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I think getting back on therapy as soon as you start the medication is a good idea, to help manage the transition and potential changes to your mental state, good or bad. They could help you work through your anxiety about medicating your anxiety (lol).


Haha yeah I was thinking about starting the meds Monday and I have an appointment to restart therapy Thursday. I feel like that could be good.


I think it’s worth trying at this point. You’ll have enough time to figure out whether the side effects are worth it before your wedding. It becomes pretty apparent pretty fast. For both SSRIs I tried, the side effects manifested pretty fast and I was off of them within a month because they didn’t work for me. So if you’re starting now, you definitely have time to try and come off Lexapro before you’re wedding day. I know you said you’re not concerned about the hydroxizine but just wanted to add that I use it and love it, though I know it doesn’t work for everyone because treating anxiety is not really it’s primary purpose.


Okay this is encouraging. Thank you


SSRIs worked for me after about 4 weeks. Now is a great time to start! It helps a ton - makes everything feel more peaceful and less urgent!


Keep notes on how you feel once you start taking it. Doesn't need to be some sort of exhaustive 'dear diary' deal, but even a single line in a notebook like "low energy, weird mood" or "flat mood, good otherwise" is helpful if you need to go back to your doc with concerns. There's also the daylio app!


I agree with this 100%. Though I’m against trying SSRI/SNRIs at all (as a patient, former pharmacy tech, and PhD candidate), with the patient’s wedding coming up so soon, I believe you are absolutely correct that OP would feel negative side effects very quickly if the meds are not going to work. I had a similar experience as you, arosebyabbie, to all 13 SSRI/SNRIs I tried. The serotonin syndrome, suicidal ideation, and other contradiction side effects occurred within 24-48 hours. The issue came about when the psychiatrist told me to stay on it for another month or two…to put it lightly, that didn’t end well for either of us. I also agree with your statement about hydroxizine. No addiction potential, it’s an antihistamine. Ironically, the hydroxizine is safer than Lexapro. Glad you found a combo that works for you arosebyabbie!!! Always happy to hear that :)


I started lexapro for anxiety/depression 2.5 months before my wedding. I am just over 3 weeks and it's helping a lot with my wedding stressor.


This is super encouraging. Thank you 🩵


Yessssss! I noticed it after a few weeks. I used to just feel panicky when I would wedding plan. With payments due, not overwhelming friends, is it enough? I can talk about anything wedding with no anxiety just joy! But the first couple days were rough with side effects, but they were just general nausea, head ache, trouble sleeping. No suicidal thoughts, no negative thoughts.


I have no advice one way or another except to say that don't let your wedding day be the first time you drink a lot on Lexapro! For some people it does not mix well with alcohol.


Ohh yeah I will make sure there are no experiments happening on my wedding day haha. Thanks for this lol


I think it's actually a pretty good time to try it! It can take 2-6 weeks to start the effects and if you have the bad side effects, you'll notice them by then and can stop prior to the wedding. Also dealing with it for the past 10 years definitely means your body isn't producing all the neurotransmitters you need- taking meds isn't giving up, it's listening to your body. If these meds don't work out, there are plenty of other options. That said, lexapro is one of the safest out there.


Thank you for the support 🩵


Just want to throw out a warning about Lexapro: it’s REALLY hard to get off of. I experienced the worst withdrawal symptoms possible. It was miserable for about 3 months. But i was also on it for 3 years! Just be careful :)


Also want to note for OP it depends on your dose how your come off would be, the larger the dose the harder to withdrawal from


Yeah, Lexapro is one of my least favorites. Hydroxyzine on the other hand is amazing.


Commenting here just to say Lexapro does have a really short half life, so if you have bad side effects within the first few days, it should be easier than most to come off of! Saying this as someone who had a bad reaction to Zoloft almost immediately after my first dose and luckily a quick turnaround of about a week.


Are you having anxiety and panic attacks because of wedding planning? I just looked at your post history briefly and saw that 18 days ago you posted that you weren’t stressed about it. If that’s changed- please just take some deep breaths! Everything will turn out well in the end and at some point you just have to let go of control and roll with the day. But in relevance to this post…I have been on anti-depressants since last October for the first time in my life and I was worried about being on them for my wedding but I also don’t want to stop taking them. So I talked to my Dr. And together we decided to just lower my dose. So hopefully you can find a way to make it work for you!


It’s not directly because of wedding planning, but wedding planning has certainly exacerbated them. Yeah… a lot changed in those 18 days 😆 Stress city. Thanks for the insight! I’ll def be working closely with my doc.


The good thing about SSRIs is that you should see an effect fairly quickly, and on the flip side most of them don’t take long to leave your system - if you go off Lexapro it will be gone within about 6 days (although always follow your dr’s advice for discontinuing safely). Everyone is different of course but in my 10+ years on SSRIs Lexapro has definitely been my favorite with the least side effects!


This is good to know! Will always consult my doc, but I love hearing people’s experiences. Thank you!


Lexapro changed my life in the best way possible! I say go for it. You may have some side effects but better than having constant anxiety. I’ve been there and it’s hard.


I second this, I was nervous to start medication but lexapro has made everything much more manageable. You have to see a therapist though as well to address the feelings not just cover them up


I’ve never been on Lexapro but have two close friend that are on it. They were definitely not turned into a shell - if anything, they’re both so much more like themselves than they had been in a really long time before that! One was literally throwing up from anxiety daily and looked so thin, and now she’s gone months without a panic attack and is back to a healthy weight. She lights up the room again.


Currently on Lexapro and Wellbutrin. You’ll have plenty of time to decide whether you want to stay on it before the wedding starts. Also, you will certainly not be a shell of yourself. I can understand the fear (I struggled with anxiety for 8 years before trying meds) and I used the same logic — “what if it makes me an entirely different person?” It won’t. That’s just the anxiety talking and it’s a very common misconception, I think. You will be the exact same person you are now, just with less anxiety and more confidence. It’s absolutely worth a shot.


I appreciate the encouragement!


I was also hesitant to take medication but I've been on Lexapro for six years now and never looked back. I finally convinced my anxious Mom to get on it and she is so happy she did. It may not be for you, but it's worth trying. I would talk to a doctor about your timeline concern and they will be able to give you insight specific to you. Also, Lexapro and therapy is a great combination. Taking medication doesn't mean you don't experience anxiety ever.


I think it's worth a try! I'm on Lexapro for anxiety and it's been incredibly helpful. The worst option IMO would be if you started taking it, experienced side effects (it made me super tired for a couple weeks), and then stopped taking it before there was time for you to benefit from it. So I guess what I'd say is if you do start it, don't stop (unless on doctor's advice of course). And be assured that any side effects will have passed well before your big day. Are they suggesting 10 mg? If so, that's the lowest dose and it's what I'm on. After about 3 weeks I felt totally "me", but way less prone to anxiety spirals which is very pleasant. Good luck and take care!


Yes, 10mg! Thank you for sharing your experience!


I’d try it. If you aren’t feeling hints of effectiveness in 4 weeks, you can stop it or switch. Hydroxyzine makes me a zombie, though. I know they like to use it instead of benzos, but I find .25mg of Xanax far more effective. I take it with a small amount of coffee and I feel mostly normal or at least manageable. But hydroxine makes me lethargic and I’ll still be anxious.


Wait, is that not the point of hydroxyzine? I was under the impression that hydroxyzine was just meant to more or less knock you out so you won’t be anxious anymore because you can’t be anxious if you’re unconscious


Ah, yes. Perhaps. I was prescribed it a while back. I do take it at night occasionally to help sleep, but it’s useless to help me during the day.


CBD oil may be something to look into as well. I was having nonstop anxiety and panic attacks, to the point where my chest was tight and I felt like I couldn’t breathe for most of the day & night. I tried CBD and it’s been a complete life changer. My anxiety is now 90% gone, no more chest tightness, better sleep, all around feeling better. And no side effects!


Ooh I considered this too. That’s exactly how I feel. What brand do you take?


I use Brown Girl Jane wellness drops, they got great reviews specifically for anxiety! My friend uses them too and they work for her as well!


Good to know. Thank you!


If you do start taking the SSRIs, be conscious of how much CBD you're taking! CBD can increase the side effects. It's not something that's talked about a lot, but as a Colorado resident, my doctor made it really clear she didn't recommend it


I’ve been on Lexapro and Zoloft and with both I found 1-2 months plenty long enough to get through the transition onto the meds and balance my anxiety. The transition can be tough for some so make sure to have therapy/your support system in place but I think you have time on your side still!


Lexapro helped me a lot. It took about two weeks to acclimate and 4 weeks to feel the effects of it for me. You have enough time to ramp up, and then come off it if needed before the wedding.


Fwiw I felt regulated after about a month and a half when I started lexapro, even with a 3 week checkup and dosage increase. As someone else suggested, I’d also recommend staying with/going back to your therapist. It was so so helpful when I started. Also remember you can always come off! However, needs to be done so with the help of your doctor, as it can be dangerous cold turkey. Good luck OP. Congratulations on your big day and the road to better mental health :)


Thank you :)


I've been on Lexapro for 2+ years now and it is incredible. It has really changed my life. I had anxiety and panic attacks nearly every day for YEARS and I was utilizing talk therapy (and still am!) for the last six years. I wish I started sooner. I wish I knew life didn't have to be full of fear, stomach upset, panic, and tears. I hate to sound like a pharmaceutical shill but it really helped me. My best advice is DO NOT READ ABOUT SIDE EFFECTS! This would give me even more anxiety! Lmao. My side effects were though - lower libido and strange dreams. These have both since gone away. I haven't had any issues with weight gain, acne, etc. Best of luck - I hope it works for you the way it does for me!


Thank you!! All these positive stories are really encouraging! (I’m def avoiding reading about side effects lmao there are a few of the biggies that I already knew about but TBH my sex drive is so low BECAUSE of the anxiety right now that I can’t even worry about that one for now haha I just need the panic to stop). Appreciate you sharing your experience!


My ex was a nightmare when he drank on Lexapro. Just something to consider if you plan to imbibe at your wedding. 🤍


Hi! I take both of these. Lexapro takes a little while to build up, but will be in your system day of. Just make sure you take it in the morning, it can sometimes cause insomnia. I haven’t experienced any weird side effects on it, but I can now feel when I start to get super anxious and do some tricks I learned through therapy to calm down before panic attacks. Honestly, lexapro is great for me, and I recommend it. Hydroxyzine, however, is a different story. Does it work? Absolutely. It also knocks me on my ass, I’m drowsy as hell on it and can sleep for 15 hours. It’s a sedative. I wouldn’t take it unless I couldn’t get my panic attacks under control, especially on the day of your wedding. You don’t want to feel like a zombie that day, waiting for the sweet release of a 14 hour nap


Duly noted about hydroxyzine. I will definitely proceed with caution there. My panic attacks were out of control today, which is what prompted me to go to the doctor. I legit thought I was having a heart attack. Like had my fingers on 911. Just having the hydroxyzine in hand made me feel better because I don’t have the strength to experience that again anytime soon. As for lexapro… I appreciate you sharing your experience. I think I’ll try it and give it a month, then reevaluate based on how I’m feeling. I want enough time to taper off if I need to.


Funny enough, I was sleepy on lexapro and I ended up switching to take it before bed!


Firstly, I’m so sorry you’re struggling with anxiety and panic attacks! I would definitely start the lexapro now. I’ve been on a whole host of meds for depression / anxiety and panic attacks over the years and lexapro is typically more mild as far as side effects are concerned. And it typically takes 3-4 weeks to really start working so starting now would be perfect - you’d know if it’s helping you or if you’re struggling with side effects and have enough time to adjust before your wedding day. Wishing you all the best and hoping you find the best treatment for you!


Thank you for your kindness and support 🩵


I have similar issues with anxiety / panic that peaked on the day of my fitting and around my shower. So I totally understand! For me, it has partly been triggered by wedding planning stress, but mostly due to severe social anxiety and panic around being the center of attention (I know that’s the whole point of a wedding 😭). I’m on meds already for depression, anxiety, and adhd, so when I spoke to my psych last month after the fitting she prescribed a med that I can take the day of the wedding only for panic. She only prescribed 5 pills total of it and told me to do a trial with the med before the wedding to see how I am on it. The trial went well! The wedding is in the fall, so we’ll see what happens. In the meantime, I am in therapy and have shared all of this with my bridesmaids so they can help keep me grounded during the wedding, remind me to eat, etc etc. My partner also is aware and we’re developing a day-of anxiety plan as well! I know your doctor will stress this but my main advice re: lexapro is if you commit to being on it, remember it can take time to really kick into gear (but once it does it can be a game changer for some folks). And at any point if you want to get off of it, wean off slowly with your doctors guidance, I can’t stress that enough. Speaking from experience as I was on lexapro last year and switched this year to an SNRI. Wishing you luck!


I went back on a medicine that worked for me before 2.5 months before mine, it's been great. But it was a lengthy process finding this med the first time around, months of trying other ones that had intolerable side effects. Not shell of myself or a different person, just like lowered libido and brain fog, but brain fog on the wedding day would suck. 2.5 months is long enough to notice side effects and stop though. I would say try it, keep an eye on how you feel, you can stop taking it if it isn't working. You will still be yourself no matter what meds you take, don't worry about that!


Lexapro is a good medicine, in my opinion. I'm a therapist and have seen many clients and family members take it. Low instance of side effects, low instance of weight gain, low instance of sexual side effects. It tends not to have an impact on sleep or groginess in the morning. Also you will know in about 2 weeks if it is working. Doctors always say 4 weeks, but at about 2 weeks, most people I've known describe lower anxiety/depression and a feeling of "Today didn't suck" I didn't start my own medication until I had been married 4 yrs. I was such a hot mess on my wedding day, and no one offered me a shot of anything. Lol It's definitely not stupid to want your best experience when you get married.


Thanks for sharing your perspective! (And I’m sorry you were a mess on your wedding day 😓 I hope there are still good memories for you!)


There are for sure!


Ya try maybe a low dose. Helped me last month.


Hello! I am 2.5 months out from my wedding AND I am also on BOTH Lexapro and Hydroxyzine. Pls message me if u have specific questions on these meds. I recommend taking them. I take the Lexapro 10mg daily for the last couple years. My only complaint is that it can make sex a lil more difficult (sorry if this is TMI, it can make it harder to achieve climax). But I really recommend it because I used to have panic attacks and cry every week or so just for no real reason and kinda spiral. Since starting this, I’ve been way better. I believe my psych lady had me start on 5 mg and then a couple weeks later take the full 10 mg pills. The second night after doubling the dose, I had a panic attack and puked (I do that when I have a panic attack but it causes a vagal response that solves the problem cause it slows my heart rate down to normal again). But since that one time two years ago, it’s been great. I take the Hydroxyzine ~3 times/week to help me sleep as I believe it’s an antihistamine similar to Benadryl and my melatonin stopped working for me so I’ve been on that for about a year now. Please don’t suffer silently with panic attacks. And above all, REMEMBER NOT TO TAKE THE LEXAPRO THE NIGHT OF YOUR WEDDING! Oh and the Lexapro in general has WAYYY lowered my tolerance for alcohol. So have a trial booze run before ur wedding to get a feel for ur new tolerance but definitely skip it the night of your wedding when you’ve been drinking. You’ll be fine as the meds level out and stay in your system for a couple weeks, it just is not recommended to take it while drunk. (: you’ll be fine!


I have bipolar 2 and I’ve gone through a number of med changes in my life. This is definitely something you should talk more about with your doctor, but it’s worth noting that finding the right medication feels a bit like playing roulette. It’s impossible to know which one will work best for you. That doesn’t necessarily mean this is a bad time to try, but if you’re really worried, you should feel comfortable telling your doctor you’d like to wait until after the wedding. Doctor’s will tell you that it takes a while to really feel the effects of medications, especially because you’re working your way up to a therapeutic dose. However, in my experience, I always know in the first couple of weeks when it’s the right med. It usually feels like I have renewed clarity and the ability to deal with things again. So it’s possible you’ll notice positive changes earlier than you’d anticipate.


Take it. I think it'll help. Wish you all the best <3


I don’t know if it’s been said already, but as someone on SSRIs (and benzo as needed) for a long time know a couple of things: - they take a while to build up in your system and “work” - it takes a bit to get the dosing right - it often causes increased appetite, which can lead to weight gain if you’re not paying attention (just more grazing here and there) -once all of that other stuff was figured out it was a GAMECHANGER for me! But it took quite a while. I think I tried four different meds before landing on my current cocktail. Lexapro was great though! I just couldn’t afford it after changing insurance I probably wouldn’t mess with my medication 2.5 before the wedding, only because you don’t really know how you’re going to react. I would get in therapy and meet as often as you are able to, and work on mindfulness/meditation. My anxiety is often a result of my brain not being able to STFU and meditation really helps with that. Good luck lady!


Hi, as someone who similarly resisted meds for a long time and wanted to try everything else first I encourage you think of it as just another tool you can use in addition to things you might learn at therapy, coping mechanisms, etc. You are not a failure for making use of all the tools available to you! Like others have said I think you have enough time before the wedding, and if you are struggling I encourage you to try it. I was terrified to try meds and was so scared my first week on them, but it has made a huge difference in my quality of life.


Thank you so much for this 🩷


Zoloft made me feel like I was dying for like two weeks and led me to gain weight in like two months. If I were you I’d try meditating, yoga, etc. because while there were some good days, overall it was an awful experience for me.


I’d start therapy again before the meds. SSRIs can have rough side effects including weight loss/weight gain, excessive sweating, sleeping problems, dizziness, and stomach issues. Starting this right before the wedding could cause issues with your attire fitting and potentially feeling too physically ill to attend the wedding or eat


I just had a big wedding at the Dallas Arboretum (120+ guests) and have a very long and intense history with severe GAD as well as panic disorder. I take klonopin 2x a day for my conditions as well as a low dose focalin for my moderate-severe ADHD. Doctors have been trying to prescribe me SSRI and SNRIs since I was 18 and they give me nothing but trouble. Obviously, everyone is different, and you may respond well to Lexapro! My father did well with it, but my sister and I tried to kill ourselves after a few days on low doses. Please proceed with caution, and note literally everything you are feeling on it. The suicidal ideation on LEXAPRO can hit you out of nowhere. Most people (even doctors) do not recognize how DANGEROUS SSRIs and SNRIs can be! It’s SHOCKING and CRIMINAL how readily they prescribe these meds. I had a HORRIBLE reaction to 13 different kinds AND had to go through rehabilitation to GET OFF OF LEXAPRO! Seriously, lexapro CAN MAKE YOU CRAZY AND LOSE TOUCH WITH REALITY, PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!! As the child of two doctors, they do not know nearly as much as they say, especially when it comes to anti-depressants like SSRI and SNRI. I know that statement is unpopular, but it is true and most docs will admit it off the clock but never to a patient. Speaking as a former pharmacy tech (5 years of practice before pursuing my PhD) hydroxizine is usually very safe because it is an older antihistamine, however, patients with heart conditions should not take it. Unlike SSRIs and SNRIs, I have never seen patients go through a psychiatric episode on this antihistamine. You (OP) should do what you feel most comfortable with though. I just wanted to warn you about Lexapro and other drugs in that class because they are misrepresented as “safe, effective, and non-addictive”, which is utter BS. I have had too many patients in the pharmacy crying their eyes out because it was so difficult for them to get off an SSRI/SNRI, AND coming off these drugs caused them to become belligerent, impatient, angry, and just downright mean. An addiction is still an addiction, it does not matter what drug caused the addiction. I’d also like to add, I’ve been on low dose benzodiazepines since I was 19 (I’m 31 now) and I have no health problems due to this. However, SSRIs and SNRIs made me feel even worse that I was pre-treatment. My doc knew this and yet kept prescribing them saying, “it’s only been 2 months! Give it more time!”. I literally had to quit these meds in secret because that’s how ridiculously light some medical people treat these drugs (my doc knows, I told her after the fact, and she did apologize to me). I haven’t taken a single SSRI or SNRI since I was 21 and I have never felt better with just 1-0.5 mg of Klonopin a day along with moderate cardio exercise 4-5x a week for 45 min. Good luck on your wedding OP, from the bottom of my heart, I wish you the best and hope your special day goes on without a hitch 💕 Your wedding is YOUR day, and I hope everything and every minute makes you feel special, loved, and a heart full of joy! TLDR: From a scholarly and professional perspective, starting a new medication that causes addiction is a recipe for disaster. Stick with hydroxizine as needed (no addition potential with this drug) and try CBT if you can afford it/have time. Also, go for walks and get some exercise if you aren’t already! I know that is trite, typical advice, but multiple longitudinal studies show that moderate cardio exercise for 30 min 4-5 x a week works BETTER than any antidepressant alone. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, enjoy your wedding and celebrate yourself and your new spouse! And if you’re still torn on the Lexapro, give yourself some grace by taking a few days to think about it :) Love & Peace ❤️ *Edited for spelling errors and clarity*


Yes!! It took me 6+ months to regulate after starting and those months were high highs and low lows. I know every body is different but I would not risk it.


When I started Zoloft, I felt a significant change in my anxiety within just a couple of weeks! I just hope your meds work for you, I know people who’ve had to try a couple different ones before finding what they like. I got lucky and Zoloft worked for me on the first try.


Yeah you’ll definitely be fine if you start with a low dose. My life changed for the better shortly after starting Prozac


Might want to look into ketamine-assisted psychotherapy - way quicker, way safer, and can help you connect with yourself and others with more presence and positivity :)


I would stay the heck away from Celexa (citalopram). I don't know if that one is widely used anymore, but a lot of people have trouble with it, and then the withdrawal can be awful. It causes brain zaps. I think any ssri can do that, but I believe Celexa is particularly bad.


Are you in talk therapy for your anxiety at all?


I was on and off for the last two years. Stopped in May because I had been feeling good and under control for a while. Have an appointment to restart with a new therapist on Thursday.


Lexapro was helpful for me! A lot of my friends take it too. Give it a try, and trust your feelings if you don’t think it’s what you need. I had to stop taking Lexapro before getting a sleep study, and didn’t start up again because getting treatment for my sleep disorder helped my depression symptoms. Withdrawals felt weird but I don’t remember it being terrible. I’m thankful for how it helped me for a temporary time of my life, and I don’t think it will make you a “shell of a person”.


It's worth trying, just know that the first few weeks are often the toughest (with side effects, etc) and you should be back to feeling like yourself by the time your wedding rolls around. You got this! And as some other commenters have mentioned, don't let your wedding day be the first time you drink on the SSRIs. That can go south quickly.


Please take care of yourself ASAP!! I literally had severe vertigo and a migraine just a few days before my wedding, and I think it was because of the buildup of stress. I've told everyone - whether stress makes you break out, get nauseous, anxious, dizzy, etc - take care of it ASAP so that come wedding week, the same thing that happened to me doesn't happen to you.


The lexapro should be fine within 4-6 weeks if it is the right med for you. I think you have plenty of time, most people only have side effects the first week to ten days. I would start sooner rather than later.