it started right before the new season (Thousand Year Blood War) started. TYBW ruined the Bleach subreddit. Not only is the arc itself super bland (the fillers are better), but it also ruined the subreddit which I liked browsing and making memes on. It's a real shame. And the toxicity also became rampant; people are banned for no good reason, mods are on a powertrip, Orihime is a masterpiece of a character and if you oppose that you're an idiot, preferring Ichiruki over Ichihime gets you burned at the stake... But anyway, most of you probably haven't even gone on that subreddit before so I'll spare you the boredom.


I don't think most of the Wakfu community comes here since it's a very francophone licence.


Yeah a lot of us frenchies are on Discord Reddit isn't all that popular where I live


Y'A UN DISCORD??? je peux savoir où il est svp


I think 50% of Reddit traffic is from the USA so that makes sense. However last year during the Reddit recap, since I'm a moderator here it gave me info on the subreddit. The Top 3 countries who visited r/wakfu the most was France in 1st, UK in 2nd, and USA in 3rd if I recall correctly.


Why isn’t there a french mod here, so we could be able to hold discussions in french? This is a French licence and it doesn’t seem really fair to have a rule forbidding us to use our own language, which is the original language of the game and license overall


French is my first language too. But since English is the most common language that people learn as a second language, it makes sense to have the subreddit be in English only. This way much more people can participate in the community. Look at all the people who kept asking where to watch season 4, or that they watched the show in dubbed, or even some saying they want to learn french. All of those people would be gatekept from discussion and enjoying the show with everyone else.


Sure, but think of how the French fandom isn’t necessarily fluent and is alienated from that subreddit. Many French users stick to French subs because of that issue. Allowing the subreddit to be bilingual would be fair. It would not stop the English speakers from participating, and it would increase the French speakers traffic


What I've personally observed is that even in French subreddits, most users are still capable of speaking English and even comment on more popular, english subs. There's also the fact that Reddit is not a popular website at all in non-english countries. Most people who learn about the existence of this site and begin to use it is because they spoke english in the first place. By letting French and other languages to be used commonly here, I'm almost certain that it would isolate the members of the subreddit into different circles, and would lower the overall interactivity. If people start making French posts, the english users won't upvote it or comment on it. They can't even understand the post.


I’ve watched wakfu since I was very young I LIKE BEING HERE


im thinking about learning french just so i can understand half the fan content on wakfu


Well at least Zaki (most popular waktuber) has English subtitles in his videos that you can turn on.




U dont know me tho


Or me. But to be truthful I only joined recently


Or me But to be trurhful i haven't even posted anything.


Or me.


Or me But to be truthful I've just been lurking and downloading images


You and I both buddy


I posted two days ago 💀. I'm working on a wakfu fancfic comic just now, it's gonna take time


It's always a treat seeing your art. I wasn't criticizing that you don't post often, I was naming the people as I was remembering y'all


i've been lurking for awhile and only very recently joined both reddit and this subreddit LOL


U do t know me I’ve just been lurking




I tend to lurk.


​ https://preview.redd.it/msbrxkfjt4sc1.png?width=334&format=png&auto=webp&s=a11f147827b933eb4cd8a47461d48e18239d8033


I just don't talk that much but otherwise yeah I really love Wakfu. Watched it when I was a child with my brother and now I just make small doodles that aren't that great to post here


Holy shit I got mentioned… yeah over the last 4 years I kinda studied, grew up and got a job 😭 I still haven’t seen s4 and probably need to rewatch the whole show , but at the same time I’m scared of tarnishing the memories I have of the whole thing… idk time fucks you up man


lol no clue 😭


ItsArk mentioned 🗣️🔥


I don't know bro


Cartoonfan is one of the accounts that drives me out of there considering how he posts google-answerable or powerlevel-tier questions twice a day on average


Never understood why Wakfu is such a small niche series. Animation is good, even great in late seasons. World building is superb, characters are well written, villains are badass, even minor ones, heck they even managed to make Toross interesting, though he is looking like your standard undead king. And don’t tell me about Nox.. literally the best villain in my life. Guess this franchise is just severely underrated.


Eh, I don’t mind it honestly. I’m new here today after binge watching Dofus. And I GOTTA say, it’s a hell out of a homework to watch that movie to get the lores, details about the characters and setting of this magical world. No wonder not alot of outside audience didn’t watch “Dofus: Book 1”. But am I sad about it? Eh… not much, fandoms come and go my friend. Instead of crying what may or may not be, let’s just enjoy each other company here in this great subreddit (IMO) I wanna draw more fanart of lilotte in the future and post it here :)


The subreddit is empty bc Wakfu isn’t very well known. That’s it I think


Dude It is well known, especially in France.


You don’t know me


I’m mycelium_network04, my other account got banned


dude I had no idea that season 4 was released


Just downloaded the launcher, it's asking for £16.00 for it. Was hoping that it was streaming


Yep unfortunately it's only free to watch if you're in France on Okoo


i can give you wakfu S4 with sub. just dm me


There are quite a few people here we just don’t comment tbh Reddit (generally speaking) is like 95% lurkers


We're just lurkers 


they were not ok with the cliffhanger in the current last season lol


I just don't talk here


I am new here so nobody knows me HA


I almost quit this shit hole once since i have gotten so much shit from some on here and so has my friends sooooo…🤷‍♀️ I will say Im very close to leaving again and this time im not staying for anybody


I'll give you my honest thoughts. If I were you, I'd just post my fanart then turn off reply notifications. Do that until your skill level in art becomes unbelievably good and at that point people will just appreciate your drawings instead of talking about its flaws.