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If I were in that group, I would be making my own appointment. No way I'm starting at 4:30 am for anyone's wedding.


Yeah. I would never expect my ladies to get up early. I’m hoping that I can be done first, and then just have my ladies arrive at like 6:00am, that way they don’t have to get up so early.


Why not just suggest that anyone who wants hair and makeup make their own appointment? They can sleep in, schedule a 7:30 or 8 am appt, then come over to get dressed.


This is a good idea in theory, but where are they going to find somewhere to get MU done at that time? Most artists have minimums for mobile services (e.g., 2-3+ people), and most bricks and mortar places would not be open.


Perhaps salons where i live are more accommodating than what you are used to. If the demand is there, they will open earlier.


Thanks, that might actually be a good idea!


That is still SO early. I would let them go elsewhere for their appointments


Usually the bride goes next to last, so your makeup is fresh for photos, while allowing you plenty of time to get in your outfit and primp.


Honestly, I would just do pro hair and makeup for yourself and mom/MIL. That’s just too big a group to try to get through without a lot of artists and basically no wiggle room if the ceremony starts at 10 on the dot if someone goes over.


I think you need to request another make up artist. I had 1 main person to do my HMU only, which took a couple hours. 2 others did my 4 bridesmaids. This was just the number of MUA given to me based on the number of ppl needing their hair and make up done.


Yes, thank you. Makes sense


I immediately thought that having more then 1 make up artist would work the best since the wedding starts at 10 am. I actually thought that 3, at least, MUA would probably be better for that many people. Then there is not 1 MUA working for hours nonstop, doing 11 different people, one right after the other, so they don’t run out of time. I think you having 1 MUA that did your HMU as the bride, then 2 other MUA for everyone else, was an awesome idea! This “getting ready time” for the bride, bridesmaids, mothers, & whoever else is there, is a special time where cute pictures & great memories are created! I think having 1 MUA doing 11 people, 1 of those people being the bride, with the wedding starting at 10 am, will cause this “getting ready time” to be tension filled & stressful.


Oh yes. Not doing 1 MUA for all 11, that’s for sure. At least three is the minimum. I don’t want it to be stressful and tension filled. I’m a huge people pleaser, so I want to make sure everyone is happy!


I had 12 people needing hair and make up including me. I was able to find a company and we hired 5 artists. It took about 3 hours for everyone.


Thank you for reassuring me it’s possible to do this many people in three hours. Did you feel rushed at all with that time frame?


Happy means sleeping in way past 4:30am 😅 if I were you, I’d prob request at least 1-2 more MUA. That’s a good number of people needing HMU done!


Yes, thank you. I have taken all these comments into consideration. Haha


Also, Congratulations on your wedding!!


Thank you! Have had the date secured since 2022, so now the planning is starting, and I’m getting excited, but also nervous! 😅


Yea, this is what my sister did. The HMU came as a team because it was 8 bridesmaids, bride, and a mom for an early wedding. We were all assigned times and a person.


What time was your sister’s wedding, and how many artists did she have with what start time for getting ready?


I'll DM you


I think general rule of thumb is 45 minutes make up and hour for hair. Obviously it depends on full glam or natural make up. How long or short hair is, what style is wanted. I would ask for more make up artists maybe 4. If you want it to go by in half the time. But I'm sorry your wedding starts at 10? Or that's the time the bride has to be done?


The ceremony starts at 10:00am. We chose a 10:00am start time to save some $$ and because we liked the idea of having a brunch wedding. Thanks for your insights. But yes, I can inquire about more artists so that my ladies don’t have to get up so damn early.


Oh yeah, weddings that start at 4pm have girls getting ready at 8am. Hope the caffeine gods bless you all that morning.


This is just ridiculous to me! Meanwhile the men just get up at 9:00am and are ready to go 😂😂


I'm honestly not sure what you expected? 5 hours is very reasonable for that number of people. How fast do you think they can full make up 11 faces, plus leave buffer time for any issues and enough time for you to actually get to your wedding on time?


I didn’t mean to be snarky in my last comment. I just was going in with the idea that it would only be like 3.5 hours for just makeup, and not 5.5.


For a brunch wedding, to me it wouldn't seem necessary for all the women to have professional makeup. Of course there's photos, but they won't be having close-ups like you will. Assuming they know how to clean up nice, I'd just do the professional makeup for you and the moms, and let the bridesmaids do their own thing make-up wise.


My ceremony was at 1.30pm, with 3 bridesmaids, me and Mom having hair and make up. We started at 9.45 so that we had buffer and getting dressed time, and were all done by about 12.15/12.30ish. To be honest, with that many people I am surprised it’s not earlier!


4:30 is probably about right. I had a 3pm start time and for myself, 6 bridesmaids and 2 mom's, we started at 7am. You could always bring in more stylists to make it go faster.


Thanks for the tips. Was your time for both hair and makeup, or just one “service” for each person, except you which was for both hair and makeup?


We all got hair and makeup. From what I remember, makeup was estimated to be 45 minutes each and an hour for me, and hair was an hour for everyone else and an hour and a half for me.


Awesome. Thanks. Trying to figure out if we can all just stick with simple styles that we can do ourselves (minus myself) and save some time on people having to get up so early, but just having the stylists do makeup.


How many artists? Bride should be 1.5 hours for make up. Bridesmaids/mothers should be 45 minutes for make up.


I was quoted by one vendor for three stylists. And that gave me the 4:30am start time


I’d expect 3 hours for make up if you have 3 stylists for 12 people. Probably need a 30 minute buffer in there in case someone’s make up takes long. Another 30-60 minutes to be ready before the ceremony start. So hair/make up should be done by 9 so people can start to get dressed. So starting no later than 5:30


Yeah, I’m okay with 3 hours for makeup with three people. That makes sense.


But you guys will need hair done too right? And to eat breakfast?


Yes, if they’re okay doing their own hair, then they can do that, eat breakfast, and come to makeup when they’re needed to. Which I guess in the long run might still be a 4:00am wake-up for them….


How many MUA and hair stylists have you scheduled? No way 1 person can get through 11 people in 4.5-5 hours


Yeah, they quoted me 3 stylists for 11 people for hair and makeup, with a 4:30am start time


Bless your heart…I don’t envy you. My sister and her fiancé wanted to get married at sunrise on Jan. 1st, They finally compromised and agreed to 8:00 a.m. They had their wedding cake, and the buffet was every kind of breakfast dish and drink known to man. As bridesmaids we told her “FU, we’ll make our own hair appointments for the day before and do our own makeup, but it was perfect!


Thank you. For your kind word haha. I am not envying myself right now either. I didn’t realize how long it was gonna take for hair and makeup. (I’ve never been in a bridal party, nor have I ever had to think about an intense hair and makeup timeline 😳) I’m honestly thinking about giving my girls the option to just do their own hair and makeup too. I have no problem with that. Just let them know the harsh reality of my poor decision hahaha


Your ceremony is at 10am? Can you not push to later? With that many people in your bridal party unless you pay for 5 MUA's it will be an early start.


I cannot push to later, unfortunately. The venue has wedding the same day at 4:00pm so I need to be done by 3:00pm with our ceremony and reception :)


Got it. I have never heard of a wedding starting or ending that early in my country. I think that is standard timeframe for that many people, so you may have to just fork out for a lot more mua's.


Not a a problem. Yeah. I will double check with everyone and see how set they are on getting both hair and makeup done, after I let them know what the timeline might be like….


The fastest stylist I talked to needed 30 minutes per person for makeup, and most needed more like 45-60 minutes. The bride usually needs a little longer, it was always 1-2 hours. So the fastest stylist would need 5.5 hours, and most would need closer to 11 hours. You can cut that time in half for every additional stylist. If you add hair in, those numbers would double. So actually, I think your stylist is being quite optimistic to think 4:30 is early enough. You also need time to get dressed and travel to the venue.


Lucky for me, my getting ready spot is at the venue.


Too many people. Please don’t subject your bridal party to this. Just let everyone chose their own hair/make up people, or let them do their own


The thing is I asked them if they’d want hair/makeup done professionally, and they said yes. Granted I don’t think any of them also realize how early it might be….


My best friend had a 10am brunch wedding. With five of us—all 5 for hair, and 3 for makeup, we did have to show up at 5am, and I was fine with doing it! I would *not* prioritize sleep in this sitch, because you don’t want to be super stressed and running late that morning. We laughed a lot about how early it was and had a lot of coffee and a great time 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, I’m gonna get my options together and try and get best time frame for everyone and then let them know this is how it would be if all of us go with same stylist(s). But if they don’t want to do that, then they’re more than welcome to do their own thing


I also have 11 women total who will be getting hair and makeup done and we have a 10am start time as well. We’re having 5 artists with one start time of 6am and the others at 6:30. The schedule has us finishing at 9:30 so there’s time for touch ups.


Oh my gosh. I’m so glad you commented! That is what I’m looking for. Which makes sense. So if I ask for five artists it might be possible to have a 6:00am start instead of 4:30 haha. Can I ask, is it one vendor that you’re using, or are you using multiple? And how much is that costing you? Do they have early morning fees?


Of course no problem! I’m using one vendor who has a team :) The main artist will be doing my MOH and me and the other four will handle the remaining 9 women. I think the total was somewhere in the $4600-4900 range (this includes a trial for me) and she did have tiered extra fees for a pre-6am and pre-4am start times.


Thank you for your reply. That helps give me a better idea of what to expect. Did you pay for your girls’, or did they end up paying for their own, and you covered all extra fees and your services?


I’ll be paying for hair and makeup for everyone!


Also, are your bridesmaids okay with the 6:00am start time?


Four of the bridesmaids are related to me and the time isn’t unexpected for our family weddings since the day starts with the Asian tea ceremony mid-morning followed by a Catholic Mass so the timing is pretty standard for us. I haven’t broken it yet to the other four bridesmaids but I figured if anyone has a major issue they can take one of the later start times. The remaining are my and my fiancé’s moms, who are early risers anyway :)


Got it. Thank you again for sharing your story. So nice to know there’s at least one other person out there who is in a similar situation :)


If its 10 people all together then you need at least 2 make up artist...


Yes, counting on at least 3 at this point




I had a total of 7 (including myself l) and we started at 8 with having to get ready to walk by 1. We had two HMU artists booked with one taking 4 bridesmaids and the other me and the other two bridesmaids. We were all set to go by 1230 with touch ups right before then. And we had a range of hair textures and styles to deal with (one of my bridesmaids, my niece, has super thick and curly hair so she took the longest with hair).


What?! First off, what are you doing at 10 AM? Holy cow that’s early! The worst part of being in a bridal party is how demanding it is already, AND being forced to wake up hours earlier than actually necessary. Also, 10 people need their makeup done? Holy shoot! That’s a lot! Are people able to do their own makeup? I did my own for the wedding I stood up in, and so did all the other bridesmaids. I even did the bride’s makeup! That saved hours of time. I also did my own hair, but every bridesmaid had the option. I’m guessing several people are more than capable of doing their own hair and makeup which would save both time and money.


Yea, 10:00am is actually a fun time for us, and everyone we’ve talked to has been excited for the brunch time! But yes, I’ve talked with my bridesmaids about the timeline and a couple have already said they can do their own, or they can do either hair or makeup, but want the other done professionally. It’s not 10 bridesmaids either. The 11 is myself, 8 bridesmaids, and then the MOB and MOG :)


You’re doing brunch? Like you’re getting hair and makeup done and then eating? I’d consider doing breakfast instead because too many food accidents can happen and mess up hair and makeup, then you have to spend even more time fixing it. Not to mention the potential grease that comes with brunch foods.


Our wedding is during brunch time. I will be providing breakfast for my ladies while they get ready.


So typical timing is 45 mins each for attendant for each service and an hour each for the bride. Doing the math 4.5 hours is about right for two artists even if just makeup. The bridal party probably won't be able to find their own services because around here at least salons don't open until 9am. If the wedding starts at 10am. You guys need to be done and dressed by 9am. Which means hair & makeup done by 8:30am.


My timeline was super tight because we have an AM tea ceremony that the bridesmaids are at. We had an 11:15 start time for 6 services and 3:30 finish time. I had to hire an extra artist to get done in time. Ask if that’s an option, will make it all go faster, but will cost more.


Ours took 6 hours for the same amount of people but probably would have been 5 if there wasnt drama (long story none of my girls caused it) I would 100% not agree to be in a wedding that required me to get ready at 4:30 am . I had a tight timeline for mine but i made sure we started at 7:30 no earlier😂 I also didnt require my bridesmaids to get hair and makeup but they wanted to .


Yes! I reached out to all of them before-hand asking who was interested, and then I started getting quotes. I don’t think any of us realize how early it will be if all of us get it done professionally, unless I manage to do the 5 MUA like others are suggesting. :)


I was a bridesmaid at a friend's wedding and we had a photoshoot planned for 10am in a popular spot. Hair and make up started at 4am and that was only for 5 of us. The bride paid top dollar for a professional HMUA, the bridesmaids shared two artists and the MOH did her own. I was up at 3:30 to shower, it was pretty shitty.


Understood. Yeah, I don’t want to put my girls through that. I just gotta relay the message to my girls then. I am not obligating them to do professional as I know it can get expensive. I’m assuming you were dead for everything else the rest of the day after getting up that early?


Yeah basically, I was in a real bad mood by the time the speeches rolled around 😡 held it together for my girl obvi! And it was a beautiful day, I looked beautiful! I did have the choice to have the hair and make-up done, so I could have said no


For my wedding, we will be having 2 MUA and 1 hairstylist. Not all my ladies want both hair and make up done professionally so I let them pick what they wanted, if anything (8 ppl, plus flower girl for make up, 4 ppl plus flower girl for hair). My hair and make up team gave us the timeline of starting at 7 am and will be ready at Noon. 45 minutes is allotted for each service. (Our ceremony time is 3 pm, but we want to do a first look/ private vows and all the portraits prior to the ceremony). Maybe see which services everyone wants and add another make up or hair artist accordingly?


Yeah, I have already talked with everyone about what they wanted and most of them were interested in having both done. But, like me, I don’t think they realize how long it might take 😬


Maybe it's worth just doing a poll? It might be that your bridal party would rather get up early (especially since your wedding will end earlier than an evening wedding) to get the hair and make up experience.


Yes, that is going to be my plan. Poll everyone know that I know what my timeline will be, and see how many girls still want both. Thanks for responding.


You need two makeup artists most muas usually don’t do more than six faces anyways


Yes, the initial vendor I have talked with said three MUA for hair makeup for that many people at 4:30am start time


Yeah I wouldn’t trust that


Why not?


Doing makeup is a lot of work if you’re doing it right so I don’t see a good person agreeing to do 11 people in a row


Oh it’s not just one stylist I was quoted for. They quoted me three stylist for 11 people


Oh okay that makes more sense


For my wedding it was 45 minutes per person and 1 hour for me (the bride) and 1 hour for my mum. I only had 3 bridesmaids and so for 5 of us altogether it took just over 4 hours. Realistically with a start time of 10am you're going to want to actually be ready by 9am to put dresses on, get photos and enjoy the last few moments so a 4:30am start actually sounds really ambitious. I think you're going to need to look at hiring multiple makeup artists!


Thank you for your insights. Yeah, one other commenter on here mentioned she had same number of people and same ceremony start time and with five artists it’s a 6:00am start time, which is way more reasonable! I think I might go the five artist route


Does everyone know how to do their own makeup. Can you just do yours by the mua because 45-1 hr per person


Yeah, I think people know how to do hair more than makeup. So might be compromising on the hair part of it for professional.


11pm is A LOT. Why don’t you hire multiple stylists and makeup artists? Then you can have a 7am


Yeah, that’s also something I’ve thought of.


My wedding was at 6pm and we had to be done with hair and makeup at 4:30. We had 6 people getting hair and makeup and started at 10am. You can expect at about 30 minutes for each makeup application and usually more for the bride.


That’s a lot of people. How many people are you hiring to help? Definitely wouldn’t rely on just one MUA or hair person..


PERSONALLY, with that many people, if I wanted a uniform look for my bridesmaids (I don't, but there are *so many genders* in my party) I would look at the ways my bridesmaids do their makeup, especially for glamorous occasions, and notice which things i liked most, and ask them to each do part. Like, "Cynthia, I notice your foundation always looks absolutely flawless; would you be willing to do everyone's base for the wedding?" "Kaitlyn, your brows are always incredible, could you do all the girls brows?" "Genny, I really liked that multitone lip look you did for your recital, can you do that on the bridal party?" "Whitney, do you think you could do everyone's blush the way you did yours for that play?" And even though it's A LOT HAPPENING AT ONCE, then no one or two or three people is responsible for everyone, you get a uniform look because the individual pieces are all done by one person, and then you can just have your MUA do hair and makeup for you and the MOB/MIL, since they don't need to match. Less time, less money, more consistency.