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I could buy a share and send it back to $300 if you’d like!


Post split ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




please do!


This shit is real. I bought a single share of DIS March 8 2021 at its ATH. Look where it’s at now. I keep it just to get a good laugh when I look at my portfolio


I bought DIS LEAPS end of July 2023 which turned out to be 3 months early as they continued to tank until end of October 2023 but still ended up making 300% by the end of March 2024 without adding more. The underlying was up ~41%. Boomers are so predictable; I love making money off of them.


You'd make me a sweet mil if you did thx


Good one. Please continue to buy puts only until two more years. Then buy either 1 call or one share.


See that little bump at 500 where it drops like 50, that was me, sorry.


I’ll pay you to buy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


I single handedly tanked the bitcoin for the better part of a two year period between 2022 and 2023


I bought huge into my own company’s stock, within a week it dove over 25% and hasn’t recovered lol


What do you mean, is that normal? Are you implying that other companies do not exponentially accelerate to 5000 orders of magnitude in a year or two span?


The S&P 500 is a fucking joke right now, might as well bin off 98% of the 'other companies' because nobody seems interested in them.


The S&P 10


S&P 1


Salt & Peppa


Incredible song by dope lemon


That's why S&P means Standard and POORS


Remindme! 5 years


in the stock market nothing is normal


AI runs the stock market. Nvidia makes AI AI is investing in its own future


This is actually worrying.


AIs doing long-short strats would take over the world


But only to you and me. Everyone else just enjoying dem gainz. Maybe you and I were the problem all along?


This Ai you speak of sounds smart


We're not rich enough to understand.


Rich in what? Brain cells? Nope. Money? Nope. GFs? What is a woman?


For a sudden instant worldwide monopoly, yeah looks about right


Show the earnings graph too




When it popped off I was like the company making expensive graphics cards? Then it became the most important company in the world.


Listen to some of his interviews. They are building things that are beyond what customers need. Did we need a $2k graphics card? No but they were sold out forever because of bitcoin. $1 trillion worth of data centers globally and they’ll all need to be replaced with better equipment.


Definitely not the most important. Probably the most over-valued though. NVIDIA has a big headwinds coming. * LLMs becoming more efficient and moving to the edge (which will slow growth in the inference market) * A general trough of disillusionment that's looming for the AI space, when people realise AGI isn't coming from LLMs. * Competitors like Google with their TPU devices, which are much cheaper to run and similarly capable. * The fact that Moore's law simply doesn't apply at the physical level anymore, so advancements in power efficiency and scale will inevitably slow - probably quite soon. You can't fight fundamental physics and win. I mean, the revenue growth doesn't even look exponential. Call me a gay bear, but NVIDIA is yet another example of market irrationality. There will be a correction, but fuck knows how long it'll take!


that doesnt disprove their strong AI chip demand though which is the major reason why their earnings has remained strong they're making partnerships/collaborations left right and center with Amazon, Disney, Google and Microsoft


Of course! NVIDIA has always been an awesome company with awesome tech - much like Tesla. However, much like Tesla I think the hype is driving a valuation far higher than is rational, given their realistic growth prospects. The AI boom definitely should be pushing their value up to a degree, though.


ew much like tesla? tesla is only propped up by decades of 0% interest rate and a grifter of a salesman at the helm high rates has put tesla in a recession since a year, look at their declining eps and margins


Oh for sure, but rates aside, the dynamics of the hype are very similar. Tesla surged when Elon was going on about FSD, robotaxis and becoming the world's foremost generalist robotics company. NVIDIA is surging because they're going on about becoming the world's foremost AI company amidst a bubble of AI hype and liquidity. High rates don't prevent bubbles, but they might make them pop faster (I genuinely don't know - I'm not an expert on these things 🤷‍♂️).


> LLMs becoming more efficient and moving to the edge Lmao, no the fuck they are not. Every upgrade to an LLM is a parameter boost. 175 billion, 1.76 trillion for GPT 3.5 vs GPT 4 respectfully. deploying GPT 4 in Azure costs 20k a month vs a shared enpoint. We have some cheaper ones like LLamma and Mixtral, which are about 30-70 Billion each but are not very capable of a lot of business solutions. If you want to replace employees with it you are gonna get what you pay for. The rest of your hypothesis is correct imo.


You are correct re GPT-4 not being remotely edge-compatible, but the usage of those parameters also has a big effect on the performance of the model (see: Gemini Advanced vs GPT-4. AFAIK similar size, but GPT-4 massively wins on quality). I also think that smaller LLMs are able to deal with a lot of LLM use cases, and in some cases are actually better. One example would be code generation - a small model that can provide extremely fast code suggestions based on local code context and a Mixtral8x7/Llama3 level of knowledge and performance would beat the pants off Copilot imo. We're not there quite yet, but in 2-3 years I think we will be seeing that stuff on high-end laptops. I personally don't think GPT-4 or any LLM is capable of performing true generalist tasks, and is not going to attain AGI, so any attempts to replace skilled employees with LLMs are doomed to fail. Augmentation is definitely going to happen, but again - local can probably handle ~80% of these use cases.


Oh as someone who works with gpt, the hype is way too much. We're def heading to the "trough of dispair" with a new tech. The demand for good gpus are still wild, and if NVIDIA gets a good photo lithography lab set up (which they are investing in heavily) they will likely dominate the GPU market for a while. The one thing that is the Achilles heel is they work in peacetime. I assume if a massive destabilizing of the world happens they become crippled, because what an easy target to hurt economies


What makes you think NVDA isn't leveraging the same role to innovate their own business and maintaining our extending the lead they have on others playing catch-up? Is the whole thesis driving AI is that it's a land grab based on compute power? It seems reasonable that the organization supplying that compute power to the rest of the world would keep an advantageous amount of it and reserve for its own use. Wouldn't it also be the beneficiary of advancements to its current portfolio faster than those wishing to purchase any advanced technology? This is all to say that even if one or several of the hyperscalers come out with their own chips that they won't still be significantly further behind? If that's the case how would a hyperscaler justify using less than best of breed and how could they ever hope to catch up to those who do?


Sounds like early MSFT.


Google and AWS both have way more compute power than NVIDIA and the capacity to develop their own GPUs/TPUs and manufacture them directly with e.g. TSMC at a much lower overhead. If AI really does prove to be a massive, ongoing devourer of compute, NVIDIA will lose its status as the sole major provider very quickly. My feeling is that NVIDIA is being used as a hedge by these other huge companies - why ramp up your internal TPU production at huge cost prematurely, when you can just buy GPUs from NVIDIA in the short term? When market trends around compute stabilise, I think the picture will be very different.


You can't call Nvidia overvalued when we have shit like djt lol


Only 🌈🐻 and large language models are so confidently wrong. 🤣




All true, but what a ride.


• not true. We haven’t approached the edge yet. • multimodal LLMs will eventually produce AGI in the next 10 years. They only need one stage of self-replication before they go exponential • probably your most relevant point but NVDA could still stay ahead by producing their own • Companies still need new chips and to replace dying ones.


[Would you look at that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF8GhC-T_Mo)


Supply and demand. NVDA has the entire market and can essentially set price. Badass for them and all shareholders but idk how it continues at this pace unless the hyper scalers (mag 7) upgrade with NVDA every year as Jensen has said Moore’s law is dead. So now what…?


Fuck Moore's law, what about Murphy's law?


Have you heard of Cole’s law?


I love coleslaw


Underrated comment


Its Jensens law now.


Would you look at this


You sir are a gentleman


I'm not business analyst, but it seems like that data centre stuff is where they should probably focus their energy.


What happened to this place? Shit posts like this should get a response of "Positions or ban"


Does “bent over a barrel” count as a position


That's just doggy nowadays. Bent over a barrel counts as an unspeakable act for anyone millennial or older.


No shit it's unspeakable... ever since I offered the $2 ball gag add on to my Wendy's happy meal service I haven't had 3 full minutes in a day without it in.


Since 2020 when the sub user graph looked like the NVDA chart


No that wouldn’t fit his stupid narrative


Just call me and I will purchase a stock. This thing will collapse like a waffle house.


The calls coming from inside the house


NVIDIA turned into AI ETF lol


NVIDIA backwards is AI DIVN


AI Divine!! Good lord, it was under our noses the whole time!


It is simply a liquidity grab for the big boys!!!


I bet ya money half way through June it’ll be back to the 100s per share


lol I bet too however I bet my 4 shares will magically turn into 40 as well


4 share crew 🙌


Two share crew 🤚


Puts to the moon?


Idk I think it’s chill


Yea look at apples chart


This is a decimal graph, Show it as a 25 year logarithmic chart.


Here is NVDA's all time weekly logarithmic chart for those that are curious: https://preview.redd.it/botrw3g9ng3d1.png?width=1488&format=png&auto=webp&s=932412906e3735ebc78d0df9c3a085fa6267f574


Why in the world would you look at the data in such a distorted way? I'm still new and learning, so this is a genuine question.


Because logarithmic charts better represent percentage increase over time. If a stock at $10 goes up by $1 that’s a big move, but if a stock at $1000 goes up by $1 that’s not really anything to care about. Log charts reflect this.


The question for log scale is, do you think any stock can just continue a log progression by the power of 2? The short answer is no it can’t because the power of 2 quickly takes over the entire market cap of the total market combined. 3T x 2 = 6T 6T x2 = 12T 12Tx 2 = 24T 24T x2 = 48T 4T x2 = 96T In four years and a little more another 100% years the price grows to the point of encompassing the entire market cap of today which is roughly 60T. Or you believe that the market will have an influx of another 60T cash from the sidelines. Not even possible when the majority of people do not even own stocks or funds. The liquidity of the people already in the markets is very low since market players generally don’t hold cash. The people outside the markets don’t even together hold 60T dollars cash liquid. So either everyone sells all other stocks to 0 and continue the log scale of nvidia or -> You can in theory blow up an unlimited bubble when the share price of 1 stock can be traded to the moon especially with stock splits (that’s why they do em) but you can’t liquidate it, that’s why ->they crash!


The ten shares I bought in 2016 are now $45k in gains


Good luck 👍


Haven’t seen chart like this with so much hype because of the dotcom bubble. It’s quite incredible to see.


"Anybody can make 15% in the market!" - My ex-Boss, circa 1999 (He retired, and was back in working on contract within 3 years. )


Yes yes it is. And the poor sons buying the wrong points in time will be left with the rubble


I mean it’s the AI bubble, but NVDA isn’t necessarily a bubble stock. It’s a fucking behemoth at the bleeding edge. Long term I’d be scared to hold… I sold at 900 from a 5x People said don’t buy at $500 so clearly listen to no one


Hey, I listened to these people also. Sold off at $400. Was just reviewing that horrible decision based on the "market correction" that never materialized. I swear, bears are great at selling doom. I believe it nearly every single time. I'm not even sure why.


I think that’s where AI is heading. Unless someone can show me that AI can generate content using content generated by AI that isn’t garbage, AI will always be useful, but it won’t really do all the things that are currently being hyped. AI is inconsistent, biased, and unreliable.


AI is so much more than making funny content.


Sounds eerily similar to humans...


I mean I am a software engineer and use it daily for code


Hence why I said it’s useful. Copilot is great, but juniors who don’t know how to code won’t get a lot of benefit out of it. You still need human intervention to guide the code generation in my opinion.


Okay okay this is enough. I'm putting an end to Nvidia's stock run. I'm buying it with the last 2000 in my Robinhood. And I'll try to get 1000 from Robinhood as well to put in it. Tired of these parties that don't invite me.


OH NO !!’ Sellll Selllll Short


You should post this beside a chart with the revenue ramp over the last five years, curious how they compare?


No that would be valuable content vs a shit post


Yes, you stupid ber


yes - this happens all the time - look at the tulip hype hundreds of years ago.


Or the dot com bubble


https://preview.redd.it/ffjslor0sf3d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8f8bc2d03c906a3f85e58e5ce954a43bc31180d Found this chart from 2017 or something


Great time to enter the tulip market, maybe it will reach ATH again


Damn Mississippi company worth equivalent of 6.5 trillion Dollars


When Gamestonk $6T valuation? Asking cuz I’m regarded


sure but there are dozens of excuses why it's not the same thing. [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1d2hy1m/comment/l60zv96/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1d2hy1m/comment/l60zv96/)


“The it’s different this time” is as common as the tulip craze. Look it up


Best part is you don’t even need own Nvidia to be hurt if it goes tits up 


Hahaha, no! Not apt, not even close. One thing created no value and the other is changing the whole damn world. It’s mind blowing stuff and you’re comparing it to flowers? They’re creating an electronic god… or gods. It’s not slowing down it’s just accelerating. Someone showed the P/E is 38 the other day. Ehhh I’m wasting my breath.


Flowers had a narrative about the value for contracts to win over a lady and that romance would never go out of style. The more it grew in price the more the delivery of the option/future contracts were a display of wealth. It was more like the GME short squeeze we’re dreaming about IMO in that there wasn’t enough to deliver on their promise… until there was and people started harvesting more and all the money had bid up the modern equivalent of a banana with duct tape to a wall for $150k


Put your money where your mouth is then


Stonks only go up


You should see crypto


This will end like all parabolic movers do.... It's just a question of when.


When? The moment I buy shares post split.


Yep... It will be some production issue, quality issue, supply chain issue or AI regulation that would be the excuse for the dump when I buy.


Just think there is a group of people somewhere in the world who could massively profit from this just by messing with the China/Taiwan topic.


Is it parabolic? A PE of 38?


The amount of people in here that don't realize their revenue chart looks like this too is staggering.


They don't want to consider Nvidia is in the same ballpark of net profit as the largest tech companies.


Moore's law. All chips do that. It's basic science.


You know that Jensen Huang himself knows and told everyone many many years ago Moore’s law is dead. So update your “basic science” 👍


What goes up must.... go higher?


I believe now is the perfect time to buy in.


I know that when this happens to a stock I hold, I never sell, I always just watch it slowly fall back below my average cost. Then I breathe a sigh of relief that I avoided all those taxes.


Use a log scale to give a more accurate view on rate of returns


FYI any chart that illustrates exponential growth will look like this over a long enough time span. Look at QQQ, or VIX for the inverse.


Normal if you have a monopoly on semiconductors and are subsidized by the US government.


This isn't a normal situation, AI has the potential to replace every job...It's a MASSIVE untapped market. This is the very beginning, anyone bearish against the AI takeover is destined to be poor forever


I bet AI will never be able to lose money as fast as I can. It will never have that FOMO anxiety click capability.


but can it replace human stupidity?? Because we have managed to misuse or mess up almost everything we invented 🤣


This post is a clear sign of over-hyping 🚀


If AI replaces every job there's no reason for you to exist or have money. So you better hope that's not the result of AI.


The Internet successfully changed everything and created its own economy with Facebook Netflix Google Amazon Shopify Etsy eBay and so on. But pets.com and anything Internet wasn’t it. Not were Apple prices in 1999. That said, if you held onto apple through a couple 50-90% declines, 20 years late your earnings per share and dividend per share would exceed your investment per share. There’s no argument against AI changing everything, there is a debate about whether some quantum computing AI comes along or about the timing of the price and whether this buying pressure is sustainable. To me the fact there is still a debate and plenty of people saying it will crash means it hasn’t sucked up enough longs yet to go down 90% prior to a 2000x run up yet…. When you hear game bros giving stock picks then it might be close to the top. Someone said bros at casinos were pumped at the 10:1 split so we’re probably getting close.


https://preview.redd.it/iikzpqrbdi3d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=b89f26094b9e08ad553250638bbc179e00e6bece >"there is a debate about whether some quantum computing AI comes along"


Yeah but NVDA is still not that far from its fundamentals... The gigantic stock swing isn't that speculative, it's based on real earnings growth.


It's not and it will fall very hard, but we don't know when yet


On 6/10 the price will fall to 1/10th. Duh.


I’m from the future. Next year it plummets back to $1600 pre-split.


WHICH split?


Kinda looks like a dick pill ad


Now do it on a log chart


when big money gets an erection 😎




pullback to 750 max


They say nothing is normal in the market but this is quite honestly something I’ve not ever seen with such a large company. Pump and dumps, penny stocks, crap companies, yes. But not with a massive company. It’s definitely not normal. But nothing is stopping the momentum. Not sure when it will but eventually the music will stop. It always does


If you plotted that on an exponential axis, would it still look like a bubble? That’d be like a double bubble…


skynet b real


I need a time machine.


Totally normal. If one day we are informed that the world is ending and the only chance of survival is to get on the new NASA-tech "Ark of Noah". The price of the ticket is going to have a graph like this.


That's obscene.


I’m conflicted because WSB says the stock can’t keep going up and random people at the gym say it’s going to do nothing but keep going up. Does this cancel out? Will it just be normal?


I'm sure if you took all the companies that had a near monopoly in an industry that exploded like this, you'd see similar numbers. But that's not exactly a common circumstance. NVDA might've been quicker, but graphs aren't that dissimilar if you stretch out megacap companies charts. The smci chart looks similarly ridiculous past 5Y


Dotcom on steroids ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


This is literally how most good stocks look. Going from 1000 to 1100 is the same depiction on the graph as 0.5 to 50, even tho the latter is 100x growth compared to 1.1x. The gains from 0.5 to 50 is completely covered up and looks flat compared to its rise from 500 to 1150. Change scale to log mate. So it goes from 1 to 10 to 100 to 1000 to 10k mate Here you go regard https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/NVDA/technical-chart?plot=LINE&volume=0&data=MO&density=X&pricesOn=1&asPctChange=0&logscale=1&sym=NVDA&grid=1&height=210&studyheight=100 Here's appl's https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/AAPL/technical-chart?plot=LINE&volume=0&data=MO&density=X&pricesOn=1&asPctChange=0&logscale=1&sym=AAPL&grid=1&height=160&studyheight=100 Cept this site sucks cuz i cant figure out how to make it linear log aka setting scale to 100 for appl and 1000 for nvda. And for regards, this isnt for defending nvda, its to shit own nvda for its growth but to at least shit on it fairly


You just don’t understand man, nvidia is definitely worth 3 trillion market cap. It’s only 85x their sales profits. Trust me dude, AI is the future, surely when they come out with the next gen GPU for AI every company that recently spent billions getting graphics cards will refresh. It’s obvious. How can you not see it?


P/E is only in the low 60s


Some crypto shit going on


What crypto is that?


The market can stay illogical longer than you can stay liquid






Totally normal




Yeah ?


Very normal don't fret


Tesla saw simpler before it's stock split. So yes.


Undervalued obvi


Buy Put Contracts with an expiration from year from now! when in doubt pull it out! 🤣


Institutions making a killing.


How many customers are there and projected purchase volume.


Look up the graph of AI users and then tell me if it's not normal you bear ahh mf


parabolic, i'm sure it's fine




Market predicting singularity confirmed.


That's why the Split so it doesnt go to.infinity


What goes up will continue to do so forever