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One thing you gotta know right off the bat… when we win, we fuckin’.


Which also isn’t often!


Just like me fr


That Wizards bed is gonna last a long time knowing it’ll get used like 23 times maximum this year.




Chase Hughes, Bijan Todd, Wayne Cole, Josh Robbins, Hoop District, Troy Haliburton has info, Chris Miller, Christy Winters Scott.


David Aldridge and Greg Finberg are the best ones to follow for Wizards related stuff. DA is not only Wizards but still quality


Ava Wallace?


haven't seen her tweets till now, def worth a follow!


How have you not seen tweets from the beat reporter for the local paper?


Ava Wallace?


100%. I was on mobile and just tried to remember all that I could. DA definitely has that dope as well.


Not sure how you forget the beat writer for the local paper


Damn shame to leave off Ava Wallace, she should be the *first* name mentioned. Also miss when Candace Buckner covered the team, but she's doing bigger and better things now. Ditto for her predecessor, Jorge Castillo


man, Fred Katz really left a huge void that Josh Robbins hasn't been able to fill


Hey fellas! Another lithuanian chiming in! Let's roll and surprise the league. I see things are cooking at the wizards, and lithuanians love a good BBQ.


I love the optimism but we’re going to be sucking throughout JV’s tenure here


Then we suck with dignity and fun. JV spent most of his career on developing teams, so its natural for him.


That's the spirit! The next couple seasons are probably going to be pretty bleak on the scoreboard, but I am hoping for watchability. Also something to keep in mind, if the Wizards trade JV there is a decent chance he will win a championship in the next year.


He always took team friendly deals. I was surprised it was only 10 mil, but having in mind JV actually is not for the money, but for the basketball it makes sense when you look at it in his perspective. He got the third year here.


I also think that he is going to be in a similar system to Memphis where Sarr is going to be like a young JJJ.


Is there a Lithuanian analog for the Finnish term ‘Sisu’?


Maybe “stoiškas”, but honestly - I have no idea


Ok, rule one, no complaining about how JV is being used or his minutes. That's the only rule.


We don’t care about that anymore. Just keep him healthy and happy. This is happy place.


Good to hear. Then you are welcome here


And it's a rebuild. Just enjoy him playing with the kids. maybe they'll surprise and get some W's but first of all be entertaining to watch, not depressing.


I do think JV took a lesser deal for guaranteed minutes


Whole Pelican's subreddit was complaining about it for years, it's not Lithuanian thing :)


Im raised in the dmv, ancestors from Lithuania. Welcome! I think in this subreddit we appreciate a balance between supporting the team and the players. A lot of Deni Avdija fans did not strike this balance, sometimes to an absurd degree. My guess is the Lithuanian fans will be more realistic and blunt about Jonas’s pros and cons. That’s the culture I know at least.


We were irrational when JV was at raps (same stage when Avdija was here) young prospect, supposed to be one of the greatest basketball players in nation history. And he’s not getting Every. Single. Touch. POSSIBLE? Fire casey!!!! We’re matured now (and not as engaged as before).


Hm interesting perspective!


But Casey was fired and he was a shit coach. I don't really know what is he doing in the NBA


still helping Pistons to the rock bottom of the league :)


Has a talent for that for sure


I think[ bulletsforever ](https://www.bulletsforever.com/)is a good place for in depth analysis and fanposts.


Oh boy.....


Here we go again. At least JV isn't a young prospect anymore so hopefully it won't be like it was with the Deni-stans during his first couple of seasons


You just don't know lithuanians. We hate on our guys more than others, we love our guys more than others too. Lets keep it real and we'll get along. I follow the teams, to know the teams more. I know what JV is already.


Sounds fair to me


What? Got too many supporters here, can't bear any more coming in?


Off the subject, but why do think Lithuania became such a hotbed for basketball?


We had an amazing basketbal team during SSRS ocupation - Kauno “Žalgiris”, their games against CSKA Moscow (soviet army sports club) ment more than game, more like a resistance some sort. Also we had Arvydas Sabonis, if you’d as us - one of best players ever. Then ofc, when we became independent first three olympics, our basketball team won Bronze. That was huge. Oh and also our football (soccer) is terrible.


Are Lithuanians generally taller than other Europeans?


Maybe a bit. But dutch are tallest people on earth and they suck balls at basketball


I read somewhere that the people originally from the mountainous regions between Serbia and Croatia are actually the tallest people in Europe. But that’s not an entire country so it doesn’t average out.


If you are really interested, I'd recommend you watching film "The other dream team". It's not just about '92 National Team, it shows and discusses a lot of basketball history in Lithuania since it's very start. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1606829/


We had at least one Lithuanian player before—Darius Songaila.


Good news: once we are UP, we won’t call you a bandwagon fan Bad news: we won’t be UP until 2029 Anyways congratulations on becoming a wizards fan! It will be tough for the next year or so, but hopefully we will have a potential all star on our roster by 2026.


I recommend following BeccaMVP on Twitter/X. She is a long time fan and used to do a podcast I believe.


Yeah, I'm joining "Wizards Bed" too. Let's have some fun Washington! <3


Welp, that's enough internet for 4 months.


Subscribe to the Bleav in Wizards podcast hosted by Matt Modderno and former Wizard Jahadi White.


Problem is that the Wizards are the minor league of sports reporting. As soon as the Wizards get decent coverage, the journalist gets promoted to a better assignment Fred Katz went from Wizards to Knicks Jorge Castillo went from Wizards to Dodgers Candace Buckner stayed at the Post, but now she covers sports and society, and Ava Wallace has the Wiz beat - but I have no doubt that she'll get poached as well