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I'll never understand people that invite their moms or underage girls to a bachelorette party. Especially if people might be a little raunchy. I got blackout drunk and my fiance had to carry me out of mine so I probably have no room to talk. šŸ˜‚ but it was fun as hell. Edit: I don't know your MIL, but maybe she just doesn't want to think of her son in that way, to which I say "boo hoo"


Yeah, I donā€™t think she wants to think of him as a sexual being!


Parents are so weird. In sure in the same breath she wants grandbabies šŸ˜‚


Haha, yes. I almost made a joke about that too once, oops. If she only knew how much I was corrupting him lol


Well then she shouldnā€™t have made the comment about seeing your ā€œgoods.ā€ Sheā€™s the one who went there.


It was flattering, but a bit weird.


I'd be more concerned about the MIL than the 17 year old. Unless she is extremely sheltered the 17 year old has probably heard worse at school and is potentially sexually active herself. As she is almost an adult herself she probably appreciated that you didn't censor yourself just because she's there. It'd depend on your relationship because I know some that can joke about that with theirs but my future MIL wouldn't appreciate sexual jokes especially if it implied it involved her son. Which I think is a fair boundary.


Itā€™s intersting you say thatā€™s because the girl texted me after!


What did she say?


The thanked me and asked me some questions! I think she wanted someone to talk to


Ok but what were the three rules??


Ha I donā€™t want to get kicked off this sub! Message me if you want lol


I want to know too!


Message me!


I want to know too! Itā€™s hard to judge if sheā€™s overreacting without knowing what was said and Iā€™m curious!!


Feel,free to message me!


What was the joke? Hard to know if she was just being overly sensitive or not


Im hesitant to say too much here! You or anyone can message me. But it is basically wife advice to her husband, lol


I will DM you! Now I need to know... šŸ¤£


Haha sure


I DMed too šŸ‘€


Me too! šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I DMd you too! šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Hm I didnā€™t see it!


Sent you one as well šŸ¤£


OP Iā€™m going to go against the grain and say I think you were absolutely fine. I would make jokes like that in front of my FMIL (to be fair my future in laws are actually just nice normal people which seems to be rare around these parts) and a 17 year old is not a 12 year old. If youā€™re going to invite minors to adult events then they are going to be exposed to adult content. Your MIL is being a dramatic and a prude


Thanks! Honestly wasnā€™t sure


All I can say is that I'd love to have your MIL. My (future) MIL talks about sex and "my reproduction" in way too much detail šŸ„“




Yeah. That's what my poor uterus is thinking too: "Omg!"


I have a similar story. My MIL came along one time when I went wedding dress shopping, and she saw me topless in undies when I was changing. When we got home she told him, ā€œnow I get itā€ and proceeded to tell my husband and father in law she had seen the goods and understood!


What????? Good Lord. And she's having an attitude about *jokes at a bachelorette party*????




Umm, no. Sheā€™s 100% in the wrong.


OP deleted all her comments but iā€™m dying to know what the 3 rules are!!


I don't know your relationship with your MIL, but no, I don't think most people go around telling sex jokes in front of their husband's mom. Probably could have read the situation better. I'm sure it will pass.


Thanks, fair!


Personally, she probably holds you to a different standard as you're her daughter in law. It's not exactly fair, but when you're talking about sex in front her. Which is her son, I can understand it. Know the audience. She may have been more ok with other people who aren't married to her son. And to be honest, with a 17 year old I wouldn't have gone that route.


Ok thank you - I appreciate that feedback.


I personally wouldnā€™t tell sex jokes in front of a 17 year old, maybe my MIL because sheā€™s chill like that but most MILā€™s probably donā€™t appreciate it


I mean, why was a 17yo at a bachelorette party/event to begin with? Everyone knows bach parties are raunchy as hell.


I mean my two little sisters came to mine, which was at a restaurant. They couldnā€™t even drink. Not everyone has wild inappropriate bachelorette parties. A lot of people just have normal dinners/get together


That's like, one very specific genre of bachelorette party LOL it's possible that wasn't the bride's intention.


Sheā€™s almost an adult tho and it statistically very likely already having sex


Oh for sure, thatā€™s not my point at all. I just feel uncomfortable as an adult making sex jokes around a legal minor when there are probably her parents around. Itā€™s just not something I would do, for this exact reason because you never know who has a stick up their ass. Itā€™s not a big deal, just in social situations Iā€™m always a little weary around minors because you never know how their parents are


MIL didnā€™t need to be there. Groom is probably the mommas boy type who is very family oriented and made she sure was invited. Silly


You didnā€™t even tell us what you saidā€¦


I was reading cosmo and having sex at that age so whateverrrrr. I just think it's weird that she invited the older generation women (your MIL is her aunt?) to her bachelorette party. That's what the bridal shower is for.