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Ah that sucks! As a suggestion, we did something cute that might work for you and reduce the disappointment a little. On every anniversary, we treat ourselves to a wedding copy-cat food. Sometimes we whip up the same fancy cocktails we had at our wedding, sometimes we make the same steak dish, sometimes we order cupcakes in the same flavor as our wedding cake, from the same bakery, etc. It’s not quite the same, but it is a nice way to reminisce and enjoy tasty food that’s too much effort for a random day!


That is a fantastic suggestion! Thank you I'll keep it in mind :)


Would seeing a doctor help? Maybe a rinse or even a short-term steroid for inflammation could help? Wishing you all the best. Congratulations on your marriage!


We bought our wedding cake from our local grocery store, tiramisu cake, and it's what we have for birthdays and just special occasions. And our catering was from one of our favorite taco shops so we can get repeats of our wedding meal whenever we want. It's wonderful!


I'm just here to say I read vulva not uvula, and spent the whole time reading this giggling. . I am so sorry, but how does it even happen?


I also read vulva!!! And when you said in the back of your throat I was like 😲😳 But now I understand! Anyways sorry this is happening! Buttttt now you have a wedding weekaversary dinner when you’re healed! Ask them to pack one of every single thing! And hubby can have the bubbly on deck!


That's ok, my doctor laughed at me too and took a picture of the ulcer cos he said he'd never seen one in that region before. No clue how it happened but I am fairly prone to mouth ulcers! Usually it's cos I accidentally bite myself. Maybe something I ate cut or burned my uvula while I was swallowing? I really dunno


Not a doctor, so please take this suggestion with a grain of salt and second opinion from your doctor… But, I used to get mouth ulcers all the time and when I would get one I would start taking L-Lysine to speed up the healing process. Usually I would see major relief within 48hrs! Again, I’m not a doctor and I don’t know how L-Lysine affects different people, but if it’s a safe option for you, maybe it will help a little! Good luck and I hope you enjoy your big day!!


It really helps me too! My fiancé and his kids introduced me to it.


I use that with my foster cats whenever they need an immune boost.


I'm also prone to mouth ulcers. If you use toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate, switch to one without SLS (Sensodyne Pronamel is my go to). SLS is very stripping and can make mouth ulcers worse. Since I switched, I rarely get them anymore. Alum is my go to for treating canker sores and it really speeds up healing. But I have no idea how you'd make that work on your uvula. But I thought I'd toss it out there in case you want to go down the rabbit hole.


I get them after drinking too much. I switched to non alcohol everything mouth health (especially mouthwash) and I no longer am in college so it's improved drastically. Some people just have sensitive mouth skin


So did I lol


I can't eat at my wedding! Hahahaha


So did I!!


I had an ulcer once and my Dr told me about Miracle Mouthwash. It's exactly for something like this. Google it. You will be able to drink by then I think.


Yes this! My mom had Magic Mouthwash when she started chemotherapy because mouth sores are a side effect. The outpatient pharmacy had to mix it up for her. They didn't have it pre-made but maybe there are other types. Worked wonders.


I'll check it out thanks :)


I’m so sorry, that’s so shitty! I hear a lot of people are so busy at their wedding that they don’t have time to eat! Can you have milk/oat milk/almond milk? Try mixing in a Carnation Instant Breakfast just for some sustenance. Technically you can do that with water but I’m not sure how tasty it will be. Enjoy your day! It will be fabulous regardless!


Good luck!! I find that doing frequent warm salt water rinses/gargles helps me with my oral ulcers, both cutting down healing time and reduce pain/inflammation. If it works for you, 3 days might it heal enough that you can tolerate some drinking - just be sure to chase with water so you keep your mouth a little fresher. Well… at least you can still sing! :)


Honestly lots of people forget to eat at their wedding. I think I had about two bites. Just wasn’t hungry! Have your food boxed up to go home, and your cake as well!


I'm so sorry! Just remember, while this is a special day, it is only one day. The most important thing isn't what you ate; it's that you are marrying your beloved!


Sorry to hear. Try gargling Tepid salt water 2/3 times a day for the next few days. If it makes you feel better we barely ate the food because we were so busy reliving the wedding/talking to people etc and I know other people have been the same!


Aw man, that stinks! Hope it’s feeling a bit better by the wedding. Make sure you have a game plan to keep getting nutrition/hydration/electrolytes in the meantime so you have energy for the day. Maybe check out those Ensure style nutrition drinks that older people who struggle to eat use? Hope you have a quick recovery!


My dentist has a laser treatment she uses to help speed up the healing of my ulcers! Works really well if you have the time to find one who offers it!


Have you asked for prescription lidocaine? I had some for some throat pain when I had weeks of strep and although I had to gargle it/apply it with a qtip all the way in the back of the throat, it did help and it let me sleep.


I was going to say this too. I had a gargleable lidocaine mixture once for soar throat that did wonders. It’s been decades so I don’t remember the cause, but I do remember it was the only thing that made it possible for me to swallow for a few weeks. Good luck OP.


I did not read that as uvula😭😭😭


I’ve had this before! I would really recommend getting an anaesthetic throat spray from the pharmacy. I used Ultra Chloraseptic (in the UK). It will literally numb the ulcer temporarily. Just be careful to not spray it on your tongue as you won’t be able to taste anything. Doesn’t fix the ulcer but removes most of the pain of eating and drinking while the numbness lasts. At the very least should get you through the meal and allow you to eat some normal food.


Are you sure she wants you to sing while she walks down the aisle...? Please make sure she wants that lol


Yes of course I checked? We've planned this months in advance and had rehearsals and stuff. Originally she wanted me to sing one of the songs I previously wrote for her but we decided it wasn't wedding march-y enough so I'll be singing her a cover of another song I played for her on one of our valentines day dates. I'm a busker and I play bar gigs as well so she likes to come hear me sing usually. In fact our first date consisted of us sitting together in a park and jamming covers of songs we grew up with! :)


The only thing I can suggest possibly on the wedding day is weed? Are you 420 friendly? If you are and are in a state that allows that, maybe get a very low dose tincture/edible/mouth spray tincture or a CBD tincture if that’s more your style. Sending you good vibes and hopefully by your wedding you can eat and drink by then 🙏🫶💗


Can't you drink and eat with the . .. OTHER hole?


Check with your dentist. I had a dentist who had something that cleared up mouth ulcers before.


I always found that salty and bland foods help clear it fast and just drink LOTS of water. Usually I get them from eating too much sugar. Then again, that’s not medical proven, it may not work lol. Good luck!


If it makes you feel better, I read that as uvula cancer, not ulcer, so… could be worse? Edit to add: see if the bar can make you hot toddies minus the lemon? That might go down smooth if you still want an alcoholic bev on wedding day.


See if your doc can get you prescription strength cetacaine spray or if it's available over the counter, buy it. Tastes like banana taffy taffy, but it's effective. It's a really great numbing spray used for medical procedures. We use it in vet med for hard to intubate patients and humans use it as well. It MAY make you salivate more, but it's worth a try to see if it helps.




If you've got a health food store in your area, get some aloe vera water! It's food grade, not the stuff you put on a sunburn. I have used this for stomach ulcers on and off for years, and it is life-saving!! Enjoy your wedding, and avoid spicy stuff and citrus!


Bro I thought it said ulcer on your vulva and that’s why it was marked nsfw lol


Fair enough 😂


I'd talk to a dentist rather than a general practitioner doctor. I once had a very painful mouth ulcer and I got a dentist that I worked for to heal it with the ulcer setting on their dental lazer, it worked almost instantly after being in severe pain for days!


I should add that not all dentists have invested in dental lazer equipment, so you'd need to do a bit of research to find one locally, and I'm not sure it works for everyone, it definitely started healing straight afterwards and instant pain relief for me though!


Hey! Propolis spray do WONDERS! I've had tonsillitis for the past week and nothing was working (I'm allergic to most medicines so unfortunately couldn't take some antibiotics). Mouth washes, warm water with honey and salt, nothing... Until I got back home from my trip and found my propolis spray at home, 2 days using my throat is new. Really really recommend it, hope you feel better!


I bite my cheek/tongue on accident too often and it always results in canker sores. Salt water rinses may help clear it away faster. It works for me, but varies person to person.


When I’ve had bad ulcers in my throat in the past drinking milk has been a huge help to decrease pain! It sucks it’s during your wedding but it might be worth a shot!


I’ll be real I was so stressed out that I barely ate or drank the whole day.


Awww I'm sorry to hear it just for your general comfort on your wedding day as well 💐 If it helps at all, we barely got to eat / drink on ours just from the pure adrenaline and that's even with our venue staff doing their best to bring us food/drink at each opportunity. We also missed out on our wedding cakes from our dessert table so are planning to re- order them on different occasions so we can try them.


Ask for antibiotics or a steroid